Can paragon Complete zp heal bipolar disorder

Yeah…and to make things even more complicated, the dark side of neuroplasticity is that repeated behaviors make it easier to repeat behaviors.

Run subs and do everything right. Eat well, fast, take your vitamins, and you will see drastic improvement.

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My brother has diagnosed bipolar disorder I’m pretty sure I know what it is…

Yeah correct but I don’t see your point…

From here on I agree

Neurochemical imbalances have a root cause as well. Trauma. I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed from the subs that many times your mood gets better with subs.

Subs contain speech which is comprised of words which words at some point become part of you with new brain connections and then they become thoughts.

Hence thoughts dictate your mood and your mood dictates your thoughts. It’s a two way relationship.

So to finish my point the thoughts and beliefs, that were created when you were traumatised make you feel vulnerable now by distabilizing your mood and causing mood swings. On one side it’s the trauma and on the other side is your subconscious trying to defend, that’s the “mood swing” basically. I know I’ve healed a trauma like that with dr. It’s called sexual abuse. It’s not a shame to have it.

On the contrary it means you are a survivor and as a consequence, a strong person aswell! I also remember you were mentioning that you saw a dream, were you were having a conversation with someone who asked you about being gay and you said no. I had these kinds of dreams and visions aswell and even more. I don’t know if you had more dreams about that and I don’t know if that happened to you or not but it sure happened to me so yeah I know a thing or two about adhd and addiction as a consequence of this…

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Neurochemical imbalances have MULTIPLE possible causes, which also include mineral and other upstream biochemical imbalances, genetics, hormone imbalances, and gut dysphoria. I’ve also just started looking into the concept of mitochondrial dysregulation as an upstream cause as well… out of personal interest; I’m not a doctor.

My point is that if any of these issues had such a simple solution as “Just change X”, then there would be a universal therapy that worked for everyone. But there is not.


There is also a product called Truehope.

Yes I agree, I wrote that I’m not sure if that’s what happened to him and it’s a very personal matter so it’s not my business

I also hadn’t even noticed that I’d already replied to this thread, and said effectively the same thing already, a couple of weeks ago… :sweat_smile:

Cue me, being a broken record lol.

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Don’t overlook the potential spiritual or energetic cause of disease or mental and emotional issues.

For one, I don’t believe most people’s mental health issues in the form of panic attacks or phobias or depression, and anxieties are chemical in their cause. I believe these have origins in the spiritual and energetic fields of an individual, often associated with stress and / or traumas, which in turn can cause chemical imbalances. Negative feedback loops generated, that reinforce one another. So multi faceted influences…

(Not medical advice) just opinion shared.


I believe exactly the same. We are mostly born perfect and then trauma starts creeping in. How many babies have you seen with adhd? Lol


Sure, however there can possibly be birth trauma. And in my view generational and perhaps even past life trauma.

For clarification certainly not all mental and emotional issues are spiritual or energetic. However, I do feel it’s a common and frequent cause.

As is chemical imbalances from maybe too much cortisol or adrenaline which can produce panic attacks and anxieties etc…


Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration. This is called manic-depressive illness or manic depression before. These shifts can make it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks. There are three types of these disorder.

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) share some symptoms with bipolar like depression, and impulsive behavior. While bipolar involves changes in mood, BPD can think, feel and behave differently to those without the condition.

I don’t have any of those, and I involved myself on a community group support that’s why I learn from them. I have relatives who are medical practitioners that I often ask so many questions about these disorders.

I have seen people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder) at one point your talking to Mr. A then later your talking with Mr. B., Schizophrenia (symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, trouble with thinking and lack of motivation) there like super heroes doing heroics on a multi-verse universe.

People with these cases should seek medical assistant before listening to any subliminal. When I was in these group the support leader has a specific procedure, they ask questions and the answers has a ‘task-to-do’ for the participants.

I’m practicing transcendental meditation and believe the power of mind+heart. When I am on this state (without talking, without doing something) I can observed people around me doing normal things - maybe call it healed. In science we call these cases ‘disorders’ but in spiritual we call it ‘bad energies’. Energies can either be created nor destroyed, but we can channel them.

I once have this eleven year old child with schizophrenia. The other side of the room is her parents, a nurse with a syringe (in case she turns different), and her nanny. I carefully position myself at the back of her, while doing my meditation I can sense multiple energies going in and out of her at once. I let my energies engulf her for some moments. I don’t know how much longer I spent on that room but I have to excuse myself anyway, and before closing the room the child say something that her mom was quite surprise (her mom told me she haven’t talk with sense since birth). The healing part in spiritual cannot be taken seriously because it didn’t have hard evidence to support it.

Going back with the question, Can paragon Complete heal bipolar disorder? I cannot answer directly on this one. But with my experience with Love bomb for humanity (LBFH) or Love Bomb. Follow the guidelines on running the title with journal so people can support you on the process.

Love can do much bigger things than modern technology has to offer. It just people are more attached to superficialities (because of gadgets, money, social media) that we lose the abilities to do better. But good thing SubClub is here to help.

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Bipolar and ADHD is so commonly self prescribed these days it’s hard to tell what it is anymore.

I can wholeheartedly support this.
Once, I was working on a trauma with my fiance. Kind of hypnosis nlp mix technique.
When we found the root cause for the trauma, she wasn’t seeing herself but a scene from her mums childhood, which she she later confirmed was real but had forgotten about it until we cleared the trauma.
And for past life trauma, I regular have short visions from past lifes when I integrate new beliefs which contradict my subconscious programming.

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