Rise to Stardom

Yeah I don’t see the need, I just happen to have it before DR came out. I could probably skip it but I’m used to my routine and 30 minutes is easy.

DR is the one stop shop for emotional healing as far as I know.

Same here. I don’t regret any of my purchases and have never asked for any refunds. I’m just happy they are there, at the time when I needed them.

Looking back though, DR is one of my best purchases, and after months, it still surprises me. I feel I’m getting quicker results with my other subs due to that.

You’re strong, and determined, and the world will be your oyster. I’m cheering for you. :muscle:

Hmm,it was never confirmed.yeah.saint said to just test and see

I was actually going to ask you the question for the FAQ but didn’t think you’d have the answer as I’m one of the only gay people on the site. I know there has been others but I don’t know any that post as frequently as I do?

Anyway yeah, I’ll probably just end using Khan as I already own it, but only when it’s updated.

Haha,yeah.would like to help but not much journals for gay people and dont think any have used primal seduction etc so cant give you a definitive answer
Could use khan since you had good results with it.it appears khan can be used by women too so its actually unisex

Yeah, I’ll probably end up using Khan since I have it.

What’s the difference between Primal and Khan?
I still don’t understand how they differ too much.

I want to make sure Khan fits exactly what I want.

This is comparison of primal seduction to khan

Comparison of primal seduction vs primal

Looks like primal is stronger for inner game than primal seduction but not as dominant as khan

I just bought Rebirth Ultima and got the Q version for free.
I´m gonna experiment with both.

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It’s not stronger, you just get the ‘primal’ effect faster cause there is less in it. Like Ascension being faster in certain Ascension goals than Ascended Mogul.

The sex and seduction in PS gives a masculinity state shift with woman around, and I feel stronger around my intentions around woman. Primal -sometimes I’ll get a spark to speak and its effortless, but if I don’t feel like it-it’s harder to will myself to do so.

PS is ultimately just as strong in inner game.

Primal is a great compliment to not lose that sexual status/edge while not wanting to focus on dating/seduction too much and while running something more career/wealth/creative based.



I’m not quite caught up-are you getting anything good out of the new custom, or is it mostly just a rough ride?

I feel like I’m starting to notice more effects from it now that I’m listening during my time awake rather than listening during sleep.

However up until now it was a rough ride.
It’s made me notice a few things however. I’m starting to find myself and who I am as a person, and what I want.

It took me away from the thing I thought I wanted, social media, and made me realise some things that were important.

However I’m getting ideas for being back into social media now that I’ve been using it. Still a rough ride tho.


I’m thinking Khan and Stark. Khan for badassery, Stark for the popularity and attention.

I’d consider Rebirth or Elixir as possible options for you, maybe even Sanguine. But before buying any more products, do you have any of the above you could use?

I have Khan and Stark, especially my custom. I’d like to stick with my custom. I am seeing effects from it, I believe.

I don’t have either of them three. I have DR and was looking through the DR thread and people suggested not using any of the above three as they weren’t necessary with DR.

I have Elixir on the LifeCharger but not on my main phone and it isn’t a lead for permanent change.

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TBH if you want a bit of extra for DR, how about try Elixir on LifeCharger for 3 days and notice if it helps?

I do understand why you’ve been thinking about Rebirth. What I think is that it might be that although there are different healing boosters, I wonder if they all eventually get you to the top of the same mountain. The mountain of relief.

The main reason I wanted rebirth was so I could reframe past issues I’ve had and start looking at them in a positive light rather than a negative one. Since using DR I’ve noticed how much negativity I’m holding onto and want to look at differently.

I understand. Is Rebirth on your Life app?

No, I’d have to buy the Ultima or Q version.

You get both when buying the Ultima.

Sorry I meant to reply to your thing about it.
What will you be using it for?

@Brandon if you think Rebirth might help. Go for it.

I recently started Stark but got a little recon.
Played RebirthU yesterday with good effect. Tried the Q version today and still feel fine.