Rise to Stardom

I like the new listening schedule!

PS Hi B!

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@Brandon No DR?

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Thanks man!

P.s. Hiii @RVconsultant

I haven’t set on it yet. I was waiting for DRQv2 to drop and I think it dropped after. It was in waiting at least.

I was initially going to do a 4 day schedule and have DRQv2 as one of my days. However I hadn’t decided between that and Elixir like @Sub.Zero mentioned. However my version of Elixir would be the one from the LIFEcharger app.

@RVconsultant is possible I could change the title of my journal? I don’t have a title yet but I know I want one when I do have one.

Gonna try and journal more. I’ve been a slacking.

AudioShare on iPhone is a God send. I’ve been able to listen to the subs whilst doing other things on my iPhone/iPad.

I ran my StarkQ custom for 2 loops. I definitely felt it more whilst awake and listening passively rather than asleep in regards to how tired I am… I’m exhausted now. Haha. That’s not just from dancing either, it’s a mental tiredness like I could have a nap.

Not sure how many hours of sleep I got last night but it was at least 8-9 hours so I should be up and ready to work. It’s definitely the sub pushing my exhaustion.

@Hoppa and @RVconsultant will be happy to know that I’m currently running DRQv2 Stage 1 now. Will be running it for one loop whilst having dinner and watching Desperate Housewives before I do one more class.

I’ll probably end up napping before teaching tonight.

I actually wrote this earlier but I’m super tired now haha. Nearly finished Desperate Housewives and DRQv2 is now finished.


Out of my biases, I’m glad you’re back on DR.

Now as for your journal title, would you please type the exact title you would like it to say?


Thank you @RVconsultant, I’ll let you know when I come up with a name asap.

R E C O N.

Felt like utter shit the last two days.
I’ve unintentionally taken a break from DR today as I didn’t run my subs until later in the evening but it’s pretty good today’s a break day.

However, I feel like DRQv2 Stage 1 helped me make a decision in calling someone I’m not too fond of and sort things out. We won’t ever be friends again and I will never trust anything he, or anyone close to him, says or does and I hope Karma bites him in the ass, as well as others, but I called and got some negativity out for my own sake.

It made me realise I was holding onto negativity that I don’t want to hold onto since everytime I see his or other people’s faces that I’ve had issues with I get filled with an anger or annoyance. I shouldn’t.

Possibly tomorrow I’m going to write these people a letter that I won’t send and will end up burning but it’ll be part of my kind of grieving since these people used to be friends with me. Not great friends but people I thought I could trust who fucked me and my boyfriend over massively.

But yeah Qv2 is wiping me out. Maybe even Q is wiping me out to be honest. I’ve been doing my custom/DR during the day time and straight after listening to loops of my custom I’m pretty tired and need a nap. Maybe one loop will be great for now.

I definitely need some time after DRQv2 to rest and gather my energy back up.

But yeah, my mindset hasn’t been the greatest since I started DR again and I’m sure it’s recon so something I need to work through but I can tell something is happening now. Listening through the day is definitely doing more wonders for me than listening through sleep.

Congratulations on your big steps!

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Thanks dude. I’ve got action to take during this healing time, which is is described above. I’ve got a lot of things to get rid of.

You and me both man!

PS I like the new avatar.

PPS :dragon: on!

Oh! Dude, what is your current listening schedule as of right now?

May I ask what action you’re taking? Of course you don’t have to tell me.

My schedule right now is my Stark custom x2 and 1 loop of DRQv2 Stage 1.

Only difference now is I’m listening whilst awake and watching/doing things rather than being asleep.

I’ll tell you about one thing I’m doing. I’m talking with women more. It’s much easier now that DR has done quite a bit of work. It’s also astounding me how much more positively they are responding. I’ve also noticed men giving me more respect and at times they give me deer in the head lights look.

Are you listening 5 days a week?

Thank you for letting me know what you’re doing! I’m glad you’re seeing results as well.

I am listening 5 days a week to my custom. Maximum 2 loops. I listened to DRQv2 maybe 3-4 times this week?

DRQv2 I think I’m going to listen to every other day.
I’m waiting for KhanQv2 to come out but I’m also interested in Primal as I’m less interested in being ‘alpha’. Maybe even Sex and Seduction.

Once I’ve figured out what I want more I’m going to alternate days. Probably combine my custom and one sub, listen to them for 1-2 loops depending on the Q grade and then the next day listen to 2 different subs, and then rest and repeat the next two days then two days off. Hopefully that makes sense?

B I got some potentially bad news for you. I think Primal, Sex&Seduction, and PS are for cis-gender heterosexual men. Sorry man.

Okay, now the big question is what are you wanting Primal or S&S to do? Let’s find something as a substitute, maybe one that would work better.

As a side note, I’m a bit biased about Primal. I’d rather go Khan. But let’s see what you had in mind as your objectives and plans for Primal or S&S.

I think this makes sense. What I’ve been concerned about is that your emotions seem to be on a roller coaster, if I’m understanding and remembering correctly. I would hope that with fewer loops and more rest days, you could enjoy more of the benefits without the upheavals.

I thought so, but I’m not sure it’s ever been confirmed?

I assume it is though.

I was looking into S&S as someone suggested it, but I don’t believe they know that I’m gay aha.

Honestly, I’m bored of being overlooked. I wanted to use Primal as I was reading the Khan vs Primal and it seemed like Primal would be better with Stark?

Maybe Khan will fit the bill. But I want dominance, power, to be recognised, to not be pushed around and all that kinds of stuff. I want to not care about other people, especially those who fake their way for popularity.

Since I’m using DRQv2 Stage 1, could I go to Khan Stage 2 when it’s updated?

And yes, I’m on a mental rollercoaster at the moment but some of that is DRQv2. I never felt like that the first time I used DRQv1 I don’t believe.


I’m looking at getting Rebirth. I want to reframe negative beliefs and start looking at them in a positive light. Would this fit the bill? Is that what it does, do you know?

If that’s the case, I may end up running KhanQv2 and my Stark custom on the same day and then DRQv2 and Rebirth the next day for my healing.

Paging @Apollo for Rebirth info.