Billions & The Ecstasy Of Gold - A Journal

I’m hoping with enough conscious guidance, and the support of the other modules, it can be an effect for me! But I just started the custom, so the “purposes” I put beside the custom were results that I was HOPING to get, not results I was already getting.

Took 2 rest days since my first loop of The Tim Ferris Experience (EOG/RICH).

Will listen to a 3 min loop tonight before bed.

This month will either meet or break last month’s record, which is awesome, even though I was much less effective this month than last month. Retainers from customers on subscriptions will pull us through.

After hitting such a record month last month, I started taking it easy this month, and being less motivated to continue to push to higher and higher heights. I was slacking and doing a bit more of the bare minimum.

It created a lot of internal conflict in me. Part of me said “Dude, we just made so much money, we didn’t even think this was possible last year. Chill out.” And the other part of me said “Dude, we’re only a quarter of the way to our big goal, keep going!”

Simultaneously, I had an urge to stop doing everything myself, and start hiring more help.

Both of those are positive results, in some ways. The internal conflict is recon due to massive changes happening quicker than my mind can comprehend. The old me vs the new me, fighting it out.

The urge to hire help is absolutely a positive result and a sign of how much I’m changing.


Going to post more detailed post to seductress thread. Don’t have time. Rushing to write this before I go.

Gf said:

  • Proud of herself
  • Lots of bodies around at a water park
  • Felt no shame or judgement
  • Being around me and her friends in bikinis
  • Also no shame or triggered
  • She could be her true authentic self instead of the fake person she normally becomes when she is triggered by other women’s bodies
  • Felt so good to be able to realize bodies are just bodies, not threats to who she is
  • Very happy
  • She knows that having listened to seductress the night before was a big factor

Been an interesting period of time. Massive changes occurred, now I’m riding them out, so it feels like on a day to day basis there’s not a whole lot to report, but that’s only because if I were to report them, they’d be repetitive.

My sales volume is way down. But we’ll still make a near-record month based off subscriptions, so that’s big. I’m getting anxiety. I’m not sure if my closing ratio percentage is going down because I’m getting more busy, or if it’s because I’m getting a bit worse at sales…

If it’s because I’m getting too busy, that’s a good thing!

We just made our first “Big” hire, an account manager to take over for the clients. We’re going to pay her well, train her well, and she’ll save both of us a LOT of time.

But if it’s because my sales skills are dwindling, even there, I’m not sure if that’s because I’m not listening to limitless executive + love bomb much anymore, or if it’s because of something I’m doing consciously in the physical world, like not practicing enough, saying the wrong things, or portraying anxiety.

I’ve been barely listening to subliminals, been doing a lot of processing! I think this is another 3 days of rest… but I’ll listen to EOG/RICH + Love Bomb tonight to test my theory and see if LB helps with sales.

Might have to make that Limitless Executive + Love Bomb custom sooner than I thought!


How would you compare your results of Limitless Executive and Commander regarding productivity?

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Better. But Commander is absolutely amazing. Commander makes you more CERTAIN. Limitless Executive helps you be more effective.

So if you’re feeling like you need direction in life, or if you need to be more decisive, or if you want to get started but you don’t have the confidence to start (or do) something, go with Commander.

If you have a lot of work to do, and you find you’re too disorganized, too distracted, too lazy, too inefficient, too slow, not productive enough, or you just want a mad dash of working 20-50% more than you usually do in a given day… listen to limitless executive. It’s best for someone with big to do lists


Forgot to mention a few days ago I had the most productive day of my life. I worked 12 hours straight without even looking at the time until 11 hours into the day. Then, I went to my boxing class, meditated, and went to bed. I had zero distractions. Zero time online wasting time. And even went to bed at 930pm. That was a bit after listening to EOG/RICH.

I’ve only been listening 1-2x a week. Seems to be going well. I’ve been on subliminals for so long I feel like I need a super-extended washout and super-extended processing period.


Also, this is genius. I’ll have to think on this more. I’ll soon hit 3 cycles of EOG myself, and then I’ll try this out, maybe running the new Emperor ZP


Thanks, that proofs my observation and is a very valuable feedback. Thanks a lot!

Friday, July 1st.

Eog ST 1 - 8 minutes (not my custom, just plain EOG st 1)
Rebirth - 5 minutes

I continually find that listening to less subliminals is having a greater effect on my life.

As @Sid said, it fine-tunes me to noticing the smallest of details. Those tiny details feel insignificant at the time, but I realize those tiny external changes (that I almost don’t even notice!) are only possible because of results in the subconscious.

ZP is slippery. The more powerful the changes are, the less you notice them.

I’ve been almost completely distraction free for over a week now, and I was so in the zone, I didn’t even notice it.

It didn’t even seem like a change. It felt like I had always been that way, and was as natural as breathing. Being focused just felt like the natural thing to do.

I have barely been on the forums. It seems like a distraction. My addiction to the internet is at an all time low, and the only reason I come on at all anymore is to due my duty to advancing human consciousness and keep on creating the most detailed, intricate report of EOG ever made, for those who want to follow down this path.


Recent benefits of EOG, most of them not mentioned previously.

If I mention them again it’s because the efffects have gotten even stronger than since the last time I mentioned it.

NOTE: All these results, however great, came only after 2 years of running Ascended Mogul and Mogul ZP, running a business, failing, trial and error, spending thousands on coaching, being willing to live with my parents again to save money, and willing to literally risk everything on something that probably shouldn’t have worked. Subliminals are NOT magic. However, if I had listened to EOG STAGE 1 at the beginning instead of/alongside Mogul, I wonder if I would’ve gotten these results maybe a little bit faster.



  • My relationship with my girlfriend is at an ALL TIME best. Has been since starting EOG.

  • My self esteem is WAY up. It’s not tied to my income. I don’t think I’m broke and “weak” anymore. I know I’m on my way to massive success.

  • I don’t compare myself to rich men anymore and think my GF will want a rich man one day.

  • I can be present with my gf without feeling 24/7 anxiety about money.

  • I can spend a whole weekend with my girlfriend without feeling the need to work for 1-3 hrs even on the days we hangout.

  • I’ve actually made so much more money since starting EOG… I now take her on more romantic dinner dates and more fun adventure events. That’s a big relief to a relationship.

  • I also have a deeper sense of purpose in my life. She knows I have a plan for my life. She sees me succeeding (finally!) since starting EOG, and feels safer, like she is with the right person. She always knew I would succeed. It was just starting to take a while.

Beliefs and mindset

  • Procrastination at an all time low.

  • Work is more effective, I’m hungry for the profit.

  • I got super competitive near the end of the month, I wanted to maximize revenue for the month of June, before it was over. When we were 4% shy of breaking a record month at the end of June, I was a little too hard on myself.

  • I recognized and healed the part of me that was hard on myself. I realized it was so silly that I was UPSET that I was 4% away from breaking another revenue record… even though the record was 3X higher than the previous record. My point is that I should’ve been celebrating that we sustained that level of growth, instead of being hard on myself for not beating it again.

  • I am more willing to invest into my hobbies and happiness.

  • I am taking my health more seriously. I’m going to saunas more regularly. Intermittent fasting. Studying duolingo every day and having fun doing it!

  • I’m slowly realizing that I’ll never be able to LOVE waking up early in the mornings. I’m accepting that I need the discipline to know that it sucks, and wake up anyways. I did that this morning and accepted that waking up would feel painful at first… but then I got up and watched the sunrise, and it became awesome.

Money and work

  • Sustained growth of business. Went from 20K/mo to 40K/mo in one month with higher profit, then repeated that growth a second month in a row. made 100K in the last 90 days. Old me still says WTF to that… the new me thinks it’s normal.

  • In the first month of running EOG, increased close rate on sales calls from 5% to 43%.

  • In the second month, fear that I just got “lucky” one month was strong. Close rate dropped to 29% instead of 43%.

    • First of all… why did that make me anxious? That is SIX TIMES BETTER than 3 months ago. I should be celebrating 29%!!!
    • Second of all, we realized we made a massive mistake and let in many sales calls that we already defined as “unqualified.”
    • When I looked at the data for the second month of my EOG cycle, it turns out I actually closed only 7% of “Unqualified” people, but exactly 50% of “qualified” people, so my fears were unnecessary, and I may have even gotten better at sales this second month.
    • BUT… that massive surge of fear that came up for me is proof there’s still more work to be done with EOG STAGE 1. Stage 1 doesn’t just prepare you to be successful. It actually increases your income, as also documented by user Davisnwc. Don’t stop listening to EOG STAGE 1 until it’s made you sustainably successful… for a long enough period of time that you’re not afraid of losing that success anymore.
@Kyuss this would be my advice to you! (see toggle)

Keep going with AM + EOG. And take massive action, with or without the subliminals. Don’t just plan a career. Start today! Don’t study. Execute! Remember, it took 2 years of Ascended Mogul and/or Mogul for me. 2 years of eating dirt and feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere very fast. 2 years of being in the trenches actually trying to make money every day online. NOT studying making money online. A few cycles of EOG ST 1 won’t cut it. A few months isn’t long enough to build a big business, no matter what anyone says. If you’re bored of stage 1, jump straight to stage 4 now that you’ve done 3 cycles of stage 1. Be in it for the long haul because you love it.

  • I’m being less of a solo-preneur and more of a team-builder. I delegate more, instead of doing everything myself. That frees me up to do the important things.

  • I manifested a potential industry leader to work with us

  • We invested into a education program that will help us make a world-class product and be better at our craft.


Sunday July 3rd

15 mins - Upgraded Ascended Mogul

Watched some Andrew Tate this weekend, did some vision boarding around what my lifestyle would be like if I was super-luxury super-car buying all out extravagance. It was a good exercise. How would I spend 30K/mo if I HAD to spend that much every month…


That brings you into the feeling of the abundance mindset. How does it feel to be able to afford so much… create that feeling and let this feeling come up one time per day to manifest it.


I’m not really into positive-feeling manifestations.

That’s great at the beginning to start a goal. It creates a massive surge in motivation.

That surge doesn’t last though. The best visualizations to engage in, according to Andrew Huberman’s work, is actually negative visualization - activate the amygdala, fear based motivation - which is strong in people with ADHD especially… that’s why we always wait till the deadline! We’re more motivated by consequence than reward.

So, rather than write about how amazing it is to be able to afford that much, I visualize about what’ll happen if I don’t accomplish my goals. If I don’t make the money I want to make in 3-5 years, sure… but even more granularly, what are the consequences if I don’t hit my 1 month goals. 1 week? What are the consequences of not doing everything on my to do list TODAY?

I have NEVER been motivated by to-do lists, until I spent extra time writing about what bad things will happen if I don’t complete it


Phenomenal brother, looks like EOG is helping you beyond just the financial part of your life too.


Well, the manifestation I described is best used for goals that are further away and that seem unrealistic. To become more used to that, to make it feel like more realistic or just natural, that is when the visualization comes in.
If you have an ambitions goal like you want to have 10 million dollars in 5 years, to not have it might not be hurting because you already don’t know how 10 million dollars feel like if you don’t even have 1 million. So that is where the manifestation will help. It is also taken from the transurfing books, so you already align with the future that has the 10 million dollars in 5 years for you, you start to feel like the person who deserves that, who goes for that. But with your ambition that is not the question, Mr. Billions :wink:


Upgraded Ascended Mogul - 15 minutes.

I’m listening to Ascended Mogul again for two reasons. First, @AlexanderGraves’s idea of having two letting one sub continue to bloom while you listen to another one for a cycle. And second, because I want to test out the upgraded ZP.

In other news, especially EOG related news…

Today, I had two interesting thoughts.

First, as I was driving home, I felt like I was driving a supercar. A lambo or ferrari. And for absolutely no good reason. My car is an average 2003 Mazda. But as I was driving it I felt like I was driving a lambo with all of the status I was feeling.

I felt like as I looked out the window, everybody should’ve been staring at my sick ride. And even though I was trying NOT to have the thoughts, they kept coming. This was probably due to Ascended Mogul, internal status and all that.

Second, I had very clear thoughts on procrastination.

I procrastinated today because I had a very big to-do list and didn’t want to do it. Standard stuff.


I’ve always tried to keep some rules for myself.

  • Stop working around 5pm
  • Go to bed to get a solid 8 hours of sleep no matter what.

So… my brain learned that all I have to do if I want to get out of my to-do list is to ride it out until 4 or 5pm, and then I’ll give myself permission to not work the rest of the day.

So today, instead of falling asleep at 9pm and stopping working at 5pm, I’m going to do every item that I had on my to-do list today, no matter how long it takes.

That’ll “teach my brain a lesson” or something.

So that it knows it’s in it’s own best interest to complete the tasks I set for it early in the day… because if I dont complete those tasks in the day, I’ll complete them in the night, when I’d rather be sleeping.


This is so true.

I am definitely a pain-avoidance motivated person, and usually the pain of DOING something I am afraid of is greater than NOT DOING it.

I was at a seminar this past week and the speaker was saying how with people of our kind (pain avoidance), you have the make the pain of staying the same GREATER than the pain of changing, or else we will never change.

That was something I was wrestling with mentally as I couldn’t figure out how to implement that advice, but you’ve just given me an awesome practical tool on using that speaker’s framework!

Thanks man :slight_smile:

P.S. Which episode of Huberman Lab does Uncle Andrew mention this?


The goal setting episode, specifically.

Last night - Thursday July 7th

15 minutes of Upgraded Ascended Mogul


It’s not as bad, but after three separate 15 minute loops, I’m pretty deep in recon-hell, especially regarding procrastination.

However, my status and social confidence is surging. Will be interesting to go out with the boys tonight and see how those interactions go.