Billions & The Ecstasy Of Gold - A Journal

@Kyuss listened to HOM last night, Sat July 9th

Just 3 minutes. Couldn’t resist! Wanted to listen to EOG last night but it wasn’t the upgraded version so I gave HOM a shot.

Once EOG is uploaded, I’m going straight to stage 4.

Anyways, here’s my update.

I’ve read many billionaire’s biographies in my life, but completed few of them.

I don’t just give up on them half-way through. I’ve always had a specific point in time where I think to myself “okay okay I don’t care anymore.”

I love(d) reading about the struggle. The early days. The broke-y days, the “I have no money and I’m trying to build this thing up from scratch days!”

I was trying to figure out what was right about their childhood, how they started to make money, how their struggles related to mine.

And then the moment the part of the biography that they ACTUALLY GOT RICH happened, I became completely disinterested.

“Yeah yeah, okaaaaaay, the billionaire-to-be had a hard time hiring people. Poor baby. Wh0 C4RES!?”

I didn’t connect with them once they were wealthy.

I did this with Ray Dalio’s book “Principles” two years ago.

Today, I picked it up again and LOVED reading about the late-stage success of his life.

I guess that’s a shift.

  1. I don’t judge rich people anymore because I don’t need to protect my own ego by attacking people I subconsciously used to perceive as better than me.

  2. I know I’ll be wealthy one day so I need to learn from their mistakes.

  3. I’m hungry to be wealthy, so I’m learning as much as possible about becoming so.


Nice, looking forward to see your results with HoM.

I also read a lot of let’s say millionaire biographies. The interesting thing was always setting up the machine that made them rich, once it was running and printing money it only came down to fine tuning so it prints more money with less effort. I didn’t care which car they bought or what kind of person they became after they got the money. The interesting part was what did they do to separate themselves from the other 99,99% that failed.


Btw I would definitely reduce the Ascended Mogul time, 15 min is too much, it always put me in recon, I guess 7 min is the max I can handle to see results within that run…
What is your sweet spot so far with ZP?

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My sweet spot is 3 minutes. Occasionally I’ll do 7 minutes. I almost never do the full 15… maybe I’ll run 15 minutes of EOG once per 21 day cycle. EOG doesn’t give me much recon anymore so long as I’m not listening to 15 minutes right before work.

If I’m not working… let’s say I’m about to go camping for 2 days and I’ll be really in touch with my subconscious, it’s totally fine for me to run 15 minutes of anything, and I won’t get negative effects… my main recon symptom is productivity.


HOM hit right away.

And blends with EOG ST 1 nicely. I am absolutely certain now that one should run EOG ST 1 before running HOM. HOM is just such a financially ambitious sub that you won’t be able to appreciate the depth of it until you’ve ran EOG ST 1… and another good sub to prep for it would definitely be Ascended Mogul for obvious reasons.

After running EOG solo for a while (ST 1 + ST 4), I’m going to switch to HOM + EOG ST4 and start a new journal while I do so.

Right away, HOM added a level of social confidence that came from the internal status of wealthy mindsets.

When I talk to people, I feel confident, I have this perception that my voice is more relaxed, I feel sharp while speaking.

My cognition is firing on all cylinders. I feel the planning and mastermind effects kicking in instantly. And I feel like when I work today I’ll make some crazy progress on projects we’ve had for a while.

Internally, I feel a combination of peace, power, and purpose. I’m in a “goal pursuit” mood, but very relaxed. I know I can accomplish anything, but not through aggressive power. More like relaxed mastery and being cool, calm, and collected.


I also had profound thoughts about my relationships with girlfriends, past and present. These realizations feel like a beautiful blend of the status, confidence, and money-identity healing beliefs of HOM, and the pure money healing beliefs of EOG.

To make a long story short, I ended up breaking up with a girl I had been dating for over a year when I was 20, AKA in 2015. At the time, I looked destined to be a financial wreck. Dead end job. No ambition. No skills. No education. I wanted to go to school for 8 years to become a psychologist… outside of that, I had no plan.

We got a long in a lot of ways but as the relationship became more serious, I think she saw where I was headed, and didn’t want any part of it. We slowly became less passionate. After we broke up, she dated a guy in our friend group that had a more established career… it wasn’t a lot of money, but he was doing auto-repair and seemed steady and seemed to have growth potential.

I remember thinking to myself that he was actually a higher value man than me. Even while dating her, I remember thinking he was better than me and while I hated to admit it, they’d be good together.

Fast forward to today, I realized that I had THAT exact same thought about a year and a half ago about another guy in our friend group that made more money than me.

I’ve written about this situation previously in the journal, but my understanding of the situation deepened today, as I was able to 100% admit (without shame) that why I was intimidated by that person was because I thought he was better than me in almost every way. I had this belief that if he’s richer than me AND more extroverted than me, he must be better than me.

Using HOM/EOG to recognize that previous low self-esteem comparison will help me identify my worth in the future.

And I really like that even though I had a similar realization about the same situation about a month ago, my understanding of that situation has gotten deeper and deeper the more I run EOG… like layers of an onion, peeling deeper and deeper to whatever the core money wound is.


Oh and I forgot to mention, I had the craziest workout at my boxing gym today. I had so much energy to go multiple rounds, and then after that I did some weights work in the gym, and a bunch of cardio. I haven’t worked out that hard in maybe a few years.

HOM related?


What build type did you get for your custom?

Normal build

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Been still dealing with intense recon since listening to Ascended Mogul 15 minute loops 3x in a week.

Yikes. Washout time.

But I feel crazy powerful on the moments that I am out of recon and in flow. My flow is more powerful than normal, but at the same time, my lows are lower than normal. Been procrastinating like CRAZY…

Been playing online chess a lot. My old addiction. I can easily hide from work and responsibility and other people in chess.

It’s amazing how no sub makes me procrastinate more than EOG… I guess because the recon directly relates to hustle, so, recon involving “hustle” would be totally taking time off.

This video really resonated with me, given how much I’m procrastinating right now. Good advice by all the men here.


I’m going to test out a question to ask myself multiple times per day.

“What would an entrepreneur do right now?”


Found out about this guy.


He has kinda Andrew Tate vibes but without the uber-toxic masculinity. I’ve been enjoying Andrew Tate’s way of speaking and some of his topics on work and mindset, but I got bored of him pretty quick, disagreed with him too much.


Been in a pretty dark place for a couple of days. Got pretty depressed. DIdn’t work much. Maybe I really recon’d myself out with 3 loops of AM at 15 minutes plus the 3 minutes of HOM.


Been taking a washout since then.

Then will resume with EOG ST 4 now that it’s updated! Today’s day 5 of the washout so I guess I’ll listen today.



Update of the week coincides with Alex’s question for me…

I listened to ONE LOOP of House Of Medici about a week ago…

And now I’m getting invited to Stefan James’ penthouse(AKA Mr. Project Life Mastery if you look him up online) for an invite-only men’s group & mastermind…

That’s pretty crazy.

Inner Circle + Wealth Manifestations are flowing in abundance from this sub.

I’m getting really conflicted. These results go to show how powerful House Of Medici can be when applied correctly. HOM is insanely powerful.

But I wonder if waiting, and running EOG ST4 first, will only make HOM that much better.

I leave it up to you guys. Let’s put it to a vote.

Do I run HOM more? Or do I keep with the plan and run EOG ST4 solo?

I just wanna give the people what they want.

  • Yes, RUN HOM or HOM + EOG

0 voters

@Ice @Davisnwc @ksub @Kyuss @Invictus @enigma12 @Monarch @Prioritas @Sub.Zero


@SaintSovereign gets veto power if he comments on what he wants to see me document… for the greater good of advancing humanity.


@Billions i think you’ve nailed it on the head with this one bro. continue running EOG (maybe run ST4) while running HOM (maybe run it once a week?) so you can really ease into it.

it’s actually crazy what is manifesting in your life with these wealth subs. it’s like you’re perfectly positioned for them to work wonders.


Think you should add HOM, as the old saying goes, sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I’ve been around enough wealthy folks to know that you’re network is tied to your net worth for a reason.

The relationships and connections you foster can grant you social power, and access to opportunities that even money alone can’t buy you.

Funny enough, I was just talking to one of the managers at my new security job last night, who I didn’t even know was one of the founders and owners of the company (turns out they’re involved in a LOT more than just doing security for clubs). He told me insane stories about how he’s been around billionaires multiple times in his life and how the higher their net worth was, the more they valued the relationships they had (even if they were rude towards outsiders or the general public).

For many of them, they key to building and maintaining their empires was their investments in their inner circles, which came with the added benefit of lucrative business deals, opportunities, etc.


Or you can try stacking it with rebirth and LD or either or… Seems only reason to run EOG before is to remove any money limits you have. However seeing the immediate positive effects HOM is having on you why not just stack it with a sub to eliminate any potential resistance you have and keep at it?


I can see the sheer excitement and enthusiasm in your words from this networking and expanding your vision (which HOM has facilitated), indicating to me that this is the direction your soul wants you to move in.

Remember when you almost had that deal with that NY realtor? I could feel your energy levels being off the charts through my computer screen.

You’re obviously a people person and I think you should expand using that strength of yours more in the business world.

Just my two cents brother :muscle:


Yeah bro I’m crazy high flow factor. Not quite as high as @invictus but I’d definitely be a contender for top 3.

I guess all of this is true. I’m EXTREMELY high open-mindedness. Pretty off the charts, in that regard.

I only focus on subliminals that help me achieve my goals most directly, I don’t try and “fix myself” with subliminals unless/until I’m SUPER EXCITED about that goal, I have extremely high persistence in both my actions in daily life and my subliminal listening pattern (been doing the same thing with little change for 1.5 years before getting a truly 10x’d life.)

If I had different goals I’d probably be INSANELY high flow factor… but I’m not interested in what people think of me, I don’t like attention, and I’m not using subliminals for an improved social life, which is one of the easiest (most effective, I’d say) ways to get results if you take massive action and are high flow factor because you have thousands of opportunities to improve your social skills each day, compared to being in a sales based business I only have 3-5 opportunities to make a sale each day.