Best sub or stack for not being insecure?


You have consistently made it clear in multiple posts for months that you think you are above those around you. I think you’ve even mentioned you’ve been with this attitude since you were at teenager.

This forum is to further your and others’ personal development, instead of your validation or self-aggrandizement.

Please take some time to reconsider this attitude of superiority you have. Rather than posting a bunch of words in response to this, show us all with your tone, attitude, and perhaps a bit of humility.

I realize I’m encouraging you to change and re-consider something that is probably quintessential to your sense of self, so it may not be easy for you to do this. How about showing us how superior your ability is to make some changes to create more harmony with those of us on the forum and the people around you in your life?



I think you have enough interpersonal savvy to know this comment would likely be provocative. Please remember to de-escalate in the future.



And this kind of attitude isn’t allowed at SubliminalClub. There are plenty of places online where you can revel in this toxic attitude. Tone it down.


My first, too. I found most difficult aspect of it for me was that it put my temper on a hair trigger.

I ran Emperor for about a year, mainly in stacks, but culminating with about two months of Emperor Q solo. The hair trigger temper went away, but I ran Ascension Q in a stack right after that and the quick temper came back, though it wasn’t exactly as it had been with Emporor.

I have found that this has mostly gone away with my customs and then Dragon Reborn.

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Haha, indeed. V1 was crazy badass, but I would offen lose my temper as well. Q is a walk in the park compared to v1.

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Yes, I would agree, though, like I said, I did find myself having some temper issues on Ascension Q, too. I was running it in a stack with Primal Q and Spartan Q. They may have been having some influence on that, too.


He’s the one provoking me with his constant passive aggression. My “toxic reveling” is calculated.

I’m not gonna write a nice essay about how he’s doing that. I’m just going to tell him to piss off.

I can assure you, I speak with intensity. Not arrogance. And my intensity gets quadrupled when he’s clearly implying things.

@James I’d really encourage either Ascension or Ascended Mogul. I don’t have any lifechanging testimonial at the moment and I’m certainly not an example of someone who has their shit together. But the one thing I am good at is monitoring my internal state and understanding how that influences my life. To put it simply, Ascension or AM is so necessary if you never grew up learning any of the lessons it teaches you. I can’t even put into words how not having this right just causes a compound effect of life being more difficult than it actually is. And you cannot see this unless you grow on it and understand at an intuitive level just how much your previous paradigm was out of wack. I say this as someone that is probably the exact inverse of what people consider confident.

People who have past experiences to draw upon do a lot better with things like Empoeror or Khan. The importance of AM or Ascension in my opinion is you experience a different life relatively quickly which gives your mind more tangibility to the beliefs you’re trying to instill. This will result in less reconciliation because it’s not some vague idea in your head but based on actual events and reality that you live.


This is exactly what @friday and @remarkable talk about when they say you need foundations for the big guns to work.


This is a fair enough question.

INTJ who is away with the fairies and somewhere on the spectrum with a less than average amount of emotion or empathy.

I think that covers it.

Or perhaps I can’t see the wood for the trees?

What about you? @Malkuth


This is clearly and obviously wrong.

The obviously large amount of people who have major reconciliation and/or lack of perceived results prove this.

You haven’t even considered why we are all here, we all have a perception that something is lacking in our lives and want to correct it what ever that might be as it differs in individuals.

Added to which you just need to read some of the journals to understand some here are starting from very low points which has nothing to do with personality.


You have already stated you do not like him and you don’t want him to respond to your posts.

So why are you responding to his posts?

Why does it bother you that someone on the 'net is wrong?


I’ll be more clear. Your above quotes are irrelevant. We have told you to stop. In return, you are offering rationalizations of what we have told you to stop doing. You offered variations of “you don’t understand”. You tried to justify what we have told you to stop. Please stop what we told you to stop, and please stop justifying what we have told you to stop. If you are thinking about justifying or rationalizing your justifications, then please stop.

If we were to understand things the way you want others to understand them, you would just continue with impunity to do more of the same of what we have told you to stop.

You come from a point of view that you think you are in charge whenever you think you are. We are telling you that you are mistaken.

You post with respect, or keep it to yourself.


Emperor for sure. First sub I ever ran. I remember meeting up with some old mates and gals for the first time in a few years and I was a completely different person.


Yes, sir! Noted! :slight_smile:

Did your run any other sub along?

One question

Why don’t you just let it go lol?

Just stop responding to Voytek or who ever you think is trying to start something with you… its like a waste of your time and breath to even keep going at it with him and if he is doing what you say he is doing then you are letting him win bc you keep insisting on dragging it out

just drop it and let it go

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Well, I would say you can see only from this chat (and I do not even mean someone specifically) that one is definitely well-advised to have a foundation first before going into big subs like Khan.

Since stating the idea that Khan leads to a certain “overacting” when not having a proper foundation, I have discussed the theory with various people and actually came to the conclusion that this overacting is not alone or not all the explanation above but it is merely a kind of reconciliation that leads you to express your shadow self.

I will now quote some statements from a conversation I was having. As I said in my last post, this might or might not be true for anybody else than myself. We were talking just about my own experience, which does not need to be that of anybody else. If something in the statements is triggering you, pls know that I am not directing anything at anyone specifically, but if you have a negative reaction to some part you might be well-advised to question first why this is in yourself.

There is not much to add to that.

Most of it has been true for me, and Khan gave me the growth to see it.


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