Best sub or stack for not being insecure?

I was watching a video online and it got me thinking how insecurity is a major block that folks have and it got me curious as to what sub or stack would eliminate insecurity?
Dragon Reborn comes to mind right away. What else? Ascension? Wanted?


I’m wrestling with this myself James, so I’ll share a possible stack.

DR–a must
A status sub (Emp, Asc, AM, or Stark)
And possibly, Love Bomb.

I bring up Love Bomb since I’m seeing myself rejecting people’s kind gestures at times. I had some internal battling while doing loops of LB months back, and I’ve been thinking about it lately. I’m seeing I reject myself regularly, and DR has been pointing that out. More will be revealed.


For me: Emperor. I have no idea what insecurity means when running the beast. Not so much Stark.


If I understand James correctly he means fear of being judged by others when taking action or fear of repercussions when really there are no repercussions.

Emperor plus Rebirth are a killer combos to remove insecurities.


@James how do you mean you are insecure? Is it in general?
Are you insecure with others but are perfectly fine by yourself?
Are you insecure in terms of showing yourself to the world, unapologetically?

Apart from the rapid solution of Ascension, maybe try Love Bomb as well. Insecurity is a heart-based emotion, so filling it with the lots and lots of positive self regard may help reduced insecurity.


Godlike masculinity, Primal, Emperor, and definitely WANTED.

I think those would classify for general sense of security with one’s self. If it were something more along the lines of social, my money’s on Daredevil and TRueSocial, and stark long term

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Thank you for the replies. I see insecurity as not loving yourself or feeling like you’re not good enough or worthy of success, wealth, or love

I was thinking Love Bomb and Limit Destroyer
Also possibly Sanguine for the positivity and Elixir because as Saint said " on a long enough timeline Elixir should resolve most childhood trauma "
I tend to feel that insecurity is the result of unresolved trauma
I was thinking swapping out any of those four Ultimas and running Dragon Reborn should do the trick
Wanted is an option as is Renaissance Man for obliterating that feeling or belief that you have to be a certain way
I feel as @Michel stated that Ascension ( for men or women) would be highly beneficial because if someone is insecure they probably have a difficult time setting boundaries


@James we are both middle age men i know what it feels like having half a century of emotional baggage to clean up. Its hard BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

As i said before

Emperor HOM is i believed is more for the mature man as it will bring out the best of you.

Rebirth is an absolute must.

What do you feel is holding you back ? can these obstacles be removed ? if so how ?

As an example i had to distance myself from a mentally aggressive father who ruined half my life.

@SaintSovereign could you please chime in ?


I never considered HOM as a mature man’s program but it makes sense. You literally have to have a certain mindset for what you’re seeking and working on to come to fruition


I personally have never used HOM but i do feel its might be a good one for you. Judging by what i have read about it.

In fact i always viewed HOM as an older mature wiser man program.


I can vouch for that. 30 years of hard knocks here. Not only is it possible, the other half of your life will be so satisfyingly great that you’ll end up being grateful for the earlier hardships.


That is one thing I am definitely learning to embrace. I see so many folks that let the smallest inconvenience make them crumble. This is where subs such as Dragon Reborn , Elixir, and HOM are so powerful. It gives you a perspective, wisdom, and awareness you may never have had otherwise. To be able to take that experience and not just learn from it but also be flexible in your approach to things in the future

The thing I feel a lot of people miss with Grit or Perseverance is that the people that epitomize either or both have most likely resolved or are actively working on resolving whatever issues or trauma they may have or have had. They have the mental and emotional maturity to grow from adversity and hardship instead of allowing it to destroy them

I had someone on here criticize the extreme music I listen to but for me it’s cathartic or as @Malkuth stated it’s meditation. A form of inner reflection


In the end, the one great and immutable law of nature seems to be:

“Whatever works”.

Of course, ahead of time everyone and their uncle will try to tell you what will or won’t work. After the fact, once you’ve gotten it to work, many will shut up and move on to somebody else.

Some admirable holdouts will just pretend it’s not happening and keep arguing.

Humans, gotta love ‘em.
—ancient mosquito proverb


I feel about it the same way, and many others that I have met. “A form of inner reflection”, “meditation.” That is true. Emotions are strange and powerful, strange to me at least, and sometimes you’d need someone to surface and experience them, in a good form that is, non of this new nonsense labeled as music. Freaking Fartists.

Unless your music preference is TOP40 and all that modern auto-tuned, over engineered, out of the Mill garbage, then you’re clean in that area.


Oh definitely not

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I may as well chime in here.

AM because it gets you thinking to put yourself first irrespective of anything else.

If you put yourself first ordinary people will leave you alone. If you simply do healing with rebirth or DR whilst you no longer get burdened by previous trauma you still have to acquire the mindset of putting yourself first, hence why not go directly to what you need to level up.

Emp is clearly great for this however most people will need a foundation first.

And the problem with this is that for most people there are repercussions. Imagine telling your boss to “fuck off”, most people will not do this even if they are mentally strong etc because they don’t have enough money to do so.

Properly large amounts of money can solve most problems.

Interesting way of looking at it since HoM will probably be my next sub.

False consciousness. You are actually equating the hardship with making you what you are. The reality for most people is that you adapted coping strategies and muddled through as best you could.

A good analogy would be training methodology for soldiers. You could train them hard until they break and then select however many you need. Or a better way of doing it is to gradually increase the hardness and they will level up.

The second way is also better for unit pride.

That would be me.

I assume you have been listening to heavy metal since you were a teenager. Yet here you are still thinking about how to make money and get out of your current situation. So 30 years of listening to that sort of thing has not exactly improved your life, has it.

So what has it done for you.

Allowed you to cope with the vicissitudes of life?

Allowed you to ‘turn your brain off’ and forget about your worries for a few hours?

Or, as a coping mechanism has it merely pushed you down a cul-de-sac where you get through your day but never make progress?

Has “it” worked for JCast?

I will assume this is a facetious comment.

Modern day top 40 tends to be stuff created with the intention of making money for those in the business. Compare and contrast with music as an artistic endeavour, art for arts sake, if you will.


Read your post. Thought about it for a bit.

And my answer is, “yes. I’d say it kind of has worked.”

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@remarkable here’s a question for you to respond to or to not respond to:

What are your areas of personal vulnerability?


I would take my time, sit down, open a notebook and write down my personal goals and the things I would like to change in me and my life. Then I would reread it a couple of times over the week and make some corrections if needed. Then I would plan a custom based on it, consult it with the community and buy it. Then I would run it till I get there unless some more suitable modules showed up on the store or I changed some of my goals.


This is true.

Since starting Ascended Mogul, I’ve found my thoughts moving in different directions. Between that, Pride Unbroken, and FEBRUUS, I think there’s a whole lot going on.

These are discussed as lighter programs/modules, but this is one of those cases where you have to look at yourself, not just the ‘density’ of the program.

For me, Ascended Mogul is doing some heavy work. And when I get there, I’ll decide if it’s Emperor, Emperor: House of Medici, or both.

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