Beowulf's Journal - Golden Lover (2023)

13th February 2023

:magnet: Attraction
So I went to the mall today and I noticed quite a few women were showing mild interest in me as I walked by. This seems like a baseline improvement from when I started with :necktie: Ascension. Iā€™m walking more confidently, which may be why that is the case. :running_man: Running may also play a role in this, in terms of improving my fitness which improves the energy Iā€™m radiating out.

:world_map: Planning
So tonight I was excited formulating my plans for the future. It seems that if I can keep this up, I can internalize a few dozen habits. I kept repeating, ā€˜Iā€™m going to completely change my life by the end of the yearā€™, ā€˜My life will be totally differentā€™ and other positive thoughts. If I can consistently do 1 positive habit per day, Iā€™m getting 1% better every day. If I can do 40 positive habits per day, Iā€™m getting 40% better every day! No idea if thatā€™s how it works but thatā€™s how I see it :joy:

Will update my list of habits in the future but Iā€™m really happy with what Iā€™ve built now.

:running_man: Running: Day 23 (W4/D2)
Today was quite a challenge. This definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I had to just focus on the timer going down and allow my body to keep running even as my mind wanted to stop. My legs definitely need a break for recovery. So Iā€™m going to take 2 days off for now, I need to start working onā€¦

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 0 (Still Day 0)
So I didnā€™t start my stretching today, unfortunately. Since Iā€™m running, it seems that if I donā€™t start stretching soon I might get myself an injury of some sort. Definitely need to get started. The 2-minute rule from Atomic Habits will come in handy here tomorrow.

:books: Reading: Day 3 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Read 1 chapter of Atomic Habits. I jumped around the book since Iā€™m bored so I chose the chapter that talked about the 2-minute rule. This seems really useful for my :man_standing: Stretching habit. I also skimmed it and saw something on habit stacking, which I could use to pair stretching with running or waking up from bed.


Sounds like an awesome book. I might get my hands on it. :pray:

1 Like

13th February 2023

:necktie: Physical Shifting
I noticed that while looking at myself in the mirror today, that my face looks a bit more masculine and handsome. My eyes have more of a passion in them and my body feels bigger - despite not doing any bodybuilding or calisthenics. The way I walk too is slightly different, it feels more confident and strong :thinking: . I would say :running_man: Running has definitely contributed at least a little bit to this. This seems like both a psychological and physical change.

Is this happening due to a bloom in results or is it just recon being faded enough that I have more clarity on whatā€™s changed? Seems to be to be a result of mostly the former :sunflower: .

:fire: Sexual Results Recap
I wonā€™t go into specifics because I think anything sexual in a relationship is personal (personally find it unusual people in the West are so open about it :joy: ). Anyways, my results with :necktie: Ascension has increased the results in this department over the past few months to new heights. I honestly donā€™t really feel the need to run any sexual or romantic subs because itā€™s good enough for what I need. Flirting has gotten a lot better too.

:running_man: Running: Day 24 (Rest)
Yeah I definitely needed this rest :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . My legs are still a little sore, so Iā€™m going to continue this rest until tomorrow. I can feel my health improving.

:books: Reading: Day 4 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Read the chapter on habit stacking. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s easy to start habit stack anything until my constantly irregular sleep time is regulated. Plan to habit stack a 7-minute yoga session after my run.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 1 (< 1 minute)
So I did my Yoga session today, by following this video (Yoga for Runners: 7 MIN POST-RUN). Following the principle of the 2-minute rule, I literally did only the first form which lasts less than 1 minute. I honestly didnā€™t feel like continuing but I can now start building it up as a habit now.

:woman: Aā€™s Journal
Just remembered. She was talking to me about worrying of not being able to hit her target this month for her streaming job. This seems like recon induced by :star_struck: Stark and :dollar: R.I.C.H.

Private-ish Journal

  1. :deciduous_tree: Growth - Community and Romance

14th February 2023

:sleeping_bed: End Washout?
Iā€™m considering ending my washout today and start running my new stack tomorrow. I just feel like doing it. It seems that Iā€™m getting the effects of :necktie: Ascension in my washout period. Nice to see. I again noticed the mild increase in attraction from the ladies. One of the girls I met online awhile ago also called me ā€˜babyā€™, hopefully they have no serious intentions of pursuing me :joy: .

:running_man: Running: Day 25 (Rest)
My legs are now almost fully recovered, I would say 90% to 95%. Iā€™ll go for a run tomorrow. Canā€™t wait to run again.

:books: Reading: Day 5 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Canā€™t believe itā€™s already Day 5, it honestly doesnā€™t feel like it. Re-read a previous chapter. I plan to start from the beginning again and write down notes so I can implement this book properly.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 2 (< 2 minutes)
Today I pushed to 2 minutes. Taking my time to get used to the action.

:banana: NoFap: Day 0
So as I was reading the forum and I considered my current situation around this topic, it seems that I would definitely benefit from :banana: NoFap. I donā€™t really have an issue with the P in PMO, just the MO part. Shouldnā€™t be too hard (heh!) to keep this habit up, itā€™s a matter of abstaining rather than doing.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 0
In addition to :banana: No Fap, Iā€™m going to slowly start increasing eggs to my diet so I can get used to a higher protein lifestyle before I start doing my :man_cartwheeling: Calisthenics habit. Iā€™ll likely just start off with just one egg a day and slowly increase it.

:thinking: I Know What Youā€™re Thinking
At some point, each entry is going to contain more than a dozen habits, which would bore people reading it and myself typing all of it. I plan to only publicly log all of my habits until my run of :necktie: Ascension is over, which will likely take another year or so. And by then, whenever a habit has become internalized (I will intuitively determine this) and/or I have done it for over a 100 days, I will just put it under the ā€œ> Hide Detailsā€ tag. Like this:-

Other Habits

:ghost: Boo!

So my :running_man: Running habit will likely start to appear in there tomorrow. If there are any :checkered_flag: milestones in my journey, I will not put it inside the tag and instead show it in the main body of my posts.

:computer: Update
Thereā€™s a couple of things I actually forgot to update on this day, so Iā€™ll add it now. The following text below is written on the 15th.

:bouquet: Valentineā€™s Day
Celebrated :bouquet: Valentineā€™s Day with my lady. Sheā€™s told me before that we donā€™t need a special day to celebrate, since we celebrate it every day :grin: . I was a little heated near the end of the day because of something small but I moved on from it and we went to bed.

:woman: Aā€™s Journal
She had another one of her special events on stream and got a big donation today after listening to :dollar: R.I.C.H., nice. Iā€™m considering the thought of changing it to :bank: Ecstasy of Gold for growing her wealth long-term. Maybe next year?


You scared the hell out of me! Lol

Seriously keep going, you are doing great :muscle:


15th February 2023

:fire: Fiery Determination
Before listening to my new stack, I felt this strong determination to achieve all my goals this year. I was saying all kinds of positive, optimistic things to myself. Felt great! Iā€™m pretty damn certain Iā€™ll succeed this year, no matter what. I was thinking about my plans for next year and how much thatā€™s changed. That will be revealed in a yearā€™s time.

Will update my first post in this journal soon to reflect my new stack.

:cyclone: Start of New Cycle
I will be running :snowboarder: Daredevil, :speaking_head: True Sell and :necktie: Ascension for this cycle. Next cycle Iā€™ll be replacing :necktie: Ascension with my :orange_heart: Golden Lover custom (:necktie: Ascension + :heartbeat: Love Bomb for Humanity). All is looking well so far.

:snowboarder: Daredevil: Initial Results
Huh, wow. When I started listening to it, I started feeling a subtle tingling sensation in my throat! Thatā€™s something. It felt like something going up and down, I had to focus on it to perceive it. Could be something to do with the :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Throat Chakra or something, Iā€™m not sure. For some reason I didnā€™t feel it while running :speaking_head: True Sell.

Then I went to bed for a nap. As I was going to bed, my mind was almost completely silent. Found that interesting. I then had a lot of dreamsā€¦

:sleeping: Dreams of Death
I went through several dreams and I was killed by someone each time. I even woke up with an elevated heartbeat that I had to calm down from. In the first one I got shot, second one I canā€™t really remember and the third one due to my hubris I angered a lava monster that made me fall into lava. This is the first time I ever had dreams of being killed by someone. Whatā€™s interesting is that I can tell the dreams are related to :snowboarder: Daredevil since I saw a lot of old friends that I havenā€™t dreamt about or seen in awhile.

My interpretation of this when I woke up is that itā€™s not really a bad thing. I killed off the old me and a new one is being reborn. The imagery is a little shocking but in my past experience, dreams of death usually signal a new direction or strong upwards trajectory in life.

I also slept for quite a long time and I was pretty tired. Iā€™m surprised :snowboarder: Daredevil is doing this to me, I didnā€™t expect to have strong effects from this title.

:snowboarder: Daredevil: Initial Results II
After I woke up, I head to the :weight_lifting_man: gym. As I was heading to the gym and came back from it after my :running_man: run, I was more carefree and enjoyed myself more. Bopping my head to the music sitting down, walking like Iā€™m in a dance. Itā€™s really nice. I still left the gym early before I did my stretches, since I saw someone I knew and it made me slightly embarrassed to stay there and do yoga :joy: . So thatā€™s something that needs to be worked on.

While talking and messaging my partner, she said that Iā€™m ā€œ:crazy_face: more sillyā€ today. She seems to like it. I feel the same way, since I noticed I made some silly, funny jokes.

:running_man: Running: Day 26 (W4/D3)
I actually handled this better than my previous run, even if itā€™s slightly harder. I reached a :checkered_flag: new milestone today as I have now hit my 1/2 Way to 5K badge!

Didnā€™t do my stretching immediately though, when I definitely should have.

:books: Reading: Day 6 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
I started again from the beginning and made notes for the first chapter. I basically used the method talked about here.

Looks nice and tidy, I enjoy it.

:banana: NoFap: Day 1
Not much to note other than I felt a minor urge. Well, not really since I had to hold myself back :joy: .

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 1
Ate one hard-boiled egg at night.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 3 (< 2.5 minutes)
Love these stretches, it hits all the nice spots. Did this before going to bed.

:woman: Aā€™s Journal
She seems really giddy and happy today. This increased after I ran my stack today too. I love the effects :woman_superhero: Chosen is having on her, sheā€™s in a really positive mood and it feels great to see :grin: .


16th February 2023

:writing_hand: Missed One Day
Missed a day of journaling on the 16th. Technically, I could have but honestly I was too tired :grin: . Itā€™s no big deal. I always make it up the next day, which is nice. The following is written on the 17th of February detailing what happened on the 16th, will be writing it as if Iā€™m writing it on the 16th.

:speaking_head: Social Interaction - Analysis
So I went to work with my colleagues today, basically taught them a class on marketing. It does seem Iā€™m basically a bare novice teaching people who are complete beginners, so I feel underqualified for this role :laughing: . In any case, throughout my interactions I realized quite a few things:-

  1. It was quite awkward for me to tell a captivating story.
  2. Found it difficult to hear and understand some people (in my 2nd language).
  3. I donā€™t seem to make strong eye contact.
  4. Not great at creating and continuing conversations that are high energy.
  5. Difficulty in focusing on several people at once during a conversation.
  6. Not good with banter with people Iā€™m not comfortable with, which leads to awkward situations.

Negative things that arenā€™t listed that I generally notice in my day-to-day life:-

  1. I have a massive problem with replying peopleā€™s text messages. Partially fear(?), mostly lack of care. This has been quite negative for my sales.
  2. Hard to connect with people that show discriminatory behaviour towards other people (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc). Lots of people in my country are like this.

The upsides are:-

  1. I always show genuine interest in what someone is saying.
  2. Iā€™m a fantastic listener.
  3. I know how to deeply understand other people, which makes people feel understood.
  4. Patient when being helpful, understands the ways people make mistakes.
  5. Due to 3), Iā€™m great at avoiding misunderstandings, disagreements and escalations.
  6. Not offended when criticized, take criticism with an open heart to improve.

Positive things that arenā€™t listed that I generally notice in my day-to-day life:-

  1. Straightforward but gentle. Honest but not harsh. So people trust me for my advice.
  2. Instead of answering questions in a surface level manner (yes/no), I answer them in a way that leaves them with more solutions and satisfaction (a good sales skill to have!)

So if I were to look at this objectively, it seems that where my strengths show are in 1-on-1 conversations, that skip past the small talk into what people really are motivated, passionate and/or emotional about. My weakness is present in anything isnā€™t deep talk, that is high energy and that involves a group. My inability to tell a compelling, captivating story also reduces my ability in being able to gather an individual and/or groupā€™s attention.

You can think of me as the mostly silent or completely silent guy in group meetings and the guy that talks to you 1-on-1 outside of them to get to know you better that isnā€™t necessarily interesting by themselves but youā€™d feel comfortable telling your problems to get solutions and a helpful ear. I can be quickly become a reliable confidant and good friend but not a high energy one. Even my girl, who loves me dearly says Iā€™m not that charming :rofl: (god, I love her honesty!).

Clearly my strengths are great but if I can work on my weaknesses, Iā€™d be unstoppable socially. Itā€™d also help me garner more respect with my family and especially the workplace. Help land me way more sales too.

I made the perfect choice in going with :snowboarder: Daredevil and :speaking_head: True Sell. This is exactly what I need. Didnā€™t really notice it in action though today. I just need to get myself into more real life conversations that are outside my comfort zone. Iā€™m thinking those two lead to me writing down this analysis in the first place.

:thought_balloon: New Custom Idea?
So initially, I basically had the idea of having an :necktie: Ascension + :heartbeat: LBFH custom (:orange_heart: Golden Heart) for a year then followed by a :bear: Godlike Masculinity + :couple_with_heart_woman_man: Heartsong custom. Iā€™m now thinking itā€™s way smarter to go with a :necktie: Ascension + :bear: Godlike Masculinity custom instead, then I follow it up with a :couple_with_heart_woman_man: Heartsong + :heartbeat: LBFH custom. Itā€™s way more focused, so Iā€™ll get much better results. I also think running :bear: GLM immediately is a lot more useful in the immediate future.

:moneybag: Broken Laptop Screen
A co-worker of mine broke my laptop screen by accident. I didnā€™t realize it was broke until I came back home. Itā€™s broken inside, not outside so I can still type on it - it just looks cosmetically ugly. That sucks. Was quite mad about it.

:banana: NoFap: Day 2 (Close Call)
This was a dangerous day lol. I thankfully stopped but I was pretty damn close to already ending my streak. Turns out I am actually addicted to this :eyes: .

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 2
1 hard-boiled egg at night.

:books: Reading: Day 7 (Atomic Habits - 2 Chapters)
Made notes for an old chapter, read a new chapter. There are so many ā€œAHA!ā€ moments in this book. It seems like a common-sense book but once you actually read it deeply, you understand this is something people really need.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 4 (< 1 minute)
I was honestly procrastinating so much to the point I didnā€™t want to look at the video to do it. So I just said, ā€œWhatever, Iā€™ll just do it without looking at it. If not, Iā€™ll be delaying this foreverā€. Basically found a way to keep my streak going in a smart way.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 27 (Rest)
Just a standard rest day. Not much to note.

1 Like

17th February 2023

:computer: Replaced?
My co-worker intends to buy me a new laptop after they messed up the screen for my birthday. Unexpected positive manifestation?

:eyes: All Eyes On Me
Weird. After my subliminal session today, I went to the gym for my run and unlike the previous days as I was walking past them they snapped a look at me. Not sure why this is the case :thinking: . It might be due to a mix of the auras emitted by the three major subs Iā€™m running. Most likely though, my intuition tells me that I have grown, transitioning from being a beginner with :necktie: Ascension to becoming an intermediate user which means my results are entering a different level. Okay, so this seems to occur in my 4th cycle of a subliminal.

Also, I noticed my eye contact with strangers is a lot more confident. When they snapped a look at me in the gym (and in the convenience store later), I basically looked at them until they averted their gaze. Before, I used to snap a look at them and look away before they do. Increase in dominance and confidence, it seems. Nice to have.

Besides that, attraction seems slightly higher than usual than my previous runs of :necktie: Ascension. Need time to figure out.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 5 (< 2 minutes)
Right after my :running_man: run, I did my post-run yoga stretch at the gym instead of doing it at home out of embarrassment. Proud of myself for doing it :+1: . I kinda sprained my shoulders from stretching though :joy: .

:books: Reading: Day 8 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Made notes for the chapter on Cue, Craving, Response and Reward.

:banana: NoFap: Day 3
No real urge.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 3
Ate 2 hard-boiled eggs, up from 1. Aim to increase up to 10 per day, then Iā€™ll start doing bodyweight exercises.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 28 (W5/D1)
For some reason, this run felt easier than my previous one despite being more intensive. Iā€™ve gotten into a groove now. Step into the gym, set my phone on the treadmill, select the settings and go for a run. No delays.


19th February 2023

:books: Reading: Day 9 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Read 1 new chapter. I also skimmed through a book on Kaizen, I think itā€™s a way too fluffy but it confirmed my suspicions that taking very small steps, that seem almost too trivial is the way to progress.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 4
Ate 2 hard-boiled eggs.

:banana: NoFap: Day 4
No real urge.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 6 ( <30 seconds)
Didnā€™t have proper time to do this, so I did this quickly on my bed.

:sleeping_bed: Sleeping: Day 0
I aim to sleep around 7 to 8 hours per night. My sleep schedule is completely messed up now so this will greatly enhance all areas of my life. Will read Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 29 (Rest)
Standard rest day. Iā€™ll go for a run tomorrow.

Private-ish Journal

  1. :man: Respect and :gear: Cog Theory

I like this goal, itā€™s something I need to work on too. Iā€™ll be checking out that book at some stage.


19th February 2023

:writing_hand: Missed Journaling
Missed one day of journaling. Iā€™m fine with it now because I think this is pretty much an internalized habit. As per usual, this is written as if Iā€™m writing it on the 19th.

:angry: Recon
My girl called me silly again today and I found myself making funny, silly jokes again. For some reason I donā€™t see this being translated to my work and family yet, it confuses me.

Got annoyed (and angry) by a few things that my girl did. This definitely seems to be recon. I also realized I was thinking of how people perceived me as I walked past them today - not positive thoughts. Might be something to do with the social subs I ran today.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 5
Ate 3 hard-boiled eggs instead of 2. Eating 3 eggs is starting to feel a little cumbersome. I wonder how people eat 30 eggs a day :face_with_monocle:

:banana: NoFap: Day 5
Not much to comment on. After 10 days, I plan to move on to drink 4 litres of water as my next habit.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 7 (2 minutes)
Stretched at the gym for a few minutes.

:sleeping_bed: Sleeping: Day 0
Slept poorly.

:books: Reading: Day 10 (Missed)
Missed a reading day. Thatā€™s fine, will continue tomorrow.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 30 (W5/D2)
Wow, didnā€™t know I could run for 8 minutes straight. I kinda started falling a little bit near the end though so Iā€™ll take a rest day tomorrow.

Also, I ran for 30 days! Good milestone.


Awesome bro, I am loving running more and more. Keep it up, I cant wait til I hit 30 days

1 Like

20th February 2023

:briefcase: Work with Colleagues
Iā€™m noticing a pattern here. My line of work doesnā€™t necessarily need me to get involved with my colleagues but ever since I ran :snowboarder: Daredevil I seem to be manifesting situations in which I work with them more in some manner. Also, I actually received a text message yesterday from a guy Iā€™m starting to be friends with which coincides with the fact that I ran :snowboarder: Dardevil yesterday. Very interesting.

Also, I was chased by a :dog2: few dogs this morning and got a couple of scratches on my arm from the plants I jumped into :neutral_face:. Not a great start to my day but unlike how I usually act, Iā€™m a lot more emotionally stable afterwards than I usually am. Seems to be :necktie: Ascension maturing me. I was thinking about how people would view my arm in public and how it could be misconstrued as me being mentally unhealthy or something.

So I met my colleagues and I seem to be holding better eye contact and they seem friendlier. Iā€™ve pretty much figured out why Iā€™m not really being that good socially. My posture and lack of drinking water is actually affecting me to a larger degree than I expected. Will need to handle this in the following weeks.

:books: Reading: Day 11 (The Path to Nibbana - ? Chapters)
I was pretty busy the whole day so I read this book on my phone. Iā€™m questioning whether to pursue TWIM. Iā€™m actually not at all interested in reaching Nirvana, at least for now. And I donā€™t think thatā€™s the only path. And if itā€™s not the only path, why lock myself in? Will consider doing this practice until I reap the benefits I desire, then stop and pursue other things. @SwedishBuddha Any advice?

:sleeping_bed: Sleeping: Day 0
Woke up early today. Not sure if I can actually wake up early tomorrow though. I must though. This is a habit that is likely going to remain at Day 0 for quite awhile. Itā€™ll take time for my reorient my sleeping schedule back to normal.

Consider disregarding this book, since I see it being heavily criticized for itā€™s rampant misrepresentation of facts (and stretching the truth of his credentials). Seems really convincing. Hmm, Iā€™d rather not read a book that may put disinformation into my head than not. @Becoming take this into account if you want to read it.

:banana: NoFap: Day 6 (Missed)
Iā€™m sure you know what ā€œMissedā€ actually means :joy: . I was basically rationalizing it the whole time. Saying, ā€œOh, I have a partner. Do I really need to follow this?ā€, ā€œAh, I donā€™t want to spend too much willpower on this, there are higher ROI habits I can work on!ā€ to ā€œWe can do this habit later, silly gooseā€. In hindsight, these are all obviously justifications for breaking my habit. And they all logically make no sense lol.

I donā€™t plan to reset the number of days, just make a note that itā€™s missed here and keep moving forward. I plan to implement drinking water ASAP, maybe even tomorrow.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 6
There has to be a faster way to open hard-boiled eggs :face_with_monocle: . It seems that steaming the eggs and immediately putting them into cold water makes it easier to open the shell. Ate 2.5 eggs today. For the 3rd egg I only ate the yolk, didnā€™t have the appetite for the whites.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 8 (< 30 seconds)
Totally forgot about this. Stretched quickly on the bed. I need to habit stack this with waking up or any other of my morning habits.

Other Habits

:running_man: Running: Day 31 (Rest)
Rest day. I thought my legs would need more rest but I donā€™t think they do. Will run tomorrow and rest for 2 days afterwards.

Private-ish Journal

  1. :slightly_smiling_face: Culture, Parents and Abuse

Iā€™m sure you can do it brother, canā€™t wait to see it :muscle:

The benefits start way earlier before you reach Nibbana.

You become a master of your mind. You change your vibration and most likely your entire perception of reality .

You can litteraly be in a state of metta and love 24/7.

I have a client who is not interested in reaching nibbana either . But he have become more calm loving and his relationship improved.

But ultimately itā€™s up to you and What you feel is right.


21th February 2023

:briefcase: Met My Client
Listened to :necktie: Ascension, then I went out to meet a client of mine today. I took an e-hailing service over there. I noticed that the driver seemed to really care that Iā€™m receiving good service. They apologized for their coughing and made sure that I received good airconditioning. Unfortunately, I didnā€™t pursue a conversation with them. I just didnā€™t feel right. I should definitely push myself to talk more.

When I met my client, we had a nice talk and everything. She seems to view me as an authority figure on the matter and trusts my judgement. I also think I convinced her quite well, which may be :speaking_head: True Sell coming out. Eye contact and confidence is stronger too.

Went for lunch and noticed the same behaviour with the waiter. Seemed to be respectful of me. Interesting.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
My sleep schedule is still pretty messed up. I woke up late and took a long nap in the evening. Iā€™m going to try and stay up tonight until tomorrow night, so I can completely reset everything. :crossed_fingers: Fingers crossed.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 9 (< 3 minutes)
Extended my stretch time today, did some more stretches emphasizing my legs.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 7
Ate 4 eggs instead of 3. Itā€™s starting to get quite boring eating hard-boiled eggs. I can digest them though, so itā€™s fine. Iā€™m thinking of replacing half of my protein intake with tofu. Just toss the tofu into the air fryer, maybe with seasoning. I have no idea how to season tofu though :joy: .

:banana: NoFap: Day 7
No urges.

:books: Reading: Day 12 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Loved reading the latest chapter, lots of powerful implications. I was actually considering stopping halfway through but I kept going. Subtle but I realized this was due to my :running_man: Running habit teaching me to continue just a little bit more even if I feel uncomfortable. :gear: Cog Theory in action baby!

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 0
Well, obviously I drink some amount of water everyday. My target here is 4 litres per day. Iā€™ve noticed that I feel happier, sleep better, talk way better and feel better when I drink 4 litres per day. My body even feels more ā€œfreshā€ and flexible. Will start with a cup or a bottle per day and go up from there.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 32 (W5/D3)
Two 8 minute runs separated by a 5 minute walk. I love how easy the first 8 felt and how I was struggling a little in the second 8. This app is great. Pushing myself but not too much. I think the guy besides me was impressed since he kept looking over :joy: .


Thanks for the heads up. It looks like that website did a thorough job of discrediting the book. Itā€™s good in a way, I have way too many books to read already!

As for sleeping, in general I believe in 8 hours sleep being good and any hours of sleep before midnight are worth double. No idea if thereā€™s any truth to that but a few years ago I had a 10pm-6am sleep pattern going and I felt great.

1 Like

The Polyglot in my custom is intended primarily for Chinese language learning.

One newer thing that it has led me to: audiobooks.

Iā€™ve got the audiobook and printed script of one novel é›Ŗ城. Still on chapter 1, right now. No rush. At the moment, I donā€™t have a lot of time to get into that.

But I also saw that there had recently been published a high-quality English language translation of Jin Yongā€™s novel å°„é›•č‹±é›„å‚³ (Legend of the Condor Heroes) and the same publishing house will be putting out the sequel. ē„žé›•äæ ä¾¶, starting in October of this year. Iā€™ve been listening to the English language version of the first book. Later, Iā€™ll acquire a Chinese language version and enjoy the story again in Chinese. Being already familiar with the plot and details in English will be a good bridge to understanding the original. And who knows? Maybe Iā€™ll listen to it in Mandarin and then later in Cantonese.

The books are fun and have been beloved by literally billions at this point. Once, the novels become relatively familiar, there are also countless televised serials based on Jin Yongā€™s novels. So, all of those could be fun easy ways to develop and deepen language skill.

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Iā€™m actually aiming for myself a 10.30 pm- 5.30 am/6.30 am schedule. Hopefully I can nail it down lol.

Oh yes, that sounds like quite a delightful way of learning the language. I was thinking of watching shows Iā€™ve watched before on Netflix before with Chinese subtitles may not be a bad way to ease into learning it as well.

Thanks for sharing about å°„é›•č‹±é›„å‚³, Iā€™ll definitely look into reading the English version of the book and later read/listen to the Mandarin version later :grin:


That was kind of hilarious :smiley: in way as a comedy movie scene,hopeā€™re alright tho. How did that health related morphic field work out ? Been thinking of trying them out but already using a lot of other stuff.

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