Beowulf's Journal - Golden Lover (2023)

The benefits start way earlier before you reach Nibbana.

You become a master of your mind. You change your vibration and most likely your entire perception of reality .

You can litteraly be in a state of metta and love 24/7.

I have a client who is not interested in reaching nibbana either . But he have become more calm loving and his relationship improved.

But ultimately it’s up to you and What you feel is right.


21th February 2023

:briefcase: Met My Client
Listened to :necktie: Ascension, then I went out to meet a client of mine today. I took an e-hailing service over there. I noticed that the driver seemed to really care that I’m receiving good service. They apologized for their coughing and made sure that I received good airconditioning. Unfortunately, I didn’t pursue a conversation with them. I just didn’t feel right. I should definitely push myself to talk more.

When I met my client, we had a nice talk and everything. She seems to view me as an authority figure on the matter and trusts my judgement. I also think I convinced her quite well, which may be :speaking_head: True Sell coming out. Eye contact and confidence is stronger too.

Went for lunch and noticed the same behaviour with the waiter. Seemed to be respectful of me. Interesting.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
My sleep schedule is still pretty messed up. I woke up late and took a long nap in the evening. I’m going to try and stay up tonight until tomorrow night, so I can completely reset everything. :crossed_fingers: Fingers crossed.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 9 (< 3 minutes)
Extended my stretch time today, did some more stretches emphasizing my legs.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 7
Ate 4 eggs instead of 3. It’s starting to get quite boring eating hard-boiled eggs. I can digest them though, so it’s fine. I’m thinking of replacing half of my protein intake with tofu. Just toss the tofu into the air fryer, maybe with seasoning. I have no idea how to season tofu though :joy: .

:banana: NoFap: Day 7
No urges.

:books: Reading: Day 12 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Loved reading the latest chapter, lots of powerful implications. I was actually considering stopping halfway through but I kept going. Subtle but I realized this was due to my :running_man: Running habit teaching me to continue just a little bit more even if I feel uncomfortable. :gear: Cog Theory in action baby!

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 0
Well, obviously I drink some amount of water everyday. My target here is 4 litres per day. I’ve noticed that I feel happier, sleep better, talk way better and feel better when I drink 4 litres per day. My body even feels more “fresh” and flexible. Will start with a cup or a bottle per day and go up from there.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 32 (W5/D3)
Two 8 minute runs separated by a 5 minute walk. I love how easy the first 8 felt and how I was struggling a little in the second 8. This app is great. Pushing myself but not too much. I think the guy besides me was impressed since he kept looking over :joy: .


Thanks for the heads up. It looks like that website did a thorough job of discrediting the book. It’s good in a way, I have way too many books to read already!

As for sleeping, in general I believe in 8 hours sleep being good and any hours of sleep before midnight are worth double. No idea if there’s any truth to that but a few years ago I had a 10pm-6am sleep pattern going and I felt great.

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The Polyglot in my custom is intended primarily for Chinese language learning.

One newer thing that it has led me to: audiobooks.

I’ve got the audiobook and printed script of one novel 雪城. Still on chapter 1, right now. No rush. At the moment, I don’t have a lot of time to get into that.

But I also saw that there had recently been published a high-quality English language translation of Jin Yong’s novel 射雕英雄傳 (Legend of the Condor Heroes) and the same publishing house will be putting out the sequel. 神雕俠侶, starting in October of this year. I’ve been listening to the English language version of the first book. Later, I’ll acquire a Chinese language version and enjoy the story again in Chinese. Being already familiar with the plot and details in English will be a good bridge to understanding the original. And who knows? Maybe I’ll listen to it in Mandarin and then later in Cantonese.

The books are fun and have been beloved by literally billions at this point. Once, the novels become relatively familiar, there are also countless televised serials based on Jin Yong’s novels. So, all of those could be fun easy ways to develop and deepen language skill.

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I’m actually aiming for myself a 10.30 pm- 5.30 am/6.30 am schedule. Hopefully I can nail it down lol.

Oh yes, that sounds like quite a delightful way of learning the language. I was thinking of watching shows I’ve watched before on Netflix before with Chinese subtitles may not be a bad way to ease into learning it as well.

Thanks for sharing about 射雕英雄傳, I’ll definitely look into reading the English version of the book and later read/listen to the Mandarin version later :grin:


That was kind of hilarious :smiley: in way as a comedy movie scene,hope’re alright tho. How did that health related morphic field work out ? Been thinking of trying them out but already using a lot of other stuff.

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Stopped using them. I honestly think they were draining me in addition to using the subs. Either I’m not compatible with both or my body isn’t energetically developed enough for it yet. Either way, I won’t be thinking about experimenting with them again for quite awhile, until I feel settled into my routine. Too many variables are changing now for me to reliably test it.


23rd February 2023

:ferris_wheel: 8 Habits So Far
So far I’ve made :fountain_pen: Journaling and :running_man: Running a habit. There are 6 other habits that I’m now working on, which once done would push me to 8 habits. I have a few dozen more habits to work on. This is going to be easy, just needs to take some time.

My criteria for them would be:-

  1. :sleeping_bed: Sleep
    Sleep consistently for 7 to 8 hours every night, sleeping and waking up at the same time everyday.
  2. :droplet: Drinking Water
    Drink 4 litres of water everyday, with some salt added in.
  3. :egg: High-Protein Lifestyle
    Eat 10 eggs per day. Will increase overtime and add other sources of protein but this is the requirement for this to be considered a proper habit.
  4. :banana: NoFap
    Probably today :joy: . I don’t actually find this difficult, probably because my libido has been low the past few years. This may become more difficult in the future, once my health improves.
  5. :man_standing: Stretching
    Once I get to at least 7 minutes of stretching per day. Will consider doing much longer stretches on my rest days.
  6. :books: Reading
    I would say today? I read consistently every day, even if it’s only a chapter. Aiming to go for a half an hour block every day dedicated just for reading once I get my :open_book: Kindle.

Next 10 :ferris_wheel: Habits I plan to work on:-

  1. :man_cartwheeling: Calisthenics
    Once I start doing all of the movements(?) every single day, at least once.
  2. :mantelpiece_clock: Intermittent Fasting
    Aiming for a 20/4, though 16/8 isn’t that bad either.
  3. :person_in_lotus_position: TWIM (Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation)
    Aiming for 1 hour per day. Starting off, probably 10 minutes.
  4. :deciduous_tree: SFQ (Spring Forest Qigong)
    Aiming for 2 - 4 hours per day until my health condition improves. Starting off, probably half an hour. Will consider reducing it significantly once my illness alleviates.
  5. :briefcase: 4 Hours of Focused Work
    People consider hard work to be 8 - 12 hours of work per day. I aim to do deep focus work for 4 hours per day and be just as productive.
  6. :house: House Cleaning Routine
    Pretty self-explanatory. My place is a mess, so this will help clear my living space much better.
  7. :shower: Cold Shower
    This is a favourite of a lot of people. Will do cold showers every morning.
  8. :salt: NoSugar
    No added sugar. So no more sugary drinks anymore. Just good old water and tea.
  9. :cn: Learn Chinese
    Learn Mandarin Chinese to HSK 4 level. With the revisions done to HSK, HSK 4 may mean something different once I start working on it.
  10. :iphone: No Social Media
    Probably the biggest thing for me would be to almost completely cut off Social Media. Will only allow an hour or two on the weekends.

:sleeping: Dreams of Death
I had another dream about dying when I woke up today, though I find it difficult to remember the details. What I do remember is being killed in this one too. I’m convinced :snowboarder: Daredevil is doing some massive transformations within me that will take some time to witness. This is the only sub I’ve run that has given me these dreams, which must mean something.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
While I did fall asleep last night and woke up late today, I’m feeling quite tired now and I may be able to sleep early tonight to finally fix my sleep schedule. There are a few things I can do to optimize my sleeping:-

  1. Don’t use any electronics 30 minutes before bed.
  2. Don’t use any electronics on my bed.
  3. Get natural sunlight in the morning and turn off the lights at night.
  4. Practice some form of relaxation exercise to quickly sleep.
  5. Take supplements like Magnesium and Omega-3 to sleep quicker and more soundly.
  6. Put my phone far away from me so I put in friction between me and it.

To be frank, I don’t think I can do (1) :joy: . Maybe what I’ll do instead is read on a Kindle with warm light before bed. I can definitely reduce (2) to a great extent. It’s just that I call my girl every night before bed. The rest seem fine and doable.

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 1
I drank 1 litre of water today. Added a teaspoon of pink himalayan salt. I think that’s a little too much and I should go for half a teaspoon next time. Something to do with what Andrew Huberman talked about adding some salt to your water every day.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 8
Ate 2 hard-boiled eggs for one meal, then another 2 for another meal. Actually, some of them would be considered soft/medium-boiled. It’s a lot more delicious, palatable and easy to eat those instead of the hard-boiled ones. Let’s see how that’ll turn out.

:banana: NoFap: Day 8
I plan to put this under “Other Habits” in the future since I don’t think there’s interesting to note about this. If anything interesting happens I’ll put it in the main body of my posts.

:books: Reading: Day 13 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Read another chapter. Found the chapter on friction quite interesting. I will need to implement more of the tactics from this book if I want to start accelerating my progress.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 10 (< 1 minute)
I need to start implementing some tactics from Atomic Habits to lengthen my stretching time. I’m thinking my environment is the key factor in preventing me from extending this further.

Other Habits (1)

:running_man: Running: Day 33 (Rest)
Taking a 2-day rest period. It’s better to take an extra rest day one in awhile rather than risk an injury that sets me back a few weeks/months.

:woman: A’s Journal
She’s starting her next cycle today. I asked her if she feels her work has become easier and she told me it has been quite easy to do her work recently. She was planning on doing overtime today but she managed to complete her work early. This seems to be :star_struck: Stark in action (though she says it’s because she’s more experienced at her job. Maybe we’re both right :joy: ).


Wow… 2 - 4 hours is quite alot. Yesterday I started doing a 2nd 40 minutes practice a day. The second felt like the real practice to me, the 1st felt like warming up.

Im gonna create a playlist with one song per each stage of the process, so I can have a 1 hour practice.

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I used to have a tendency to have really big goals and not reach them, so it may just be all talk at this point :joy: . I am serious of solving my health issues as quickly as possible so I can focus on my work, hence the high target of a few hours.

That’s the spirit :muscle: . The store has Qi Gong music that are 1-hour long each for this purpose. If you’re interested, here’s the link. Though you can use any music you’d like :stuck_out_tongue: .

I love reading your healing journey. All the best :pray: .

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February 23rd 2023

:briefcase: More Interactions At Work
:snowboarder: Daredevil has been manifesting quite a lot of social interactions. I would say that I’m more social, carefree, happy and charismatic today - even if it’s just a little bit. There are definitely some weak points I’ve noticed today in terms of noticing how to navigate certain social situations. Eye contact is much stronger too. I ran :snowboarder: Daredevil in the morning and :speaking_head: True Sell at night, so the effects at work are definitely just from the results of the former. Co-worker sought my advice quite often.

A co-worker near the same age as mine is quite admirable in terms of their carefree, sociable attitude. I quite respect it. Plus, he’s quite friendly. If :snowboarder: Daredevil is able to allow me to reach that same level or even higher, I’d be very happy.

Lots of work needs to be done. Need to be more comfortable socially, be more willing to relax and just enjoy the flow. Get out of my head more. Not care too much about how I look. So far there’s been what I consider at least a “great minor” improvement.

:speaking_head: Social Interaction
Had a situation in which I talked a lot in an online room. I realized a few things:-

  1. :snowboarder: Daredevil is very IDGAF energy lol. While everyone else was quiet, I basically just kept talking. Clearly quite charming. Definitely my favourite subliminal so far since I love social interaction.
  2. I’m much more of a :snowboarder: Daredevil in my native English than my other native language. I didn’t have a lot of experience talking this other language and I have bad memories associated with it, which is why I suspect I may not be as much of a :snowboarder: Daredevil in it.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
Okay, so I’m a little sleep-deprived now. Which is great, since I can finally sleep early today :laughing: .

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 2 (1 litre)
Drank 1 liter of water today. It seems that it’s a lot easier to drink water when you add pink himalayan salt to it, at least for me.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 11 (< 2 minutes)
Will stretch less than 2 minutes on the bed. I want to sleep quickly after this. Will edit if I did or didn’t do this.

Did do this, for about 1 minute-ish.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 9 (Missed)
Technically, didn’t eat any hard-boiled eggs. I did have two eggs in my meals though, so this is kinda 50/50 on whether I consider this a missed day or not.

Other Habits (3)

:running_man: Running: Day 34 (Rest)
2nd rest day. Tomorrow going for a run.

:books: Reading: Day 14 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
Read another chapter. Aim to finish and re-read the book fully tomorrow and start seriously implementing everything.

:banana: NoFap: Day 9
Nothing to report.

Something to report, failed this :joy: .


25th February 2023
:fire: Determination
Due to me still not being able to sleep on time (it’s getting frustrating!), I’m getting quite determined to ensure I’m able to continue all my habits and optimize them. As always it’s not a bad idea to document the struggles of the journey and looking back on how much I will change in the future.

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 10
I honestly can’t remember if I ate 5 or 4 eggs. Let’s just say I ate 4. Medium to soft-boiled are the best for me. Tasty and quick to eat.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 12 (5 minutes)
Stretched for 5 minutes, longer than usual. First 2 was based on a yoga video and I did the rest based on what I felt my body needed. Felt great :+1:

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 13 (1 litre)
Love drinking water with salt in it. My only worry is if I’m adding a little too much salt but since I went for a run today I think it all balances itself out.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
Basically due to the social interaction last night in which I was there to comfort someone, I couldn’t go to bed early. No problem though and I don’t really regret doing it. I’ve also figured out my sleep environment and hygiene is just not conducive to sleeping early. Will fix that bit by bit.

First thing I did was finally adding a blue light filter to my phone. It definitely made me fall asleep faster than usual.

Second thing I will do is to turn off all sources of light at night. I always have a little table light on every night. I always thought it’s not a big deal since it’s just a tiny amount but I need to make sure my environment is much better for sleep.

I’m thinking of adding some kind of white or brown noise so I can sleep. Also considering Yoga Nidra as a way to guide myself into sleep.

:cn: Chinese Learning: Day 0
I kinda feel pumped up to finally start learning Mandarin Chinese properly now. I got myself the :dragon: Mandarin Blueprint and intend to start working through it soon. Depending on the challenge I pick, I should be able to master either 50 or 112 Chinese characters in 15 days.

The full course honestly seems a fair bit out of my budget at the moment and the near-future. May resort to other resources after I’m done with the Challenge.

:books: Reading: Day 15 (Atomic Habits - 1 Chapter)
The reading habit so far is slow and steady. I am however, getting a Kindle tomorrow to reduce friction as much as possible. This will ideally increase my reading time and enjoyability.

Other Habits (2)

:running_man: Running: Day 35 (W6/D1)
It honestly looked a little scary to see it being two 10 minute runs :joy: . Pushing myself just out of my comfort zone is something talked about in the recent chapter I’ve read in Atomic Habits, called The Goldilocks Zone.

Also, pants seems to be unsuitable for running. Will need to pick pants specifically for running.

:banana: NoFap: Day 10
I (Missed) yesterday, so today is technically my “1st” day again. We’ll see how long we can keep going now.

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February 25th 2023

:pen: Missed A Day of Journaling
Missed a day of journaling on this day for good reasons, I was enjoying my birthday :partying_face: . Today though, in the very early morning of the 27th I had a very bad day which is why I’m writing this entry so late :joy: . I’ll be writing what’s been happening for the past two days in the Private-ish Journal (accessible with Subliminal Club Black membership :wink: ).

Habits have been messed up these two days, though some habits were kept up. I’ll get back to normal on Monday.


:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 11
Ate a steak and 5 eggs. Noteably, my arms appeared a fair bit larger after my run of :necktie: Ascension. I think this is the physical shifting scripting being finally actualized through my intake of high-protein meals. Interesting to note.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 13 (5 minutes)
5 minutes is now my new normal. This seems to happen when I’m at the gym. Should consider just doing all my stretches at the gym, it’s an amazing environment,

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 4 (250 ml)
Looks like there’s something wrong with my previous entry, it’s definitely not already Day 13 :joy: . Because of all the drinks I’ve been taking today, my liquid intake is probably over 1000ml but it’s filled with a lot of sugar and fat.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
Still Day 0 but I don’t care because I celebrated my birthday lol.

Noticeably though, reading through an e-reader was amazing for my sleep.

:cn: Chinese Learning: Day 0
Didn’t start this yet, for obvious reasons.

Other Habits (3)

:books: Reading: Day 16 (Deep Work - 1 Chapter)
Why am I reading this book? No idea, just felt called to it. Will still finish Atomic Habits.

:running_man: Running: Day 36 (???)
Okay, funny story. I went for a run on this day not knowing I already ran the day before. When I got on the treadmill I realized this but went for a run anyway. Then my legs reminded me that I really need to get rest today so I just went for a 5 minute run and did my stretches.

:banana: NoFap: Day 11
Not much to note.


Gongrats man :pray::clap:
Also, deep work is an awesome book and I hope it will be awesome to you one day.

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Happy birthday @Beowulf!

You’re doing well man, keep it up.

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Happy Birthday @Beowulf !! :sunny:

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Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody :grin: . I feel like this year is finally the year where I’m going to have massive transformations in my life. Let’s get going baby :muscle: :fire: .


26th February 2023

Journal :open_book:

:pen: Another Missed Day
Intentionally didn’t write a journal entry yesterday because it was late in the morning. The habits on the 26th are all messed up because I wanted to take a nice break here on my birthday. Will resume normal habits starting today (27th).

Habits :ferris_wheel:

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 12 (Missed)
Ate no eggs at all. Was a tough day, so I just wanted to relax and not care about it.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 14 (Missed)

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 5 (Missed)
Can’t recall exactly how much water I drank, so I’ll consider this Missed.

:sleeping_bed: Sleep: Day 0
Again, was a rest day and I just wanted to relax.

:cn: Chinese Learning: Day 0
Not yet.

Other Habits (3)

:books: Reading: Day 17 (Deep Work - 1 Chapter)
Surprisingly pretty good book so far. This feels like a sequel to Atomic Habits, like a natural progression.

:running_man: Running: Day 37 (Rest)
Took a break today.

:banana: NoFap: Day 12
Nope, nothing.

February 27th 2023

Journal :open_book:

:muscle: Back to Work
After a weekend of up and downs, time to get myself started on my habits again! I’m excited to see my progress, now that I’m a year older now.

Habits :ferris_wheel:

:egg: High-Protein Lifestyle: Day 13
4 eggs today, since I ran out of eggs. Will re-stock tomorrow.

:man_standing: Stretching: Day 15 (5 minutes)
Did 5 minutes of stretching. Once I hit around 7 minutes consistently, I’ll move on to another habit. I’m thinking :man_cartwheeling: Calisthenics is finally up next. No need to wait until I hit 10 eggs.

:droplet: Drinking Water: Day 6 (1 litre)
1 litre again today. Will try to go for 2 litres tomorrow. 1 litre before 1 pm, 1 litre after.

:bed: Sleep: Day 0 (Close Success)
It was a very close day to succeeding but in the end, I still overslept. I’m getting much closer though, after I installed a blue light filter on my PC and phone. My :books: Reading habit before bed is helping massively as well.

:cn: Chinese Learning: Day 0
Honestly forgot about this. Will work on this tomorrow, after I clean up my house.

Other Habits (3)

:running_man: Running: Day 38 (W6/D2)
This one was challenging. Running is teaching me to develop grit, to persevere even if I want to stop. Let’s go :muscle:

:books: Reading: Day 17 (Wait for Tomorrow)
Since I read before sleep and after I journal, will update this once I wake up every morning.

:banana: NoFap: Day 12
Nope. I might need to start seriously tracking this somewhere.

:woman: A’s Journal

She talked to me today and told me she’s interested in focusing more on her work. Also considering getting a part-time job. This is an interesting development, I think as a result of :bank: EOG ST1 (switched out :dollar: R.I.C.H for :bank: EOG ST1 for this cycle). Her streaming also went well today, so I suspect it’s working quite well under the hood.


Was reading this checklist I got from Mandarin Blueprint and I’m 100% sure this was taken from Atomic Habits :joy: . Oh wow, I think half of the “Habit” checklist is from it.

  1. Make Chinese Obvious
  2. Make Chinese Easy
  3. Make Chinese Attractive
  4. Make Chinese Satisfying