Beowulf's Journal - Golden Lover (2023)

As far as broad generalizations go, some teachers point out that

Women do better in the beginning portions of the path. They enter into it more smoothly.

Men do better in the later parts of practice. Once they can overcome their significant barriers to entry (i.e., difficulties with releasing and allowing), they still have access to their will and insistence and this helps in some ways.

Plenty of exceptions exist though.


I love this forum and you so much :rofl::rofl: literally because of posts like this. These stuffs were not in my mind,i get to know new things everyday


Thanks man :heart:

Weā€™re all just learning things and sharing what weā€™ve come across.


Yess so true.

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January 29th 2023

:pen: Not Much to Note!
Besides the running today, personally thereā€™s not much to note.

For the past week or two, Iā€™ve been entirely focused on myself and have been blocking out work from my mind and my life :eyes: . I needed to give myself some space to evaluate what needed to be done. Also, I honestly wanted time alone.

I feel like I can finally get out of my shell :turtle: now and head out into the working world again. Been avoiding all of my responsibilities, which is definitely not :man_health_worker: healthy. I justify this though, as a need to get away from something that has been making me demoralized.

Iā€™m coming back with a determination to make things right. To make sure I can achieve my financial goals for this year. Knowing that I have the subliminals, my determination and my effort to work had, I can succeed no matter what. I will succeed. Fuck Fear. It will not hold me back any longer.

:running_man: Running Day 10 (W2/D1)
Today I decided my legs arenā€™t that tired, so Iā€™ll go for another run again. Maintained my warm-up, walking and running speed. Felt good but again I feel like I can push myself harder. Consistency matters though so itā€™s good.

Before I went there though, I had some hesitation because I feel embarrassed/shy of going to the gym where people could see me. As a skinny guy I donā€™t like the idea of being seen as weak and not making progress in the gym. I basically just moved my body to do the motions to get out of my door and head out. I ignored those :thought_balloon: thoughts and went out to get better. Iā€™m glad I did, it wasnā€™t a big deal at all.

Planning on running from once every other day to two days of running, followed by one day of rest. So this will increase the frequency of my runs from 3 - 4 times a week to 4 - 5 times a week.

Aā€™s Journal
A_January 29th 2023
I will call my lover A or Alice in this journal from now on.

This morning, she :iphone: messaged me about how grateful she is to have me and how happy it feels to hear my :smiley: voice everyday before she goes to work. I was honestly surprised to hear this, itā€™s really sweet. I really love her and I appreciate that she showed how grateful she is to have me.

Spreading Aura?
I feel like her running :woman_superhero: Chosen has lead to some changes in my behaviour for the better. Like reducing my fear, taking more action, having more determination. Or it could be :necktie: Ascension finally hitting deep, as itā€™s my third cycle. I feel like itā€™s her though :thinking: .

EDIT: Changed the picture to be more accurate of what I actually ran on this day.

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January 30th 2023

:briefcase: Work Avoidance
So Iā€™ve been having a case where I feel anxious to even check my work phone :eyes: . Iā€™ve been avoiding work for so long that I think itā€™s causing me to fear if I missed anything important and ironically Iā€™m likely missing important things by avoiding it. Even now I havenā€™t opened it up yet. I just need to just do it. I feel like Iā€™m useless and wonā€™t be able to achieve my goals at all. Recon?

:running_man: Running: Day 11 (Rest)
Rest day. Not much to note. I feel no soreness at all in my legs, which I find to be weird. Clearly Iā€™m not pushing myself hard enough :thinking: . Hopefully this new schedule would cause some faster development.

Aā€™s Journal
A_January 30th 2023
Not much to note from my interactions other than she seems really happy and upbeat today, even more than usual.

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January 31st 2023
:pen: Missed Another Day of Journaling
Not great but itā€™s fine. I went through quite a lot on the 31st. (writing this on the 1st of Feb). A lot of things went on. Lots of things to think about. I will talk about it in my private-ish journal. In good news though, finished Alice In Borderland S2 (1/2/2023). This is the best show Iā€™ve watched in my life. Have zero regrets watching it.

:running_man: Running: Day 12 (Missed)
Was planning to go for a run on this day but I wanted to take the day off to relax. Iā€™ll count this as a Missed run.

Private-ish Journal

  1. The Internet
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February 1st 2023
:tv: Rest
As stated in the previous :open_book: journal entry, it has mostly been a rest day finishing up the show I talked about. My :sleeping_bed: sleep schedule now is absolutely terrible and I need to fix it up.

:running_man: Running: Day 13 (W2/D2)
Felt good. I am very slowly but surely getting healthier everytime I go for a :running_man: run. Met up with a friend of mine and he criticized me for just doing cardio. I understand where heā€™s coming from but I have a plan and he doesnā€™t know my background, so Iā€™ll just ignore his ribbing.

:books: Reading?
Iā€™m interested in starting a reading habit so I can wean myself off of Youtube, my biggest addiction at the moment. Plan to pair it with an episode of Netflix per night. Iā€™m interested in Science Fiction as I have never read a single book on it before. Honestly, I hardly ever read fiction. I love reading non-fiction books so I need to have more variety in my life.

@Lion Which one of these would you recommend I start with? I have an inclination towards reading the Foundation series since thereā€™s a lot of hype around it but if you have any other suggestions Iā€™m open to them.

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It you like to read about science fiction that spans over a couple of hundreds of years, Dune and Foundation series are the selections. Both have philosophical undertones and calculate what will happen to humanity if so and so is done.

Dune is a bit more emotional compared to Foundation but both have objective viewpoints.

Foundation has an interesting subject called something like Historical Math which helps calculate history based on math. Dune calculations are based on precognition due to ingesting a particular drug and the drug is the most coveted thing in the universe which makes for interesting politics.

Itā€™s been a long time since I read both though but the Dune movie helped make me remember its book.

Neuromancer is more of a futuristic society along the lines of Bladerunner. Computer geeks will love this one and it has concepts of hacking, virtual reality and other information technological concepts in them.

The Hitchhiker series is for the everyman but also has a genius level intellect in its writing. And no contest it is one of the most hilarious books I ever read. You will laugh out loud despite the many matter of fact tragedies that happen. Itā€™s very easy to read but also an intelligent book. Very quotable like I mentioned before.

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February 2nd 2023

:chains: Wealth Limit Breakthrough
So today, I was watching a Youtube video by Leila Hormozi when I suddenly had a :bulb: realization. For the past couple of weeks I was trying to find a way to make :dollar: 10+ million USD within 5 - 8 years. Since Iā€™m currently in a sales job, I basically limited myself to that and two other side businesses I was planning on doing. I calculated it and basically it seemed nearly impossible to reach those figures. I live in a :world_map: 3rd world country and I would need at least 4 to 5 TIMES the amount due to my countryā€™s weak currency. So I would need to make 40 to 50 million of my countryā€™s currency. My plans at the time would have at most made me 1 or 2 million USD within that time frame and thatā€™s if I grinded until my :bone: bones run dry.

So this thing was bothering me and I kept trying to figure out if there was a way to break that ceiling within that time frame. Then a thought came to my mind which then developed into a solution, "Why am I limiting myself to my sales job and two side businesses? Take 2 years to build a large amount of savings and develop skills, then start a business that can be scaled to be worth 50 - 100 million of my countryā€™s currency OR if Iā€™m serving international customers, in USD. Yes, I have ZERO idea about what that company is going to be like or what itā€™s even going to sell but thatā€™s what FUTURE ME has to deal with and I have access to :bank: EOG ST2, so what is there to worry about?

So this relieved my tensions and I felt relaxed. I felt more certain that I could achieve my goals. Obviously, it seems a little crazy but if :man: Alex Hormozi and :woman: Leila Hormozi could do it, why canā€™t I? I have subs, they donā€™t so I could even surpass them if need be. The me 2 years from now can absolutely handle those challenges, no doubt about it.

:thought_balloon: Change of Plans?
So Iā€™m also considering radically changing my stack to :star_struck: Stark, :horse: Khan and :necktie: Ascension. For some reason Iā€™m really attracted to the idea of :horse: Khan. From what Iā€™ve read of it, it will absolutely change my life. I can eventually make a :star_struck: Stark + :speaking_head: True Sell custom to be the absolute best at my job and businesses. Keep that custom running. Run my original plan of :orange_heart: Golden Lover and its future iterations, then replace it with :bank: Ecstasy of Gold.

This does mean I would stop running :bank: EOG ST1 and :speaking_head: True Sell for now. :bank: EOG ST1 had served its purpose in just 3 months and Iā€™m grateful for that. . There is no longer a need to run it for another 9 - 13 months, at least for now. I will instead run :horse: Khan for the next cycle. For :speaking_head: True Sell, I never felt right running it for some reason. I feel a stronger pull towards :star_struck: Stark and it has both wealth and social aspects so thatā€™s what Iā€™m running next. Eventually Iā€™ll make a custom with both anyways so that it not an issue.

Will update my plans after my washout, since I might make a better idea.

:fireworks: Lucky Draw
There was a lucky draw at the company I work at today. I managed to win something nice from it then traded it for something much higher value for me afterwards.

:running_man: Running: Day 14 (W2/D3)
Went for a run at midnight. Felt good. I was determined to make progress on my running. Just another week to go!

Aā€™s Journal
So my partner has been getting quite good results from :star_struck: Stark and :woman_superhero: Chosen. Her best friend called her up and basically wanted to see her for the weekend. She was also chosen to be a bridesmaid. At this rate, she might get a promotion or a new job opportunity.


3rd February 2023
:briefcase: Overcame Work Avoidance
This would seem quite silly to a lot of people but Iā€™ve been avoiding my work related matters for over two weeks now. It was due to an incident over work where I felt pretty ashamed of myself. The excuse was to focus on myself (which to be fair, helped a bit). Today though I decided to get back into it and honestly it wasnā€™t even a big deal. That seems to be a common thing with what I fear, they all turn out to be not a big deal in the first place :joy: . I plan to ease myself back into it and start making some money :money_mouth_face: .

Spiritual Journal

  1. :deciduous_tree: Spring Forest Qigong

:running_man: Running: Day 15 (Rest)
Took a break. My legs feel slightly sore. Nice!

:open_book: Aā€™s Journal
A_February 3rd 2023

:gift: First Prize Baby!

So today was her annual company dinner :shallow_pan_of_food: . Someone called her :sparkles: elegant, she was described as charming by a few others and was introduced to the :business_suit_levitating: head of the company by her manager. From her description of the interaction, I could tell the big guy liked her!

Later on there was a lucky draw and she won first prize :money_mouth_face: . It was a pretty decent cash prize too. She came back home happy and we had a lovely call. Sheā€™s more convinced now that the subs are working as she won the prize and listened to :dollar: R.I.C.H the day before. I also explained to her it was from the :slot_machine: lucky effects of :star_struck: Stark and the wealth manifestation of :dollar: R.I.C.H. Sheā€™s really happy and thanked me for helping her out with the subs I chose :grin: .

When she told me about the lucky draw yesterday, I told her sheā€™ll definitely win a prize. She didnā€™t believe me and said to not expect too much. Looks like I was right after all :sunglasses: .

:raising_hand_man: New Fan
Later that night as she was streaming she got a big ā€œgiftā€ from her fan. It can basically be converted into money, so a lot of nice manifestations on this day!


4th February 2023

Subliminal Fun
Decided to have some fun and listened to these two as ā€œboostersā€ today instead of :bow_and_arrow: Ascension Chamber since I noticed it was 15 minutes. Iā€™m happy with the results but honestly I no longer see an interest in short-term results if it means I get tired afterwards. :stuck_out_tongue:

In two days, my current cycle will be over and Iā€™m considering a 20 day break.

:snowboarder: Daredevil?
Thinking of running :snowboarder: Daredevil instead of :star_struck: Stark. The obvious downside is that I wonā€™t have any wealth scripting, which is a concern. The upside is that I have far more focus on the social side, which is what I honestly need. If I can download that over the course of a year, I can then move on to :star_struck: Stark. Will consider it.

:running_man: Running: Day 15 (W3/D1)
Okay, it seems my :heart: heart (or chest?) needs to catch up to my legs. Oh and I couldnā€™t access the gym until next Monday due to some payment issues, so Iā€™ll take a :sleeping_bed: two day break from now.

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If I may ask, what are your fitness goals exactly? Is it to get more clear-headed for your money goals or do you actually want to make some gains?

I have been a personal trainer for 3 years while working in 3 different gyms, and let me say that itā€™s quite the opposites when it comes to ā€œSkinny guysā€. In my experience, people that are skinny or overweight get more respect than people that are jacked. We know how it felt when we started and the insecurities that came with it. I started as a skinny guy (64KG) as well years ago and Iā€™m 75KG now. I know how you feel, but trust me nobody is looking at you that you are weak, and if they do, they are hella insecure about themselves.

Iā€™ve seen this hidden belief in countless people who start in the gym. Myself included. Youā€™re doing fine :wink:


So this is an interesting question. Itā€™s pretty much both. For all my life my physical fitness has not been great, to say the least. And recently I came to the realization that my physical fitness is so bad that it prevents from getting the energy I needed to start building good habits, having good productivity, developing my social skills, basically everything including money goals. For example, my posture is so bad it affects my breathing, which affects my ability to speak well, which affects my social skills which affects my ability to do sales.

I was so used to it being bad until I started running :necktie: Ascension, which gave me the clarity of setting goals to start improving it properly. So now physical fitness is going to be the catalyst for other improvements in my life, which is why most of the habits Iā€™ll be working early on are all fitness and health-related.

Youā€™re definitely right! Itā€™s one of those things where logically I know these guys donā€™t care but I still feel like they care and are judging me. I feel like that just goes away eventually as I get used to the gym and develop my self-esteem. Iā€™ve watched interviews of older people and they all say the one common thing theyā€™ve learned as they get older is to not care what other people think. Hopefully I mature quickly :pray: .

Sweet! Thanks Jim, I needed that reassurance :grin: .


There is this quote in the Netherlands, I donā€™t know if it itā€™s in English but it goes somewhere along the line of ā€œIn youā€™re 20ā€™s you are constantly thinking about what other people think about, in your 30s you start not to care about what other people think about you, and when your 50 you start to realize that nobody even paid attention to you in the first placeā€ Everybody is focused on themselves :joy:

And my pleasure dude, looking forward to your gainz! If you ever need help with schedules/food advice for hardgainers (Mostly those are the skinny guys), donā€™t be afraid to ask. I know a thing or 2 about it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


5th February 2023

Lantern Day :izakaya_lantern:
Today is the last day of Chinese New Year and I went to see my relatives today. I had an okay time but I feel my lack of ability to speak Chinese to my relatives to be a weak point. Itā€™s part of the reason why my goals are to learn Chinese to an intermediate level this year. Hopefully I get around to doing that soon!

When I came back later that night, my internet connection was pretty bad so I went out for a walk. Turns out, itā€™s Lantern Day :izakaya_lantern: and there were hundreds of people at the local park. I went there to basically look around and had a nice video call with my lady so that she could see the celebration. As I walked around, I noticed that women seemed to be mildly attracted to me. I did feel confident, carefree and curious; walking around alone in my surroundings. Maybe it had something to do with the ā€œboostersā€ I ran yesterday or this is the baseline increase in attraction from :necktie: Ascension. Iā€™m honestly not sure, it could even be :speaking_head: True Sell working.

Either way, as I saw people around me speaking in Chinese I had thoughts about wanting to learn it properly so I could communicate with my friends who are predominantly Chinese. I also felt a mild sense of loneliness as I realized I havenā€™t really gone out with friends for a couple of months. The language barrier has been stopping from me forming deeper relationships with these people, so I aim to fix that at some point. So many things to work on!

:moneybag: Financial Status
Looked at my bank account. It seems Iā€™ll barely have any money leftover at the end of this month. What I do is I pull a fixed amount from my savings each month so I could limit myself from spending myself into oblivion. Bad news is I wonā€™t be able to make my :orange_heart: Golden Heart custom this month and will postpone it to March. Good news is that Iā€™ll (likely) be getting :horse: Khan and :snowboarder: Daredevil for my next cycle.

:running_man: Running: Day 16 (Rest)
Did not really notice my legs being sore. I honestly wanted to go for a run today. I think I really love running now. It has no doubt become an internalized habit when I feel something is off when Iā€™m not running.


6th February 2023

:briefcase: Working with Co-workers
Today I went out and had a meeting with my co-workers in the morning. I was pretty much silent throughout and the rest did the talking. Iā€™m really good in having deep, insightful conversations 1-on-1 and itā€™s because I generally skip the small talk stage and go straight into what someoneā€™s passionate about. My weakness though, is the moment you start adding more and more people into the group, I begin to retreat to the background and stop talking much if at all especially if itā€™s with a group of people Iā€™m not yet comfortable with. Even with 1-on-1, I have to get into the right ā€œvibeā€ to successfully do that.

So my lack of talking definitely made me remember thatā€™s a major weakness of mine socially. The good news is that later in a smaller group, I had a great 1-on-1 conversation with someone thatā€™s really passionate about :coffee: coffee. Man, I should really get a coffee machine once I get the money :joy: .

Speaking of which, I remembered a day or two prior I wanted a guy around my age who I could speak another language with. This guy seemed to fit the bill, though heā€™s lacking in a characteristic I wanted. Possible :bow_and_arrow: Ascension Chamber manifestation?

:speaking_head: True Sell in action? For the 1-on-1 conversations I had today, I was more confident than usual and I felt like more respect was given to me. I was also a little wittier with people that I usually am not witty with.

Iā€™m more convinced now that itā€™s around 70% :necktie: Ascension, actually.

:running_man: Running: Day 17 (Rest)
2nd day of rest. Tomorrow morning Iā€™m heading to the gym.

EDIT: Added a paragraph and a sentence.



:sleeping_bed: Washout Begins!
Iā€™ve been thinking about it and I might for a full 30 day washout. Been listening to the subliminals here for years but I never took a really long washout. Hopefully my results donā€™t disappear :laughing: .

:running_man: Running: Day 18 (W3/D2)
Enjoyed the run today. Iā€™m being patient to not skip ahead of the program. I really want to feel that runnerā€™s high again :grin:

:studio_microphone: :camera: Streaming
Today I hopped on to my partnerā€™s stream to take over since she was having mic issues. I enjoyed my time entertaining like, one other person there :joy: . I seem to have a carefree, entertaining attitude that might be well-suited for streaming. Iā€™ll look into that at some point, for the next few months Iā€™m too busy for it.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Happy
Something Iā€™ve noticed over the past month or so is that Iā€™m really happy and grateful for my life now. Itā€™s not like Iā€™ve achieved anything big yet but the sense of progress Iā€™m making and the romantic relationship I have is keeping me in really good spirits. :necktie: Ascension seems really underrated for life-transformations, I can easily see myself achieving 10 - 20 major habits this year alone. Very powerful foundational title in my opinion.


Yo streaming is fun! What games does your girlfriend stream?

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