Beowulf's Journal - Golden Lover (2023)

January 16th 2023

So how did my social media cold turkey :turkey: go? Not terrible, thankfully. Iā€™ve noticed something. I will ALWAYS open my phone :iphone: and impulsively click on the Youtube app. If Iā€™m on my laptop I always open a new tab and quickly type in ā€œyoutubeā€ to go there. I always end up opening it, realized Iā€™m opening Youtube and quickly close it. I managed to stave of Youtube for about 2/3 of the day but succumbed to it at night :night_with_stars: .

This is 100% an unhealthy addiction. Considering Iā€™ve been doing this for the pastā€¦ 7 years, this is no surprise. Iā€™ve noticed how much more time I had when I cut out access to Youtube. My issue now is to find a way to curb this. I wonder if meditation would be the path to undoing this. Just using my :muscle: willpower doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s enough. Need to figure out a proper :chains: chain of habits.


:pen: Journaling ā†’ :running_man: Jogging ā†’ :man_standing: Stretching ā†’ :person_in_lotus_position: Meditation ā†’ :iphone: No Social Media ā†’ :computer: 4 hours of focused work ā†’ :person_in_lotus_position: Spiritual Practice ā†’ :open_book: Chinese ā†’ :weight_lifting_man: Weightlifting ā†’ :meat_on_bone: Diet ā†’ :musical_keyboard: Piano

I could do several of these at the same time but Iā€™ve realized focusing on just one thing at a time brings me more :bow_and_arrow: focused results. And this isnā€™t an exaggeration but I have tried implementing multiple major habits at the same and it always fails. So Iā€™m not going to be stupid and do that again. I could add :banana: No PMO somewhere here too just for fun, though the P part of PMO is no longer an issue to me.

The Chain of Habits :chains:
Before I can achieve my goal of being :nerd_face: ultra-focused at my work, I need to handle my fundamentals that are holding me back. First thing I need to work on is my lack of :electric_plug: energy. I havenā€™t properly :running_man: exercised for an extended period of time since I was born. Iā€™m always tired throughout the day and never feel like I can properly focus at anything. An extension of that would be :man_standing: stretching, since that relieves any tension that distracts me. I have terrible posture to the point it affects my breathing. Then once I have more energy and a relaxed body, I can finally start my :person_in_lotus_position: meditation practice. This allows me to build a sense of being in the present moment and I can build up my focus and concentration.

My ability to be in the present moment combined with my concentration will naturally kill of my use of :iphone: social media. This then frees up way more time in the day. Allowing me to have the energy, relaxation, focus and time to do my :computer: work. By finally being on time with my work, I can relieve my anxiety and fear to then tackle things like learning :open_book: Chinese, :weight_lifting_man: Weightlifting and my :person_in_lotus_position: spiritual practice.

If I can handle all of this within the next few months (hopefully under 3 months), I would have solidified all of my important habits and am able to rapidly :fast_forward: advance in every area of my life through the synergistic, self-compounding effects of every single habit I am doing every single day.

:sunflower: Absolutely beautiful.

True Sell or LBFH?
After much consideration, Iā€™ve decided to revert back to an earlier idea of mine which is to go with a :necktie: Ascension + :speaking_head: True Sell custom. Iā€™m deeply interested in going with a :necktie: Ascension + :heartbeat: LBFH custom but it does not make sense with my financial circumstance. I need to focus on selling, making money and building up my habits first and foremost. For the most part, the nature of my stack will not change THAT much but it is definitely a minor diversion from my original plan :world_map: . In the long-run, there is no real change. After my run with the :necktie: Ascension + :speaking_head: True Sell custom, I plan to go with an :crown: Emperor Black + :heartbeat: LBFH custom.

Habit 2 - :running_man: Running
My next habit to focus on will be :running_man: Running. My cardio is absolutely terrible at the moment, I sometimes breathe heavily after going up a flight of stairs. It also affects my ability to speak, Iā€™m usually out of breath before I even finish my sentence :triumph:. Itā€™s something that Iā€™ve just accepted out of defeatism but dealing with it will give me dividends in all areas of my life. The energy and motivation it will give me WILL :superhero: transform me radically.

I plan to follow a C10K (Couch to 10K) plan. This will be the first but most important step of my fitness transformation. :weight_lifting_man: ā€˜seemsā€™ too much of a mental block to do now and I donā€™t have the energy to :man_standing: stretch every morning. Thatā€™s why running will give me the :fire: ignition and :oil_drum: fuel necessary to pursue and internalize all of my other habits. Reading other peopleā€™s testimonials on the benefits theyā€™ve gained from running is wide-ranging and inspiring - some that are pretty unexpected. I hope to gain plenty of benefits from this :muscle: .


January 17th 2023

Start of my 3rd Cycle
Alright! I decided to end the :sleeping_bed: washout ā€œearlyā€ (6 days instead of 9) because I really wanted to start running subliminals again. To be honest, I wished I went for a longer washout since Iā€™m still feeling some recon. But thatā€™s no problem, since I plan to take a nice long :sleeping_bed: washout after this cycle and go for my :tongue: Silver Tongue custom in my 4th Cycle.

Action, Set Go!
My lack of action is incredibly apparent to me. Iā€™ve been beating myself over it but thatā€™s not how Iā€™m going to progress. This is going to be a period where I have to swallow my (initally) slow progress so that I can achieve massive, transformational change in the future.

As Iā€™ve stated before, I will be using my :chains: chain of habits as a way to rapidly regain control of my life. Smooth Silver (2023) is going to be the most foundational, important stage of my journey. It will clear all my limiting wealth beliefs, give me enough capital to start multiple businesses as well as improve my confidence, social skills and persuasive ability. It will transform me from a :boy: boy to a :man: man.

Running: Day 0
Iā€™m sleeping late tonight but I plan to start :running_man: running early tomorrow morning at the gym. Iā€™m not sure what counts as a habit being solidifed for this one, so I will say if I consistently run for 3 weeks I can move on to the next habit - :man_standing: stretching (18/1/2023 - 8/2/2023).

Letā€™s Do This!
Iā€™m excited for the changes Iā€™m going to undergo :muscle: . A year from now, I plan to be completely unrecognizable to present-day me - in a good way, of course! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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January 18th 2023

:iphone: App Blocker
Started implementing an app block on my :iphone: phone tonight. Limiting access to Youtube to 1 hour per day, down from several hours per day. Going :turkey: cold turkey is not going to cut it for now, so Iā€™ll restrict myself instead. Hopefully things donā€™t go bad.

:running_man: Running: Still Day 0 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Iā€™m a little too tired right now, so Iā€™ll expand on this later :sleeping:.

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January 19th 2023

Emotionally Bad Day :upside_down_face:
Today was not a good day for me. Lots of anger, lots of regret, lots of sadness. Basically, I missed an opportunity to make money because I was avoiding work out of fear. Not only that but I seem to have what I would call ā€œ:spider: Spidey-Senseā€ in which I have a tingling or anxious feeling that I should do something at that moment. If I donā€™t (based on my past experiences), I will regret it.

Lots of :angry: anger at people who were supposed to be emotionally supportive of me. Thankfully, Iā€™m more under control this time and I cut off my interactions with them before it escalates even further. Then I resumed communications and end on a good note :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . My anger can be described as a :cow: bull. Iā€™m calm 95% of the time, very unaffected by what happens outside of me. But if you somehow manage to make me angry, I will let loose and let my anger all out on you. Thatā€™s a major flaw I have that I need to work on.

Injustice, unfairness, lack of empathy and betrayal are what tends to make me actually angry. I believe this has something to do with my :house: upbringing and :school: environment, since I constantly see this sort of thing around me and my lack of capability towards fixing it. It has trained me to constantly see the contradictions and find the truth in any situation so that I donā€™t fall into it - leading to me have a :thought_balloon: Socratic Dialogue with myself about everything, all the time. No truth is too sacred for me to argue with, no matter how taboo. My desire to support :family_woman_girl_girl:marginalized communities, to help others and to radically change systems are all a result of my childhood. So there is an upside to this.

:sun_with_face: On the Bright Side
First thing I realized was that my :spider: Spidey-Sense is actually real and should be taken seriously. I had an incident last year in which it clearly activated, ā€œtellingā€ me to avoid doing something that would :hole: ruin me. Now with this incident happening, I can safely say that this :brain: intuition of mine is actually quite strong at times and I should trust its judgement, which lead me to ā€œchangingā€ my future plans regarding my stack yet again (discussing this later down this post).

Then I realized, itā€™s not really a good idea to go with the opportunity in the first place - IF I take action on my current :railway_track: trajectory now. There was a silver lining here. It was a lesson that actually worked out in my favour. I had a :books: backlog of work that I still havenā€™t done. Taking this opportunity would just push this even further behind. Now of course, I have to acknowledge that if I had taken this opportunity AND finished the backlog earlier, that this would not be the case. Another lesson to be aware of.

Another thing to look up to is that Iā€™m grateful for a genuinely sweet, kind, loving and understanding partner :love_letter: . I honestly think this woman is just perfect for me and itā€™s hard for me to just not appreciate having her everyday. This is probably like my 4th post talking about how much I love her haha. Also, it seems that Iā€™m no longer really jealous of men flirting with her all the time. I just focus on other things and it no longer bothers me anymore, which is great! :smiley:

:running_man: Running Day: Yes, Still Day 0
Because of the incidents that happened today, I was just an emotional wreck and just took a complete :sleeping_bed: break. I relaxed and chilled out. Now, if this was in the past I would avoid mentioning that I failed to start this habit. Iā€™d probably just stop journaling like I did back then because the lack of progress is just too embarassing and seems like Iā€™m just an immature :boy: adult who canā€™t do anything. But I want everyone who has been reading this :blue_book: journal so far to know that stuff happens. Itā€™s probably relatable too to a lot of people here who may feel the progress of people with crazy results on the forum seems out of reach for now. And itā€™s good to look back at this 1 year from now and see this being a rather amusing thing in hindsight :laughing: .

Small Sidenote
:necktie: Ascension ZP v2 is actually quite good for attraction. I donā€™t think itā€™s as good as a dedicated subliminal for it but I would say itā€™s pretty damn good. If you donā€™t need/want a dedicated seduction title, just go for this - you wonā€™t regret it.

Stack Switching Again?
So speaking of my :spider: Spidey-Sense, Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that I should trust it and go for my :orange_heart: Golden Heart custom after all. Itā€™s been nagging at me for so long and I decided to follow my heart instead of my logic. However, instead of cutting out my :tongue: Silver Tongue custom, Iā€™m going to repurpose it and replace :dollar: R.I.C.H with it. This way I satisfy my brain and my heart. So my new stack would be

  1. :bank: EOG ST1
  2. :tongue: Silver Tongue
  3. :orange_heart: Golden Heart

There is a risk here since Iā€™m cutting out :dollar: R.I.C.H. I sorely need the initial capital to rapidly increase my income. I donā€™t even have much to start doing advertising. However, since I realize I canā€™t even capitalize on opportunities that come my way, I have removed it from my stack. No point if a guy gave you an opportunity to make :moneybag: money and you canā€™t even execute it without the :hammer_and_wrench: skills necessary in the first place.

If I take a look at it now, this is a :electric_plug: powerhouse stack. Destroying :cloud: wealth limits, exceptional :wine_glass: persuasive abilities and charm alongside :crown: masculine confidence + :heart: endless self-love spreading to those around me? The downsides can be tackled with by taking relentless action until I can build my initial capital. Then itā€™s :passenger_ship: smooth-sailing from there.

Alex Hormozi
Small sidenote, been watching this guyā€™s videos and man are they amazing. I plan to restrict my available Youtube time to just this guy since he really knows what heā€™s talking about.

:sun_with_face: PROGRESS!
Todayā€™s a good day. Finally made some progress on my :running_man: running, I went out for work that I was really hesitant on doing. So far, so good!

:family_man_boy: A Fatherā€™s Advice
Iā€™ve been watching some Youtube Shorts recently. This Youtuber (Sprouht) asks a bunch of random people about how old they are, how does it feel like to be at that age, what regrets they have in life, what age they would like to go back to and what piece of advice they would give to their younger selves. @Tobyone and @Malkuth, for some reason I feel like you guys would be interested in these videos :laughing: .

So today I asked my :man_bald: father those same questions. He gave me some insightful answers. He said he felt accomplished and content at his age (60s). He decided to segue this into a :speaking_head: conversation about maturity and age - how someoneā€™s age doesnā€™t determine their maturity. Talked about the different levels of self-actualization in people, what those signs were and how to spot one at those different levels. I then recalled that a forum member here had reached that stage recently :shushing_face: Told me his regrets and to follow your intuition, not logic. And he then said in hindsight, his :heart: intuition made MORE sense than his :brain: logic. Him going with his logic had left him with a big regret in his life that he wonā€™t forget. He then elaborated, that maybe this could have been his fate anyway and that nothing could be changed, to accept that this may be part of :church: Godā€™s plan.

Good conversation, happy I had it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . There were elements of :necktie: Ascension in this conversation, I think. I wonder what answers I would give now and what answers I would give in the future.

:running_man: Running: Day 1! (W1/D1)
Finally went for a run today! Iā€™m using the 10K Runner app on Android to track my progress. I have a goal of hitting a 10K run. Iā€™m currently on Week 1/Day 1. According to the app, it will take 14 weeks. Considering my :leg: physical state today, Iā€™d wager itā€™s closer to 16 weeks because of how bad my cardio is :joy: . Man, I love it though. That was a really good run even if it was only for 15 minutes. My abdomen and chest muscles were hurting, I was out of :tired_face: breath and everything. But Iā€™m really happy I went for a run today. I honestly was scared of going to the :weight_lifting_man: gym and meet up with people from my past. Not that I have a bad relationship with them but itā€™s embarrassing since the last time I met them when I was actually working out.

Today though, I just decided to go no matter what. Turns out, on the very first day I went to the gym again I met up with one of them :joy:. It was a good conversation and there really was nothing to worry about. He did judge my lack of progress since he was like my gym bro but it wasnā€™t a big deal. Fears are really silly when you think about it :dizzy: .

Iā€™m actually writing this after going there and I love stressing out how good it feels to run :joy:

:speaking_head: True Sell
This is my third consistent cycle of subliminals. I will replace :dollar: R.I.C.H with :speaking_head: True Sell tomorrow as I have explained in my previous post. Iā€™m deeply interested in seeing my social skills develop as today was really awkward for me when I was talking to people with backgrounds Iā€™m not used to :frowning_face: .


You were very much right.

The videos are inspiring and your goals and efforts are inspiring too.


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January 21st 2023

Pretty Happy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Today I felt pretty good. Iā€™m still feeling some of that high from my :running_man: run yesterday. My social interactions today had a stronger undercurrent of joy and I just physically feel good inside out. I find this a little strange, since I donā€™t think I felt this way the last time I tried to establish a running habit 8 months or so ago :thinking: . Maybe the running reduced unnoticed recon or it broke open a valve inside of me that needed to be released :ocean: . Needless to say, I have no idea whatā€™s going on.

:running_man: Running: Day 2 (Rest)
I plan to run every other day to not push my body too much. So today has just been relaxing and man, my body feels tired and good. Itā€™s like the sensations of when you have a really good yawn throughout your body :yawning_face: . Slept a lot too today, must be my body readjusting to the input.

:speaking_head: True Sell
So today I run my first loop of :speaking_head: True Sell. Iā€™ve noticed an immediate improvement in my writing - it feels more fluid and flexible with more metaphors littered throughout. This was something I noticed in the main thread for :speaking_head: True Sell ZP too. A bunch of people writing way better but not noticing it.

In terms of social interaction, the small high I have from running yesterday translated into a lot of laughter into my conversations today - even if it was for no real reason at all :joy: . Iā€™m definitely more charming, thatā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed. Been making a few clever jokes here and there. There was a girl who seemed interested me because of the way I spoke and slid into my DMs. Iā€™m not really interested in anyone else since I have my :dancer: muse but itā€™s always good to make some new friends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: .

:speaking_head: True Sell seems to be very congruent with my natural inclinations towards understanding others and pleasing their needs. I have been a self-described mediator and diplomat in the past, with a gift in explaining things simply. Recently, I believe that has degraded somewhat and I hope :speaking_head: True Sell will help in reclaiming those lost gifts :gift: .


January 23rd 2023

ę–°å¹“åæ«ä¹! :rabbit:
Happy Chinese New Year! Today has been a day of rest. Went out with the family to celebrate this, ate some good food and received my :red_gift_envelope: ēŗ¢åŒ… (red packet). For the most part, there is not much else to report on this except that I enjoyed my time!

Social Charm
:speaking_head: True Sell seems to be improving my charm in a noticeable manner though there is a lot of work that needs to be done. The lady from yesterday messaged me about how sheā€™s celebrating the New Year and I had a short chat with her. She straight up asked me to do voice notes instead of messaging her since she likes my voice that much :laughing: . Apparently women in general seem to love my voice - though this only happens online. I donā€™t know why but I have never once had a woman compliment my voice in my day to day life, only through voice calls or voice notes :question: . Maybe my phone/laptop is distorting my actual voice to make it sound more suave than it actually is or is it because I talk differently online? Something to think about :thinking:

:running_man: Running: Day 3 (W1/D1)
After my dinner with my extended family, I went back home and prepared to go to the gym. I decided to re-do Week 1/Day 1 from the :running_woman: 10K Runner app since the last time I did this 2 days ago, I was not properly following instructions as I was gassed out. Today I properly followed everything, albeit at a lower speed than Iā€™m used to. I used to be able to run at the 9 speed setting, now I have to downgrade it to 8. It was a good run and it really showed how physically weak I am in terms of cardio. Went back home, took a really nice shower and I feel good now. Grabbed some pizza :pizza: to reward myself and now Iā€™m typing this journal entry.

Wished some old and new friends Happy New Year :firecracker:. An old friend I havenā€™t talked to in a long time then told me heā€™s been going through some serious personal troubles over the past couple of months. I told him if he needs someone to talk to, Iā€™ll be there for him. Thereā€™s a realization here where I should definitely keep up with my :frowning_woman: friends from time to time, since they may be going through any troubles.

I also realized Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m really that empathetic. Empathetic as in, to emotionally connect with others. I wasnā€™t really sure how to best cheer someone up at that instance when they revealed something personal. That needs some work.

Accomplished :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
So far so good! Iā€™m at the beginning stages of establishing my second habit in my :chains: Chain of Habits. It seems smooth-sailing from now.


Future Plans for :bank: Ecstasy of Gold
Okay, now that Iā€™ve switched out :dollar: R.I.C.H with :speaking_head: True Sell, a realization came over me. My stack now feels oddly unbalanced. :bank: EOG ST1 and :dollar: R.I.C.H basically balanced each other, now that one of them is gone it feels a lot more lacking. I need more wealth manifestations. In the next cycle, I am strongly considering going for :bank: EOG ST3 to increase my wealth manifestations, focus and discipline so that I can build up some :moneybag: hefty initial capital to move forward with my plans. Once I have built up a certain predetermined amount, I will switch back to :bank: EOG ST1 and run it for another 9 to 12 cycles. A minor but necessary diversion.

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January 23rd 2023


She seems really interested in me, been messaging me a lot. Even triple texted me :iphone: . Talked about how much she loves my voice and everything. Sheā€™s very attractive and cute. I obviously find the interest quite flattering but I donā€™t know how to not set the wrong expectations with her. Does she think Iā€™m into her? Do I have to ignore her messages? Hopefully sheā€™ll get bored of me so she can move on to someone else :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . Iā€™m only interested in keeping my current relationship and I donā€™t want to ruin it for somebody else :grinning: . I suspect :necktie: Ascension increased her attraction towards me today, hence the increase in advances.

Oh and I told my :couple_with_heart_woman_man: lover about this and she got upset. Iā€™m pretty upfront and I tell her if any girls have been adding my contact number. Sheā€™s not too happy I added her number :sweat_smile:. Iā€™m only interested in having a :open_book: Chinese speaking partner which is why I added her in the first place. Need to figure out a way so that I can learn my Chinese in peace :laughing: .

:running_man: Running: Day 4 (Rest)
:sleeping_bed: Slept a lot today. Pretty exhausted. Even after all that Iā€™m still quite sleepy :sleeping: . My body is adapting to the fact that Iā€™m finally using it now, which is a great sign. I plan to :running_man: run tomorrow morning, as Iā€™ve been doing at night for the past couple of days.

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January 24th 2023

Attracting More Ladies :eyes:
So another girl randomly hits me up on a social media app today :iphone: . English isnā€™t her native language but itā€™s really obvious she likes me and wants to start a conversation with me. Sheā€™s sending :heart: hearts and all. Sheā€™s also incredibly attractive. Iā€™m again, flattered but now I feel this is starting to get kind of annoying since I donā€™t know how to explain this to my partner without making her upset haha.

I explained it to her and sheā€™s upset again :laughing: . Itā€™s usually not serious and sheā€™ll get over it in a few hours. Iā€™m proud of being honest about this and I showed her some screenshots so she doesnā€™t worry. I of course enjoy the attention (and humble bragging about it!) but I donā€™t like making my girl feel insecure. Maybe I should give her :dancer: Seductress so she feels more confident in her skin :thinking: . My girl is really attractive and wonderful in her own right and guys hit on her all the time - I used to get upset too in the past about this so I get why she feels this way. Oh well not much I can do for now :man_shrugging:

:running_man: Running: Day 5 (W1/D2)
My third run has been completely exhausting. I didnā€™t even manage to completely finish the run and had to stop early since I had to walk back home. I was walking back like the Hunchback of Notre Dame :joy: . Feels great to push myself though and I feel like I could have pushed harder if I wanted to. I had to get back a little early though since my girl wants to hangout with me.

:thinking: Odd Feelings
So itā€™s been a couple of hours since my last sub-topic on this journal entry. I was reminded of a track Saint made way back and I thought it was :world_map: Into Distant Worlds. I ended up accidently listening to it for about 20 or 30 seconds. I also haphazardly increased the volume and found it weird that there was no sound until I realized that this is an ultrasonic and Iā€™m an idiot :joy: . Now thereā€™s a weird ā€œtensionā€ in my body, not in the physical way. More like the feeling of something raw that you shouldnā€™t listen to. Might be the combination of the fact that Iā€™m on a ZP v2 stack and I listened to something from 2 to 3 years-ish ago at this point.

Not sure if I should go for a washout but I think the technology is so weak that itā€™s not worth it. I also only listened to it for like 20 seconds, which is not enough to cause significant or any changes at all probably compared to now. Next time @Beowulf, check before you listen to something from SubliminalClub :laughing: .

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January 25th 2023

Lamentations on the Speed of Progress
Iā€™m making decent progress on the habits Iā€™ve outlined here but not at a rate that Iā€™m happy with :thinking: . Iā€™m essentially thinking of rushing all the habits Iā€™ve outlined at the beginning of my journal. I always like to think that if I just do all the habits at the same time, I could progress 10 times faster :fast_forward: . This is likely just recon and I shouldnā€™t fall into self-sabotage here. I always like to look at other people and compare myself to them, which is harmful. Everyone tends to show the best parts of themselves anyway, so itā€™s something to keep in mind :thought_balloon: .

Assuming each habit takes an average of roughly :calendar: 25 days to crystalize and there are 11 major habits remaining, it would take:-
25 x 11 = 275 days

Thatā€™s roughly 9 months. Which is well within 12 months in a year. Though, I could do several habits at once to speed up my rate of progress. Would love to cut all of this down to 3 months if possible :thinking: . Iā€™m feeling like I can do that now, as :necktie: Ascension has given me the push I need to do so. Iā€™m a little too comfortable with my rate of progress, I could push myself just a little bit more if I need to.

So, letā€™s try adding a parallel habit to work on. This is how itā€™ll look like.

  1. :running_man: Running | :running_shirt_with_sash: Bodyweight Exercises
  2. :man_standing: Stretching | :sleeping_bed: Sleeping 8 Hours
  3. :person_in_lotus_position: Meditation | :iphone: No Social Media
  4. :computer: 4 Hours of Focused Work | :person_in_lotus_position: Spiritual Practice
  5. :open_book: Chinese | :weight_lifting_man: Weightlifting
  6. :meat_on_bone: Diet | :musical_keyboard: Piano

25 x 6 = 150 days
Thatā€™s exactly 5 months. Itā€™s around twice as fast and Iā€™ve added an extra habit.

:running_shirt_with_sash: Modified OPM Workout: Day 0
So I think going with bodyweight exercises is a great idea. It would give me a good foundation to go into :weight_lifting_man: weightlifting later on. So, I need to figure out what exactly Iā€™m going to do here.

Iā€™m attracted to the One Punch Man workout. Itā€™s basically a workout from the anime One Punch man where the main character does 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups and a 10km run everyday.

Iā€™m already working on a :running_man: running habit, so this looks good. Though I donā€™t like the idea of artificially limiting/pushing myself to 100 reps and it also lacks a pull movement. What Iā€™ll do instead is go for progressive overload (is that the right term?) and do:-

  1. Push-ups
  2. Squats
  3. Planks (instead of Sit-Ups)
  4. Pull-ups
  5. Running (Already started)

every other day. A little silly to do it every day, I wonā€™t have enough time to recover.

Iā€™ll keep doing this until I finally hit my :weight_lifting_man: Weightlifting habit, then Iā€™ll drop or modify it to fit into my new routine. Iā€™ll start this habit either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Need some time to prepare for it.

:running_man: Running: Day 6 (Rest)
Slept a lot today. There a very minor soreness in my legs. I could definitely see me pushing myself tomorrow.


January 26th 2023

:tv: Relaxation
Started watching shows on :computer: Netflix again, I havenā€™t done this in months. I usually just watch Youtube videos, since itā€™s a lot more convenient. I feel that itā€™s not a bad idea to replace my hours of Youtube with an episode of a Netflix show at the end of the day. For today though, I basically binge watched every episode of Inside Job :joy: . Love the show and it sucks that itā€™s apparently been cancelled by Netflix for Season 2. Hopefully it gets picked up by another network.

I also had a :cold_sweat: minor cold the night before until this afternoon. Iā€™m much better now so I decided to still go for the run tonight.

:running_man: Running: Day 7 (W1/D2)
Turns out I made a silly mistake in terms of the speed setting and should have adjusted it to km/h, not mph. I havenā€™t been to the :muscle: gym for so long that I didnā€™t realize Iā€™m running way faster than what I usually do. So today I walked at 4km/h for the warm-up, 5km/h for the walk and 8km/h for the run. Iā€™m sweaty but I definitely did not push myself to the max today. I think itā€™s a bad idea to go at max intensity this early on, Iā€™ll burn out. Better to go at 70% intensity for a year than 120% intensity for a month :laughing: .

1/3 of the way there. Just another 14 days and I can move on to :man_standing: Stretching.


January 27th 2023

:pen: Not Much To Note
Not much to report on today. Binge-watched Alice in Borderland Season 1 (definitely should not have done that!) and did not much else. I will have to say that this is the best show Iā€™ve ever watched recently - genuinely surprised me with how good it is.

:running_man: Running: Day 8 (Rest)
I donā€™t really feel like my recovery was that deep today, since I didnā€™t really run that hard yesterday.

:couple_with_heart_woman_man: Lover and Subliminals
I got my partner into subliminals a couple of months ago. Today we decided that she should run :superhero: Chosen, :star_struck: Stark and :dollar: R.I.C.H for this year.

Private-ish Journal

  1. Ambition and Hardwork, Insecurity

Aā€™s Journal
A_January 27th 2023

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January 28th 2023

:pen: Missed a day of Journaling!
So after 27 days, I missed one day of journaling (as I am writing this on the 29th). Not a big deal to miss a day since itā€™s great to see the consistency. Every sentence I will be writing after this one will be as if Iā€™m writing on the 28th, unless stated otherwise.

:angry: Fight
Today I had a fight with the family. It was over something small but the way they talked at me, the way they disrespect me and treat me made me mad. I can tell this is mostly recon from :necktie: Ascension but these feelings have always been there. I know precisely how to make them respect me but itā€™s going to take time. It was emotionally exhausting and I tend to cry after I get angry with someone, which is probably a sign of some deep-rooted need to be loved or cared for. Took a break afterwards (watched Alice in Borderline S02 E01) and chilled with my lover, who provided me warm comfort that I needed.

Later that :night_with_stars: night, she continued to give me that support and we had a long talk about our future together and how she is helping me to be a better man. As my father said, ā€œA woman can make or break a manā€. Clearly, I found the one who can clearly make me better.

:running_man: Running: Day 9 (W1/D3)
Went on a run tonight after she went to sleep, I needed to calm my nerves down from the incident earlier in the day. I went with 4 km/h for warm-up, 5 km/h for walking and 10km/h for running. This felt like a much better run compared to 2 days ago. Iā€™m considering pushing this up to 12 km/h since I donā€™t feel too gassed out.

Afterwards I did 1 set of 10 reps of bicep curls with two dumbbells. Canā€™t remember the weight at the moment. Honestly I was a bit too shy to continue further since Iā€™m using really light weights.

I decided to do habit stack my :weight_lifting_man: Weightlifting with my :running_man: Running, at least for now. No idea on what plan to go with but Iā€™ll probably just stick with arms and upper body for now.

A Journal from my Perspective
So since my :love_letter: lover has been running subliminals for quite awhile now, Iā€™m thinking of adding a section to each post where I write how sheā€™s getting results from my perspective. The format will be similar in which Iā€™ll share what sheā€™s running for that day. Iā€™ll be showing her this post tonight (January 29th) to see what she thinks.

So she starts her first stack of :woman_superhero: Chosen, :star_struck: Stark and :dollar: R.I.C.H on the 27th. Prior to that she ran one cycle (21 listening days + 5 washout days) of :dollar: R.I.C.H + :hospital: Paragon. Prior to that she ran one cycle of only :hospital: Paragon. Not much to report on her run of :hospital: Paragon other than I think sheā€™s healing from her health conditions, which I will not disclose.

A_January 28th 2023

:couple_with_heart_woman_man: Loverā€™s Results
So, as stated yesterday she ran :woman_superhero: Chosen and :star_struck: Stark. Today is her Rest day. Today she told me she is given a role to play in the annual company dinner where she will be handing out prizes in front of everybody. She was even given an opportunity to sing! Later that night, she told me how good she feels inside despite not earning much from her streaming job. And from my perspective, she feels like a warm comforting presence.

Iā€™m honestly surprised by how fast she is getting results. Canā€™t imagine what sheā€™d be like a few months down the line. :woman_superhero: Chosen seems to fit her like a glove. :star_struck: Stark does seem to be making her even more charming too.


Youā€™re sounding great, man.

The ups and the downs.

:muscle:t6: :muscle:t6:


I maybe wrong, but i noticed even on yt subliminals females get a result lot faster. Its a limiting perspective ik. But in the forum too,i saw females are great at executing. If this is true. They are just W :muscle:

Ikik its very based comment but its just that i couldnt unnotice it :joy::joy:

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Thanks for the encouragement :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . Long way to go on this winding path but I see that itā€™s heading somewhere good :railway_track: .

Haha yeah, maybe youā€™re right :smiley: . Iā€™m thinking that it may be more related to how women are able to process their internal emotional landscape better than men, whether that be through their upbringing caused by :cityscape: societal expectation or through their innate :brain: brain chemistry. It also helps of course that from what I know, she doesnā€™t really have any serious trauma, is very upbeat, social, charming, confident and hard-working. And sheā€™s open-minded enough to consider running these with me. So Iā€™ll say thereā€™s a good chance she might have high flow factor and completely blow me away in terms of results :laughing:

I told her that it was because of the subs and she didnā€™t really believe me though :joy: . Iā€™ll encourage her to start a private journal so she can see it for herself. The process of journaling is important to get over that sense of disbelief, I think.


I would agree. I have noticed it in my lover too, how she is able to handle it, simply beautiful in my opinion :))

Lol :joy::joy: . Ya tell her to keep a offline journal,

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