Becoming the KHAN

Sooo impressive!

Does the change continues happening? You mentionned that the memory effect of the sub hit you after 40 days! Did you see it coming, how does the change felt? How about the social aspect of Khan, was is gradual or was it after a week you started becoming more social or stuff like that?


Hi, Friday here :slight_smile:
Back with some things I wanna share

The last weeks were not easy for me…

All the trouble started with me wanting to pursue my dream to become a world-known doctor, studying at the best university, in my favourite city. This dream seemed impossible at first because even though I graduating with very decent grades I had to achieve an outstanding result in an exam where the best of the best (those who always had everything A/A+ in school + some geniuses) write 50 %.

After telling my family (with medical and academic background) and showing them some of the questions they thought I am INSANE.

"You should go to another university… "

"If you write only 30% you are a fucking genius "

“This test is impossible to pass”

They did not say these things because they want me bad but because they are smart people who could asses how hard this test is and that it seemed impossible to pass this in the given time of 1 month (normally you should prepare for it 3 months to one year).

Yeah… And long story short, I tried it anyway; working my fucking nuts off.

I am pretty sure Khan was guiding me in this direction. NOT to go the EASY route. But to pursue the impossible. Because I wanna WIN BIG and not lose small.

The day of the exam came, and I was prepared…
However, after waking up the next day (after I wrote the test) I got very sad and very emotional. In the time where I worked like a bull I never even had the thought:

“What if you fail?”
“What are you doing when you don’t get in?”

But that morning, it came over me. "I probably did not write 55%". "I probably will not get in"
At the moment, I felt SHATTERED and I was CRYING. I was told to wait for my results but deep-down I knew I did not write better than 99% of the people participating…

Days later, I got my results. I wrote 52%
I would have needed one more question to be right to have a decent chance of getting in, or 2-3 to be in for sure! But I did not… I am missing one right question…
I was not even sad as I heard the news, I dealt with it days before. My mum was crying as I was so close as I did the impossible and failed anyway.

The thing is, I still don’t know if I might get lucky and get in because, in the end, it depends on many more influences. But I know for sure that it is very very very unlikely. I would have needed just one more question. But this is life, right? I will get a clearer answer in one week and the end results in one month. So I just need to wait, right?

Yeah… I fell in a slight depression because of it. Every night I dream of the result. Every day I get asked if I got in and when I know more. This thing is haunting me…

I GAINED some WEIGHT in the last weeks… eating a lot more unhealthy food… It is not dangerous but imagine I had fucking epic physic. Being fully shredded with fucking nice sixpack AND quite a lot of muscle. It was the best shape I ever have been (also probably due to Khan). And now I look yeah… kinda shit. I did go to the gym a few times but the last days were really horrible for me.

I started to play videogames again. Even though I quit three months ago… Fucking hate it that I let go of myself.
I did not post a lot in the last weeks because I thought I will after I got over it. And now I feel like it is finally getting better. And writing all of this helped for sure. So I will post some more tomorrow or the day after… But yeah this was I deal with right now…


I am proud of you man.

People thought if you got 30% with 1 month preparation, you’d be a genius.

Well, you are a genius. You worked hard. Be proud of yourself. You deserve good things and you work for them hard.


Never be ashamed of “failure”, because it’s really not. Even if you don’t get in (and you still might), you had the courage to dream big and go for it. Most people never even try. That’s a victory in my book.


Thank you for your nice words @AMASH @bujin

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I feel like I am in a big reconciliation process… which is coming to its end finally

After the exam, my world view got questioned. I always thought if you put enough effort, work hard and smart, you will succeed. But as @Simon said:

Khan is forcing me to grow up.


How was your stack when studying for this exam?

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I was listening to Khan ST4 24/7. No other sub because I did not want to split up my listening time.

But don’t be fooled Khan St4 was the most potent learning sub I ever used. Never was I able to have such long study session, with sheer energy and motivation.


For those wanting to know what happened with @friday exam result:


Congrats, @friday. Real inspiring journal by the way. Man, you are so young too. You got a whole life to live with these subs. It’s motivating me to not waste any time. Just started my own Khan journey too


Hey, I am Friday.
Back from the dead :wink:

I might need to introduce myself again.

I started listening to Khan ST1 on June the third. After around 25 days of listening, I had to make a crucial career decision that had the potential of changing my life forever. I switched to ST4; and against all odds, I decided not to go the EASY route but to study for an exam many people thought is IMPOSSIBLE to pass in the given time frame. I knew by doing so, I would risk a safe place in an attractive university (but not the best, and not the one I desired), potentially even for years, but I decided to follow my gut feeling and work my balls off to achieve my DREAM.

And yeah, I passed.

I am now pursuing my dream by studying medicine at my desired university after passing the hardest exam of my life (with the help of hard fucking work and Khan ST4). After the completion of the exam, I travelled through Asia for more than a month to explore the culture, meet girls, and enjoooy life.
On this journey, I had some valuable insights, CRUSHED my comfort zone and grew up from a boy to a maybe less matured man. My goals changed, hence the changed thread title.

I want to excel at my studies, surpassing my colleagues, without trying hard but by working far more efficiently and thus having more time for my social and love life. Since listening to Khan, I fell in love with the beauty of the female. Not one girl in particular but the woman per se. If you know the Alabaster Girl by X, then you know what I mean :wink:
I don’t want to live a normal 0815 life, I want to date the HOTTEST girls around, have meaningful relationships, and just enjoy the ecstasy life brings. But the balance between my studies and my social life is essential.

I am currently COMPLETELY breaking my self-image down, putting it piece by piece together to become a new man. A man, who is comfortable with his sexuality to his deepest core. A man, who is cocky, dominant, free and unstifled. A man, woman dream about and man desire to be.
Even, if am currently living a lifestyle 80% of man would probably kill for, having different girls falling in love with me at the same time, I am working to improve myself.
As a wise man said: "The enemy of the best is the good"

The point is, I LIKE how I feel about myself. I LIKE how others think about me. But I realized that this is blocking me from a shot at being the BEST I can be. The process of changing who I am, at such a deep level, is not easy for me. My subconscious often still can’t grasp what is happing, as I used to be a shy nerd only 4 years ago, who "doesn’t deserve any hot girls which are out of my league". I am still sometimes limited by such beliefs as they are rooted deep. But I am working on that. And besides, all the hunger for more, I am just fucking grateful for life. Grateful, for being born and having all those possibilities.

In terms of Subliminals, I am still running only Khan St4 (since 6 months now). I just bought Quantum Limitless and will integrate it into my stack soon. I will keep you updated.

Maybe as I am back to this forum, @AMASH will reappear too :wink:


Glad to see you journaling again. I always enjoy your posts


Do you feel like that man who is, thinks and does whatever he wants? Are you the real man women dream about now? The man that other men respect?

I hear you on the shy guy turned stud. The advantage you have is you’re still young, you have at least 30 years to develop the life you want with this incredible technology at your disposal.


Congrats on passing your exam and making your desired progress :slight_smile: That’s outstanding news!


I promised to keep you guys updated but so far I did not really hold up to that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So a lot of things have changed: On 01.12.19 I first added QL ST1 to my Khan St4 stack. I soon saw some early results, like enhanced creativity, higher work MOTIVATION and joy, creating better notes and fighting my PROCASTINATION, which I posted in detail in the Early Quantum Limitless Thread. Also, I noticed that thoughts come quicker and I just have a feeling for what is the right answer to a question. However, we have holidays right now so I didn’t see any new results in the last days. I am planning to run Q1 till New Year and then switch to St2.

But also my Khan stack CHANGED: On 15.12.19 I switched from Khan ST4 to St1. I talked to Fire about my feeling to have another breakdown. I changed so much since the last time running ST1 that I felt I would just need another time going through some traumas, and breaking down the thoughts holding me to achieve even more. I have some wild plans for the future where I will really “conquer” the world. I don’t really want to talk about because I first need to execute. I am sure some of you will get to know me “in the real world” in the next 10 years. But there is definitely another breakdown needed for that. Khan is really giving me the mindset that I can achieve EVERYTHING. I am planning to run St1 till 01.02.20


What is your listening pattern? @friday

All multi-stagers are a toolkit. It’s not like the first 3 audios become irrelevant after 3 months. :smile:

Looking forward to discovering you in the real world. :+1:


I am now only listening during the day and not playing them at all during the night.

I cannot say that I feel the effects more pronounced. When I first listened to St1 Khan I had some bad reconcilation in the first days while listening overnight

I don’t have that kind of reaction now but this could either be a result of the listening pattern but more likely because I listened to it before for 25 days.

HOWEVER, I do not feel so “fatigued”. When I listened during the night, I had to sleep at least 8 hours to be fully rested. When I didn’t do so, I was a wrack. Now I am fine with less sleep :wink:


Total Breakdown is hitting hard again…

In the last two days, I have had dreams where I was fighting. I have studied some dream interpretation and found out that it is likely that in fighting dreams we are likely to fight against some part of us. So the interesting question is, what part of me I am fighting against? The dreams have been pretty similar. Yesterday, I dreamt that I was flying in the air and shooting at a bad “superwoman” to hit her before she could do harm. The dream resulted in us than fighting like Iron Man in the air with a kind of plasma cannon but without such a cool suit. Today, I then had a real Iron Man dream where I was Iron Man and somebody built another suit and we were fighting. In both cases, it was pretty close but I think I won in both in the end.

Old wounds breaking out again:

The last dream was really emotional for me. I dreamt that “my girl” was laughing her ass off with another guy but in a way where you know there is a sexual connection between the two. I could literally feel what she felt, and that they will make out in a second. She reacted like that and was so open to that guy because she did not see me for some time. It felt very real as I indeed did not see her for some time due to holidays. Total Breakdown is working here… I always had a problem with other guys who are good at “game” because of some traumas in my childhood.

But it was also so painful because it hit another trauma I had. I lost one of my first girls who I had a sexual connection with because I stopped seeing her - but not because of external circumstances but because I feared to have sex with her and to embarrass my self again (like the first time). I then stopped seeing her and made some excuses. After a while, she then broke up with me because she did not want to wait anymore until I finally want to see her… This happened actually at around the same time, after New Year… After that encounter, I did not have had anything with any other girl for more than a year (expect ones). I then switched to Khan and everything changed since then… But with going back to Khan St1 this wound now opened again…


Back to daily journaling haha :wink:

I am amazingly astonished by the synchronicity again. I first had it with @Amash while we were both running Khan ST1 and now I have with @subliminalguy. After feeling so emotional yesterday, I felt the need to run ST1 solo myself to go over the threshold and break the traumas and limiting ideas… I first only wanted to run ST1 till 01-02-20 but when I went to bed yesterday I thought about running it for around 6 months. So this is interesting hehe

Feeling better today, and made some plans to finally get out of my comfort zone and break those pitiful sexual limiting beliefs. I can’t live my whole life with them so I can also just go out and get some reference experiences. Even if I fail, get shamed, get some new traumas, whatever… What I need to do right now is to just do it.