Azriel's-Unfolding ZP stack

In testing phase

ROM was incredible
Everything in my life start to become super aligned
I moved through lack of clarity and bullshit and started streamlining everything.
Felt like brain candy
My reading and learning went fast
I navigated complicated issues and strategy more efficiently
The cognitive boost was really higher- this gets tossed around a lot on this forum
but it really did occur like ‘limitless’ pill- not quite that flavor.
maybe more like that blue pill from the Bourne legacy.
I also did start to have spiritual understandings on a deeper level and see what really mattered to me.
It was like I was much more effective at making my intention happen and follow through.
Not sure if RAIKOV model while reading David Goggins new book
but my discipline and endurance in moving through massive amounts what there was to get done felt effortless.

At points I felt the ’ unfolding’ but it mostly felt like active flow I was generating. This was my intention though.

The only downside
There was a strong cerebration effect- that made visceral sexuality and engagement with woman a little more ‘off’/ distant at times. Although it improved my improv skills greatly.

I stacked it with Emperor EOG stage and then EOG stage 2



writing here so as not to derail your thread.

What do you think of EOG/Khan ?

Are you running the stages together or just Stage 4’s?

Its 2/3 of my ideal stack and am running through EOG stage until stage 4. I’ve been testing and considering Khan but want to be smart about it.

I’m doing just 4’s. I’ve ran the previous stages in the past, honestly not a fan of the healing stages. E.O.G stage was 1 was helpful, but my career is too socially involved to deal with going through emotional breakdowns running stage 1 of khan lol.

I’ve only been running this stack together for about a week. For my situation is perfect, really feel like it’s the first time where I don’t feel anything is lacking in my stack. I love Khan on it’s own, but tend to feel a bit inhibitions when it comes to wealth. E.O.G, balances it out perfectly. Normally have 3 titles I’m running simultaneously but limiting it to just these two really allows for both to flourish. I know people have mentioned Andrew Tate type stacks in the past, but in my opinion this is the closest thing to it. Fully focused on wealth and creating F- You money, but without the isolation, strictly business type vibe. I have hyperfocus at work, a really strong desire to network and build strong connections, your sharp on your sales calls and can socialize totally naturally. And at the same time you get done with work and wants to go out and get laid.

I have ran just about every title sub club has to offer over the last 4-5 years, and this stack is probably my favorite I’ve ran. It’s the epitome of “Forget Women Get Money”. Lol. Probably not for everybody, but if your looking for the Tate/Blizerian lifestyle, this is it.


That combination sounds awesome the way you describe it.
I can’t wait to run it.

I’ll have to run through the stages first before I take that on.
So will put Khan on pause while I finish EOG.

Running Emperor/ROM/and HOM in the interim. I’m in private equity business development and HOM has been invaluable. Even a few weeks off to test other things it and my networking and new biz connections have died down. (Although that’s more likely the testing of ROM/Khan stage 1 than time off HOM)

I’ll pause HOM to try EOG/Khan when I’ve gone through all the stages. The streamline/concentrated power of just two subs when I stack Khan Stage 4/ EOG Stage 4. It does make a difference to focus in.

What kind of work are you in? (Sounds like you do sales)

I am definitely looking for my version of that lifestyle so it’s a good stack to orient towards.
Looking forward to hearing your further results/experience on it

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I’ve come to understand- even more so with ZP
subs are only a tool to excavate our greatest selves and potentials.
There growth potential and not there ‘effects’ is what matters most.
Balancing the input for growth with execution is very important.
Even the effects at their best just draw out our own innate ‘flavors’ of our capacity.

I will leave this journal open for various experiments I will run alongside my main plan and thoughts and start a new one focused around EOG.


hey bro,

i came across this very interesting post you made about khan.

can you please tell me which stage of khan gave you this result?

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Having run Emperor for so long - did you lose that edge when going through the different stages of Khan?
How would you Khan compared to Emperor for business? I know many people speak of the social effect and the impact with women, I don’t often hear many people discuss how it effects their business relationships, drive for success, money management ect.

This was most strongly on Khan Stage 2 QV2

I experience it also on Khan Stage 1 ZP but it’s hit and miss with the recon and Khan Stage 4 ZP.

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i have seen several of your posts in the past saying back on QV2 in the nightlife/parties with some titles like kahn and emperor you had such gravity that it was like you where a celebrity the way girls reacted to you.

have you experienced anything like this on ZP or only QV2?

what do you mean by this?

are you saying the effect is not as consistent? not as strong? both?

can you please explain this part in more detail?


voicing some concern

I just blasted ultrasonic at 70% by accident and leaned into my computer because I thought I couldn’t hear the mask. This was for about 10 seconds at most.

How concerned should I be for actual acoustic damage from this?

I’ve had some serious issues with tinnitus in the past and recovered 100% but get flare up on the rare occasion. I’m having a bit of one now could be just as much from the stress/ psychosomatic as much as anything real.

have you tried getting just a simple ear wax removal/flush?

i thought i as getting tinnitus from using subliminals several months ago and went to doctor.

she flushed out ear wax from one ear and i have never had problems since.

maybe this simple step is all you need?

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Great suggestion.
I’ve had it removed manually by an ENT before for other reasons. Not a flush though-he used a solid tool.
How did she flush it out?

It was more complicated in the past but for flare up this could be great.

she basically sprayed water in my ear until this large chunk came out.

i was having significant pain before and was even going to stop all subliminal and no pain at all since.

Khan Stage 1 on ZP I get a ton of attraction as well.
Not as strong as Stage 2 or 4 on QV2 but I had been coming off of libertine and other customs so that may have enhanced it.

Khan Stage 4 ZP tons of attraction and interest as well.
Didn’t experience the same mind-boggle but ZP for me becomes infinitely more effective over time
While Q versions ‘preview’ modes were strong but didn’t continue to grow as effectively as ZP


what do you mean by this?

are you saying ZP is not as strong but is more consistent?

for example,

on QV2 you can get level 9 out of 10 attraction but the effect only appears 25% of the time

on ZP you can only get to 7 out of 10 attraction but you get the effect 60% of the time

is that a good example of what you mean?

It’s not about strength of effect; it’s about avenue of effect.

Much more than any previous build format, ZP works by identifying, reinforcing, and aligning with your personal style. This means that in the very beginning, it has to “handshake” with you. Like an extraterrestrial that lands in a particular country and first needs to learn the language, culture, and customs of the people there. Or like an AI android that is interfacing with a computer network, and needs to first learn the languages that make up the network.

Once the “handshake” (or interface) is established, things take off much more than they ever could before.

This is where that time factor comes in.

Science Fiction analogy.
Qv2 was like an exo-skeleton machine that allows you to lift 1000 pounds and jump 300 feet.

ZP is like nanobots that enhance your own muscles, bones, and metabolism so that you eventually can lift 1500 pounds and jump 300 feet without wearing an exo-skeleton.


Would you please enter a support ticket about this incident?

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Thanks @RVconsultant

Support has not responded to my last message from two weeks ago and my follow up 4 days ago on something else.

I’m hesitant to reach out again especially with something like this, I would rather reach out again with something specific that about subs that I feel they’d be able to answer however if you suggest it I will do it.

really well said.
In my case with this analogy that that exoskeleton made me profoundly off and at dis-ease in life despite the enhanced strength while the nano-bots continue to make me happier and more whole.
Unless I ‘over-inject them’ on occasion :upside_down_face: :purple_heart:


What is your stack/customs these days or can you direct me to where I can see?

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I just realized I had some great test results on Khan- it was actually on Khan Q! I never ran Khan QV2

QV2 I had some fast ‘external’ results with certain subs but couldn’t run overall, I actually stop using subs after a few months trying QV2.

It sounds like you may be looking for a heuristic for yourself based off my experience.

I wouldn’t suggest that

My experience on these things is not an objective analysis-the control variables are not stable, multiple factors come into play.

I would say definitively though that
ZP is better than QV2 on every level for every other sub

I had great results on Khan Stage 2 and 4 attraction wise on Khan Q.
I also had great results on Khan Stage 4 ZP.

The bottom line is that on both woman were ‘picking me’.

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