AzrielLight EmperorQ

I freakin love it!

no worries on the PM, we all always come around :slight_smile:

How is SAGES going,

Are you making millions off fighting in a self designed robot suit that channels spiritual energy for empire building in alternate dimensions yet?

but very curious how it is actually going, is it working with synergy together for you?

I’m running tests too
8 loops of EmperorQ
2 loops Azriel Q
1 loop Minds Eye Q
1 loop PPC Q
1 loop Regeneration

Pretty awesome but I need a rest day soon


Any experiences you can attribute to regeneration?

I can sometimes get bogged down, over analytic trying to figure
out what to stack, how to get where I want faster, how to design the perfect roadmap and
custom, I get FOSMO- fear of subliminally missing out, and then I remember or am reminded of two things

  1. What are my goals?-what is actually supporting me in taking action and making the goals a reality
  2. The Spirit of Experimentation-I will reach my goals regardless, I might as well have fun and try things out (@Simon although perhaps not intentional-thank you for reminding me of this) -no loss in testing

I’ve only run 1 loop daily for the last week or so, here is what I notice

  1. Profound relaxation
  2. More pain in old injuries and then less pain
  3. Feel Safe, in a kind of warm blanket, a little insular
  4. Start to go back and forth between real happiness and feeling young and life is all ahead of me, and very present to my own anxiety
  5. Some hints at real old trauma surfacing but I feel safe and either try to look at it, or say ‘not now please’ and it goes away
  6. I start remembering moments when I was really successful at what mattered to me
  7. I start to experience everything in my life that happened that I didn’t like as for a reason, I try to believe this consciously, but when running or after regeneration, I really start to shift into this as a way of being
  8. A can get a perpetual low grade anxiety-or become aware of it-of how unsafe I fundamentally feel in life.
  9. I feel a lot of care and worry about family and loved ones
  10. I resolve conflicts with people MUCH quicker and easier and it seems to make the relationship better
  11. I stand up for myself, -perhaps this is Emperor coming through, but in a way that doesn’t really create conflict or upset, like on Emperor alone can
  12. I feel freer about concerns and worries I have day to day
  13. In the words of @khan - feel lighter and lighter every day :slight_smile:

I have lots of dreams when I play regeneration…heard it’s a form of healing…
I also feel very happy but sometimes emotional like on the verge of crying then get sensitive to what people say…
Feels more like removing the blocks one layer at a time…

I’m sure it’s happening in some alternate dimension. Not in this one though. :smile:

It’s like western medicine. Side-effects management.

The real stack is SQ and EQ.
G4 is added to moderate those 2 alpha boys.
A4 harmonizes the drive of all 3 with my purposes.
Spartan makes the whole experience a smooth ride.

Removing any one of them makes the whole thing fall like a house of cards.



Very nice,
I look forward to running SAGES one day.

It will probably be a name embedded store version program in Ultima Cubed on VR by the time I get through all those programs enough solo to run it though :rofl:

Spartan does really help smooth the ride with things

Does Alchemy harmonize multiple purposes?
That would be highly beneficial if not the most beneficial for me right now

I’m looking to find my edge/limits with combos as I ideally want to run 3 customs in terminus+ for several months. It seems periods of hyper specific focus
followed by the right combination of large spread out volume work best for me.

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As per usual, that makes the best kind of surprising sense.

You seem to come up with the most actually Tony Stark-like inventive approaches. Replete with unexpected, but in retrospect logical, applications of various elements.

(e.g., ‘I realized that, as long as you introduced mattress foam for sound-dampening, you could actually harness these car explosions to stably power a fairly reliable baby monitor and automatic rocking chair motor.’)


Here are my next two customs

I have to refine them a bit more. I want to run Emperor X, Azriel Q, and True North together

I’m in an experimentation and goal refining phase. By next week I’ll have a clear game plan

I’ll figure out loops and what to run when as I go along

Emperor X

  1. Emperor
  2. Sex Mastery
  3. Alpha of Alpha
  4. Carpe Diem Ascended
  5. Joi De Vivre
  6. Ego Adsum
  7. Sex Manifestation
  8. Gorgeous Manifestation
  9. Long-Range Seduction
  10. Panther
  11. Temptation
  12. Iron Frame
  13. Sultan
  14. Financial Reality Shifter
  15. Direct Influencing Aura
  16. IQ booster
  17. Jupiter
  18. Current Invoker
  19. New Beginnings
  20. Epigenetics
  21. Instant Spark
  22. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy

True North

  1. Ascension Q/ Minds Eye (leaning towards Mind’s Eye in this iteration)
  2. Regeneration Q
  3. Power Can Corrupt Q
  4. Spiritual Reality Aligner
  5. Spiritual Freedom
  6. Spiritual Abundance
  7. Positive Being wealth attraction
  8. Wealth Limitation Destroyer
  9. Debt Annihilator
  10. Energetic Development
  11. Divine Will
  12. Architect
  13. Invincible Presence
  14. Attachment Destroyer
  15. Gratitude Embodiment
  16. Negativity Displacer
  17. Negativity Transmuter
  18. Lion 4
  19. Potentiator
  20. Submodel Alpha
  21. Male Enhancement
  22. Ego Adsum

Perhaps my drive and need to perfectly consolidate my customs and sub gameplan
is in fact a form of reconciliation.

I will take the next few days off subs before any decisions
it has been over a week since I’ve taken a day off

I will definitely get an Emperor custom as I want the name embedding and possible terminus version-and am committed to Emperor as my main lead until end of October.

Anything beyond that I will put on hold

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Love this change and I’m seeing more and more of it myself.
Our standards are going up and we’re understanding the game being played at a deeper level now.

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The sub game runs deep,

I really am so grateful and excited for these tools to help produce results,create, and shift my life.

I also love that SubClub matches Spirituality/Alchemy with Masculinity -two of my favorite subjects

Also I use to believe subs gave me something I didn’t have

I see now the simply guide me and bring out the best in me

They may connect me to, create, or bring out energies and possibilities
I wasn’t present to or had offline

but it’s all in service of my inherent potential


Love to see both your custom subs, can’t wait to see how the stack will work on you!

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Thanks @GoldenTiger
I’ve been gaining a lot of clarity on the game plan, will take a couple days off and then make the final choices.

My main goal is to manifest girls who will randomly text me "Vien moi dans face aussi’
-maybe with a '‘sil vous plait’ at the end-Id prefer she kept it formal :wink:


I have not been able to stop running my custom it’s so addictive. I usually get about an hour or so of intense reconciliation on it and then gone.

With that it’s 5 q subs, still leading with Emperor but I’ve gotten all over the place with what I’m listening too and it’s to diffuse. I’m definitely seeing results and positive self effects but want to laser in the focus.

@Azriel I’m dead :joy::joy::joy::rofl:

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@Azriel Your Emperor X stack looks mouth watering :drooling_face: . Interested to see how the results are gonna be.

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How many Customs are you currently running?

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current running 1 custom 2 loops a day
I’m extremely happy with it so far and the results are much faster than I expected

It’s clear the name embedding and results enhancer are game changers-Emperor store version
while still great, feels not nearly as deep as what is happening with the custom, despite several months of use. Hence a custom Emperor. Are you running a custom @Hermit ?
If so what’s in it?

I don’t want to give up Regeneration/Minds Eye/ and PPC- yet hence a custom for that so I can have three subs in rotation-but as I said no final choices until a couple days off subs.

From my research and what Saint said, A custom sub with 3 or 4 cores is still 1 sub-and can be stacked and added like any 1 sub at Q level. The question of stacking more than 2 Q subs together is another story.