AzrielLight EmperorQ

Today was one of the best days I’ve had in years.
I went on a three hour walk through the woods
and I didn’t expect to be feeling any effects from my one custom loop
but they were definitely there. This will be an abstract post

I love Emperor but the flavor of emperor at times, is somewhat monolithic, do this -not that, my way or the highway, goals-worth it-anything else-waste of time.

I ran two loops of Emperor this morning and it felt easier than usual. I also felt like the peak state of Emperor with zero reconciliation. The usual experience was still there but then when I was driving the car veered slightly near the edge of the rode, and when it stabilized, I just had suddenly had such a sense of actually wanting to be alive, like there was so much to life for, so excited about all the incredible things that were to come, like I had to be here, I really wanted to be here, in my life, alive, on earth.

There was so much nuance to this experience. This wasn’t in my mind like an insight, this was an embodied realization. For the rest of the day I experienced this very hard to explain sense of spirituality, everything was just perfect. It wasn’t mind blowing mystical but it was extraordinary.

I see how I’ve lived with such a hidden fear of the future, and a hopelessness and even cynicism and today it was like everything in my future, like the actual future itself was completely clear. It was like this dread of failure and being stuck or everything worse case scenario I fight against in my head was gone, and the future wasn’t written but I could not fail, fear became funny, in my life it was nothing but clear skies. As I wrote that I realize this may be Blue Skies effect. I figured it must be playing a part in all this. But didn’t have a clear sense of what was doing what.

Definitely felt old injuries resurfacing in my left ankle, and back, but walked through it and somewhere in the middle of the woods I found myself spontaneously using a large stick to do sholderak/ mace bell like exercises I remembered seeing on youtube, afterwords my shoulders felt great.

Then towards the end of the day, most of the spiritual, energetic, sexual, and physical sense/ felt effects of what I can only imagine is from the custom sub loop, went back to baseline Emperor for me.

The combo of everything the physical energy, the clearness, the unexplained spirituality, the inhibition and sexuality was addictive, I’m hooked. I’m going to run another loop tonight.


Accidentally put EmperorQ on loop while falling asleep last night,
it played 9 loops. No signs of reconciliation yet. Experiencing results on a whole new level.
This is next level Emperor, will journal more later on my experience and new
behavior. May go to Terminus sooner than expected.


Zoom in-

So after 1 loop last night
Feel lighter, better, more confident in a light way, today
more hope and sense of clarity and freedom.
It didn’t hit as hard on the 2nd loop of Azriel Q
in terms of reconciliation or effects but still very cool.
I’m not acting towards the goal directions of that sub so it makes sense the
effects would move to the background.

As mentioned above I ran 9 loops of Emperor Q while I slept and had zero reconciliation today
everything was Emperor on point. I’m going on my 9th hour of working straight while intermittent fasting and crushing it. Total integrity with everything on my criteria, no sense of pressure, no anxiety working or dealing with anyone, just beast mode focus and ease with people. Pragya or some of the other results enhancers must be making it possible to run more loops as usually by loop 2 of Emperor in a 4 hour period and I run the risk of being irritable or tired. Absolutely nothing like that today.

I was feeling so good I decided to test out Stark Q. I have to do Stark Terminus as a test, to determine Terminus compatible for next custom, (there is not an actual correlation but it will give me a sense of it) and so I did Stark Q 1 loop.

I noticed many positive effects but will break from my hyper excited dramatic life changing descriptions of my 1 loop sub experiences. Lets just say I have enough sense of it to know if I’m stonewalling Terminus or not. I would bet money Terminus is in the clear.

I’ve now done 1 loop of Azriel Q, 9 loops of Emperor Q, and 1 loop of Stark Q and I feel slightly tired after Stark Q loop. That’s 11 Q loops and for the most part I want to keep bumping to the sub tunes as my self effect results are continuing to rise.

Zoom out

I chose Emperor because it seemed to cover everything but what I am seeing now is

Emperor is pushing me away from everything in my life, everything in my life is being run the way I choose, or there is a strong push to leave. I’m on board with it but have concerns I am in a financially stable enough place. If I keep running Emperor I will have a quantum leap in career, start my own business, but I will be leaving behind what I do now as I know it or fail trying.

Emperor is simply not compatible with certain people I am working for. They’re respect for me is rising but I can see they feel threatened. I’m 1000% solid, confident, and on top of things and they have nothing to berate me on or add, and I won’t stay on the phone for political reasons and waste time, so it’s clear my setting the pace is unnerving them.

I considered moving to Ascension or Ascended Mogul to further prepare but I’m currently choosing to step up and make this work. I want to maximize effectiveness and time. Considering a universal sub road map would be really cool. Will circle back to this concept


Tag me when you do, I look forward to hearing it.

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Reminds of a Civilization-style tech map.

Actually, Saint and Fire have mentioned that one needs a firm foundation before commencing Emperor and that would be in the form of Ascended Mogul.

It was also mentioned somewhere that Emperor is more suitable when you already at the top of the game, and to run it while you are at a point of the ladder where you need to be subservient to many higher-ups is quite difficult.

Of course, that doesn’t seem to apply to everyone as some people have little problems achieving their goal jumping straight to Emperor.

I would think it really depends on which stage of our goals we are at.


Very interesting, really glad to hear that info.
It sheds a lot of light on some of the particular challenges of Emperor.
I thought I did my research, but looks like I missed that.
If you have the link to that post I’d love to read it.

I really feel more and more in charge of everyone/everything in my life.

I am experiencing so many positive results, behavioral changes, and self effects from this sub there is no way I could say it is not working but I can definitely see how effective it could be and could fully shine if I was on top of the ladder/ food chain

I was under the impression it would help me climb there, which it is, I just need to pivot to run my own ship via independent business or be of equal standing in my self employment.

I no longer perceive clients as higher ups. Before Emperor anyone who was responsible for a paycheck occurred to me as my boss. I have only one higher up now, and I just ignore him for most of the week to get the job done. Its just any pandering is basically impossible, and it’s kind of expected.

I have some strong consideration to do.

I wonder if Ascension or Ascended Mogul would be faster for getting a business up and running or find a more suitable career. I hear many good things about ascension, it seems to be a fan favorite among the veterans here.

Also in the hour I ran Stark I solved the biggest problem I was experiencing at work for the last two weeks and it didn’t feel like a challenge, or an emotional problem, or a burden, it was fun.

As powerful as Emperor is, it’s almost like it gives you super strength and then throws a mountain on you, and is like ‘see not so strong’.


I’ve dug out some for you.

Anyway, I’m thinking that perhaps I should put in Ascended Mogul or Ascension in my custom stack (with some modules having the qualities of Emperor/StarkQ) instead of Emperor/StarkQ as the core module as I am still at a point when I am open to going back to the workforce if there’s a good position for me .

I’ve been struggling a lot being an freelancer/entrepreneur and don’t know for how long I can sustain myself any longer.


Thanks King,

have you run other Ascended Mogul or Ascension before, if so how was your experience?

Sorry to hear your struggling, I wish you the best in your future financial success.

I replaced being broke month to month with doing quite decently for myself working from home with long term Self-Employment gigs, I stuck out a shit job at a start up for almost two years to get there.

After 9 years of not having any money, to now being financially stable, able to pay off debt, and put $1000-$2000 aside a month in savings. I can definitely say financial stability is a must have for my own creative, entrepreneurial spirit. I’m not good at getting ‘food’ when ‘I’m hungry’ but I’m great at making things happen from a solid base.

I’ve always wanted to be a self starter-entrepreneur fully, but will need to add it with the current work I have for the time being.

Although I’ve heard Entrepreneurial spirit being defined as willing to sacrifice everything for a Vision. I’m inspired by that, I just still think why take unnecessary risk, when I can make money now and then build something at the same time.


I’ve run Ascended Mogul before and actually when I think back, I had some positive results but my impatience would make me switch to Emperor to get faster and deeper results, even though thinking back, I was not really ready for Emperor.

Being able to survive 9 years of not having any money is impressive by the way.

Thank you
it was a combination of not knowing what I was missing
misguided idealism
addiction to the adrenaline rush of the struggle
caring more about Call of Duty, Woman, and Ju-Jitsu than anything else
and sheer stupidity


Found you another meaningful quote about how our current position in life determines how fast the subliminals will work.

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Book Title
Duty, Woman, and Ju-Jitsu: The Life and Times of AzrielQ

Publishing Year

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I got some stories :wink:

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Whats is your stack these days?

Yes, one more.


Thanks king,
I appreciate the info.
I’ll make a decision on it this week,
I said Emperor for 6 months and I want to fulfill on that.
I believe I can make the leap as needed or resolve the situation
without switching my lead Sub.

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Not a stable stack right now. Conducting tests.
That’s why I didn’t respond to PMs about it also.

Favorite one till now was code name SAGES aka “The Gospel of Excess”
… Spartan + Alchemist 4 + Gold 4 + Emperor + Stark :sweat_smile:

You have to use each of them first, to experience effects together.