Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

Nothing for the ladies yet … Seductress maybe? :slight_smile:


How would you compare that to the idea of running Paragon?


It will be done soon! At the rate at which they are releasing the ZP updates, you can expect something by this week or the next. At the latest before the end of this month.

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I was still wondering if I should be insulted or not. I guess I wasn’t the only person to misinterpret that one. :slight_smile:

I think everybody has a personality. The question is if it’s possible to change it or to be between multiple personalities (also an easily misinterpreted statement).

I myself identify as an extreme INTJ-A (most percentages are above 85%) even though the test usually ends up showing me as ISTJ-A. When studying both I know I’m INTJ no matter what the test states. Even got their premium profile to check.

However, last year I was still firmly in the INTJ camp according to the test. Did my subliminal journey change aspects of myself? I know I’ve become more intuitive and empathetic, but that’s the things both those personalities actually have in common.

So if you’re looking for a thought experiment with people here, who thinks it is possible to change oneself so completely we end up in a different personality? Or will we always stick with the one we have and be forced to use mental effort to display characteristics of another? To name an obvious example of this, can an introvert ever become an extrovert or will they even with lots of practice, subs and habit changes only display extroverted behavior (which mentally wears them out until they are alone to recharge)?


Please don’t talk like that about people, especially about somebody unable to defend themself. Somebody found some kind of religion which caused him to walk a different path, it’s not up to us to judge him for it. At least not publicly.


This Balancing sub concept reminds me of one of my crazy Qv1 overload stacks…

Good old days of naivete.

@Invictus is probably going through this phase right now.



It worked because his mind was never really certain which of his goals he was actually working on. :slight_smile:

Of course, with ZP that’s only a 1 hour and 15 minutes stack.

Disclaimer: Don’t. Just… don’t.


Hahaha I was kinda doing something similar.

But now I’m just chilling with Stark, ME and Chosen, along with a 4th sub on a “as needed” basis.

ME would soon get replaced AsC, and Chosen could leave once it fulfills its purpose.
So I might end up doing my favorite routine, which is 3x Stark ZP :stuck_out_tongue:


Mine was only 1 hour. All files were played simultaneously.





No. There’s something seriously wrong with that man. To those who missed that long, rambling, incoherent mess of threats, assumptions and pure delusion, this individual actually threatened us with…

CUTTING US OFF FROM HIS LOVE. And because he did that, @Fire and I will not be able to participate in the 5D ascension that occurs later this year and God will no longer love us. Because, y’know — he has that kinda authority over the infinite creator of the universe.

No! Not that. Anything, anything but that! Please, please don’t cut us off from your love.

He says I lied about his private messages, edited, and distorted them. Well, let’s ask the individual he was messaging if I did that in any way, shape or form? @AlexanderGraves — you were the one he was messaging. Did I mischaracterize him or his actions in any way?

Now, I really want you all to really think about his behavior. This is what happens when you focus on the expansive element without a restrictive element and vice versa.

As I said yesterday, the goal is balance. In this case, his so-called search for truth has evolved into a messiah complex because he neglected the restrictive element, that which applies grounding / downward pressure on the impulse to “become greater,” and eventually, that can evolve into megalomania.

He seems to think @fire and I are sitting around brooding and thinking of him all day, sending “negative energy.” I assure you all, after we posted our responses yesterday, we ordered some very delicious Jamaican food from DoorDash and stayed up to 4am working on titles, playing games and having some of the most heartfelt laughs without a care in the world. We never actually mentioned or thought of him again.

I hope that man can find peace, but it won’t be here, with us. You need to respect that, Hermit. An enlightened individual would respect our wishes and leave us alone.

To everyone else, stay focused on your growth. Do not allow lies to deter you or stand in your way. Remember, this stuff didn’t start happening until we released Zero Point. Now all sorts of characters are coming out of the woodworks and attacking us, claiming that they’re doing it for some moral good.

At SubClub, we believe in choice. We always will. If you choose to follow those people, it’s your divine right to do so. But I would urge you to stay focused and find you own way, and find your own balance.

This is the last time we’ll ever post about this individual. If he posts again, please do not engage and just flag the post.


@DarkPhilosopher, my logic back then… :rofl:

I like to think that us ENTP experimenters contribute in our own silly way to the tech upgrades.

ZP can be built at Terminus Squared level because some of us dared to test how far we can go without getting headaches.


PS: Anyone who thinks I won’t confront the founders or mods … doesn’t know my past.



Lmao 5D ascension has been promised since the late 90s.

There’s always someone being like “just you wait guys its right around the corner!”


There’s a pretty successful book titled “Personality Isn’t Permanent” by Benjamin Hardy.

I haven’t read it though.


Your personality type doesn’t like reading and is waiting for the movie? :wink:

It’s tricky though. I know that 16Personalities offers exercises to compensate for the challenges inherent in the personality types. And I think that with practice you can demonstrate traits from every personality.

I guess I’m wondering if it is possible to make them “natural” as in they just become who you are effortlessly and if you do the test a year later it actually has a different result.

Or will it always take a certain amount of mental effort to demonstrate personality traits which are of a different personality? Will you always be “faking” it?


I have changed personality types since I first took the test a decade ago. However this took a LOT of effort and was by no means easy. I did not have the goal to change letters, but rather had some other social goals and in the process of working on those, changed here.

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You can ask Heath Ledger…

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Not until I see dead people.

Do you mean that he tried but ended up on the prescription medication because it took too much out of him and he couldn’t handle it? If that’s not what you meant I don’t quite understand what you meant.

Movies … as YT interviews … do exist.

You’re correct that I prefer Visuals – Charts, Sketches, etc.
Gary Keller’s The One Thing was perfect.


Yes. The 8 Cognitive Functions are …
Skills that can be practiced, or
Tools that can be invoked.

There was a time when I was jealous of the more productive types. I thought I would’ve love to be an ENTJ instead of ENTP.
(No, thats not one letter change … it’s almost a complete opposite.)

Now, I’d rather invest in solving “How to succeed as my personality” instead of “How to change my personality.”



I admit I do like:

which I found after PCC came out (has that one been ZP’d yet?)

Law #4 always makes me laugh.

That’s a similar approach to what that online part of 16Personalities claims to do. Make the most of your personality type while overcoming its shortcomings.

In the end, if we are who we want to be it doesn’t really matter what our personality type is I suppose. But if you work with the personality type you have you might get there a bit faster.