Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Which 5 are you running?

Similarly, what I currently do allows me to lean heavily on them and the individualization ensures i keep my unique perspective. I’m on a constant search for purpose. There are so many things I can, and have, done in the past (design, engineering, product). Nothing sings to me, you know? Even past/current hobbies are things I only enjoy because I can do them when/how I want. Beyond that it becomes a chore.


Interestingly enough, I did the Strengths Finder last year at work. Mine are:

  1. Futuristic
  2. Ideation
  3. Significance
  4. Command
  5. Competition

A strong combo to be sure. And an inspiring fit with what you guys are doing here.

For @Malkuth’s reference: :blush:

  1. Ideation
  2. Futuristic
  3. Strategic
  4. Significance
  5. Maximizer


Back when I mentioned it, that was…

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After looking at several of these, it starts to feel like we are each Custom subliminals. (You share 3 ‘modules’ with Saint.)

Interesting, looking at my profile this morning, I was starting to feel negative. (‘If I’m a custom, what the hell is its purpose?’ and ‘So much Kether, not enough Malkuth’).

But I changed that narrative.

I’m here for something. For many things.

The right attitude and approach: Open. Trying many things. Willing to get up and do something.

These things will get me where I’m going.

It’s happening.

One thing I think: No matter how quickly and how far you fly in this Cosmos, at no point are you going to finally reach the end of the whole thing and see a table like this:

This is my journey. And it’s intrinsically of worth.


Everything else is just interior decorating.

(Thanks Inner Voice)

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Today (Sunday) is a subliminals rest day.

Had a non-subliminally-accompanied meditation this morning. It passed relatively comfortably and quickly.

There is a beautiful cloud outside of my window right now, against the translucent blue of the daytime sky.



Okay. Let’s keep going.

I feel like I’m gradually assimilating my current subliminal combination. At least mentally, I am.

I realized that I was thinking of it as very heavy because I was thinking of the multi-stages in terms of all four parts. But at any given time, I’ll only be listening to a single stage of them. When I think of it that way, I’m listening to two Terminus customs and two Q standard tracks. Plus one Terminus2, just for the experience of it.

Collectively, the reach of the multi-stage programs is great. But they’re broken down quite nicely into stages that gradually build up.

Sounds good.

So, now. Back to Action.

I made a simple list (yesterday) of Actions I’m Taking organized by the 5 subliminals.

These will evolve but right now they stand thusly:

IMBUE Terminus (Physical Health and Wellbeing Custom)

  • walk 6 miles 3-5 x/week
  • pull-ups and push-ups. (went to the park to do pull-ups the other day and they’d cordoned off the pull-up bar with tape, due to an uptick in COVID cases)
  • 氣功 - Qigong
  • water, vitamins, nutrition
  • sleep
  • regular medical checkups
  • stretch

PATHS (of wealth) Terminus (Wealth and Prosperity Custom)

  • Business planning
  • Start business
  • Invest in foundations of my business
  • EARNABLE course

MIND’S EYE Terminus2

Magick Workings


  • Meditation
  • Magick
  • Reflection-Contemplation
  • Study and Learning
  • Values Clarification

Quantum Limitless

  • Research and Design
  • Study
  • Reading
  • Teaching
  • Learning
  • Exam Preparation (for licensing)

For now, those seem good to me. I’ll add to them and allow them to evolve over time.

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The difference between satisfaction and dissatisfaction is often a matter of degrees. I periodically need to remind myself of this. The deeper and more powerful emotions often do not allow for nuance or subtlety of distinction. We reason backwards. ‘I have a powerful emotion, therefore things must be extreme.’

Babies and bathwater.

Many of the elements are working well. But it does not take so much to make one feel miserable. Especially when my mind is undisciplined. One tiny bee sting can already make for a bad afternoon.

So, it’s very likely that the adjustment I need is not particularly earth-shattering.

It’s important to evaluate with an eye of wisdom.

Your writing is excellent. The feel, the sensibility, and texture of the voice. I’d read whatever you wrote.

I can relate to nothing singing to you. I was realizing the other day that inspiration is the key for me. If life were a university, I think my appropriate major would be Independent Study. (It should probably should have been my actual major. But I lacked the maturity, clarity, and confidence at the time to carry that off. I suspect that a similar challenge is actually still relevant to my current search. The will, confidence and faith to define what I’m seeking, rather than waiting for it or adapting myself to someone else’s vision.)


Yeah, lemme tell you about the time I:

  • majored in math because I was “good at it”

  • almost double majored in [multiple options of] engineering with all the extra course load prerequisites then

  • yeet the entire idea a month before the application was due because I was afraid I wouldn’t get in/handle it

  • had enough English credits for a minor if I’d taken core classes.

Then I’d have to mention not going to most of my classes save labs that had to be made up, studying myself sick at the end of the semester, every semester. And lastly I’d tell you I had the gall to do it at an ivy.

My uni had a whole school dedicated to of independent study, but I had no idea going in. I wanted to be marketable + work in finance and other lucrative sectors.

Writing has always been one of those “some day” dreams for me right before I talk myself out of it for having no formal training.


I think I’ve realized one mistake I may be making. I think my ideas are in a gestation phase but I’ve been trying to force them to be in an execution phase.

Ideas for Action are coming to me now that feel like they may be more suitable.

At the same time, there are other areas that may be appropriate or close to ready for execution, and I need to clarify those, and perhaps move on them.

Not crystal clear, but getting clearer.

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That sounds like a true odyssey. I would really like to know what you learned/are learning from all of those experiences.

I think that INFPs need to learn that Seeking is a legitimate orientation and position in and of itself and by no means precludes generating and contributing value.

Over the years of our ontologically itinerant wanderings, we accumulate useful perspectives and skills, and the people amongst whom we pass benefit from them. Part of our path involves learning to recognize the value of what we’ve picked up along the way.

(I suspect…)

Sounds prudent.

In that case, I’ll be glad for the bits that I get to read right here.

@Malkuth Nice pictures. Where are the multi-verses?

I don’t understand the question

I’m referring to the pictures of this is me. I didn’t see any multi-verse pictures.

:slight_smile: still unclear. Maybe you’re thinking of a custom created by someone else? ‘this is me’?

Anyway. Sounds interesting.

You posted it days ago with images of a person lifting/carrying things. Image after image.

Oh I thought that was him saying he’s trying to juggle everything at once.

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