Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Yes, I’m familiar with those points.

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Another way to describe this might be in terms of Foreground and Background.

Take a rose.

If a rose (Foreground) is growing in the desert (Background), it is a rose, yes; but it’s also a Desert Rose. (shoutout to Sting).

What I mean is that it will have the basic qualities that cause us to categorize a flower as a ‘rose’, but it will also be completely shaped by and adapted to the context in which it grew (i.e., it will also have qualities that are unique to plants that are found in the desert, such as aggressive, efficient water processing; ability to be nourished by dew as well as by rain, and so on).

In the same way, my foreground goal (what I was calling the ‘aspirational’ goal) right now is to learn to build wealth. At the same time, it is growing out of and being fed by my ongoing background processes: intellectual and inner work. It’s no surprise, for example, that my business idea is focused on inner work, or that my full-time job is in a primarily intellectual field.

I think that this foreground and background together form The Goal that my chosen subliminals are supporting.

Saint’s post is contrasting a pinpointed, directed focus with a general, ‘spread out’ focus. But even in the surgical dagger approach, he described having three superficially diverse programs working together. What made them surgical was their shared relevance to the direction that Saint himself had chosen.

So, it still comes back to your own unified Vision. The coherence of your vision will be reflected in the coherence of your subliminals strategy.

But your Vision may evolve, and probably will and should evolve. As that happens, your strategy may evolve as well.


well, anyway, this rhetoric of mine is all well and good. but we’ll see what happens when I actually start to play the things.


Another Golden quote for bookmarking.

Didn’t quite realize this when I started.

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I’m officially in Very Experimental territory. At least by my own standards.

I purchased and added in Alchemist and Quantum Limitless (both standard build).

I originally planned to do this in February 2021. Moved it up by 8 months.

This is how it’s organized:

Day A
PATHS Terminus meditation
Quantum Limitless

Day B
Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation

IMBUE Terminus - I play during my daily workouts and sometimes at bedtimes

Day A = MWF
Day B = T,Th,Sa



Well, I made a significant adjustment to my stack and my roadmap, and I really believe in it.

I think it is already helping.

I’ve already had a helpful shift today.

I think that, for me, Alchemist and Quantum Limitless might provide the bridge that connects Ecstasy of Gold to concrete reality and manifestation.

As I was walking on Friday, I began to audio-journal, and that led me to realizing that a daily free writing practice might be a very appropriate action for me right now. Helping me to bridge that Idea-Manifestation (Kether-Malkuth) divide.

I did it this afternoon and it already helped. Was a bit difficult and rusty to get started and that was instructive in itself. Then the free writing helped me to more closely observe some blockages that are going on in my life right now. I minimize and normalize them as a coping strategy. But they’re still there and if they’re not handled eventually they weigh me down and make action more difficult.

I definitely don’t have the WHOLE PICTURE, but I did get flashes of insight. and I feel like the engine is starting to turn over a little more.

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A Very Charlie Brown Pull-ups Workout ( I was tired the whole time). Took my son, who has been happily languishing in sedentariness. He didn’t do pull-ups but walked with me between sets. Despite the tiredness, I feel very real changes in my muscle composition. It is obvious and undeniable.

I’ll probably be at the point soon where I am doing 3-4 of these per week rather than 2.

It was also very sunny and hot, especially for the first half-hour. That together with being tired, set part of the tone. But, you know, it was still enjoyable.

This Morning

So far, just my PATHS Terminus meditation. Woke up slightly earlier today and sat/breathed from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. 2 hour meeting scheduled from 12 PM to 2 PM.

Back in May, Saint told me that if I was not getting reconciliation with 1 loop per day (on Terminus tracks) I could feel free to add more. I decided to just take it very slowly anyway. But I’m now at the point where I’m happy to experiment with more loops per day.

We’ll see. At least I can keep a record and try to track any significant changes or experiences.

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Follow (and refine) your own advice.

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Your Naissance build has a few more cores than 3. They do piece together well, so interested when you try it. I believe my next custom will be similar to it unless I feel the call of EOG too strongly and build something around it instead.

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At present, this is me:

I’ve got my 2 Terminus customs(PATHS and IMBUE), and 2 standard Q tracks (Alchemist and Quantum Limitless).

And then there’s Mind’s Eye Q Terminus2 which is just floating there enigmatically.


If all goes decently well, it looks to be an interesting year ahead.

And if this journey comes to fruition, it will be time for





I’ll welcome that day too! And look forward to letting you know how it goes.


(hmmm…you may get there before I do)


I feel that, slowly but surely, my questions are getting better.

Now I’m looking back and thinking, ‘Bruh, what the hell were you thinking not running Alchemist from the very beginning?’.

(That’s partly facetious. I’m glad for having these 10 months of patient foundation-building in Ecstasy of Gold.)

But anyway, ‘bruh, what the hell were you thinking? You’re an INFP. Alchemist is basically Emperor for you guys! It’s the foundational program. Inner Work. Inner Values. Bringing them into expression in your life? That’s basically what you are all about.’

And Alchemist was the program that drew me to Subliminal Club.

There’s a slightly different trajectory for our type—the introverted Feelers. Whatever the specific goal, the specific project, the specific direction, it’s always going to be informed by that foundation of Internal, Deep Engagement.

No other element is ever going to supplant or surpass that. On the contrary, every other element will only be strengthened and informed by the extent of its alignment with that.

I’m a couple of days into my new adoption of Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. I’ve listened, so far, to exactly two loops of Alchemist Stage 1 (last Saturday) and I’ve had about 4 or 5 loops of Quantum Limitless Stage 1. Already, I am finding that I am asking questions that lead to more actionable possibilities.

This encourages me of the rightness of this direction. At the same time, I guess that now that I feel movement happening, this may finally be the time to be wary of reconciliation from overdoing it. I’m resisting the idea to just pile on more and more loops. (Was thinking of sleeping with the playlist tonight. But am taking it gradually yet again.)

The greatest strength of the INFP is the internal compass. A subliminal strategy that feeds and draws upon that compass may be the most powerful way to proceed. But it’s early days yet. Let’s strap in and see where this leads.


Hey, I’m an ENTP. And they didn’t even release Stark until the first 19 months of me using SC products. :smile:

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Remembered dream upon waking. Doesn’t usually happen.

Friends and I trying to outwit a nefarious shadowy organization. Pretending ‘we don’t know that they know’ kind of situation. Pretending to walk into a trap and then scrambling to get moving once their backs were (metaphorically) turned.

After posting on this forum last night about the current possibilities of attending virtual conferences and conventions, awoke this morning to find an email about one (specific to my profession) in my mailbox.

Hmmm… synchronicity, much?

Guessing this might be a sign to attend that one.

Played one loop of Beyond Limitless Ultima yesterday. Did not have any particularly striking experiences while listening.

But Alchemist Stage I seems to be hitting very solidly.


After this morning’s Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation and some other little practices, I put on Alchemist Stage I (in Ultrasonic this time).

And promptly fell out.

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Fell out of what?

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waking consciousness.

(similar to ‘pass out’.)

INFP gang gang.

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know that.