AzrielLight EmperorQ

I believe one should have experience, 3-6 months, with whatever they are running in Terminus, ideally cores and modules but at the least cores.

It’s literally the same as @friday’s :slight_smile:

:thinking: Hmmm…now I want one :upside_down_face:

how do ypu find time for all thos loops? do you listen while working/working out?

I work multiple jobs from home
I’ve been working out from home as well until recently
even if I go out, I’m usually home by 7 and run them into the night.

I ran two loops of regeneration last night
and perhaps that or just regeneration and elixir itself, but some insanely difficult stuff from the past/current held trauma was coming up,being released, disorienting, panicky, very scary. I was not able to keep perspective on it with usual reconciliation, and it’s rendered me non-functional for the night,I passed out, and woke feeling much better. It felt like I was sick, and I was dazed, and disoriented, I am a little shook still, but much better.

@Leandros I felt like I needed to purge and kept getting close to vomiting but never did fully.

Whatever the case, I will run 1 loop of regeneration or possibly even 1 loop every other day.
I cannot go into the space/ state again for my mental health, and hope that having done so was some clearing…and not a regression.


Thats strange but i did feel this last night also!
Exact same thing. I taught of it as an upset tummy. It felt like a hot feeling in the upper abdomin and kept pushing up. I also felt slightly sick.


@Azriel, @pacman - hmm I don’t feel any nausea but I did sneeze a lot more yesterday (without cold or a sore throat). Also, cleared my nose a couple of times. So maybe my body is clearing out just like yours.

When I think about the “vomiting feeling” you guys describe, I feel as if your bodies are rejecting some old emotional traumas which is a good thing.

And since I do get similar symptoms to what you guys get when running out similar stacks, will be prepared for it if it does.


this felt like a bit like a drug induced psychotic break I had years ago, and indeed perhaps it is healing the trauma of that.

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yes this seems accurate. I just finished Elixir for the day and feel a lot better, I have n’t run my regeneration loops yet since last night, I’m a little scared too :upside_down_face::sweat_smile:

ok here goes


Yes! I felt similar to a bad weed trip. Sligtly panic but extreme heat on the stomach like a ball of fire.


Don’t worry, man. Like a couple of wise men once said: “we are all alphas here” lol

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Am a “weed virgin” so I can’t relate :grin::grin::grin:

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I can still feel the nausea now.

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YESS, it is similar to a really bad weed trip lol !

My pysch break was from adderal, maca powder, and cocaine - lolbut

the weed things works here to


I can still feel the nausea now. Its morning here in my country

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I’m going to rant here about this concept of
how red pill/ manosphere views woman.

everyone is always looking for something better! and always looking to make the best of what they have! We are complicated contradictory creatures.

If someone wants to never worry about female nature, just become the man you want to be regardless of who is in your life and there is nothing to worry about. Then woman just become woman again. Not value seeking terminators mowing down and fucking over those who have yet to take the red pill.

There are woman who are cheaters, and there are woman who may be pulled to cheat due to not being satisfied with the quality of their relationship and/or mate but it runs both ways

I have lost so many incredible woman because I strung them along for months to years refusing to commit when that’s all they really wanted.

The highest value person in any situation is the least emotionally reactive, and the most comfortable with themselves, including their sexuality and desire. The one whose intention and focus are not deterred by their own bullshit, insecurities, other people, or external factors. Sure social status, and high sexual market value will help but nothing trumps the above.

I understand the learning curve of being burned, learning manosphere stuff to better navigate the seemingly treacherous world of female biology, but in the end from what I’ve seen and my experience the guys getting laid the most, having the best relationships, and are of the highest value, don’t give that shit a second thought.

The reality is getting hung up on concern for those things is extremely low value

I can’t count the amount of times I’ve pulled from a bar when feeling nothing but love for everyone, the moment my mind starts assessing my status in relation to others I know its gonna be a long night :frowning:

Respect to anyone for learning what empowers them But it’s like if you learn game, even though you learn to read social dynamics and attraction you go through a phase of constantly assessing yourself to the environment and where you stand with woman etc… and at certain point, once you master it, you let it go, transcend and integrate, you walk into a bar with your mind empty, full of love for everything, just having fun, and following your desires with no inhibition.

Do you think if you had an amazing, mind-blowing,loving sexually satisfying relationship with an 8/10, you’d throw it away or trade her for a hotter girl, 10/10, you barely knew, with bigger tits?

Do you think your D.N.A would compel you?

You might want too, but you also might not act on it.

there’s still a gradient with this stuff guys :joy:


feel better :slight_smile:


@Azriel - I think the reason why there is much conflict of opinions about the redpill is because it is about sex. That’s why we are having loads of discussions on the Libertine Ultima thread and the new Seductress Advice thread.

Frankly, I lean more towards the redpill side but don’t say much about it (or atleast couch my words carefully) because many times it’s a mind thing.

For example, even though I knew about some things about the redpill 2 years back, it took some more time to understand this at first non-intuitive knowledge. So if someone told me a redpill knowledge truth bomb 2 years back but which I only understand now, then I wouldn’t believe it.

But believe me, it’s just knowledge. How people use it is totally up to those listening to it.

Also, the most important concept in the redpill is usually forgotten. And that is “Keeping your frame”. Which is ultimately what you are talking about.

Just my own rant inspired by your rant haha!


I love that, thanks for highlighting this

How do you feel you’ve benefited most from Redpill or how you understand it?

I’m going to keep ranting cause I can’t fall asleep and this is fun, feel free to rant back as much or as little as you wish :slight_smile:

Perhaps I like the non-intuitive understanding and knowledge but not the culture, misconceptions, lack of humor, and extremes that often come with it.

I think whatever people can authentically benefit from that serves their potential, freedom, or capacity in life, I am for.

Redpill certainly has validity, but the way I see things is it is a partial truth, there is something higher than includes it. I don’t want men to lose heart, or believe a higher love is not possible. In the beginning good heart may not be enough, but the journey comes full circle and that shit is the most powerful. A woman who feels loved fully in a way that blow her open beyond her identity and who she knows herself to be will be sexually, romantically, and spiritually devoted for life. Even if you don’t stay together.

I think red pill leads to a certain levels of consciousness-at best realism and rationality, and at worst bitterness and mistrust towards woman. Perhaps not a fault of the methodology/medicine, itself.

I am dating all the time, I have an extremely large social circle of men who are dating all the time, and I am part of multiple large communities with people who are dating, among each other, and outside all the time. I just see over and over again, things that work in dating and relationships, and people who do well, are not worried about their sexual market value or woman’s biological imperatives of hypergamy,even if they are involved in masculine development. But my skew sample is not necessarily indicative of anything at large, and if someone can use a redpill understanding to ease their suffering or succeed more-that’s fucking awesome.

I just don’t like when it starts having people question themselves or there value unnecessarily, that is in itself low value.

people are telling other people-your girl/wife doesn’t really like you, she’ll leave you for the next dude who has higher value lol

Perhaps this is out of their concern for the other, or coming from their own resolution of false expectations and hurt…

but we all, as humans, struggle with a feeling of not being enough on the inside enough-I think addressing that in a healthy way and not exacerbating it so something meets a theory is really important.

It’s also important to remember the people involved in these things, are there because they are struggling and suffering with the content their looking to address. This informs the whole construct.

If a woman leaves, it might just not be a good fit for her, not that the man has failed at being Alpha enough. (Although he certainly did fail at having her feel complete and settled in the relationship but that is not necessarily cause he wasn’t alpha enough

A guy I work with makes half a million a year, and sleeps with more woman than anyone I know, he’s super alpha and cool, very ‘chad’ looking and he gets left all the time for other guys, way less alpha/cool, and very quickly even when he doesn’t want to, not just in relationships, woman don’t want to keep seeing him, cause he sucks on some level. It’s all surface, and people see that fairly quickly ( or maybe he’s really bad in bed :rofl: )

It’s just what is said in theory, and principle on paper, even with scientific basis does not always play out so linearly in real life.


@Azriel - hmm where do I start. First of all, I myself am grappling with this redpill knowledge since its not something we are taught in school nor taught by society in general.

The interesting thing is that men of ages past (or people of current orthodox religions) know about female nature and worked to control it by closeting them or wrapping them in layers and layers of clothing when they are out. Now, we can debate on whether doing this was right or not but this again is redpill knowledge applied differently in different cultures.

At the same time, Conservatives believe that we need to go back to that time so that “men will be great again” and they think this is redpill application. Nope. This is naivety for feminism won’t be stopped and it will result in a lot of disadvantages for men unless one is redpill alpha (there are also redpill betas, Bluepill alphas and Bluepill betas).

Regarding the words “insecurity”, “hurt” and questions like “who hurt you?” (which is the usual question that is asked to men who disagree with women, this a sign of feminism which got its roots in culture since the 1960s when “free love” started in the west).

With the rise of social media and a global sexual market place value, all women are by default feminists and will solely champion their cause with different degrees on how they view men due to their innate hypergamy and access to any man anywhere in the world.

At first I thought this was too much but this is the reality of men who are getting divorced, being fleeced by alimony and being cheated on.

The thing is that such facts seem like one is painting a picture of doom and gloom, and this is why the redpill gets a bad name.

But the redpill isn’t about that. It is about making men aware of female nature so that if they decide to marry, they know what they are getting into. If they decide just to play the field, they know what they are getting into.

It is to make men aware of female nature which is quite different from men’s nature. We might say something like “men cheat and women cheat” so we shouldn’t only talk about women cheating. This is called “blank slate equalism” and it blocks an honest discussion on the science of redpill.

Also, our own cognitive dissonance because of unconscious feminism also play into this kind of “men and women are equal”. Men and women are not equal because they both do not “drive down the same road” to achieve sex, power, knowledge etc. (they ought to have equal rights though. That is another matter).

An example of this is men are more influenced by a woman’s looks and women are more influenced by a man’s status. We might at first counter this by saying “no. I know men who like powerful women and women who like men for their looks”. That’s not the point of this though. The point is that nature herself has designed us to react a certain way and to not understand that is being naive.

I can go on and on about this but the most important question you asked is “how the redpill is an advantage in my life”

The advantage is to make use of my knowledge of female nature to my advantage because complaining about women is plain stupid. Why? Because we would be the same way if we were women!

So how exactly do we do this? LEARNING GAME. Have you ever wondered why only men should learn Game? If men and women were equal, wouldn’t even women have to learn Game? (well they do have game. Which is using their sexuality and fitness/makeup to look good). Women just have to look good to attract a man. For a man, looking good isn’t enough especially to keep a woman.

But the thing that throws a bit of a wrench in my theory is the Law of Attraction (and subliminals which are an extension of LOA). We attract who we are and this is what we are doing here running subs.

How much being realistic (redpill) and idealistic (subliminals) affect our lives is something I am trying to understand. And this is one of the reasons I don’t preach the redpill too much cause I feel there is a bigger picture than just redpill knowledge and I prefer to practice redpill first before advicing others.

And that’s it. For now. Hope you got something from this long ramble :grin: