AzrielLight EmperorQ

A subliminal is a package of information, in this case affirmations questioning your beliefs. So essentially it is mental Alchemy.

Now the difference between Q & Terminus lies in the size of it’s informational package. A package from Terminus many times amount of information compared to one of Q, resulting in a more immediate mental, emotional and physical alteration of consciousness.

A package of information needs to be translated and eventually executed by your mental processor, being your brain. If your brain is left unchanged, it’s processing and execution phase is going to extend with Terminus compared to Q; being the reason why you’re having profound effects with Terminus the day after. Hence the subliminal is processing for 24 hours or so.

I’m sure you can listen to a subliminal in Terminus² where of it’s content takes more then a week to process and finally execute. Go for Q if you want more alteration in your stack, choosing when to activate which elements of a subliminal at there appropriate times. For Terminus however, it might be that you’re stuck with it’s effects for days after listening. Your mind is always processing on Terminus, processing densely packed information, upon execution it’s effects are always going to give you a more immediate and profound burst of results because of the amount information contained within.

Concluded after listening to Q & Terminus of Stark with the purpose of indicating the difference between both build methods. With subliminal’s it’s the experiences that changes your unconscious belief of yourself. The belief that constructs your Ego (Identity). While I do belief that having more immediate, in-depth and profound results can have a more benevolent impact – it does however have more side-effects. What goes up, must come down.

Tesla Terminus will prevail.


Great ! What’s going in that one?
Will it be run alongside anything at first?

exactly :slight_smile:

@SubliminalUser Does this remind you about Neville’s “living in the end?” From what Hermit writes, it seems Terminus may teach you to focus on “being” your desired person, instead of “becoming” your desired person.

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I’ve been keeping it pretty simple this week
Emperor Terminus X 1 loop a day
Azriel Q 2 loops at night
regeneration 1 loop at night
Elixer Ultima daily
Except I ended up playing Libertine in full instead of Elixer today. (Someone was heading out of town, and I wanted to see if I could manifest a final night with her-it didn’t work (well it’s 2 pm so yet…) lol but other good stuff happened :slight_smile:

You know the way when you outgrow toys and the idea of playing with them seems silly, like something a kid would do, but for whatever reason maybe your taking care of a younger brother or cousin, so your playing with toys with him.

That’s what all the work I do feels like now.

It’s easy, everyone else is deadly serious, and I’m like ‘yeeah billy, we better get the commander to safety’ clearly acting, while billy is making explosion sounds with deadly seriousness. Yet everyone still looking up to me.


Haha! Now that’s pure playful energy. Oh yes I enjoy those types of interactions a lot.

A very commendable dialogue and delivery you got there. I could imagine being there and burst out laughing reading it over here.

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@Azriel are you not listening to HOM anymore? Why?

Also anyone notice that HOM makes you stoic? I don’t really would like that though


I’ve put HOM on the back burner for now, still running 2 loops a week.
My choice was because I simply can’t run everything I want, and I’d rather do the things I want to do that have set time frames first. So I will not run regeneration forever, I do intend to run HOM essentially forever, or until I am a billionaire with a dynasty that makes the Rockefellers look like paupers.

So regeneration and/or healing based subs/ultima will take the seat in the stack beside Emperor and Azriel Q for the next month or so

HOM doesn’t make me particularly stoic, but that could be because I’ve been running Emperor for so long, I already have gone full Marcus Aurelius, and can no longer notice any additional indifference and solidity to the vicissitudes of life :slight_smile:

It makes me like a lethal weapon in business and relational dynamics, everything goes my way and we all have fun doing it.

The particular feeling I get with it though is high status but not tough, focused and highly relatable but not social, I feel like a clear, smooth, operator on it.


haha thanks you, I try :slight_smile:

But!..I failed to illustrate the main point though-which is
it may be fun for everyone else but I’m looking to go the party where the cool kids are and stuck playing with billy lmao.

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Terminus is only a stronger build method, nothing is changed to it’s scripts. I’d have to jump in here because I might of dismissed some important facts, taking these into consideration it only makes sense for Terminus to have more immediate effects.

With Terminus the script is suggested a lot more compared to Q, from our what is said on the forum it might even be 3x/6x the amount compared to a regular Q build. Taking that into account, it seems obvious for Terminus to process & execute for longer. Coming with a more intense and pronounced effects. On the other hand you have to deal with more intense and pronounced reconciliation.

Terminus can come in helpful when you do not have a lot of listening time. Otherwise I’d go for Q nonetheless. That’s me personal opinion though, I prefer to go for a smooth and healthy ride, rather then a journey of pain and doubt, with a lot of down time.


I don’t know anything about T, but I will just drop my observations of youtube surfing. It is more productive to listen to some things at say, 1.5x or 2.0x… as long as the material is understood you spend less time on topics that you don’t care for, as well as just being able to simply tie the information together through repetition.

There is something tied to intuition, one simply gets through a topic quicker, there is the issue of shallow turbulent water and deep calm water.

Something to explain this simply would be, (Akasha) Read one book and apply it 1000 times, not read 1000 books once.


So in my experience so far terminus has leveled out, it’s fairly light to run 1 loop of Emperor Terminus now, even with 4-5 q loops in the same day.

If one is running it 1 every other day the first week solo, and then 1 x a day the next week to adapt, and they have experience with the previous titles 3-6 months it should be fairly smooth.

have you noticed a similar ‘feel’/ archtype/flavor to terminus upgrade or does it modify your experience of the sub outside of intensity?


Yes, Terminus is in part cramming more repetitions in less time, and indeed the script itself is unchanged. But there do seem to be some side-effects that appear to be unrelated to just the cramming of script. Don’t think the only reason to run Terminus is to do more in less time, that would be an incorrect mindset. Terminus is more than the sum of its parts.

So tempted to insert the “One does not simply” meme here. :slight_smile:


that is my experience with subs in general, whether terminus or 5 minutes of something else, there is something in my intuition that seems to ‘intuit’ and extrapolate every about it quickly, this then builds over time,

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that’s my experience, the sum is not simply a more intense version of Q, its effecting things that no Emperor Q loops were getting too.


Im sure with more exposure with Q you should reach terminus effects?

I don’t believe so, as @DarkPhilosopher said the sum is greater than the parts

that doesn’t mean Q over time, can’t have equally as profound effects, but they are distinct as far as I can tell

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Does that mean you can now do more Terminus loops in one day?

Besides Stark, I do not have any experience with Terminus. There is a distinct difference between Stark Q and Terminus however Stark is too big of a Title for me to pinpoint it accurately. A title such as Ascension would be far greater to observe differences with.

As far as my experience goes, I’d even say that the number of repetitions for each module is arranged differently. I’d probably figure it out if I would undergo some sort of experimenting phase, spending my time into deep contemplating/meditation while doing so. But then the question goes – what’s in it for me? Something I should have asked myself way earlier in life.

To answer your question, Starks Archetype is different but I wouldn’t say to far-fetched from its original design. I guess the difference lies in the processing and execution of the scripting, which is related to the build method. Besides Terminus being a ‘stronger’ build method, there isn’t really much known about it publicly. Essentially we’re looking to find something in the darkness. I believe Terminus is more then merely more suggestions in the audio format, it is probably built in a different way as to allow that.

Resonating with @DarkPhilosopher his words.

Experience speaks for itself, there’s a difference between Terminus & Q, extending beyond strength or power level. Reaching more deeply and affecting consciousness more widely.

Might go for Tesla (Quantum Limitless Custom) in Terminus strength, where after I can address the differences here. In any case, there certainly are differences beyond its power level as formerly mentioned.


@Azriel, by the way here’s Tesla –

As of yet, I’m not entirely sure whether I’m going for ‘The Architect’ for the 11th slot. I’m going to think on it and might swap it out for something else.

The Architect does seem to fit the concept, however, I’m unsure whether it’s related to Quantum Limitless, Limitless or The Alchemist. Furthermore, there hasn’t been much mentioned about this particular module, none seems to know exactly what it is intended to do. Feel free to enlighten me, haha :slight_smile:


I wanted to drop some speculation on T vs Q.

Learning a part of the script you do not jive with will probably be better on Q, since you are sort of forcing yourself to listen to it. On T you can just ignore it until you start listening to what you like.

So mental shortcuts messing with long term manifesting of the full script.

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If I am not running terminus the next day
I can 2 loops and run Q the next day and be fine
I can also once a week run Terminus spaced 3 loops spaced 7 hours apart, if I don’t stack with anything else, and take the next day off.
What I’ve been doing though is 1 loop in the morning and 6-8 q loops of other stacks towards the evening-night -this is working best for me. Terminus works best without stacking anything near it for several hours in my experience.

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