AzrielLight EmperorQ

Looks like you becoming more aware. AwesomeI Reminds me of after breaking up and finding yourself again…like when you get over someone and can see clearly them for who they are, but there is still some left over anger / resentment and that is fuel for growth and independence. …Ironically also it is the enfj being turned inside out … into the istp mindset

On the other side it feels so cold and distant - perhaps a reflection of my own beliefs of how I should be, being like this sadness me. Are you not afraid of being separate and so different from everybody that it becomes alien like? No shared values anymore…

You get used to it…trust me. Once you become both comfortable and appreciative of being in a class of your own, you won’t want to go back for shit


There was a period of frustration at the necessary isolation, but also a joy in being alone.
Now people are starting to get sucked into my value systems where it counts.
I have woman I still feel plenty of intimacy with.
And some friends, including one female, who we are super close and very respectful of each other’s individuality.


Couple updates.
I will still post my supplement stack routine
Ran executive today so will keep this quick

I got the Emperor X in Q and have tested it-the differences in Terminus and Q are becoming profoundly clear to me and I will post more about this later.

Commander ran 2x
First time was awesome- executive function increased, better workout, getting things done, being more decisive, strong sense of internal status increase which was really cool. People seemed to respect and hold onto and value what I said even more than usual

2nd time-I did it before the gym and there was a wait at the gym and it really pissed me off. I was telling them to amend the system, I was going through a lot of reconciliation but some of it’s first time effects were still coming through. The time it takes to get there is barely justified but a 45 min+ wait once I’m there. Won’t be doing that again.

Commander does not seem to be great for sexual interest but I’d have to test more.
Again it could be my reconciliation at the time but running it made me very disinterested in woman.

Ran executive today-very strong, I’ve been in constant action and execution since, a feel the urgency, the ambition, but it’s constant push towards action seems slightly averse to executive function in the sense of goal management and prioritization. I’m just kind of plowing through whatever comes to mind. Still great. I’ll try to more consciously use it for the aforementioned function next time.

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Posted this on another journal but it’s relevant here

I also might not be clear or how to handle certain challenges, I should ask that question to myself. “what is a challenge in my life, and how should I handle it?” These seem like the big challenges, I’m freelance, have multiple well paying jobs, I work from home and set my own schedule, but it’s not enough money for the lifestyle I want, there’s no real future for growth, it’s not purposeful, and I am not passionate about it. But it’s a great situation-so the challenge is finding where I want to invest all my energy in to build and doing it. And that is on and off very challenging. Other challenges are small things that just cause internal growth, like saying no, de-escalating conflict, taking risks etc.

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A post I really liked in response to something I said
and something else from another journal below-posting as reminders.



dayum bro u scarin me lol but bro i bet the passion will reveal itself or developed somehow maybe it is working on it slowly, i am in similar boat idk my passion or which path to go and purpose etc
would be nice 1 day just wake up and get perfect idea and path :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
but ya this subs is so poweful i have no doubts it will manifest in some way im sure and then boom you will be invested easy and all success come to you taking action like boom boom boom

raphaelArch Alchemist



i keep getting thoughts to quit and find something better
that i desrve better

Perfect mood to start a side hustle/business. Get back home from work everyday and spend a bit of time working on something which will make you more money. This is how you can channel that Emperor energy.

Soon, your side hustle will earn you more than your day job and then you can fire your boss. Be DA BOSSMAN for yourself.

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So I found something interesting

After Saint mentioned Jaw and Neck tension, and face pressure being a sign of reconciliation on Ultima.
I realized despite the great effects I am still experiencing tremendous reconciliation at, least on a physical tension level with many of the Ultima titles. I believe this is because I am not running them consistently enough to acclimate. I am sporadic in my usage. So i will keep experimenting with them for now. But will pick 2 and run only those exclusively and consistently for 1 month–once my experimentation is complete.

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Just circling back to this

So essentially I intermittent fast for metabolic and cognitive purposes

In the morning I’ll have high quality coffee with grass fed butter and/or ghee and MCT oil, Cistanche, and Black Maca Powder
as well as probiotics

I’ll drink water with 1 whole lime and deep sea salt as a home made electrolyte drink throughout the morning as well.

I’ll also take one serving of pine pollen powder tincture and 1 serving of black maca tincture
over the next few hours

An hour or so before the gym or mobility work -I take two supplements designed by a strength coach named Mike Mahler, I do Estrogen Control or E.C. and Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster
I’ll do 8 weeks cycles of this and then I’ll replace those two with Varen Forest B-Sitosterol from Raw Forest Foods and Thors Hammer from Lost Empire Herbs. If anyone wants to know more specifics on the herbs in those or why I take them or the effects feel free to ask here.

After or during a workout I take Genius Electrolytes and more pine pollen and/or maca tincture servings.

For a post workout shake -I do some kind of nut milk or oat milk base with ideally grass fed whey protein powder all 4 superfood powder blends from Unicorn superfoods- so there basically high quality powder form of Blue Spirulina, tumeric, chai, cranberries, pineablle, blueberries, mangosteen, acai, blackberry-it goes on forever. I also might throw in half an avocado.

Then I do one meal-usually salad, protein, and carb and I go back and forth between being extremely healthy and just eating what I want as long as there is enough protein and a salad before anything else. I’ll also take a whole food multivitamin along with this.

At night I’ll do ZMA with L-Theanine and am starting Valerian root tincture again as well.

This is my general base cycle- and then I’ll experiment with other booster/nootropics on top of that-but have not recently just feeling no need to.

Although if I am being very productive in a training cycle I will also add a supplement called D-Pol- which is Sodium Nitrate, Vitamin D, and D-Aspartic Acid- so essentially a further Test booster with some pump effect.


Yasssses…do you eat food buddy😊
When you do IF you do 16/8?
So you say you have coffee in the morning the electrolyte drinks etc…does that not break IF?

I do usually eat at 10 or 12 at night then don’t eat again until a shake between 5 and 7 the next day
so on average I do 17-19 hours fast. I have butter and mct oil helps a lot.

I usually do one meal but if my body needs it I’ll do a 2 or 4 am later supper lol.

One day a week I eat whatever I want to bump my leptin levels and carb load.

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From that response you say emperor is doing nothing for you!
Thats hardcore buddy…very few can do what you doing.

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no, I definitely don’t think Emperor is not doing anything for me-it totally is,
I just feel stalled despite that, I’m also feeling some new challenges internally on Emperor that are making it harder for me to run, or I don’t enjoy it as much as I have. That’s ok though. Things will come around.

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Those challenges you talking about…onve you over come them or beat them you will never be the same again…iv never ran emperor but im talking like in general.
This also proves these subs go really deep. As i said before many users dont go so deep with a sub and just get surface results.

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Yes, thank you for reminding me and pointing this out.
I’ve got another 2 committed months.
I’m finding ways to really bring out the best of Emperor again,
Khan Stage 1 seems to be truly powerful for this.

Do you find yourself engaging in constant action, organizing, productivity and clean up mode on Khan Stage 1 @pacman? That could just be Khan stage 1 but I think it’s creating a clearing for deeper Emperor programming.

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Im finding myself questioning things especially neatness, the clothes i wear,cleanliness etc.
Iv also found i think about what im going to say in conversations because that will reflect my personality and i want to relfech high value.
My diet is also very cleaned up from the last few days. I also found that i can be really productive if i choose too.
All of the above takes place naturally. Theres no push to doit.


Perhaps this is simply Khan Stage 1 that is contributing as well.
If this is the case I’m experiencing impact from Khan Stage 1 that I never experienced yet on my custom.
I set up a new air purifier in my room today, and I keep asking myself
why am I living like this, my room could be spotless, impeccable, exactly how I want it. No need to put up with anything less than the best or exactly how I want it. Then acting on it.

Perhaps the cores without the supportive modules designed in the program show up very differently, I certainly know the density makes results take a lot longer. I’m very curious about Primal Seduction or Emperor Fitness Stage 4 outside my custom. Spartan seems to be just as strong in my custom as solo. EF Stage 4 and PS might be as well, I have not tested them solo, but Khan stage 1 is much stronger on it’s own than the effect I get, which is similar and I can recognize, in my custom.


For me a custom is difficult to match goals…
the regular titles give u what the sales page says. A custom works way differently and very different from the sale pages. Thats why i find it easy to work with regular titles and when they release name embedd regular titles i will get khan. This way i will increase effectivness and still match the sale page goals.

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My custom has been great for what I got it for
results enhancers, physical changing boosters, and slowly bringing the cores online.
Spartan mindset and push, Emperor fitness physical changes, Better seduction and game, and clearing up and becoming more dominant- but it’s gradual

Now I am working out every day like crazy-and training movements-its effortless-I am drawn to do it -no pushing or will power -but it took 3 months for that to kick in from EF stage 4 and Spartan lol


Also I got the new Regeneration, Survival Instinct, PCC core-custom
that one was perfectly designed for exactly what I was looking for, so will see how that goes.

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You mentioned that you have lots of butter and ghee…
Is that not unhealthy? Especially for our heart health?

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