AzrielLight EmperorQ

An update you’d like to know about…

Gold was too big picture; I was losing touch with what was most important day-to-day.
So I had to bring back Emperor. Then …

Too early to be the final word, but I may have found the replacement for G4 & RiU in Medici.

Current hopefully stable stack: EQ, HM, WQ



yes indeed, thank you :slight_smile:

on my stack I’m a beast when there is a clear deliverable(s) that yield future fruit
I go into recon- when the current yield is not connected to a future
I think and believe in myself strongly for compelling long term vision
I lack strategy, decisiveness, direction, and initiative on the specifics of that vision, and connecting the steps to get there, how to allocate my energy and time day to day towards that.

I’m wondering if HOM or AM might be better fits than Emperor. Emperor without the seduction stuff in custom might be more effective as well.

Then when the clarity and path is straight-bring Emperor back.


Standard Emperor effect. :+1:t2:

You don’t need to steer away from Emperor.
Just don’t try to do it alone. Use other people’s Strengths.

Do you know someone who is natural at writing lists down – to dos, minutes of meetings, SOPs, etc.? S/He is probably a CPA, working in Operations, or HR.

Call them and ask for help in penning down your strategic career & financial plan.

It doesn’t matter if they know nothing about careers, businesses, investing, etc. If they have above average IQ, and a Strength at Detailed Planning, … working together with them, you will make more progress in 1 hour than you would do alone in 3 weeks.

Make it a weekly buddy coach meeting, if necessary.


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yes, I need to leverage other people’s strengths and capacities more.
As well as just be more interactive/proactive with working with other people to get things going.
I have this blindspot that has me thinking I ‘should’ be doing it all alone and can’t rely on other people because every one is just self interested.

Thanks for this.

I also just have some a bunch of options, not opportunities but ideas I could look to make happen. I could pursue them but nothing I am really fired up to or called to pursue, this is more of an indecisiveness trap or looking for something perfect. I could honestly just pursue them all and see which one starts yielding something.


This happens to me. It’s part of what I’m working on.

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I see why you said that …

No harm in testing “Emperor + Medici” in Qv2 during the weekend.


yes! I don’t know what I already know lol

I have a qv2 custom with medici that I’ve been wanting to get back to :slight_smile:

HOM, EOG stage 1, RICH in QV2 --was thinking that… :crazy_face:

but I’m going to keep the stack stable for two weeks as I have not run subs consistently since my washout, and then start experimenting

how’s your money making/career endevours going @Simon ?

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@Friday how’s your experience with having a foundation of Emperor coming from Khan?

Ran 1 loop Paragon custom last night, felt relaxed, passed out and slept 9 and 1/2 hours
woke up with all the mucus in my nasal passages having completely drained, my throat was raw/sore but chronic congestion was better. Insane dreams about highly relevant issues in my life.
Feeling light and positive today.


We’re just over 6 months now since starting the unofficial race.

Let’s just say that I’ve come from having only hypothetical ideas, to knowing exactly how I’m gonna complete it, and …

… the ball has already started rolling.



that 's fantastic :clinking_glasses

is this with the b2b marketing you mentioned at one point? (If I am remembering correctly)


currently reading Limitless by Jim Kwik as my book for the week
Also reading Intimate Conversations with the Divine by Carolyn Myss-to develop prayer practice
I’ve been consistent with meditation 1x daily and QiGong as well as other energy medicine practices.

I’ve been pretty intentional the last week. In total I only ran 1 loop Emperor custom and 2 loops Paragon custom. I’m running another loop of Paragon custom tonight, and 1 loop Emperor custom tomorrow afternoon.

I’m a bit stalled on my course design, working on refining it down -as its pretty abstract now. I’m doing it more as a having fun thinking, creating, integrating, and synthesizing elements development I learned to see if I can improve upon them. To monetize it, it will have to have a very specific group of people it serves and/or specific outcomes.

I’m very present to grappling with own value and place lately and that there is something to figure out-I have to keep discerning if this is just old conditioning and insecurities being worked through or just grappling with what I’ve never really dealt with.

I’m resisting start at the beginning of things, I’m waiting and/or looking for a gut certainty and clarity

It seems, to paraphrase the adage, the problem can’t be solved at the level it was created.

It helps when I think of things more specifically, like areas of my life.


ran Paragon custom last night

this was my 3rd loop of it this week with a day off in between. That might be may limit
as I notice my anxiety about my health shoots through the roof, and I start to go neurotic/ocd about environmental factors that could be dangerous or non-optimal. Likely recon from that as I noticed something similar from my last custom.

I also have All-Seeing in this custom and it is comical how much I notice this, especially with my smell and hearing, I can hear patterns of sounds through sounds and patterns of sounds, same with smell… also taste and touch are more sensitive, and I appreciate colors more. It’s almost surreal.



I saw your enjoying some Sage Immortal! Are you stacking with anything? Very curious how it stacks with titles you’ve been interested in and running the past.


I ran it alone last week. It was a nice experience. Not sure if I will continue with it when I start my customs (new journal coming soon).

Am currently on a one week washout. The only way I think I could stack it with my upcoming playlist is using Sage Immortal Ultima as a booster. The calm spiritual confidence could come in handy. Maybe it has manifestation too.

Not entirely made up my mind about it. But if you have one or two subliminals in your stack, adding Sage Immortal is a good idea. Am more reluctant to add Sage Immortal to my playlist because I will already be having 3 Qv2 titles in it.


yes, I have not even experimented with it yet but looking forward to.
Keeping a very tight regime for now.
Definitely looking forward to the journal with the new customs and or stack in it :slight_smile:

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Thanks, bro! You seem to be doing well now. Am getting a “Imma gonna handle this no matter how difficult it is” vibe from you.

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your Sage Immortal insight/wisdom is spot on!
I’m in the ‘wasteland’ of life right now between picking my next path, lack of fulfillment with what is, and my self-isolation in NYC …I get most of my excitement from putting out fires and crisis unfortunately…I see it’s my go to avoidance from creating.

I’m doing well overall but definitely ‘buckling’ through it.


That’s deep. I think I have some of this too. Getting lost in the day to day instead of chasing goals that excite me. Need to course correct myself too.

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I realized yesterday that my renewed forum activity may be related to my nofap.
Those dozens of Likes-Notifications are probably building new dopamine pathways.
