Azriel-All Wealth -Rainmaker

Yes, 100%

Keep the cash flow rolling in while other avenues are built. If I had certain teams, partners I’d love to go more into entrepreneurship full steam. Right now I feel like investments, real estate are the worlds that are more calling and some of my light own solo stuff.

( I will do my own solo stuff just do a steady built. I want to create content and programs related to meaning, fulfillment, and authentic success. Eventually I’d like to be a paragon of financial success and create content/ programs related to that from a super hands on performance/skillset/mindset/health and spiritual blend.)

Another $120K per year is what I am looking at if I absolutely peaked my performance where I am.

If I max out my biz dev role in PE I could do 500K+ in that role as well with many opportunities for long term wealth generation. But I have to deal with imposter syndrome there. I operate fully in the shadows and off of relationships and strategy. It’s become quite limiting not to be able to lead myself, but that world credentials are everything and those I don’t have.

Will continue to refine and work on what I have but absolutely new vehicles are needed to really even 2x anything at this point.

I heard some guy on instagram mention 10K a day is hustler money still. It’s 30 million over 10 years, and after taxes closer to 15 million…10 years for 15 million take away is not good. He said on one hands it’s a lot of money but you can go through that quickly.

Interesting dichotomy because that does sound really good. I’d love 15 million by the time I’m 46. But I’m looking to make way bigger money than that.

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Luke Belhmar? :joy:. Was listening to his podcast today, probably my favorite person to listen to right now when it comes to wealth/finance.



Were on the same wavelength lol

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I think he only has a net worth of 10M

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It’s occurring to me I run my stack completely in an unrecommended way. I often do three subs in 24 hours

1 the night before and 2 in the morning. I am going to switch this and see how it effects my results.

So for example my new listening cycle would be

Rivers of Wealth Custom/ True Sell Black

24 hours

Stark Black/ True Sell Black

24 Hours

switch etc

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Being drawn to NR and Genesis Mogul

“At the heart of Genesis: Mogul lies an extensive array of wealth manifestation scripting, meticulously crafted to maximize the potential of every channel you possess for wealth generation. This scripting is not just about enhancing your current revenue streams; it’s about innovatively creating new avenues and opportunities for income that align with your interests and passions.”

I also love Stark Black I want to keep running it as well


@AnswerGroup or @Forum_Ambassadors

What is the policy on affirmations in conjunction with subliminal. The 4 methods I am thinking are

  1. Like journaling affirmations on what I want and am intending
  2. Doing them in the mirror out loud
  3. Reviewing written goals as stated affirmations that have occurred. I am grateful for x,yz,
  4. Or listening to someone else or our own record voice saying affirmations out loud slowly

Nothing subliminal just conscious listening.

Method 3 boosts my subliminal results tremendously, so did method 1 when I did it consistently, . I have not done 2, or 4. But am being guided too.

What is the teams thoughts on this.


Could function as a kind of fine-tuning or conscious guidance. Depends on how you approach it.

Actually affirmations are often (not always) used as an inefficient form of communication with the deeper mind, so in that sense they are subliminal-adjacent.

But I think a good question might be, ‘what benefits are you hoping or envisioning to get from doing this?’ And this is not a rhetorical fake-question for the sake of indirect criticism. I mean it literally.


My experience is conscious affirmation work has nothing to do with effecting the deeper mind.

It’s value is in focusing energy and intention, and creating state shifts, insights, and what I call ‘permission releases’ where some conscious alignment suddenly lets something deeper unfold.

On a deeper level I find conscious affirmation is a form of intention setting. That is it’s real value. Declaring things to the world/ universe in a way that shifts energy.


I interpret your meaning here to be something like:

‘Conscious affirmation work has nothing to do with attempting to directly (or maybe, ‘acutely’) influence or impact the deeper mind’.

This stuff is all on a spectrum. And, we can recognize that we’re all immersed in some form of affirmation or self-talk on a daily basis, simply by virtue of what we pay attention to and involve ourselves in.

So that’s kind of how i see it.

You’re going to be doing affirmations anyway. Every day when you make statements that involve emotional intention or force of will, you are already making affirmations. Not in some conspiracy-filled kind of way. Just naturally.

If I wear narrow, poor-fitting shoes each day, then I am, whether I think about it or not, very effectively cultivating corns and calluses. And gradually and ultimately, without the use of scalpels or surgeons, those changes are going to impact even the deepest parts of my physical body.

It’s natural.

Anyway, blah, blah, blah. You didn’t ask for philosophy.

Let’s go back to your original question:

They can help.

They’re not necessary.

It’s up to your preference.


You might already know so don’t mind my repeating it: Setting down your goals and/or journaling can take the place of affirmations.

As subliminals are already helping you with the subconcious programming, we can use goal setting and action as a form of declaration to the universe in an active way.

Just something to think about. Doing what you like to encourage yourself (whether it be to write down affirmations or speak loving energy into a glass of drinking water before you gulp it down) can help us personalise our own self-programming journey.

If you strongly feel that it can aid you, go for it.



Does anyone know the official, and I mean official minimum amount of modules one can have in a custom including cores?

Apologize if this has been asked elsewhere. I can’t find the latest.

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Even I can’t find the answer for this on the forum. Could you put in a support ticket?

Frankly, I would go for the 10 modules minimum to avoid recon based on the original advice when ZP was released:

I do understand you are asking for ZP v2 MAX customs so if you would still like to know if there is any official update to this answer, please write to Support.

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I thought it was five.


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@Niles have you tried Beyond Limitless?

How do you feel that compares to Limitless Executive?

I know your a huge fan of Limitless Executive. @ouroboros loves it too.
I have to test it out next week, it seems to be a real game changer for people.

I have but I believe it’s been way back before it was even ZP, used it more for college/studying, remember it being helpful for that use case, but don’t have too much experience outside of that.

And 100% on LE man. I’ve asked support questions on it before and they said that it would be one of the fastest acting subs to boost sales, as executive has direct business acumen, confidence, etc scripting. My favorite part about LE, outside of the productivity which in my case is huge, is that I feel like it gives you an ability to simultaneously visualize where your at in the sales process so you can be thinking two or three steps ahead, while also being really present and absorbing what the prospect is saying so you can respond effectively.

Internally also, I feel like it gives you an awesome vibe and communication mode for sales. You basically feel like a CEO, disecting and solving problems for the prospect, and if you think about it, nearly always, the CEO is the best salesperson on the team.


Sounds awesome, I’ll be testing that in my stack next week.

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Love your input on Limitless vs. Limitless Exec as you test more.

It’s been a while since I posted
Couple updates

I’ve been in Sales God since April
on ASBR and TS Black. Got close to breaking my previous record, but some backouts
put me back. The last 3 days was washing out and my week slowed way down.

Testing Khan Stage 4, WB, BDLM, and RONW today for sever days of upcoming debauchery.

I’m off all weekend and so shifting focus to the good times ahead.

and intend to close at least $37K more in revenue this month to hit a $10k addition personal revenue bonus. Which would make for my first $40K personal income month

I’ve also started coaching professionally and have another $5-10K deal on the table there. Feels really powerful and making a difference with people in a way I’ve wanted. More to come on this.

Also started testing custom with Paragon and LOT’s the last couple weeks, some of my best sales days were after that custom as well, it has Hegemon which I believe is actually blending well with my custom for sales.

Hitting the gym really strongly, and seeing some physical shifts as well.
I overdid it though I think. I also started wearing a Whoop, and my recovery today was at 10%.
The only reason for that is too much working out, so trying to take it easy.

I have a girl in town and I’m happy for that, but honestly don’t like dealing with that when I’m wiped and just want to recover.

Will continue ASBR and TS custom with either Physical custom, LE, or New Limitless next week

I can still be top dog in the company this month but someone snuck a head with an $80K sales. today.

I’ve been 1 or 2 for 8 of the last 9 months. I’m clear I want to start breaking $300K rev zone while I build my own business on the side.