Azriel-All Wealth -Rainmaker

Only in the very beginning was I stacking Emperor with HOM. Then I weaned off Emperor and into True Sell. The bloom from Emperor with my then stack HOM/TS/EOG Stage 3 was amazing.

I tried Emperor ZP at points later on and it didn’t jive well with sales. Can’t remember if I was on HOM at the time

The new Emperor my experience is completely different. I used new new Emperor with TS Black and Genesis Mogul for sales for a while and it was a great stack for sales. Had some bomb weeks

I think as a setter you’d be fine with Emperor. You could also just micro loop it or run shorter loops and get great results with LE and HOM as the bulk of your stack. That would give you NWE and strong fitness focus as well.

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:boom: Awesome super helpful, just going to do 1-3 minute loops for awhile here and there so it doesn’t overpower HOM.

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I think once I am closing I’d probably go the True Sell/full wealth sub route, but honestly it’s probably not too needed right now. Setting appointments isn’t terribly complicated lol

Yes, although I was stacking Paragon/BDLM custom one week and it felt amazing. Also had some big sales days with it as well. So looking at reintroducing that. I think having solid enjoying feeling really good regardless of wealth is more important than I actually give credit for.

I’ve had a clear path and goal with room to maximize that- the sales pathway I’m in and my entire focus has been on that. All my other goals have fallen on the wayside- and after 6 month mark I’ve started to feel it was too much.

I feel ASBR and now my ROW custom is looking to make sales a smaller part of my income/wealth generation and to create bigger projects. This time though it doesn’t seem in opposition to sales. It seems sales is a training and income flow for my larger endeavors

I find TS Black to be the driver and then everything else is auxiliary. Although NR and ASBR have correlated with the biggest booms of my sales success.

From sales work alone…I average about $200K mark in net rev sales a month, with commission and hourly it nets to about $23K USD a month. Then I have months of doing $30K, on the low end I do $20K. I’m looking to get to $300-$400K net sales rev a month consistently and having built a solid business that does $40K a month and then moving into that in full.

yes exactly, when your fulling closing True Sell + Wealth subs make sense. I find Stark Black a great addition for closing though.


For Sales-
This just popped into

My sense of when running what sub- the sale, and the reflection I seem to get from the lead/client

HOM- buy in, rapport, trust, ease. This is fun and easy-lets make a deal

customer voice: ‘yes, this feels right, lets do it!’

True Sell-sharp, drive the convo, know what to do when

Customer Voice: ’ I can’t believe I am doing this! I did not expect to do this but I’m excited’

Stark Black- Authority, impressed, pulled towards, want in, but ruthless

Customer Voice: ’ This will get me that. lets do it’

Emperor- Status, Trust, Consummate professional, ‘your in my world’ and we’ll respect each other

Customer Voice: " Yeah, that’s the right thing for me, lets do it’

Genesis Mogul- this is my business-consultant-trust but no edge or push- compliant. Blends well with True Sell

customer voice ’ It all checks out, let me consider’

Khan-Relaxed, authentic-if that happens to be good for sales great-if not don’t care

customer voice: ’ fuck yes oh my god …or definitely not’

EOG- everything I do is value. How can we deliver the most value. How can our conversation how mutual value. Everything feels in the flow of value- can we partner on this or not. If it deviates from the flow of value and what makes sense -were off

customer voice: " this is the best approach for what I need/want ’

Nouveau RICH- Authentic. This could change everything for you. Do you see the value in the doing that. Let this transaction be your disruption

Customer Voice: This is exactly what I really want, thanks

Wanted Black - I’ve run Wanted Black in combo of course but the few times I’ve test my sales have shot through the roof.

" Yes, I’ll make it work, I have to do this"


That is really good!


Alright I’ve done 3 weeks of 1 loop a week in full of EOG/ HOM. Of those 3 weeks 1 was about $90K, one was $12K, and one was $60K The low week I think I just overdid the listening a bit. At 1 full loop. My best weeks were at the 10 minute point.

I think 10 minutes of that custom is my sweet spot, as I overdid it Sunday evening and the last two days I’ve been quite a bit sour, tired, disinterested, frustrated and not closing.

Also I’ve notice my sense of openness and possibility has dropped

Previously I’ve been really drawn back into private equity more and more than my hours a week at sales.

Still love sales but getting ready for another significant upgrade in finances


I’ve done 3 weeks of 1 loop a week in full of EOG/ HOM. Of those 3 weeks 1 was about $90K, one was $12K, and one was $60K The low week I think I just overdid the listening a bit.

I’m now being really pulled back into my interest in private equity and sales is beginning to feel secondary. Also really strongly thinking about my own business.

I bought myself multiple course on finance, private equity, financial analysis, CPA, and investing .

This will be my final week before some kind of washout and perhaps a stack change.


I notice
I lack conviction in my mind
A kind of solidity and decisiveness
Self doubt has me let go of a lot of actions.
I think when in recon this is exacerbated.
I notice Stark Black when strongly kicking off obliterates this
and I gain incredible conviction and vaporization of self doubt.

As I do what I say I will for myself, my power, momentum, and conviction grows.


I’m on my third day of not listening, which for me is very rare. Usually a day or two off at most.

Honestly this last week has been very challenging. Noticed all difficult physical sensations coming back
strong sense of off ness, tension and heavy processing.

That’s why I decided to do wash out.
The last week I’ve felt a bit depressed and heavy tension, noticing I’m waking up with a tight jaw.

I’m with family and that is very challenging as well. Don’t have a sense of my own flow and energy.
With my mom who is fantastic and strong faced, but in a difficult spot in life, and I go in and out of being able to help her. She also has a nasty streak and I find myself very triggered by her engagements. I thought it would nice to spend some time together as she is older and we don’t get to. But our time is a fair amount of conflict.

Not sure if recon or this or both but the combination has me feeling very uncomfortable in being.

Now all this has been amplified on my three days off, I think I am going into heavy processing. It’s coinciding with time off work for an event and I honestly find not working to so challenging on my current stack. Intending this clears up and I have a very strong early week, exceeding my expectations in work as

Next week is my birthday and going into it free and clear and in a good space.


Every time I’m 2-3 days out of running my HOM/EOG custom things spike with ease and abundance.

But I find running the times after running - sales to get so sticky and challenging and slow even when I don’t experience recon.

Not sure if boon or uplift after the sub integrates or simply just have SB and TSB running solo more effective. Removing my Rivers of Wealth-EOG/HOM custom from my stack. Its been a month on it.

I like some of the effects, but it’s causing more recon than not at this point and I need more consistency.

Next week running SB and TS Black

Running WB and RONW for Birthday on Friday then washout two days
and starting the week SB and TSB solo, if I add anything it will be Paragon custom in small doses.

Cause daddy needs some healing.

I had three super promising enormous sale leads today fizzle into nothing, all people I have felt were boons from the universe. Great connections -really on point. They way it all happened has me feeling untrusting and betrayed by the universe and what’s possible. Dramatic I know but noting here. It’s like why the fuck can’t good things actually just happen and be easy WHEN I expect them to be.

Honestly despite things going well overall, this is the first time I feel profoundly defeated. Interesting to see and let it go, managing expectations and being defensive vs. not naive is an interesting thing coming up for me lately.



Writing here so as not to derail the other thread.

So you stopped running Khan then after this? From your posting it seemed like the state of mind of other aspects of Khan are what you like as much or more than any attraction ability

I’ve found hooking up super fun on WB but not always as interesting on Khan in the past.
Like insanely present and in the moment on WB. Emotions mattered.

Of course if Love matter to you you could always go the Heartsong route.

So what will your stack be at this point.

I’m interested in Khan for it’s greater personal development effects, and I know it’s not the best for sales but there are elements of it that seem so good for sales and dealing/working with people

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Right now my goal is to be the best I can be in terms of having the right skillset

First step in that path is learning how to code

Stack rn is SB + Index Gate + limitless

Third sub has been limitless cause I need a learning sub, but I think I’ll run QL… reading that copy got me thinking its absolutely perfect because all I’m doing is learning and applying…

Programming is very much a logic and intellectual problem solving type of thing so I need to be super sharp on it

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Had a great birthday weekend
and then went into an existential kick


Feeling very sad lately. Kind of like I’m grappling with the deepest layers of what’s not working for me.
Ran Paragon custom last night and noticed a bunch of stuff I was concerned about health wise, went into a bit of paranoid state. My recon on paragon is often a kind of existential paranoia or extreme fatigue. Had not felt that ‘off’ in a while. Woke up much calmer and started to address some skin and wrist issues already.

I am not where I want or need to be work wise, and when sales work is not going well I am miserable lately. I have times of being totally in flow and ok with the downs but not lately. I am full force annoyed and miserable.

Here is what I want in my stack

  1. Consistent sales performance at high levels not sporadic. I want to be the best and consistently the best.
  2. Ability to enjoy myself on sales calls. I want to be able to be consultative to deep connected but have calls be something real or get the person off the call.
  3. Ability to manifest high quality leads, and great people. Reps performance is based in lead flow. I can fight it but at the end of the day, the quantity of high quality lead flow determines my performance as much as anything. Marketing can only go so far. My stack needs to manifest quantity and quality of lead flow consistently. I want to see manifestation of my stack boggle the ‘random’ ups and downs of this.
  4. Ability to quickly and easily navigate challenges and not get drain, hooked, vamped, by situations that are not workable. The key here is to show up as great with people regardless of the situation, the problem is my instinct kicks in and when I fight against it I get drained. Don’t have a solve for this.
  5. Ability to have energy, awareness, and performance outside of sales work. Only when I perform well do I have ability to focus outside of sales work currently
  6. Ability to be surprised by how effective I am, how good I am doing, how grateful I am. (I want to be blown and surprised by how effective and consistent my results in life are. )
    7, Ability for intentions and desires to be fulfilled or actualized.
  7. Increase in monthly revenue consistently
  8. Increase in belief and avenue of generating new income streams
  9. Ability to manage and handle all the things that matter to me

My stack over the last 10 months has accomplished this to varying degrees. I may get more refined in my goals.

EOG/HOM custom added some things I REALLY liked. This week I’m testing Stark Black and True Sell Black with Paragon custom. Next week I will cycle off Stark Black or run Stark Black solo. Stacking it after this week feels off. May cycle back to stacking it but I need a big change to bring some explosive life into my work lately, washout did not cut it and that means letting one of my primaries go to readjust either TS Black or Stark Black. TS Black.

I shift stack every 3-4 weeks because I stagnate in performance and noticing shifting stacks seems to boost or jumpstart results. Interesting.

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Was just saying this on another thread

“I think NWE in this custom is definitely the move. I am realizing though that stacking too much NWE might be a mistake. It can cause way to much recon in the form of resolving wealth issues and being ‘at effect’ rather than at cause of wealth. NWE adds an ‘unfolding’ element to a stack/ title but in my experience SLIGHTLY takes away and simultaneously EMPOWERS being at cause/intentional”

I have NWE in three titles HOM/EOG/NWE custom, Stark Black, and True Sell Black with NWE. In processing mode on HOM/EOG/NWE and not in bloom yet and my experience is I feel broke. I have consistently felt extremely affluent and abundant this year and it seems I am processing or shifting into something new.

I’m set to make about $400K minimum by May (last 12 months), have decent savings, but then between taxes, debt, the amount of work I have to do, it feels like nothing. It’s nice from the life style perspective. If I had strong goals like family, fitness, or artistic pursuits, or other things that are incredible and meaningful to add to life or the main focus, but as a predominant wealth focus I hold a paradox of it: It’s peanuts, and I am incredible grateful for it. What’s coming up lately is this strong sense it just feels way to low leverage, especially during periods of inconsistency and struggle at work, or when I stop enjoying it as much. I am not complaining at all as much as confronted by my next challenge and sense of ability both in and without the work I currently do.

What I am surprised to be grabbling with now is my sense of insecurity, worthlessness, capacity related to money, all things I though I completely disappeared but between heavy doses of NWE and looking at my next level of what I want are coming up. I don’t know if that’s just my focus in the wrong place, or something to move through as part of healing.

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Happy Birthday!


Dude this is exactly how I feel about sales. It’s a great way to build capitol, but it is insanely low leverage. Doesn’t matter how well you did the month before, you start back at square 1 each and every month.

My old boss who is extremely intelligent with money always used to tell me, create capitol/money by any means necessary, but always invest it into things that are going to generate passive income. Obvious statement, but really sales should just be a vehicle to create money. I think your at the point with your income that if you want to get to the next level, you need to start allocating it into things that will make you money while you sleep. Like for you to 10X your income, what would be an easier way, doing that in sales (almost impossible), or adding a new opportunity vehicle.


Yes, 100%

Keep the cash flow rolling in while other avenues are built. If I had certain teams, partners I’d love to go more into entrepreneurship full steam. Right now I feel like investments, real estate are the worlds that are more calling and some of my light own solo stuff.

( I will do my own solo stuff just do a steady built. I want to create content and programs related to meaning, fulfillment, and authentic success. Eventually I’d like to be a paragon of financial success and create content/ programs related to that from a super hands on performance/skillset/mindset/health and spiritual blend.)

Another $120K per year is what I am looking at if I absolutely peaked my performance where I am.

If I max out my biz dev role in PE I could do 500K+ in that role as well with many opportunities for long term wealth generation. But I have to deal with imposter syndrome there. I operate fully in the shadows and off of relationships and strategy. It’s become quite limiting not to be able to lead myself, but that world credentials are everything and those I don’t have.

Will continue to refine and work on what I have but absolutely new vehicles are needed to really even 2x anything at this point.

I heard some guy on instagram mention 10K a day is hustler money still. It’s 30 million over 10 years, and after taxes closer to 15 million…10 years for 15 million take away is not good. He said on one hands it’s a lot of money but you can go through that quickly.

Interesting dichotomy because that does sound really good. I’d love 15 million by the time I’m 46. But I’m looking to make way bigger money than that.

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Luke Belhmar? :joy:. Was listening to his podcast today, probably my favorite person to listen to right now when it comes to wealth/finance.



Were on the same wavelength lol

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