Ascension for a new member! Up we go!

Thanks bro and so not listen every other day at all? Just 2 times a week?

Is there a reason for this?

2 days and 5 days break and all for again 21 days followed by 5 days washout?

thank you

Day 96 - no loop ( Saturday - 20 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 14 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Day 97 - 1 loop ( Sunday - 21 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 15 - 1 loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

nothing of major significance to share I feel.


Because it seems some people get even better results with more rest days, and you might be one of those people.

Please consider that as an option.


thank you bro and yeah i may have to give this a try after the washout and see. I guess why not nothing to lose

Day 98 - no loop ( Monday - 22 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 16 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Day 99 - 1 loop ( Tues - 23 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 17 - 1 loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Tomorrow will be my 100th day listening to my first sub from this site. Times certainly flown by.

nothing to report however a member here @RVconsultant has kindly suggested I change my listening protocol - so I think after the washout from this 4th cycle ill try it for 1 cycle and see what happens.

if any one else reading this has any other suggestions please feel free to say.

Again sorry to those before that I have yet to reply to from weeks ago, I haven’t forgotten just no time to write a lot here at the moment.

1 Like

Day 100 - no loop ( Wed - 24 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 18 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

100th day reached today.

Yesterday speaking to my dad about something in which my father said my views and my thinking about a matter were immature.

It made me reflect on 100 days of no change with Ascension sub.

Day 101 - 1 loop ( Thurs - 25 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 19 - 1 loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Anyone know how I can change the title of my thread here? thank you

Day 102 - no loop ( Friday - 26 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 20 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Day 103 - 1 loop ( Saturday - 27 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 21 - 1 loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive

Day 104 - no loop ( Sunday - 28 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 22 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive - day 1/5 washout

Day 105 - no loop ( Monday - 29 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 23 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive - day 2/5 washout

Day 105 Reached

Im now on my washout days after which I will try the idea of listening only twice a week and see how that pans out for me.

I have been beta and insecure with the girl that im now dating. She clearly loves me and yet I feel any little thing she does that feels as if she doesnt love me makes me spin.

Im behaving like a woman quite frankly and she said it as much.

After 105 days on Ascension - I cannot say I have witnessed any success or any changes at all towards alphaness.

23 days on limitless executive and my memory is poor still (which Im putting down to a crazy sleep cycle and pattern) and my procrastination or productivity hasnt changed either.

I will still listen to these subs but the way some of you make it with your successes seem far far exaggerated or you’re clutching for anything to be put to the sub.

I cannot see anything outside of my ORDINARY daily lifestyle to say yup its different and its the sub or subs in this case.

After 100days I thought I would feel a hell of a lot more different and positive towards my fears but I cant really say I am.


Again anyone know how I can change the title of my thread here? thank you

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100 days is 3 months and 10 days. If you’ve been “beta and insecure" for years, 3 months is not enough time to create a total personality shift. Keep at it. Deep work takes time.

While this is absolutely true and you are correct, the issue is deeper here.

No, you aren’t behaving like a woman. You are behaving like a weak man/woman.

You are running these subliminals like toys, hoping for a miracle to happen. Like a routine, putting them on day in and day out.

You’ve completely ignored the advice you’ve been given.

I’ve kept an eye on your journal and gave you advice as I believe that the younger generation is in dire need of mentoring and guidance. As you might have noticed, I’ve stopped - because when I see zero effort in understanding or assimilating the knowledge and guidance given, I move on. For each wasted attempt, there are 10 other young men and women with potential who are yearning, waiting for someone to show them how to grow and reach their potential.

I’ll give you some tough love here and then move on. At this point, it is up to you to snap out of it - no one else can do this for you.

No, there aren’t any exaggerated results or clutching for anything. The difference between what you are experiencing and what others on the forum are experiencing is focus, action and dedication.

First off, take a look at @7empest’s posts. Why her first? Because of your “behaving like a woman”. If you were behaving like a woman, you would be wise to follow in her footsteps and learn the qualities she’s been demonstrating in her posts.

Notice how all her posts are deeply self-reflecting in nature. She doesn’t handwave away results, or constantly and incessantly doubt herself. She takes advice to heart and reflects on it. Even if something is overwhelming or uncomfortable, she still tracks down every single little connection to that thought/feeling/concept/subconscious structure.

And that is all while “being a woman” - and women are wired differently than us men. They are like the endless ocean, everything being interconnected and filled with emotion that baffles us men. A woman on the path of self-development is blessed with Incredible sensitivity to their inner state. Taking the time to (gasp) think like a woman, an actually developed woman, will give you incredible insight into who you are. Disregard the modern, ill squawking and bickering that is so prevalent these days, where women hate on men and men hate on women - all for the purpose of holding you back from true understanding that comes from synthesis. There is limitless power hidden in the dance of a developed man and a developed woman.

And this is what some of the greatest sages in history did. Take Odin, the Norse God for example. There are myths of him dressing as a woman (not saying you should do the same) in order to better understand the feminine counterpart - the yin to our yang.

You are a man. You think like lightning. One concept to another, straight on. Obviously we still have emotions - in yang there will always be a tiny bit of yin, and vice versa.

Why are you not using this incredible ability we men have?

Rather than flopping around, use the focus we are gifted with.

In 105 days on Ascension you haven’t taken any decisive, focused action.

People, this is a reality of action. I honestly don’t know how much more I can simplify it. As above so below. You cannot just rely on the subtle part to achieve results. You cannot just flop around and expect things to happen.

Subtle part + no action = slow results.

(+1) + (-1) = 0

No subtle part + action = slow results.

(-1) + (+1) = 0

Subtle part + action = astonishing transformation and results.

(+1) + (+1) = 2

In these 3 months, you could have absolutely transformed your body and set yourself up for incredible success. I’ve personally, in my bodybuilding days, been able to lose over 40 pounds (and this is without being obese - I was bulking) in a month because of the knowledge I have, the subliminals I used (that are now available to you in a much more upgraded form) and absolutely ridiculous action.

You could easily have done the same if you had the will.

Take a look at the posts of @Invictus, @AlexanderGraves, @Malkuth. Notice how much action they’ve been taking, how they’ve reflected on themselves and their subliminal use.

Invictus has forged an outstanding body out of blood, sweat and tears.

AlexSQ has done a complete 180 in the way he approaches the world and now leads others from a place of genuine, inspirational understanding.

Malkuth has been steadily becoming more and more sagely ever since he got here - a rare strength that one can use in any part of his life.

Do you think they would have gotten to this point by writing:

Day 105 - 1 loop - nothing happened. Everyone is exaggerating or clutching. I’ll just keep listening, I guess.


You’ve even had manifestations in your life that you’ve completely missed, for example:

This was a perfect opportunity for you to reflect on your thinking. Someone directly (and your own father nonetheless) stated to you that your views, behavior and thinking were immature. How much more obvious can it get?

You took that and blamed the subliminal.

Look. I’ll make it extremely simple to understand.

You’re not going to get anything, on any subliminal, regardless of the type of subliminal, the aspect that it’s for or even the company behind it, until you become clear with yourself on what you want - and start working towards it. You know this to be the case because we aren’t the first one and you had the same experience with other companies.

We are simply the first ones who care enough to tell you directly.

I can already predict the way it’s going to go for you, and I’ll spell it out clearly.

  1. You go “pfft” at what I wrote here, continue running without focus or action, and eventually give up and move on. You’ll likely try out others with minimal results (potentially some switch bloom - bloom that happens once you switch to another company’s programs and falsely attribute the bloom), but nothing is going to truly change. Your life will continue on the same trajectory it is on right now at this moment. If that scares you… you should consider the second option.

  2. You put your finger to your forehead, take a second, re-read everything I wrote multiple times without getting offended, insulted or whatever, and consider it seriously. Drop all the excuses you’ve been giving in this thread up till now and actually start taking action day in and day out.

Now, I’ll give you the actionable part. Obviously this is not solely for you - anyone in a similar situation can use this. Most of you don’t need this.

Since your sensitivity is low and your mind muddled, it is imperative that you work on your body and your mind. Working out 5 days a week is a must, 6 days optimal. Build your body. Put in the work. Just doing this is going to put you so much ahead in life in these times it’s ridiculous. This is how you learn to become a man. An actual man - through discipline.

Next, join martial arts. And when I say next, I mean all at the same time - start working out and do martial arts. Doesn’t matter what it is. You have to learn more about tapping into your masculine essence and drop this weakness that arises from a lack of it.

Next, meditation. I’m not the biggest fan of meditation as it’s horribly misused in these modern times and the ways to correctly meditate are extremely rare, but with all the working out and martial arts you want to balance it out, and even with a bad way of doing it you’ll still see massive benefits. Don’t bother with trying to find a correct way - that’s for more advanced stuff. Right now, you can take something as simple as breath meditation. This will further help clear your mind and build focus.

Next, financial/career. You have an idea of what you are interested in. Start learning it right now. There are countless courses on the Internet - do it. Once you start putting in the study time, start putting it into action. Stop wasting on things you don’t need.

Finally, self-reflect. Do this all the time throughout the day. Notice how your body feels and align it correctly. Notice how your mind is working and focus it. Notice your emotions, explore them and unfold them. After meditation, take some time (at least 15 minutes) to self-explore and reflect on your actions throughout the week and the day, your behavior, thoughts and emotions, as well as what you did wrong and what you can improve upon.

Extra points is for you to interact with the more experienced members of the forum. Learn from @Invictus, @Palpatine, @AlexanderGraves, @Lion, @Sub.Zero, @Saiyan4Blue and others.

If all of this seems daunting…


Because it is. You should be excited. It is an opportunity for you to become greater and reach your potential. Eventually, you’ll develop enough to be able to understand what you need to work on by yourself. Until then, everything has been laid out clearly before you.

You have the tools. You have the knowledge. You are young, capable with an inquisitive mind and potential (otherwise you wouldn’t be here).

The choice is yours and only yours. Your destiny is truly and only…

In your hands.


Sorry for hijacking your journal .

Can somebody explain what Fire means by ’ Subtle Part ’ ? Is it Subliminal ?

I think he means the internal part where you recognize the mental, emotional, and subtle energetic changes that’ll also reflect in your attitude and behavior towards the world.

If you recognize them, then act on them, you come full circle and allow the alchemy to blossom.

Because there is an allowance upon recognition, knowing that it is working and the processing is taking place.

For example, being aware of the fact that “hey, I’m so much stronger, more dominant, and I have this inner ease of waking up early and striving to work towards my dreams with relentless motivation – Woah this is new, where is this coming from…”

In fact, that’s actually a REaction to Ascensions’ suggestions.

So, if you are aware of this, see it happening, and then act on it you have completed the process which inevitably results in outer change by action.

Because the internal is fluid, it can keep changing, but no great changes will ever become fortified in external reality unless you take concrete action. That makes sense right?

This inner change I mentioned above is a precursor to walking a different path, leading a different life, and advancing towards a more noble and worthy destination (writing your own destiny)… this inner change is paramount because it directs you to change in outer reality (if acted upon).

That is the subtle part, the action is what fortifies it, concretely into reality and makes it “real”.


The contributions of the subconscious/consciousness/the mind.


Everything—apart from observable physical causes—that manifests change.

Don’t make it too deep (even though it can, of course, be pretty deep).

  • While watching a great movie you are inspired by seeing the countryside of Italy and you get the idea that you would like to have a garden and grow your own produce (subtle part)

  • you go to the library read up on soil quality, go to the gardening store to get tools and seeds, then spend the next 2 months creating a beautiful garden in your backyard. For the following 3 years, you make improvements and refinements to your garden. Each autumn, you enjoy your harvests and share them with neighbors and friends (observable actions)

You can see that within the subtle part there is a bit of action, and within the actions there is still the subtle contribution of consciousness (i.e., ideas, thoughts, emotions, communications)


I was drawn to reading more on this lately.

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I’ve mentioned this before, @AjUK , and I’ll mention it again; meditate, meditate, meditate, MEDITATE, MEDITATE!!! My mind used to be cluttered just like yours, until I started meditating consistently every. single. day! If you need to wake up 15 minutes early everyday just to have that time to meditate, then do it! We live in a world where we’re constantly stimulated with very little down time for our brains, that’s one of the reasons why it’s so hard for you to focus and take action. You HAVE to declutter your mind so you can get in touch with your intuition, which will guide you on finding what it is that you really want for your life. I do exactly what @Fire suggested for you, just focus on your breathe, and also observe your thoughts without judgement. Go on YouTube and search for “theta binaural beats” and listen to that WITH HEADPHONES. It’ll help your brain relax, and reach the theta state which is the doorway to your subconscious, and you’ll be able to rewire your brain to focus better, and stay more relaxed through your day.


Hi guys my apologies ive been terribly busy and unable to get on my laptop and log in and read and reply.

I have a lot of reading yet to do from @Fire and everyone else and ive not forgotten and i do appreciate it so much.

Alot is happening in my life which is taking my time away the least im doing is trying to journal when and if I can and listen to the subs so im sticking to that until I can get on and dedicate the time I need to read and reply.

Please excuse my inability to reply its not that im not appreciative im super grateful and sincerely love the support you offer to me thank you

I will now try to update my profile so I can monitor myself at least and ill return soon

thank you all

1 Like

Day 106 - no loop ( Tuesday - 30 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 24 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive - day 3/5 washout

Day 107 - no loop ( Wed - 31 August 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 25 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive - day 4/5 washout

Day 108 - no loop ( Thurs - 1 September 2022) - 4th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 26 - no loop - 1st cycle - Limitless Executive - day 5/5 washout

Day 109 - no loop ( Friday - 2 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 27 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day1

Due to some advice I got in this journal that I managed to see, i will reduce my listening for this cycle to just twice a week and see how that goes.

Day 110 - no loop ( Saturday - 3 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 28 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 2

Day 111 - no loop ( Sunday - 4 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 29 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 3

Day 112 - 1 loop ( Monday - 5 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 30 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 4

Day 113 - no loop ( Tues - 6 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 31 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 5

Day 114 - no loop ( Wed - 7 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 32 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 6

Day 115 - no loop ( Thurs - 8 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 33 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 7

Good amount of rest days.

1 Like

Day 115 - 1 loop ( Thurs - 8 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 33 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 7

Day 116 - no loop ( Fri - 9 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 34 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 8

Day 117 - no loop ( sat - 10 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 35 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 9

Day 118 - no loop ( sun - 11 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 36 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 10

Day 119 - 1 loop ( mon - 12 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 37 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 11

Day 120 - no loop ( tues - 13 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 38 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 12

Day 121 - no loop ( wed - 14 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 39 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 13

Day 122 - 1 loop ( Thurs - 15 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 40 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 14

Day 123 - no loop ( fri - 16 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 41 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 15

Day 124 - no loop ( sat - 17 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 42 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 16

Day 125 - no loop ( sun - 18 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 43 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 17

Day 126 - 1 loop ( mon - 19 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 44 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 18

Day 127 - no loop ( tues - 20 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 45 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 19

Day 128 - no loop ( wed - 21 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 46 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 20

Day 129 - 1 loop ( Thurs - 22 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 47 - 1 loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 21

5 days washout started

Day 130 - no loop ( fri - 23 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 48 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 22 - 1/5

Day 131 - no loop ( sat - 24 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 49 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 23 - 2/5

Day 132 - no loop ( sun - 25 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 50 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 24 - 3/5

Day 133 - no loop ( mon - 26 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 51 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 25 - 4/5

Day 134 - no loop ( tues - 27 September 2022) - 5th Cycle started - ASCENSION
Day 52 - no loop - 2nd cycle - Limitless Executive - Day 26 - 5/5

6th cycle will start after this.

I cannot say anything is different or has changed.

Im still full of fear.

reducing the listening has made life a lot more easier for the time being so ill stick to this 2 listens a week method for another cycle.

Did you ever scroll up and read fires posts?? He laid it out for you. Sink or swim. Nothing changes without action.

1 Like

Hey Geoff no I havent read any ones replies, I barely have time to do that at the moment and wont have for a while but I have stated that in my updates and that I plan to read everything when I get that chance.