ANTI-HERO Origins: Lion and the Black Company [GENGHIS, GIGACHAD, GILGAMESH]

Wishing you an enjoyable and rewarding trip, @Lion!


Thank you, Malkuth! Just reached my destination.



Day 16
Rest Day

  1. One thing I noticed today is an upgrade in my emotional regulation. Things that usually irritate me, didn’t as much today.
  2. This also led to less emotional eating. Had always considered myself as a foodie and even if food and its tastes and nutrients are things to be relished, we can use it as a coping mechanism. For example to soothe emotional upheavals and feel stable and grounded. So ate less food today even though I was traveling which showed more emotional control and stability internally without having to depend on external sources like food.
  3. Spend a good amount of time watching the Dr Joe Dispenza interview on Chris Williamson youtube channel. It was pretty recent and very enlightening.
  4. Am also noticing that I don’t need much to feel happy now. Some food, some rest. That’s enough. I need to create though. Make something by expressing myself. But I won’t worry about it. It’s only a matter of time.


Day 17

  1. Put my foot down regarding a decision for a new home in city am visiting now. Got my way with it.
  2. Reeled in another woman into my arms through Facebook. Oh the wonders of a new profile pic.
  3. Enjoying the heat here after the long cold. Sweating feels good.
  4. It’s my low way or the highway!


Day 18
Rest Day

  1. A very relaxing Sunday.
  2. Went to meet an uncle and his family. My dad’s brother. Had a light breakfast at his home.
  3. After spending the morning with them, we left and had lunch outside.
  4. The day went smooth except for some occasional feelings of resentment. Some reconciliation that am working through.
  5. Happy to see mom doing well. The water and food here is conducive to her health.
  6. Will be doing a Joe Dispenza meditation now after am done with this journal entry. Have been delaying it for a couple of daya. Signing off to go into the Unknown. Change waits for me there.


Day 19

  1. So I was out and about today when I realized that I was showing a lot of emotions on my face. It’s the opposite of stoic and the awareness of it made me better able to reign it in and hence better control frowns and the other “faces” I was making without being concious of it.
  2. Talking about emotions, there is a lot I need to understand about how I should use emotions to help manifest the life I desire rather than be stuck in a loop of the past due to carrying the same emotions.
  3. The combining of thoughts and feelings is how we shift into the reality we want. The act of creation lies in the control of those two elements in our lives.
  4. That’s the Neville Goddard and Joe Dispenza theory. Now to put it into practice.


Day 20
Rest Day

  1. Am noticing that my desire to be outside has increased by a lot. Am a very happy introvert but now I like being an introvert outta the home lol. Must be the Nomad module working. And NEW Khan too.
  2. Song of Joy, Enchanting Smile and Entranced working during even simple conversations and small talk. People love to engage with me and even servers ask me whether I want more servings in my meals when I eat there.
  3. More deer in headlights looks from people when they see me walking about.
  4. Am back to my witty self both offline and online.
  5. Rapidly decreasing feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with contentment, stoicism and joy.

I too have been focusing on this concept lately, I find that we control them better when we live in the present.

In the present moment it is easier to control feelings and live them fully because we accept the present reality, it also simplifies our life because we give less importance to superfluous desires and at the same time we give more value to the moment itself.

You’re doing great!:muscle:t2:


That is good advice.

Appreciate your encouragement :pray:.



Day 21

  1. Can’t believe 1 cycle of this stack is already over. Time for a 7 day washout. I normally am fine with a 3 day washout, but in this case, I could use the “head rest” lol.
  2. So many things changing for me. And not all positive. But ultimately, seemingly negative situations allow us to learn to grow from them if we are willing to reflect. Life will show us that our actions aren’t working if we keep going down the path that doesn’t work so I will be changing many behaviors in my life to course correct.


Day 1
NEW Love Bomb

Day 2
Rest Day

Day 3
NEW Love Bomb, NEW Love Bomb for Humanity

After running a loop of the NEW Love Bomb day before yesterday, am running NEW Love Bomb and NEW Love Bomb for Humanity as I type this.

Have also sent my old custom with both these Cores to be updated.

Revelation of Heart
  1. Love Bomb for Humanity Core
  2. Love Bomb Core
  3. Chosen of Venus
  4. Depths of Love
  5. Love Without Attachment
  6. Path of Forgiveness
  7. Strength of Gentleness
  8. Empath
  9. Way of Understanding
  10. Mercy Protocol
  11. Virtue Series: Hope
  12. Faith Unyielding
  13. Song of Joy
  14. Enchanting Smile
  15. Joie de Vivre
  16. Lineage
  17. Dynasty
  18. Auric Overdriver
  19. Divine Will
  20. Mosaic

Am planning to update this custom even further but later down the line with some module changes and possibly the addition of New Love Experience and/or New Forgiveness Experience Cores when they come out.

Will incorporate Revelation of Heart into my stack with stack rotation. Won’t be ditching my “Black Company” customs (GENGHIS, GIGACHAD, GILGAMESH) just cause am now in the presence of the “White Rose” aka Revelation of Heart. In fact, the White Rose needs the Black Company and vice-versa. Love and its benefits will in turn boost every other subliminals in my stack.



Day 4
Rest Day

  1. The reconciliation today made me almost implode. I suspect it was because of the combination of NEW Love Bomb and NEW Love Bomb for Humanity. That and wrestling with love and its “disadvantages”.
  2. There is this belief that I can’t be romantically attractive or be respected status-wise because am loving. Love for me is attributed to being a nice guy. Yes. This is the programming I have to overcome.
  3. Being sexually attractive has to do with game and looking good. And even beyond that. It also depends on your (fun) energy and vibe (vibration) rather than being a jerk.
  4. Respect has more to do with providing value. Being part of a value exchange rather than being feared.
  5. Became quite an asshole today. I couldn’t bear the restlessness due to an event that triggered me here. And I was pacing here and there wanting to let myself explode like a “bomb”.
  6. Thankfully I withdrew from the person who was triggering me and paced outside for a while. After which lunch and a good afternoon nap restored me.
  7. I believe it was the release of a lot of internal hate. I had to forgive myself and others along the way. Even forgive the world itself.

“Forgive them for they know not what they do”. I guess Jesus was Love Bombing too.


Those types of powerful releases happened to me too when I was using LBfH for the first cycles in 2023 and the first exposure to Love Bomb script in Genesis. The Love energy is gentle but very hard at the same time & can be the most effective magnet for inner negativity & trapped emotions to be released for good in my honest opinion (and especially experience).


Wait. What? Did I miss something?

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It’s been updated a long time back:

How the hell do you listen to these customs with full 15 minute loops? I listen to my custom and paragon for only 3 minutes and that has me worried if im listening to much, maybe i should take it up a notch and listen to my custom for 5 minutes? Its just 2 cores limitless and lots and 8 modules:hephaestus,height inducer,male enhancement,aps head,sps endocrine,sps reproductive,omni dimensional,energtic system xi

It’s just a personal preference of mine. If you feel that 3 minutes per audio is the right amount of time for you, you should do that.

However if someone feels that 15 minutes is the right duration for them, they should do that.

Follow what works for you. And change according to what you are most comfortable with. For example, if you are drawn to increase the listening time of your custom to 5 minutes, go ahead with that.


Also some stuff i picked up from the forum:

1-People calling listening times “exposure” as if they contain toxic chemicals… That kind of anxiety would not be good… It might be called sub-conscious mind but still it is “your mind” with great capabilities! and takes account into your requests like training your mind to wake up in the morning at certain hour, (i was having trouble once bringing towels to my morning shower - i ask to recall that information next day and it worked from that time on) etc.
In a same way you can ask you sub-concious to process subs in a balanced and healty way that is suitable for you. And just be more relaxed about it…

2-People calling out WB do this for me Khan does that R.I.C.H. gave me this money etc. Subs might give a you great model/archetype to ridealong but you are the one who bringing the fuel… you are the rider, you are the one making the turns when there’s crossroad in front of you. You must take full responsiblity at whatever unfolds, to fully bundle the all of your internal power, this will be eventually a necessary step…



Thanks for posting this, mate!


This is an excellent point.

I agree that this is probably the best way to approach the process.

But I still use the term ‘exposure’ sometimes. It does not primarily evoke images of toxic chemicals for me.

For me, it’s more of an experiment-related term that implies engagement with an active element, ingredient, or condition.

Your point stands though. The term is often used in the way that you describe.