[ANSWERS] New Mystery Title Contest Thread

My official answer is-this sub will help people to know their passion and make them take action pretty hard like a workholic.

Since no one has said it, my official answer is marksmanship and weapons handling X.
My actual guess is Bond, but that’s been mentioned.

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My official answer is finding their purpose, then give them drive to become successful in their purpose. In other words the one sub to rule them all.

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My official answer is magic bullet which means finding the perfect solution to a really big problem or situation you are undertaking


My official answer is: This is a sub that helps boost results by bending reality to do impossible things. Whatever mistakes you make, you still hit your target/goal. This is a powerful manifestation and reality bending sub. No healing.

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My official answer is: This is a multipurpose sub that destroys/damages your enemies no matter where they are. This sub will hurt ur enemies and protect you from all obstacles and dangers whether or not you’re aware of them.


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My official answer is that its a sub to have your dream life and achieve all your goals


My official answer is: This is a sub that can bending reality (situation/condition) as the user need/want.

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I feel this one might have to do with the Matrix and how Neo dodges bullets understanding that Physical Reality is an illusion.

Mhmm… Hermetic Principles Qv2? :grin:


My official answer
This sub is about developing precognitive abilities in humans and now we all have the power to predict the future.


My official answer is: This is a sub that helps deflects any verbal attack, the ultimate verbal ninja. The Matrix like deflection of any attack.


my official answer : bullet proof ( similar to code umbra ) but for dangers

My official answer is: Wormhole to your desires!

My official answer is: a sub that physically shifts your body and looks towards your ideal, that gets you noticed by women. Boosts muscle, adds inches, corrects facial proportions etc. Adds an aura of awesome. Purely looks based, no seduction included.


My official answer is sub to keep you physically so fit that everything there to harm is averted .


Agree with the peeps above that im getting the Wanted vibes from the hint.
My official answer is that its a sub that aids you in the trajectory of your goals. Making you aware that you must always be adjusting your course in life as does the earth do daily.


AAAAAND it’s live: Main Disc. Thread - WANTED