@Alphamale’s questions and comments

Yes! PCC only enhances the Khan in my opinion. Gives him more weapons to socially dominate and also prevents his ruthlessness from backfiring on him. Khan + PCC is pretty much wolf in sheeps clothing, It makes khan more powerful,

I don’t really experience entitlement on Wanted. Higher self worth in regards to women, yes

the nonchalance on WANTED is extremely powerful lol,

what is the nonchalance of Wanted in your opinion and how do you see those modules counteracting it/?

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What do you mean by powerful? Positive results or the intensity of the nonchalance without talking about it’s goodness or badness, another thing I want to add is that total nonchalance will let you guard down which is very powerful for seduction.
About them counteracting it that they kinda diminish that nonchalance, Lion module is in GLM which has nonchalance in its description, but with the nonchalance of lion, sense of power will be coursing through your body. Of course lack of that TOTAL nonchalance would reduce the seduction results. But other benefits of WANTED including the physical shifting is enough to me, since I don’t want to put 100% focus on women

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Are WANTED results still there?

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Wanted nonchalance is not just typical nonchalance, just like the cockiness is not typical cockiness,
It’s powerful and attractive, its hard to explain youd have to run Wanted for a long time

the nonchalance is a cheat code and gives a halo effect
I don’t think theose modules will clash with Wanted nonchalance will probably intertwine interestingly,

Yes Wanted physical results are still there,

hot and cold still there, aura of mystery and all that I’m not sure


Sorry to type in your thread brother @Alphamale but im curious @Luther24 how would you compare wanted to khan ?

I mean they’re 2 completely different products lol
How to compare them?

Khan is a full course of the ultimate sexual Alpha Male.
Unlimited power and sex. Comprehensive multi-stage program and one of their biggest programs.

Wanted turns you into the devilishly hot guy that women chase after and can’t get enough of.

In terms of physical shifting, Khan 100% is affecting my looks and making me more handsome but not on the level of Wanted. It’s probably an indirect manifestation of the scripting.


It could be you think you look more sexy also which IMO is the same thing and just as important. For example on khan stage 1 i was looknig in the mirror and literally saw myself as a 9/10 lol. When i was off it much less

BUT that radiated out and hot girls were checking me out also… its very weird how it works tbh kinda a mind trip

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It sure is!! Lol

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@Alphamale Thank you for sticking with this journal!

I am thinking your self-discipline has improved.


As you can see I already finished the first cycle of my custom and AT LEAST I was listening to 1 full loop every other day and two loops when solo.
I added some subs here and there.
At the end of the cycle I added eog st1 and had pretty bad recon. After the 4 day washout I added WANTED, cuz u know, it’s tempting:))
But I was noticing my behavior was more carefree AND I lost my commanding voice, not because I was not masculine enough on WANTED, it’s because it removed that CARE about being the leader, man and the glistening hero of the house. I was consciously willing and subconscious reluctant to command people. This has happened in the last 10 days, I noticed two complete loops of WANTED and my GLM, commander and PCC custom is heavy and I decided listening to 3 minutes (in last listen) after listening to 3 min of my custom and 3 mins of WANTED I became kinda cocky and did not examine it much. Then I just thought about listening to 3 min of emperor. I listened and came out and all of a sudden people were LOVING me, @SaintSovereign what the hell does this sub have?! Are there some ALPHA components in emperorZP which my custom does not contain? My custom has alpha if alpha and dominion, but this is sth else, and the next day people were kinda worshiping me and giving service, even in the morning my intelligence dropped because of recon, but again people were respecting me despite my low functioning, I am in Iran and people here are sooo abusing, if they see you can’t do stuff in a good manner they would just push you. But these guys were respecting me, helping me and were VERY patient with me. AND attracted to me. There were some moments of kindness here and there.
Last night before I decided to listen to 3 minutes of these subs, I felt like my recon was kinda gone, cuz the day before I listened to 5 minutes of my custom. I KINDA FELT THAT 85-90% of my recon was gone. So I listened. I also had the similar (not the same) experience when I first listened to my custom, may be I was in recon all these days, I dunno, but emperorZP in another beast. AGAIN, I wanna know if emperorZP has exclusive STATUS and/or PERSONAL POWER scripts.


Seems like 3 minutes listening pattern and Emperor is the way to go for you.


Lets see

Today (last night I ran 3 mins of emperorZP) as the last month which I kinda had nothing to do, I signed up my two little brothers who were in their holidays and wasting their time, on khan academy and helped them in order to learn sth, it was brief but productive

Can it be emperorZP?
And all of a sudden I am writing testimonials, what is happening?

You start to change Habibi

Its a good thing

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I think after one and half cycle, my recon is getting lower, I also reduce the exposure time to a significant quantity.
But anyways I feel better, it’s my rest day and I am self assured and know that things are going my way.
Now that I have that BASIC level of self-confidence, I could slowly continue my growth journey.
My current stack is emperorZP, WANTED ZP, and my custom
I am happy in a sense


Hello, did you run PCC? Can you review it? Context: running Khan makes me less talkative (I have introvert tendencies), so I am considering what I can stack with Khan to be bolder, talk more in social contexts.

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From the point where VERY elder members of the forum were telling me to STOP the overexposure, I reached this point!.:point_down:t2::point_down:t2::point_down:t2:

I am on my 11th rest day and having epiphanies of my KHAN days( I WAS HAVING A LOT OF OVEREXPOSURE THOSE DAYS AND DID NOT TAKE WASHOUTS). It has been some night which I dream A LOT and I took it as a sign of RECON-ENDING and BLOOMING. So I continued my washout till now. But one point I wanna say that I don’t remember very much or I am not sure that I dreamt in the night’s sleep(maybe I am wrong since we tend to forget our dreams, wait, now that I remember I dreamt at nights) But I was having hell of vivid dreams in the past days. And NO!! I am not ending my rest days until I reach a VERY clear point.(Although I am very much tempted :joy::joy:)
Any ways, @RVconsultant @friday, looks like I reached the point where you guys recommended and wished me :hugs::grin:
@DarkPhilosopher just mentioning you to reminisce the text I wrote to traumatize someone with my jhonson​:joy::joy:
@SaintSovereign here comes the serious point:
1- Is it normal to feel recon in the early day and clarity in the end of the day? I have been seeing this pattern considerable times, but I assume today it faded a bit.(if you read the whole text)-> I FEEL LIKE PAST RESULTS ARE BLOOMING AND UNCOVERING like:
2- like I just mentioned guys above, maybe that’s PCC’s attention courting or HOM(Those time I was in CONSTANT over-overexposure).
3-I hope you read my text, what do YOU recommend?
Personally wanna continue my washout.
Thank you again Subclub :pray:t2: @SaintSovereign @fire.


What a coincidence
After two months
Me and you write at the same time haha.
PCC is one of my favorite subs and you will get attention at all cost.
But the bizarre thing is your silence on Khan.
Are you sure you are not having reconciliation?

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