Alpha discussion

I stopped running Emperor and ordered a mindset/healing custom and listened to it for a year… that’s what I did.


how’d that go? in regards to that rogue issue pacman talked about

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In my opinion being too alpha is a foundational issue. You are still putting your attention to wrong place. Which is outside. Your true strength comes from inside.


PCC - have you tried it?

If you are just going to speak your mind, it is going to make you feel free, but it is not always smart. Work superiors / managers are like snakes… bold snakes. To survive around snakes you got to be a snake. If they see you as a mouse than your food

If you are not a snake you are not a snake, but you have to learn to play with snakes.if you want to get ahead…


How would you suggest dealing with this/rectifying it?

What subs come to mind for that?

Nope don’t have PCC

Perfect analogy!

What cores did you have in there?


You need to actually think about this.

Are you really alpha?

You may want to be alpha and you may have started to become more alpha but are you alpha enough yet?

I’m going to assume its more of a case of a new convert to (in this case alphaness) overcompensating when they are not fully formed which is a phenomena I have witnessed in a number of different scenarios in life.

What would a real alpha do?

Say what he thinks and deal with the consequences later.

And you will then find the normies in society will back down rather than confront you.

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Yes they do but sometimes the normies are the bosses.
Then what ?
They then go onto ef you up through job authority.

Give me your best example from real life.

What have your bosses said or done to you.

Be as explicit as possible.

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At my previous school the principal was absolutely terrible. No way of speaking etc. It was his way or no way. He used to purposely make life terrible for us but smile on our face. When ever you disobeyed him when you had the right to he used to seek revenge in sneaky ways.

Our policy states that we need to be in school from 7:30am to 14:30pm. He used to purposely schedule meetings after that time. I don’t have a problem but atleast consult with us. Don’t threaten us to stay for the meeting.

No one was allowed to leave and he used to instruct the gate keeper not to open the gate.

One day I left the meeting at half 2 . He shouted at me in from of 80 people. I continued walking and left. The next day he came into my class room to check all my work. He did so without asking what happened with the meeting issue.

I then applied for leave which he needs to semi approve and he declined it. When ever I applied for leave he declined. He always watched my moves and came after me afterwards. But done in sneaky ways. Using his authority to enforce his will on me.

He felt he controlled my destiny after that.
When ever you speak up this is what happens I have seen it many times.

Same thing happened with police officers. I got involved with them. The officer was totally wrong but he mad it seem as if I’m wrong he even called for back up and I was close to being arrested. All for speaking up and pointing to him that he is wrong.

That’s the type of job you leave in a heartbeat without even giving a resignation notice!


That’s why I went for a transfer. But it’s the same in every school :laughing:

Hi pacman,

Why do I keep banging on about building a foundation?

Its because a foundation is necessary before one can achieve.

So a foundation is about being able to do what benefits YOU so that the building blocks of success can be put in place.

Because of the nature of the society we live in this necessitates two things.

An amount of money and the mental fortitude to follow through with sticking two fingers up to those who will hold you back.

You need money because we live in a (sort of) capitalistic society so you need to be able to pay your bills whilst looking (and being able to find) sources of income and you need the strength of mind to go against “polite society” social conditioning.

And it is for these reasons that I am always banging on about AM.

So run AM alone for a year. (Oh, and also take action of course).

Examine the plight of @Budewr. He reports having no success with Emp. He has no idea why he is merely totally clueless. The big tell was when he was droning on about being a "nice’ Emperor. The reality of power is that it is neither nice nor nasty, it simply exists as internal mental fortitude.I have already told Budwr what to do, which is to run AM alone for a year but will he follow my advice, will he fuck. Hence his struggle.

So, paceman, old chap, are you going to follow my advice?

So, start saving money and maybe delivering pizzas in the evenings for extra money if necessary. Start working really hard at your job and being very professional.

Then the dichotomy of your internal mental alphaness compared to your social status kicks in and causes friction.

This is where you are now.

And yes, you will not find it easy but it is not meant to be easy. But as you overcome each obstacle you will grow and it becomes easier.

So start small and accumulate small wins and others perceptions of you will change for the better and the more these perceptions change the more you will be able to get away with.

About your twat of a headmaster.

No doubt he calls himself ‘principle’ for the social cachet, so refer to him to his face as ‘headmaster’.

If he shouts at you for going home at the correct time simply shout back that its home time and that if its important you are sure he will drop by and let you know tomorrow whilst waving bye bye with a smile on your face.

Have you ever heard the terms ‘amused mastery’ or ‘cheerful misogyny’. It works.

There’s no comeback from being openly laughed at, (which is why sensible politicians take great care over this).

The headmaster comes into one of your lessons. Simply announce "Now boys and girls this is the headmaster Mr John Smith, Mr Smith has been headmaster here for five years and as such no longer does any teaching, in fact he is a bit out of practise but just does the school administration. So, Mr Smith what can I do for you on this beautiful Monday morning… etc, etc. And practise raising your voice and speaking over others and you will find they will splutter then shut up.

Btw, most jurisdictions have teachers unions so he can’t fire you on the spot, there is a process he has to go through. And even if he does, so what, openly laugh at him.

What the fuck made you become a teacher in the first place?

I imagine you followed societies entreaties to get a worthless degree followed by a worthless job that you just drifted into without much thought.

The old adage "those that can do, those that can’t teach’ has a great deal of truth.

Now tell me about the incident with the police and go into as much detail as possible.


Yes you definitely correct about a foundation.

What made me do teaching ?
Well I didn’t know what I am getting into. Like you said I assumed job security and moderate pay. Now that i am in it…the job sucks and my life is handle by some idiot who we call the headmaster. We are also governed by laws that make use sheep.

What happened with the police?
Well I was driving behind a police vehicle and notice him moving very slow. So I over took. And yes I was wrong for doing that because of the solid barrier line. As I passed h I noticed him on the cellphone. So police on the cellphone and driving? So you want to tell me how to follow law? When you breaking it?

He then chases me and cuts in front ofe and stops me. He was extremely rude. He even threw my licence card at me. The. I swore him and drove off. He then chased me again and I refused to stop. After like 3km chase I see back up blocking the road infront of me.

He then threatens to arrest me for refusing to stop. They, because now there was an at of police men and vehicles refused to listen to me and wanted to search my vehicle with me being there and I refused that also. I don’t know what they will put intoy vehicle and accuse me and possibly arrest me.

None wanted to listen to the disrespect that he showed me. I can take an arrest but I will not accept disrespect from you because you are the law doesn’t mean you can do that to me.

So yeah that’s it. I still got a fine worth $600.


Ok, you knew about the security and low pay, why did you not also know about having a wankstain of a boss that goes with the security and low pay?

You need to ask yourself what is inherent in your life/upbringing etc that you 1. Found the security attractive. 2. Allowed you to accept the low pay. 3. Not know about the boss.

@TheBoxingScientist and @Budewr have been talking about themselves being ‘nice’ people.

Do you see yourself as a nice person?

Have you been following @FoxDie or @Fractal_Explorer journals.

I think they both consider themselves to be nice and their current unhappiness comes from this.

As for the police thing.


Again, why did you not understand what the obvious outcome would be?

And why should other people give you any respect merely for existing? And why do you not know this?


What’s going on here? Why you talk about nice guys? :open_mouth:

I have to admit I do have a selfish side that drives me when it comes to making money using my niche expertise. Thats what emperor gave me.