Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

8 mins of Paragon (feeling sick still)
8 mins of LE

@azriel you’re one of ten people on this thread that said the productivity was crazy strong on RM, stronger than Executive ultima at the time. Does that still hold up or how do you feel about that now?

Custom has arrived -

A light sales custom dedicated to nothing but short term success at my current role - making this a light title, for low recon, on the days and weeks where i want nothing but sales prowess… and making an all-in-one short-term custom so that my other two slots can be long term development if and when i feel like it.

DEFINITELY will be adding RM and QL into the fold soon after much deliberation - currently running paragon because i’m a bit sick.

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1 min of the NR/LE custom.

life is pretty amazing right now so I don’t even know what results to look for.

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Still on track for our sales metrics even in december, a nasty slow month in real estate. Results would be a tad better if I wasn’t running Paragon, but, they’d also be better if I wasn’t sick, lol, so Paragon is a net win.

My creative productivity was very high on RM, but it quickly lead to one of the most challenging periods of the last few years on it and I did not stay on the sub. That was early QV2 for me and not a good time. Have not tested RM since.

How does it ‘feel’ compared to the store title stack. Actually thinking of trying LE. And your starting to ‘sell’ me on it. My productivity has been really poor-since ironically -running Emperor :hugs: Just care more about life than work.

Edit: I’m banging out certain things -but my obsessive focus on work is down, and I’m more directed to high ROI rather than all the little stuff that adds up to profound change.


You think it had a big contribution to the challenging time or did it just happen to coincide?

I think the QV2 format did, as well as many other challenging life factors–not RM necessarily in and of itself. But I wouldn’t run RM unless I was in a very creative profession or had room to focus on creative, artistic endeavors in my life.

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Since NWE came out I don’t feel subliminals anymore. I don’t feel NR AT ALL. It just is very noticeable that it’s getting me results. Sales are up. Socializing is fun. I’m confident and productive.

That’s why I stopped running NR. I couldn’t feel its effects. But then I looked at my daily reports and noticed my sales streak started exactly when I started NR and stopped exactly when I stopped running it.

But ever since NWE I stopped journaling because the feeling has gone away. I act differently but however I’m acting, even if I’m acting way more productive or professional or successful than normal, feels like I’ve always acted that way and am doing so independently


As for the actual custom, I haven’t run a full loop yet, just 60 seconds, and I’m sick, so it’s hard to say. But we got a sale today

Interesting, very similar exp w/NRICH for me. I haven’t done a second run through of it, but I agree with NWE the “feeling” is a lot more subtle.

I’m torn on it- except for 3 weeks on NR with my TS Black custom -where my results were off the charts insane, I have not noticed anything or I’ve stopped noticing anything. Other than this feeling of not wanting to try because things are easy. I could be in recon and maybe need to wash out or maybe just looking for results in sales/income has me miss things. I don’t really like the subtlety, I love the feeling of insane results, or blown away by things, or grateful for who I am and become. Since adding NWE to my TS Black custom -it all feels like ‘par for the course’ and it’s weird, it has me want the next things, something more or bigger, like this is not enough. Which of course could also be recon.

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Same, it’s made me overexpose and get recon, which I do feel still haha

But on New Emperor I realize sometimes I’m setting more boundaries or using a more commanding tone and it feels like this has just always been who I am, it’s not really noticeable. But upon reflection these are definitely results because NO I have not always set boundaries or used a commanding tone

NSE is truly insane

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Nouveau RICH custom bringing in quick results. My friend got me two free tickets to the nutcracker ballet, the tickets were easily worth $450 each. And while I was there, saw an old real estate mentor of mine and rekindled the relationship.


Noticed that I’m not taking nearly as much action taking on concussion-healing as I was when I was listening to QL. Sounds like NOE was leading me to the experiences I needed to heal it as quick as possible… exercises, appointments, less dopamine, etc

Good reminder that we’re always getting “results” because I didn’t notice how much I was on track with that goal until I stopped.


No dominion in this one? I remember you were a big fan. Just no room or any particular reason ?

Also how is the custom going in comparison to your store title stack streak?

I find customs sometimes take a minute to pick up, but if you’ve been running very similar titles it could be faster

Also do you think Emperor: House of Medici core for custom has transcendental connection in it?

Almost definitely

There’s literally no way for me to test the custom and its results yet. December is a slow month. I’ve been sick as a dog. And paragon has been helping my flu but killing my productivity.

But i’ve gotten quite a lot of referral sales since starting so what I can say for sure is King’s Radiance is kicking in. But I can’t say for sure how it’s doing for sales skills because of so few appointments and illness.

Today is the first day of feeling healthy btw :pray::fire: