Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

I was considering going back to HOM actually as I really need to double down and focus on my sales right now. Do you prefer NR for selling over that with the current tech?

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absolutely! i could see that being a fit. Personally, I find they’re very separate goals, when I’m healing I want to really heal, so it’s usually less productive on purpose. But for your situation it’d be a really powerful stack @lion!

On this note @lion and @niles… i’m going to go against everything I just said on the top of this reply, and actually say I think it’s really interesting to run something like Paragon 24/7. Or KB. Or something health-boosting. Having a boost in immune system and health is a long term, 24/7 endeavour. If you hadn’t ran KB before you got sick, maybe you’d have gotten sicker @niles. And since you’re coming off TRT, maybe Paragon or KB is going to help you come off it smoothly. Just something to think about for me moving forward in life - but my big hesitance is that the healing tech overpowers over aspects of the stack. Maybe Paragon Sleep or LOTS is a better fit - LOTS has that nice organ fortification.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t run a single loop of HOM since starting this position, apart from a poorly timed NR/HOM custom that in hindsight, broke the principles of good sub usage.

I’m going to test out HOM added to this stack in the new year, but first and foremost I needed to stabilize really good results before trying to make them world class. NR is going AMAZING for me for sales, but I don’t have a “comparison” with HOM because I haven’t tested both in this offer. I just know that NR has me so happy I’m not looking for other options.

Stacking both at the same time, in a new custom, and listening to longer loops, was too much, too fast, for my super-sensitive-to-subs brain, and I was in a stack switching phase (also added rev of dreams around that same time) so it wasn’t even a valid experiment and I can’t say how HOM compares to NR.

But NR is godly, and it’s great among the online entrepreneurial community, and given the guys that you’re connecting with, I’d definitely recommend you try it out.


Funny that you’re ramping sales up, I’m kind of ramping down, we’re selling to realtors, so it’s deadly slow during Christmas. I have my NR/LE custom coming in a couple of days, but it might be a good idea to work on something else for the holidays… back to QL, or continue running paragon, or run paragon sleep because I start at 7am on a formal zoom with our CEO daily in January instead of what I’m used to, 730am on an informal phone call with just my setter


Paragon has saved me from the hospital twice. Obviously for those type of cases, medical attention should be done but still it’s unbelievably powerful when combined with that.

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Warning: subliminals are not a replacement for parachutes.

I repeat

Do NOT jump out of a plane with all the necessary safety gear

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yes, subliminals’ job is to help you learn how to use the parachute, not to ignore it.

Depends on the subliminal.

Phoenix is to help you hit the ground and end suffering painlessly then get reborn as your new self.

Renaissance Man is to take selfies on the way down

Emperor Black is to not need a parachute at all and Dominate the ground into submitting to your arrival

Dragon Reborn is to fly without a parachute

Chosen is for everyone to see you descending down on a parachute and think Jesus sent you as a messiah

Sanguine: Elixir is for when your parachute jams but you don’t care because you’re blasting Dance To Joy Division by the Wombats

Mogul is so you can think “man I should design a better parachute” before you hit the ground with a splat


Haha, those are a good way to put them.

If i described them myself, i would say using subs always feel like a grease to smoothen the journey to my goals.


On Emperor Black you dominate the gravity and submit it so it makes you float :triumph::triumph:


Love what I’m catching up on here.

Was actually deciding between a KB stage 1/Paragon custom or LOTs/Paragon custom

I have to run Paragon and/or LOTS to get some nagging injuries under control

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For injuries I’d go for Paragon - LoTS as @vesper puts it is more like health optimization, not recovery/healing

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what’s the distinction?

Also KB , PAragon could be fire for healing with the extra energy

What I meant by that is it’s focus is on health optimization on things relating to physical shifting and aesthetics. Example: Testosterone, thyroid, increases blood flow around hair follicles, DHT production, estrogen, etc. It will not get rid of stuff like acne or health problems like food poisoning or flues. That’s what Paragon is for.

So let’s compare:
LoTS - Physical Healing focused on health optimization relating to physical shifting and aesthetic.

Paragon - All encompassing physical healing solution. It has everything relating to physical healing.

KB - Has no physical healing, it has no physical shifting. The only reason it “heals” is due to the sexual energy which is a different aspect of healing which doesn’t relate to this subject. The healing from KB comes from the sexual energy which makes one more energized, stronger, more confident, etc. You will get a similar effect from just being celibate for a week which would increase your sexual energy similar to what KB would do (if your using it for the sole focus of increasing your sexual energy).


Beautifully said

Would -LOTS help with minor joint injuries or back pain-things related to performance?
My sense is LOTS like WB would get rid of acne as it is an aesthetic related healing.

I was thinking of combining LOTS and Paragon for full physical healing and performance

or combing KB with Paragon for full physicals healing with the benefits of KB.

I’ve abstained from release and done energy circulation practice and tested KB, and KB does what those practices would not come close to for months to years in my experience.


btw - derail away - love this convo

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It shouldn’t no. I’d recommend Paragon for any injury or pains you may have. LoTS, physical healing should be used if you have any issues optimization wise.

LoTs + Paragon would be the best combo. It has a good synergy together from my experience as well. I’ve tried LoTs + KB as well. Good combo but KB didn’t do much except increase my energy threw sexual energy as far as the physical part goes.

Your right but it depends on the person. Some people may already be familiar and intuned with their sexual energy while others aren’t. For beginners, 100% KB should be the starting point for sexual energy work. For advanced user, to be determined.

I’d personally do a LoTs + Paragon custom if I was you if your going for the full physical healing and performance due to their synergy and stack KB with it. You could also combine those 3 into a custom but I’ve never tried nor will I ever do that. It could be a pretty dense custom but could also be a really good custom.

Overall and this is completely unrelated, I like KB a lot more then Khan since it adds to a archetype sub instead of derailing it which was my experience when trying to combine Khan + Stark (never again) compared to Stark + KB which was surprisingly a pretty good experience which is why I like KB even tho it’s part of the Khan series.


Alright, carrying on.

New Adventure is to pick a holiday stack.

No pressure to close heavily until beginning of the new year. Taking the 22nd to 2nd almost completely off - will work 2 days on the 27th/28th but probably not even get any booked calls.

Going to go on a new years reflection retreat as I always do for NYE from the 29th-1st, lots of time to dig deep into my psyche, would be nice to either dig up some stuff to reflect on, or do heavy rewiring so that I’m new-ish come 2024

Slot 1: Nouveau/LE custom (basically just microlooping this, will focus on developing with slot 2/3
Slot 2: ???
Slot 3: ???

Top contenders:

  • The executive
  • Paragon Sleep
  • QL ST2
  • Phoenix
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LE results and reflections

I don’t think I give LE enough love with my written posts. I give it love in big batches, but I don’t rack up the little pieces of evidence that show why I love it so much. I talk about sales, which naturally leads to chats about NR, a lot, but let’s put it this way…

The results of NR or any sub that I listen to would be almost impossible without the help of LE keeping me in a massive action-taking mode. Not only does LE seem like a results enhancer, but it also seems like a recon-reducer, in both cases because it makes taking action easier.

LE has it’s own sales boosting effects as well - I’ve never tried this, but I imagine that I could probably even drop NR (drop all wealth/other subs) and go on long sales streaks running nothing but solo LE. But I don’t feel the need to run that experiment, as I like the wealth + productivity combo.

Coming back to NR/LE solo (minus a few health-saving runs of Paragon), I’m feeling the effects coming back, very pronounced.

My productivity system is starting to become more pen and paper - a positive sign that i’m moving away from the distractions of tech. And I’m being more disciplined and organized about “mind-dumping” any stray thoughts/to-do’s that I want to capture later, so that I don’t constantly feel this sense that I’m “missing” something.

Most noticably, I’ve been carving an hour out each night, right before bed, to do some sort of high-priority, important-not-urgent, non-career-focused, , technology-free focused & deep work.

The deep work, more so journaling this part for myself

Last night, it was doing some vision work from the Tony Robbins course I did. Tonight, it’s going to be reading a book. Sometimes, it’s just being quiet, present, feeling what it’s like to wander around the house and letting my impulses take me where they take me for a whole hour, so long as it’s not into tech or a distraction. Reading, meditating, stretching, kettlebells, journaling, doing nothing, organizing my next day, they’re all possible on the menu. Just feeling very called to carve out an hour for myself each night to end the day on a focused, connected-to-self note, instead of a distracted, social-media-binging, disconnected-from-self end to the day.

I’m also feeling called to do something similar in the morning, but that’s more of a stretch goal. For now, the only thing I’m making myself do in the morning is pick up a 70lb dumbbell and hold it for at least 10 seconds right when my alarm goes off in the morning. No snooze.


Long question to support, on if I’m plateauing with Limitless Executive and need a different sub to affect deep personal changes to the core level about focus.

the LONG ticket


I’ve been running limitless Executive with dedication for about two months now. But it has been one of the staples of my stack, on and off, for two years. I probably have about 10 months of total consistency with it across that time.

my intuition is I’m starting to hit a plateau with it. I might be wrong.

I noticed that my workday productivity has massively improved, up to a point, but hasn’t progressed further since then.

From 9 AM until about 3 PM, I’m more or less on task. It’s a dramatic transformation from where I used to be. That’s amazing for me.

but once my workday gets close to its end, I go right back to a more unproductive mindset. Lot of YouTube binging. Avoidance of tasks. I usually don’t even end my day at work properly, ending early, with tasks left undone,

the other reason I think that I am plateauing off of limitless executive is because when I don’t listen to limitless executive, it’s results go away really quickly

so I guess what I’m trying to explore is what kind of subliminals to listen to to address these productivity issues that I have at a deeper, more fundamental level to myself, and to dig up deeper changes, that touch more to my core. I want to change the root cause of this and rewire myself to be much more productive overall – not just at work, but also in my personal life.

One reason I might be “plateauing” could be I’m only listening to 3-5 minutes of Limitless Executive, for what I call “long term development” or my productivity. And I’m microlooping 30-60s of LE for same-day results. So first question, could that be why I’m experiencing this. Would longer loops “hit deeper?”

but I’m also willing to explore subliminals to address this directly.

with the holidays coming, I have time to handle some recon, if need be. And with an NR/LE custom coming soon, I now only have a one-title stack.

I’d like to pick 1-2 subliminals that would help me hit this goal of a deeper sense of internal drive and productivity directly, to stack alongside the NR/LE custom. If there’s something that can give me a boost to my sleep/wakefulness and get me more motivated to wake up in the morning that’s even more exciting.

I just don’t want to run Mogul or Emperor to accomplish this as I’ve tried and it’s not accomplishing what I want it to.

to enhance the focus with more intense focus scripting, I’m looking at quantum limitless stage 2, as I recently ran ST1. And eventually going to st3/4. That’s one option.

I’m also looking at The Executive – does the executive hit deeper than Limitless Executive?

so I’m thinking of stacking one of those two subliminals, as a focus-specific-script, with a results-enhancer/healer/limit remover.

For the results enhancer, I’m looking at Phoenix, which I have no experience with, and I’m looking at Sanguine: Elixir, which I have a lot of experience and results with.

to sum up:

– does EXEC hit deeper than LE?
– is QLST2/3/4 better for addressing the root causes of focus/productivity than EXEC?
– would elixir or phoenix be the better results enhancer for a focus stack?
– does running 3-5 minutes of LE instead of 10-15 minutes of LE make it less of a deeply transformation, “root” experience for me?
– are there other subs I didn’t mention that could help me accomplish this?

to sum up the main questions

– does EXEC hit deeper than LE?
– is QLST2/3/4 better for addressing the root causes of focus/productivity than EXEC?
– would elixir or phoenix be the better results enhancer for a focus stack?
– does running 3-5 minutes of LE instead of 10-15 minutes of LE make it less of a deeply transformation, “root” experience for me?
– are there other subs I didn’t mention that could help me accomplish this?


Renaissance Man is striking me as the perfect holiday/focus sub, actually.

It’ll help me connect with family over the holidays, so that social component will be there.

It’ll help me dig deep into my emotions to come up with gold, the truth of what I want in life, to reflect on and fully cement during my end of year reflection retreat.

It’ll be a great time to run it as I’ll have the time over the holidays to pursue creative projects, a bit of writing, etc.

And for this focus question, it could very well help me feel productive by unblocking me from doing the things I want to do and having me do them with more vision. I’ve been wanting to run it for so long, just been waiting for the upgrade FOREVER, but I might have to just listen to it normally over the holidays and be pleasantly surprised when it gets upgraded.