Abundance's Journal

Current stack:
Listening Day A. Q(LD,LBfH), Q(GLM)
Listening Day B. DRST1

My mind cant focus. Today I had to do mindless things. Idk if it is recon or overexposure. I think I fried it with too much instant gratification.

I feel impatient for results even tho I am experiencing a lot of internal shifts. I’m finally able to start DR in my second DR cycle.

I wish could run wealth and alpha subs but I know its not wat I should be doing. I may go to the spiritual subs after and not the rich wanted emperor type subs I would like to have. They seem to be a waste of time. I wonder if I will just stick with healing and spiritual subs in the long term or I will ever use the others.

I’ve been eating terribly and don’t really care. I don’t think it’s possible to enjoy life without instant gratification unless I go through deep healing first. I’m healing for sure but is it deep enough. will i be on this journey for a year or years. I don’t force myself to do too much anymore. Something always happens that trips me up or stops me in my tracks. I have to do things differently otherwise id make all the same mistakes that hold me back.

The manifestations on my first DR cycle was powerful. I know now I will succeed at anything I truly want. All the problems I have will be solved. I don’t fully grasp how but I ‘know’ this will happen.

Relax, bro :sunglasses:
You do sound confused and impatient, and that sure is a road to recon and frustration
Get off your own back and everything will be fine.

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Yep, confused and impatient, maybe I could take some rest days to check if it’s recon or not.

Or maybe better you should do some meditation each day, just five minutes.
Just sit or kneel, and watch your breathe, let your thoughts go by like clouds in the sky, hear the sounds in your surrounding, but you do f*ckin NOTHING!
Just switch off the electricity that you seem to be under all day long. Just for five minutes! You can do that! Just five, not ten, not half an hour. Just five freakin’ minutes!
Meditate about your goals. Do I REALLY need that? Do I REALLY want that?
Is it worth the energy?
Is it worth to switch from this sub to that sub and another sub and maybe it would have been better to stick to the first one… SH…OOOKS!!! :rage: :cold_sweat: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I used to be like that, and believe me: You have to calm down, bro. You gotta RELAX!
Listen to a sub - just ONE! - that will focus your mind, that keeps you centered and free from distraction or constant change. Listen to that ONE sub to a couple of weeks or even months.
Let the sub do its work. Let the universe do its work.
They don’t work if you run around in your cage like a guinea pig in despair! :wink:
Take care

Listening day

Everything I ever wanted was only what I wanted because I believed it was what I want. I keep having desires come up and I reflect on them. I see that it’s all because I believed it was the only way to be content but I can only get this from within. My desires are losing their power to influence me. They are unraveling in a way where over time I may not be the same person as I was before.

It seems like every desire I have is a false desire except for wanting to be in the present moment with an unwavering mind. I have attributed things outside of myself and even my thoughts and perceptions to be what gives me this state whether I knew it or not. Really there is nothing out there for me to achieve this. It is only something I can get internally. All the worldly things are just bonuses, icing on the cake not the cake itself.

Even my fears are being affected by this. I have fears of not having what I desire. As these desires become less relevant to me and my wellbeing, the fears become less and less as well.


Listening day DR cycle 2

Listening rn. I feel pressured to work on myself. I know the sub is working but I feel the actions I take will determine the execution and results of the scripting. I am pressuring myself to make sure to pick my actions well for my self work.

I don’t know what needs to be worked on to the exact specifics but I know things to work on. I’m hoping what I do is working to support the script.

I question myself, am I listening to too much? I see others unable to handle the script but I feel fine and I’m getting great results. Many internal shifts and a greater outlook of my future. I’m listening to the full 15 min loop of each subliminal of that listening day…
Listening Day A. Q(LD,LBfH), Q(GLM)
Listening Day B. DRST1
One listening day every other day.

Why do I feel fine and others can barely handle a few minutes? Idk if this good or bad in terms of getting the most out of it. Why am I not getting much recon? My only recon is frustration of ‘am I doing everything to get the most out of it?’ the rush and pressure and confusion of ‘am I doing this in the ideal way or not’

I have been thinking of doing 4 cycles for each stage. I would be thorough this way.

Little internal shifts every day. It’s going to amount to something. Externally I cant be sure to write anything down that could be results but internally there is. I am waiting for it to change so much internally that externally things change as well. Like my actions and manifestations.

There have been big blocks that have been holding me back for too many years to count and always seemed impossible to resolve. Now I’m having glimpses of these blocks not being as solid as I thought they were. It feels somehow possible to move on. I think it’s DR and I just have to wait and see it through.

Recon is wanting more subs and more loops. impatience for results despite getting so much. I look on the forum for others DR results to substitute for the impatience. But I think my impatience is being worked on as well. It is becoming less intense and fading.

Almost ran AC but stopped myself. I want to pace myself and be safe from overexposure. Everything is going so well and smoothly I don’t really need to rush anyways.

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I am more comfortable in situations than I wouldn’t be before running these subs. Especially after almost 2 cycles of DR.
If I was uncomfortable before it would be reduced. Theres a smoothness to my day to day life now.

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It’s weird to experience the same things as i did before without having a since of lack. I feel I have enough in the present moment and so i’m not grabbing on to the experience to get the most out of it. I just mentally took a step back and enjoyed without forcing anything. Im detached. It stood out cus i experienced a couple things 1000 times before but the context of my mentality was so different that this time was like a new experience to me.

Washout Day

Been in a daze mindless most of the past 2 days. But something clicked inside and I think I made a major breakthrough in my life. Time will tell. I didn’t expect to change so fast. I doubted that was possible.

Sometimes I just tell my subconscious to focus on something and I think it listens with these subs.

Last night I had a bunch of old things come up. Seemingly irrelevant things. I couldn’t really tell why it mattered but it didn’t feel like my own thoughts. It felt like my subconscious was bringing it up for some reason.(I do have Merger of Worlds) Then I saw all of the things I saw being burnt in a blaze in a mental visual. It felt like I was being shown this, not creating it myself. It like my subconscious it letting me know its working or it could just be in my head.


I realizing i’m over exposed. still getting healing and shifts internally (feels amazing) but my cognitive functions are off and making a lot of simple mistakes. Still getting powerful healing despite being out of it so much. maybe because healing subs deal with internal things it doesn’t really matter if i am overexposed or not to still get results.

I am going to have to take some more rest days. and today i’m probably going to make sure to stay home. I shouldn’t be behind the wheel.


my mind is opening up. its like fixed beliefs in how i operate is becoming more and more seemingly flexible.

i was running errands an i noticed my body language and attitude was different. it was like confidence but not in a ego way. It’s more like, go with the flow and uneffected by the things around me.

I think things are going one way with these subs but then it just gets everything. now im focusing on this then itll work on that. my mind shifts over to something by choice or not then it focuses on that. I thought I knew where this was going to take me but now im not entirely sure. i just know its good

last night i had a dream that taught me a clear lesson i need meditation. that is the reason i felt so good recently. Lately i’ve been looking forward to meditation instead of seeing it as a discipline. i was constantly meditating and avoiding any form of instant gratification. I felt great. but then I indulged and that feeling diminished significantly.

Since i plan to run a DR ST4,LBFH custom throughout next year, i am currently intending to shorten the cycles of the first 3 stages from 3 cycles to 2 cycles. that way i can have multiple cycles of the custom before the end of the year and start running QLST1 by the start of the next year.

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yesterday i wanted to ‘update my stack’ so bad. but there was no way i could add anything that worked. then i saw a old post i made. i realized after reading it im listening to wat i need rn and i need to stick with it to deeply ingrain it into my subconscious. that way it will be more permanent.

i was getting used to the change and trying to jump onto the next thing but if i switch, the results wouldn’t be as much as i want and could somewhat fade away. I have to stick with my stack despite wanting to add QL into my stack.

I was thinking of mixing QLST1 with GLM and a few modules and result enhancers but it just looked like a kitchen sink sub with 2 different focuses. and my stack already is a heavy load so adding that could be a problem even if i made a focused sub

Ive started to see how i have been like a child. i somehow never fully grew up. i just stayed at a certain level of immaturity. i can see that i am becoming more mature and responsible. its like i started to grow up and maturing again. my frame of mind is more adult like. i feel more responsible for making my life ideal and feel it is more and more possible as time goes on. im taking action for my health and finances more that before. i’m keep looking for ways to upgrade myself. more control, more ambition, less mentally blocked.


DR ST2 cycle 1 complete

  1. Q(LBFH,LD) + Q(GLM)
  2. DRST2
  3. Q(LBFH,LD) + Q(GLM)
  4. DRST2
  5. Q(LBFH,LD) + Q(GLM)
  6. DRST2
  7. Q(LBFH,LD) + Q(GLM)
  8. DRST2
  9. Q(LBFH,LD) + Q(GLM)
  10. DRST2

A lot has happened. I took a lot more action in executing the script. it got intense but feels natural to have a drive like this. i feel like i can take on so much more. i think i picked a perfect stack for myself

i kept trying to plan wat my next stack will be once i open it up. QL, EoG, Paragon sleep, Rebirth, CFW, RoM, ME…

rn i think that later when i am doing a stack of Q(DRST4,LBfH)+Q(GLM,LD) ill add CFW. i want to go deep and the possibility of what my future could be has really opened up. CFW could be key in that.

fear of not making enough money makes me want to go into EoG. but i think the extra drive and healing i am getting should help take care of that.

I think there is something i cant really pinpoint that really changed in me last week. it felt like i made a radical and major breakthrough subconsciously. it feels like a new life is starting for me. a hang up just got removed. and the rest will be removed so i feel much more powerful and in control of my future. i really can make my life the life i want it to be. i still feel blocked in making that happen but it feels like a major factor in that was removed. i wish i could logically wrap my head around it.

I moving to stage 3 after running stage 2 for only 1 cycle. the reason is i will be running drst4 for a very long time and i think it will be fine to do one cycle if its smooth ill just go to st4 and stay there and st4 has all the stages anyway so i dont miss anything. then after long enough i will put it into a custom and have a free space sooner for either nothing or CFW or watever i change my mind to. but CFW is really clicking with me rn.

after reading a lot posts on the DR threads i realized i am going through lots of stuff that i want to go deeper into and maybe not rush. i might do another cycle of stage 2. many issues that came up last cycle i really want to heal.

Its weird how i didnt notice all my wounds and issues coming up. its normal for me to experience them so when they came up its like the recon of DR is hidden in plain sight. i immediately do something to address these issue whenever i can.

but all these things that came up normally before was brought up, highlighted with extra motivation, drive and resources/manifestations to address it. these issues keep weakening over time as well. this allow the the speed and ability of my own self healing to be shockingly more powerful. I’ve been doing the same things (immediately addressing the issue if i can) before running subs but not at such an intense and effective way. this made me disregard the negatives experiences i was having.

I also dont want to give power to negativity. i know beyond my understanding things r changing. i experience it happening in me.


3rd day of a washout and cant sleep idk if its me or recon.

reading through the DR ZP v1 thread
def feeling through this when planing my future stacks

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i just realized something i have been doing everyday since childhood. its a thinking habit. it has held me back in some ways. Idk if it is useful anymore. idk how to change it now but it feels like it has opened up and the subs will help take care of it. seeing it from this angle feels like realizing u have been wearing uncomfortable clothes that u got used to wearing so much you forgot about it. i’ve been wearing these metaphorical clothes for around 20+ years so i just forgot i had them on. Im not sure how to take them off tho. my conscious mind probably doesn’t know how to address it cus its wat created and kept this habit alive. but my subconscious mind is working on everything now. im going through DR. Im curious more than exited to know what will happen to this thinking habit. i will definitely contemplate on it, now that i can see it. it could be a major blockage thats been holding me back. i think its deeper than what i see now but theres potential there.

Reading DR ZP V1 Thread

i got to keep this in mind when i get bored. there is a clear obvious difference if i only reflect on where i was before starting DR. its unbelievable if i didn’t experience it. the highs and lows i go through are a different nature. my lows don’t phase me and don’t hold me back nearly as much. my highs or more empowering and sustainable.
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