A remarkable journal

I’ve been lurking here since June 2019 so its about time I started a journal to help me understand what changes are happening.

Anyway , about three years ago I can across a pheromones forum and started getting into that. I knew that animals use scent so there was scientific basis behind it. I did a lot of reading and got Aqua Vitae and Bad Wolf and noticed some affect from them, both with me and on others, however any affects were limited. Whilst reading the pheromone forum I came across someones journal, it was mainly about pheromones but included a bit about the journal writers work associate who had created his own subliminal and had used it to get two gorgeous eastern european girls to be his girlfriends and they were all living together. This guy was described as an ugly indian guy with a face only a mother could love who had no personality.

At this stage I was aware of subliminals/affirmations but had ignored them as how could looking at yourself in a mirror and repeating “Every day in every way I am getting better and better and better” actually work. I was intrigued with the Indian guys results and two things stood out. 1, that it took about six months to work and the girls both made efforts to ignore him in the beginning (as I assume they tried to fight their changing feelings) so it wasn’t that they immediately tried to rape him and, 2, that of the 300 odd entries in the journal only about 10 were about the Indian guy. So it sounded like truthful reporting instead of made up nonsense.

So I did the obvious thing and searched for a subliminal forum. The first one I found was a competitors to SC, I won’t name them but I guess most here will know who I am talking about. Anyway, the first one I tried was the free alpha product simply because it was free and I did notice some slight effects. I then stumped up some money to buy the “manifest women” product and while I didn’t get laid on it, again I did feel some slight effects.

In June 2019 I stumbled on to here and after some reading got AM and PS which I then proceeded to play together in a variety of combinations and masked/ultra and didn’t get anywhere. I then started with AM in masked only for a number of months and gradually introduced PS in masked. I feel more confident and self assured and enjoy telling other people what to do at work. Since reintroducing PS I have noticed women staring at me, that’s never happened before, also some guys stare at me, wtf is that all about they can’t all be gay.

Anyway at night I play 6 AM and 4 PS with two nights a week free and when I can during the day I alternate AM and PS but sometimes at work I can’t do this. All listening is done through headphones/earbuds or sleep band.

So what’s next? Well I’ve started this journal here so as to better notice and understand any changes and one thing I am thinking about is because I am a bit of a loner and don’t speak that much it might be a good idea to get Daredevil or Khan but that’s for the future.

I won’t be updating this journal everyday, (its taken me this long to delurk) but at the moment I do intend to add to it when I have something interesting to contribute.


great, the change must come from within, i was introduced to PU in 2003, i was a part of IndiaLair… this is like a long long ago… back then different things worked, now different things work…

keep posting your significant updates, what changes you observe and how you are progressing…

welcome to the forum @remarkable. (well, you’ve been here already, but you know what I mean). I like your writing. It’s somehow pretty easy to picture whatever you’re describing. It will be good to hear your reflections and observations as you work with various programs here.

Wow, I just got a major Dejavu when I wanted to write something about that…

Anyway, welcome to the journal family.

I myself had been more on the quiet side, especially in a bigger group or in discussions and fights. Khan and now EmperorQ really changed me in that instance!

I am curious about your results in the future and how PS will help you as I never listened to it.

Time for another entry, thanks for the warm welcome chaps.

Ah yes, pickup. I was first introduced to this in 1993 with the usenet newsgroup alt.seduction.speed. At first this was Ross Jeffries marketing his NLP but others who knew what they were talking about soon got involved and then developed a structured methodology. Fast forward a number of years and the end result is the London Daytime Model.

The writing style I got from my brother which was designed to get to the point and impart information, compare and contrast with the overly wordy style taught in American Journalism courses.

I have been ill with “flu like” symptoms since before the lockdown but am now back at work since I’m a key worker. Before the lockdown I was visited by a Television Licensing man (here in the UK you have to pay the TV license tax in order to legally watch broadcast telly). I simply confirmed that I didn’t have a license and instead of him trying to get me to purchase a license on the spot or try to gather evidence to prosecute me like they always do, he simply accepted this and left.

Got an IOI from a girl at the supermarket.

Got an IOI twice, from one of the managers at work. Direct prolonged eye contact and a beaming smile with a “Good morning”.

Felt the need to earn more money so polished up the CV and applied for a couple of jobs that paid more. I’m also feeling I can be more productive whilst not at work.

Intrigued with StarkQ as it includes Daredevil but I’m going to stick with AM and PS for a bit longer.


Remarkable results (pun intended) :yum:

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Time for another journal entry. Since the last entry Q has been released so I’ve upgraded both AM and PS to Q and then proceeded to do what most people have apparently done and overplayed them. Initially I did 24 hours a day and got … nothing after a week. I then dropped down to 6X each but that only gave me a headache, actually more like a brain itch that I couldn’t scratch so I then took a week off. I now play AM three times a day and have dropped PS entirely.

OK so what have I noticed.

  1. Got a new job with more money.
  2. Have a more don’t give a fuck mentality.
  3. Less prevarication, I’m taking more action, including in fitness!
  4. Have 2 new money making opportunities lined up, lets so how these pan out.
  5. Less interest in women but not less interest from women.

I intend to run AM x3 for another couple of weeks and then try x4 a day and see if that makes any difference.


Yep that’s the case with EmperorQ. Less need for a woman, a take it or leave it attitude.

Time for another update.

Got yet another job with more money.

Started a business, feel more motivated to do stuff instead of just going through the motions.

Exercise regularly, both for CV and muscle growth. This is easy to do and I look forward to it.

Lost all interest in playing computer games and also politics.

Renewed interest in the Stock Market.

Wife saying she loves me more.

Less procrastination in general.

Currently playing AM three times during the day with two days off per week.

Thinking about adding Stark because of the new business, Libertine Ultima looks interesting as well.

What else can I say, subs work, you just have to keep consistent, don’t overload yourself and start taking action.


This one gets it. Congrats and keep up the good work. :wink:


Another update.

Got the Sennheiser Pro 280 headphones, first thing I noticed is that I had to turn the volume down, secondly, they are much clearer than what I used before.

Also got Emperor and Libertine Ultima.

I view Emp as a continuation from AM but with added sexiness and learning.

The plan is to play Emp twice a day for five days a week and take two days off and then on the last two days before the days off to play LU once per day.

In other news the business seems to have started unexpectedly well.

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Time for another update.

Been running Emp, noticed increased status. Managers at work deferring to me, apologising to me when I make a mistake and women at work looking at me.

Noticed a large drop in libido, I didn’t have sex with my wife or anyone else for several months, however this didn’t bother me.

Had a break from subs for three weeks then started back with 1 x Emp and 2 x PS and had sex last night.

I enjoy the feeling of powerfulness and purpose I get on Emp and don’t want to give that up. I’ve been thinking about Khan for the sex aspect but don’t want to lose any business wealth leadership stuff I’ve got now so will stick with Emp, PS and Lib for now and think about HoM and EoG probably in about three to six months time.

Is there a difference between what I want and what is good for me?

And now for something a bit different which is better said here than clogging up others threads.

We are all here because we understand that listening to stuff alters our perception of reality and hence how we respond to it.

It therefore follows that what we listen to is important.

So I want to point out two areas where this has the potential to negatively affect people.

So why the fuck do some on here continue to listen to music with lyrics that reinforce the life is hard there’s not much you can do about it nihilistic message. Of course the rejoinder is the studies prove that listeners of such music are “well adjusted”. And they certainly are well adjusted. So well adjusted that they put up with other peoples shit for decades. The lesson here is that forsaking your favourite music is a good thing if the rest of your live improves.

The second area is where people listen to tales about magic money trees.

There is a dirty little secret in the money business and it is this. That the Efficient Markets Hypothesis is bollocks. I both know and know of many people who can make a realistic 20%+ but they simply don’t talk about it to outsiders because outsiders would find it hard to use, difficult to understand and quite frankly, most people find FA is boring. But if you go on the net there are plenty of youtube commentators numerous forums and websites all talking about TA and selling stuff to do with this because it is easy to use, easy to understand and the lure of unearned wealth to poor people is intoxicating. But never mind losing your hard earned does tend to concentrate the mind albeit the wrong lessons are invariably learnt. The lesson here is that many people can make 20% a year so you can too but nobody makes 20% a month.

Happy new year everyone.


@James and @Leandros were talking about toxic positivity here which is somewhat off topic so I think I will address that in my journal.

Toxic positivity is real and can be exemplified by the overly enthusiasticness found in american society.

Imagine a quadriplegic thinking he can be the next Lionel Messi. It just ain’t gonna happen.

But where does this mismatch come from and why does it continue to exist?

IOW what is wrong with american society that allows this to happen?

Its because american culture tries to enforce beliefs which simply are not true and when culture comes face to face with reality this causes a mismatch of cognitive dissonance.

Since @RVConsultant is a fan of British tv comedy, I am reminded of the tagline from “only Fools and Horses”. “This time next year Rodney, we’ll be millionaires”.

The British get the humour, americans seem to think that it is a reflection of society.

We even get examples of it here on this forum with Hurrikane wanting to be a scammer on financial twitter and when I pointed this out tried to blame me for being a wet blanket instead of proving he would be selling information that actually helps people.

Or how about RVConsultant being agast at the reality of power when a scrote breaks ones plant pot.

Or even the NPC clone making unnecessarily derogatory comments on someone elses life and interests.

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@remarkable Cognitive dissonance is probably part of or a lot of it. Similar to what you said it really comes down to unrealistic expectations. An example of that is religious people who teach what’s called the Prosperity Gospel. Believing that the more you give in seed the more abundance and prosperity God will bestow upon you.


Thank you for using your initiative to move this discussion to your journal and your openness to continue to discuss it.

I’m glad you feel comfortable speaking your mind, and that you have faith and confidence in your abilities to defend and validate what you think is real or true.

Unnecessary derogatory comments are unacceptable. I’m sorry that happened. I hope no one else makes any derogatory comments (necessary or unnecessary) on someone else’s life or interests. That includes name calling. From this point on if you think it happens, please flag the message.

Unnecessary derogatory comments are morally wrong but not unacceptable as to be banned. And I will never flag such either.

I am not sorry this happened because it was a useful learning experience. It presented an opportunity for me to articulate my thoughts and hence understand my thought processes and logic. It also gives lurkers clearly useful information and will also help the forum member, who initially made the comments, with a platform for growth should he ever consider my point and not dismiss it with a “OK, whatever”.

Saint jumped in and deleted my reply and the other forum members response with the reasoning that members journals should not be subject to too much scrutiny so offer a modicum of acceptance to peoples struggles and indeed I have a measure of sympathy for this considering the nature of this forum is that of self help so naturally some of the people drawn it it would have significant mental health problems.

One other thing, unlike Oprah Winfrey talking to Meghan Markle, there is no such thing as “your reality”, there is only reality.

And to bring this discussion full circle to discuss cognitive dissonance, a factor for this must be the deliberate incorrect use of language.

For example do not say “I reached out to…” when you sent an email, made a phone call or even instructed your factotum, because you did not actually lean over and extend your arm.

I like how dedicated you are to your ideas. I hope that dedication continues to help you during any reconciliation you experience as you continue to listen to subliminals. I also realize you might have some ideas that could agree with the rules, expectations, and guidelines for posting on the forum. At any given moment, you can choose to abide by them even if you don’t agree with them.

If you ever feel frustrated with the interactions on this forum; or the rules, expectations, or guidelines for this forum; or the differences you have with other people; or that people may not understand what you post in the way that you want them to; then that’s okay. It might be in those moments when you might think you have a better perspective than others, or that you might want to post something you think someone should know. It might be helpful to them, as I don’t expect anyone here to have all the right answers or to be perfect or to agree with me all the time. People have their own ideas about life. So I can understand and even expect people to think different from me, even not agree with me sometimes, and maybe even not share my perspective on something.

You are welcome to post and participate, so long as you can stay within the forum rules, expectations, and guidelines as specified by @SaintSovereign and @Fire.

Time for another update.

I used to run RICHv2 once a day and Emp Qv2 3 times a night.

I sleep on my side, mostly so was concerned about only one ear getting any input. So I have switched to RICHv2 maybe twice a week and EmpQv2 maybe 3 times a week all during the day with headphones.

I am also thinking about adding HoM to this but lets see how I get on first. I am also aware of Azriel running partial subs and will be following this experiment closely. We know that subs are repeated a number of times in each 1 hour play as apparently saint has confirmed this. So maybe getting less loops would work better for some people.

Anyway, time to look for another job. I realise I am lucky compared to some of the people here in that I don’t work purely for money and I’m not exactly badly paid.

On the business front, the one I started last year has failed to gain momentum due to the govt’s response to the chinese flu however the skillset we were bringing to it is applicable elsewhere so we have pivoted. I am also actively looking at another venture in an industry I have previous experience in, but early days yet.

So, Emp is working, I am doing things again.

At this point it is reasonable to give two examples of where i just didn’t do anything. Remember when there was video coming out of China of people just falling over in the street. I knew the dictators would not keep this to themselves, that western govts would take measures to their own populations and that therefore the hospitality sector would be hit. I had shares in Marstons (MARS) a UK pub operator which I knew would take a hit. Yet I did nothing for months until I bailed out near the bottom. Or what about when McShitburgers (MCD) where selling at $25 per share or whatever it was. Introducing new menu items and a marketing campaign solved any profitability problems and it was an easy 4 bagger and again I did nothing.

Where does this come from?

Answers on a postcard, please!

Is life simply too easy? No, that’s not the whole story. Self reflection is not particularly easy, nor is it always particularly useful.

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You’re doing Khan ST1 Total Breakdown, a subliminal designed to completely break you down. You proceeded to overload your subconscious mind with 7~ loops of Love Bomb.

You are in deep reconciliation.

Let yourself process the input, then continue with Khan.

Then start developing your discipline. You have these dreams, but you lack the skill of discipline to achieve it. So start building it. Every single day start with 30 minutes, no matter what, of an activity that you know is good for you.

This can be working out, coding, working on your community, writing etc. It must be something that takes effort and will - you are training your skill of discipline. I recommend starting with working out.

And when I say no matter what, I mean you’ll be doing it for the rest of your life. Make that dedication, be fanatical about it, and do it. You want to be great? Then dedicate yourself fully, wholeheartedly, give yourself to the path of greatness.

There is no other way, no better use for your time, and no one else can walk this path for you. No one can drag you along it.

Take the leap of faith, do the sacrifice necessary.

As time goes on, it will get easier, and then you’ll start building out your day with more discipline and eventually you’ll find a mission, a purpose that you can pursue with both undying devotion and the titanium discipline you cultivated.

However, that is in the future. Focus on the now, which is…

To snap out of it.

Drop the drinking, the wallowing in negativity, let the subliminal input process, resume Khan and start training your discipline.

Forge the man you want to be, day by day, and on the path you’ll see… you’ve become him.

When you start to wonder whether you can take a break from the daily discipline, realize that each time you have such a moment you are at a crossroads between greatness and slinking back into more of the same, and that the answer is simple.

You want greatness - you choose it.

You’ve got incredible tools of self transformation and you’ve got a burning desire.

You are ready.

Walk the path of greatness,


Fire wrote this as a reply to someone else. But this message is gold.

And applies to everyone, everywhere.