A New Dawn ~ LB + RM:UW + ASBR + HoT 🌄

Day 16 ~ Rest

This was beautiful and had me crying before the music even began :sweat_smile:

I needed that release.

I felt a lot of intensity yesterday spending the day with my daughters. I understand why. My stack is heavy and I’m processing a lot.

Auditory sensory overload was happening. Even right now as I listen to my youngest playing with dominos and dropping them on my hardwood floor. Lord, help me! :rofl:

I’m using my calming tools.

I only have 2 more listening days before wash out.

I’ll probably take a week no listening before I decide what I’m doing.

I may need longer integration processing after the listening I’ve done so far this year.

Fack, I feel like a wild animal inside. Maybe I need to make animal sounds and crawl around or something. :laughing:

Day 18 ~ rest day … 1 more listening day tomorrow and then I begin wash out.

Ive been away for a couple nights at an Airbnb on the lake with a hot tub. This is exactly what I needed.

My dream world has been quite intense over the past week, but I’m alright. :+1:

Just made 2 shorts and a video for YouTube. If you are following my channel you better go check those out! :wink: The lighting here is perfection.

Edit: I got 3 new subscribers and fast view increase on one of my shorts. Cool :sunglasses:


I don’t understand the YouTube algorithm. Today I uploaded a short to insta, TikTok, Facebook, X and YouTube.

The stats: TikTok 770 views, Facebook 450 views, X 166 views , instagram 64 views, YouTube 6 views.

All these accounts have less than 30 followers. So it’s just what I get from the algorithm pushing my videos.

Sometimes I get over 400 views for YouTube shorts in an hour. It makes no sense.

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Enjoy it :slight_smile:

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This popped up in my Facebook memories written by Dr Joe Dispenza:

I want to teach you 4 basic tools to begin to change your life. This is a time in history when it’s not enough to know. This is a time in history to know how.
1 - Disconnect from your outer world⁣⁣
Take some time out of your busy life to disconnect from your outer world. Shut your cell phone and TV off, & power down your computer. Sit your body down and meditate. Meditation opens the door between the conscious & subconscious mind. We meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious, where all of the unwanted habits & behaviors reside.
2 - Create your future self⁣⁣
Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past? What do I want in my life?” Take the time to answer the question. As you begin to contemplate & think about the answer, you’re changing your brain. When you make your brain fire in new sequences, that’s the first step to change your mind. Next, decide on the emotions you’ll feel when you begin to create that future. Teach your body emotionally what that future’s going to feel like & don’t get up until you begin to feel those emotions.⁣⁣
3 - Mental Rehearsal ⁣⁣
Rehearse in your mind who you’re going to be when you open your eyes - the things you have to do, the choices you have to make, the steps you have to take. Mentally rehearse your future, and imagine it over & over again until it becomes familiar to you.⁣⁣
4 - Let go of your past self⁣⁣
Decide what thoughts you can’t bring with you to your future. Write them down - thoughts like, “I can’t. It’s too hard. I’ll never change. I’ll start tomorrow.” Decide what behaviors or unconscious habits you have to change. How do you talk? Do you complain, do you blame others, do you make excuses? Become so conscious of those behaviors that you’ll never go unconscious again. Decide what emotions no longer belong in your future. That means if you want to be abundant, you can’t feel lack. You have to begin to condition your body to a new mind.


Day 19 ~ LB + RM:UW

Last listening day of this cycle. This flew by!!

I’m thinking I may pause SB for a cycle and let it bloom… I’ve listened to it for 3 months full loops.

Maybe just do a cycle of LB + HoT or Seductress and let the other titles bloom.

I see how I definitely benefit from LB the most right now.

No decisions will be made for a up to a week what o do next, but I’m grateful. 🥹

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Did you ever get to practice those things?
I only done it after I joined subliminal club.

I started doing stuff like that in 2021 after a very intense dark night of the soul experience.

I didn’t go too deep into Dr Joe’s work because I found Neville Goddard and other mystics that I resonated with more. I still revisit Dr Joe sometimes and did just recently purchase one of his books.

Wash out has begun.

I’ve been enjoying a song lately that I used to play on guitar hero, and rock band back in the day. I stopped enjoying it due to overexposure here I am finding myself enjoying to it again.

”When You Were Young"

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young

Can we climb this mountain
I don’t know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let’s take it easy
Easy now
Watch it go

We’re burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane
That started turning
When you were young
When you were young

And sometimes you close your eyes
And see the place where you used to live
When you were young

They say the devil’s water
It ain’t so sweet
You don’t have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes

He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young
(Talks like a gentleman)
(Like you imagined)
When you were young

I said he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus
But more than you’ll ever know

Today is technically the first day since my 21 day cycle has ended.

My last listening day was on Tuesday.

I am noticing I feel the itch to listen to LB today.

Hmm :thinking:

I have minimal dream recall and slept 7 hours straight. Feeling pretty good right now.

Going to yoga in a couple hours.


The Lost Girl

She was a young, beautiful, and adventurous leader of the pack. Wherever she went she was followed by all those who aspired to be just like her. Following her ways even when it meant taking great risk or experience danger. She was on a mission not letting anyone get in her way, so she thought at least.

She had a vision of a brighter future being well known by many. She would say to her parents as a young child that she would one day be famous. She would carry a video camera around the house filming everything while narrating the experiences. She would sing to the greats like Whitney, Mariah, Celine and even Rock & Roll artists like Robert Plante and James Hetfield. She would write lyrics, short scripts and poetry, excited to share her creations with others. She learned chorography from various music videos and performed them for her family. She tried to teach herself keyboard after her dad rejected putting her in piano classes.

She would place her video camera on the counter to face her as she spoke whatever channeled through her from the soul. She came up with many ideas, planting seeds of inspiration. No matter what was going on around her she kept this experience going for herself.

She experienced many losses at a young age, not really having much communication about it from her parents. She became very aware of all her surroundings thus creating a state of hypervigilance. She was highly sensitive to her surroundings though not taught how to manage it properly by her parents. She learned to soothe herself through her art and expression.

The inner critic of doubt, self sabotage and comparison to others began to shake things up on her journey to the top. She would often ask herself, "what is so good about me that others don’t already have going on in the world?’ This led her to some self destructive behaviours following her parents separation at the age of 12. Not long after she became experimental with various substances such as cigarettes, beer, vodka, marijuana, psilocybin and MDMA.

During the month of her 14th. birthday she was apprehended by child protective services after moving between many homes including her dads, moms boyfriends and various friends homes. She didn’t feel wanted or accepted anywhere she went.

Somewhere along the way she lost herself craving attention which only confined her. She drifted along the path sometimes creating things towards her vision and other times trying to leave this world through her self-destructiveness.

She had a near-death experience (NDE) with alcohol at the age of 14. She was found unconscious wearing minimal clothing on a very cold and frigid winter evening behind a church by 2 of her friends. They saved her life.

Those experiences led her to punk rock and metalcore music. Her lyrics reflected the deeply rooted pain she was feeling but was never taught how to manage and process. She found her own unique way to express it. She was a 5 foot 3 petite female fronting a metalcore band. She learned to mosh and hardcore dance. She began to feel like she belonged and that maybe she did actually matter. Maybe her early on vision would really manifest in her reality.

If only things could be that simple though, right?