A New Dawn ~ LB + RM:UW + ASBR + HoT 🌄

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Uhhh i love this band :heart_eyes:

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Me too!!!

Saw them live once.

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Day 12 ~ LB + RM:UW

I was 5th or 6th in line on the wait list before bed for a yoga class today & woke up to having a spot. Heading there now.

After I finished listening I selected shuffle on one of my playlists and this song came on:

I feel like a total bad ass atm. :fire:

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Day 13 ~ rest

I wish someone could witness my dreams these past couple of days. Holy moly.

2 nights ago had some Jason Statham vibes and last night was very supernatural. It felt like they were movies.

I don’t think I’ve ever dreamed like that before.

I’m seeing images but having a difficult time putting words to those dreams.

I typically get recall as the day goes on if I set the intention.

I’m having a bit of a recon headache from this experimental stack. It feels like my higher self is saying, “do the things, stop doubting yourself!”


The synchronicities are pretty wild this stack cycle!

Day 14 ~ rest

More crazy dreams happening.

Feeling all the feels today.

I’m noticing my teenager having some difficulties with his emotions right now and is trying to take them out on me, but I’m remaining fairly calm. What would love do?

I was thinking about the siren call of a mermaid “randomly” earlier and as I was standing in my office looking at my cards I chose the deck that had that card in it. (I totally forgot as it’s been awhile since I’ve used this deck.)

I keep having some of my big wild crazy dreams resurface. I know I am meant for greatness. It doesn’t matter how old you are. It’s never too late to go after your desires.

I got to chapter 9 of the codependency book noticing I wasn’t enjoying it anymore so I put it down and picked up Rick Rubin’s book: The Creative Act: A Way of Being. It’s good for my soul right now.


@7empest I can see you have grown in so many positive ways keep up the good work.

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Oh I downloaded this audiobook a few weeks back and have been meaning to listen. How do you like it so far?

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I’m really enjoying it :slight_smile:

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The reason to make art is to innovate and self-express, show something new, share what’s inside, and communicate your singular perspective.
~Rick Rubin


I had 2 diff friends reach out wanting to talk to me about things upsetting them…. I talked on the phone for over an hour with 1 of them and said no to a call with the other seeing as it was after 10pm. wtf.

This has been an ongoing challenge for me…

Being the friend giving advice/hearing them vent … vs… I am a fucking professional coach and healer …

Feels like I am essentially volunteering my valuable time, but they are also my friends … do I want this dynamic with my friends?

Where to draw the line here…


“Pay me!”


Just tell them to not vent to you. I tell it to people that try it on me and they find some other scapegoat in the end. Besides… friendship doesnt have to equal venting. Its much more than that. Venting is just a habit and anyone can reduce it or do it in private spaces with reserved people. Just because you allow them to be in your life doesn’t mean they can come and shit in your home.


Day 15 ~ LB + RM:UW

I had a dream about a local power couple who are pretty well known. It was very sexual. I don’t get these types of dreams. It was like I was watching their private life on a television. They do have the type of relationship I desire. It could just be that I follow their socials and that’s why they appeared in my dream world.

My face seems to be shifting a bit. It’s much smoother and less fine lines. My lashes are long and my brows continue to grow in fuller. I’ve been taking a break from waxing to see how they fill in. It feels good to do self care even if it takes up a bit lots time when I get up and before bed.

Someone told me I am less reactive and handling my household really well. (Single mama with 3 kids.)

I’m noticing a huge difference in the way I am treated out in public.

One of my grade 11 teachers (20 years ago) was at yoga class yesterday and she remembered me. She pointed out where I would sit and how shy I was. We talked after class for awhile. She’s 67 and retired now. I told her how I aspire to write books soon based off my past experiences. I do have quite the story.

I was painfully shy growing up and used cannabis to manage.

I’ve come so far since those days.


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I end up in the same situations but I’m not a professional. So it’s a bit different, I kinda get it though.

I recently realized that I get a lot of validation and self worth out of helping people out. I definitely put myself in those situations unconsciously. It’s a weird mix of wanting to help out but also feeling it’s my duty (self imposed) to help them. I think it’s childhood stuff for me being activated. It’s also really bad for me because I’m not a professional so I don’t even see the boundary sometimes of where this needs to stop or continue. At this point I feel like I just have a reflex I have to train out of myself. Does my head in sometimes. So I do sympathize with you.

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I got the same way when I worked at Apple. I mostly did billing issues but got good at troubleshooting Mac issues.

People (mostly friends) would be asking me (on my off time) to look at their Mac or iPhone “for just a minute” because it wasn’t Xing like it should.

The breaking point for me on that was getting PMd from a dude I’d never heard of. A classmate of my daughter (they were in HS at the time still) about his MacBook that wouldn’t power on at all.

I gave him a few basic troubleshooting steps.
But he kept coming back “that didn’t work yet bro. What else?”

I finally got to the point I said “The big price you paid for that thing included tech support basically 24/7. Make THEM work for their money”

I even had to put a stop to my stepmom asking me on days off for iPhone help. I said “it’s my day off. I don’t wanna deal with that stuff.”

Bottom like there is the people not respecting your time.

The stepmom told me she’d rather talk to me because she didn’t want to be on the phone for hours with tech support. But she was ok with asking ME stuff for hours. Nah.


Uh huh.

I’m gonna revise that people ALWAYS respect MY time!

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Essential meaning: spiritual narcolepsy, seeing through the lens of separation, competition, arrogance, ego, narrow-mindedness

If you hear a Sasquatch sigh, know that they are sad because you’ve fallen into the trap of spiritual narcolepsy: you’ve forgotten your partnership with the Universe and instead are working through your ego. You think you see clearly, but you’re temporarily blinded to the magic in the world. Perhaps you’re comparing yourself with others. Or perhaps you are seeing through the lens of lack and limitation, and therefore thinking there isn’t enough or that you are not enough.

In this moment you’re being called to wake up and remember the inherent divinity in all things and in all people. Perhaps you can’t see the magic and mystery because you’ve lost faith, you don’t believe, or you’ve become hypnotized by temporary outer conditions that present as rigid or fixed. You may feel an overwhelming weight and responsibility on your shoulders to make things happen. Yes, life can be truly hard, unfair, unreliable, exhausting, irrational, and chaotic, but none of those things are permanent or personal. Remember all things must change, and you are now and always have been a conduit for miracles.

Wake up, reorient yourself, declutter your thoughts and your environment, and be grateful these episodes are fleeting. You do not need to define your sense of self by outer conditions. This is a time to dive into more self-love and compassion. Cultivate a sense of humor, for you are more than enough. You matter, and Life loves you so much. Look to the signs around you. The whole world is your oracle. Spirit has a plan!

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One advice I got during my coaching classes on this venting topic was this: If they really seek advice to change something give it to them in moderation. If they just wanna vent, be clear and tell them, you’re not their garbage can.
And she tells that to her well paying clients (she takes 75k /year) as well. She’s paid for coaching, not for listening to their drama all day long.

I’ve take this approach as well. I listen to a vent one time (with close friends) if they want advice, I give it, but if they don’t change or work with the advice, they get the garbage speech.

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