8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

I am sitting too much in recon to give this a proper review yet.

I will washout this week (and maybe longer) and then I’ll report back!


I am doing intermittent fasting, usually listening to subs before lunch on an empty stomach and no problemo so far.

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Thanks, very helpful! Because if anything I want to proceed with IF but I probably just used it as a mental excuse to eat something :smiley:

Day 41, washout still

I notice the overexposure is fading because the dreams become more vivid again. When I am overloaded, I DO dream, but they’re very foggy, I can’t even really realise what’s going on right after waking up.

Tonight I woke up from a dream which was REALLY nice. I cannot remember what it was right now, but it was a dream where something got resolved. It felt good because some shit was cleared with someone. I was virtually pissed that I woke up from that dream lol


Past = depression, melancholy
future = anxiety, uncertainty, illusion
Present = peace of mind.

I came across some great wisdom:

"Any sort of addiction is an ATTEMPT to come back with the feeling of your true self. It’s a bandaid for the real thing. When you are a drinker, you want to gain the feeling of confidence, peace of mind, being free, taking action, etc. But all of this is already inherent within you. The drinking is a TOOL you use to get back into your old state of just BEING.

Thus, solving any addiction with willpower is a waste of time. You need to find the reason WHY you are disconnected from your true self."

Ever since I started running ZP subs I have this IMMENSE pull to run Dragon Reborn and find my deeper self. Regardless of all the success I have (and there’s a lot), I feel like I need this.
This thought gets overwritten every now and then by money, sex, fame, whatever.

But every so often, it comes back.

I delude myself that I need to make comfortable money for my family first, before going through the pain of healing it all.

But do I?
Will maybe healing myself bring all the things I truly need?
Do I really need ANY of this?

I don’t know.

Now I am committed to 8 months of EoG so there’s ANOTHER layer to not go deeper into my psyche.

EoG is also healing stuff. Focused on money, but it certainly heals things.

Is it another rationalisation?
To avoid facing the pain?

Tagging @Malkuth and @Tobyone and @Leandros because I value your guys’ opinion on this.
I am not asking if I should switch subs (mind you, this could just be sneaky recon as @SaintSovereign always says), but what your own experience with these kinds of thoughts is and/or what you did?

IIRC all of you ran DR for a while?


This still is a lot. Try one loop a week

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Also this great video:

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Yeah, especially with the customs it seems to be the play. Will do that!

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What have you been noticing from the Iron Frame module in banter?

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Deep relaxation, mostly. As in, people will question your frame, but it doesn’t matter. I am who and what I am.

I am not trying to enforce my believes on anyone, but I have mine and they are good as they are. Unshaken and correct because I CHOSE them. Other people can decide to be in my frame or not. I will be fine. Not forcing anyone to do anything.

It mostly made me give up control this sexual custom I made lol
As in, not trying to control people in any shape, but realising that I have all the power. Any form of control is always coming from a position of lack. Of weakness. Not ACCEPTING who you are and the life you create, thus you try to control others.
But this rarely works.

Now I accept where and who I am. And, most importantly, where and who other people are. I see their issues and it’s ok. I don’t try to help or change them unless they ask me.
And if they don’t want to be part of my way of life because they simply CANT. It’s fine. I’ll be fine.


Reading this post by fire:

And knowing that OG Blue Skies is in any ZP Core, I think this is what’s currently happening here. Or the part of the scripting that’s being integrated. Discovery of the self.

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I like that way of seeing it. To me all types of addiction are the same because its the same process in the mind.

I have noticed two layers of this when it comes to subliminals. The first is the thing that what triggers you the most and that elicits strong emotions, for men that is usually the women, sex, and dating. And the second one seems to be more intellectual, like; I need to sort out my finances. So when the going gets tough, the first one takes over and usually makes one switch or seriously consider changing stacks.

We were born with the most precious thing, our innocense, and we needed nothing more to be happy. But as we grew up we started to trade it away for cool and shiny things together with empty promises. And for each transaction we felt more and more hollow and that we are missing someting, and all that we have learned is to keep looking for it out there not realizing that we’ve had it all along in the only place we were not taught to look for it.

What is it that you truly need? Just more money or the ability to always make more without much effort?

I remember a story I heard somewhere about a man that had a sudden enlightment. After a couple of years of readjusting to even be able to live in society again, he went out without a single coin to his name. And funnily everywhere he went, he just had to think about food and somehow he was provided with food by the people around him, total strangers.

When I ponder about this story, at least to me, is that when there’s no inner resistance or judgements, then there’s nothing pushing what you desire away and the time to manifestation is almost instant. And through subliminals I have noticed this to be true more and more, solve what is standing in your way and you will attract it.

I still have a desire to run Dragon Reborn again, but I feel there needs to be some balance to it. All of nature seeks balance. Just healing, healing, helaing is not that balance to me and life is here and now always.

Maybe try to think about it in the way you wrote here?


This is exactly it. And seems to be the consensus among popular figures like Alan Watts.

A child has everything it needs. Life itself. Nothing more.
Through our upbringing we’re told we need all these things to feel happy. To feel whole. But they’re all fillings trying to fill the void in our soul because we left the only thing we needed. Our joy for life by Being ourselves.

I heard many times (and said myself without understanding it deeply) that the more you need something, the less likely you are to attain it. You create resistance around it. And neediness drives people away.

Only when you surrender yourself to the flow of life and ACCEPT everything that comes your way, are you able to instantly manifest whatever you “need” in the PRESENT moment.

Fully agreed. However I have not done much healing outside a bit of Regen and CFW. It feels to me as there is still more. Grinding DR for years is not the way, but I think everyone should have ran it once in his life. I am yet to do it.

Which brings me to:

Yes. In the PRESENT moment I am running EoG, and fixing those earthly needs I have. Maybe this is also just guidance from my subconscious or the universe that this is currently my focus. And when the time is right, I will find the time and resources to do the healing.

Outside of that, as you can tell by this conversation, ZP itself already does a lot of healing :wink:


Either choice would still be a delusion.

The clear-eyed are the ones who choose their delusions.

The free are those who choose their masters.

The question may be more, ‘Is this the delusion I need or want at this time?’

What I seem to pick up or suspect from your post is this:

You’re asking intelligent, relevant questions. But you’re doing so against a background of (very likely transient) stress. Probably recon mixed with various life things. (Hello, entire Sub Club community.)

So, the questions you’re considering are good questions. But the feeling of urgency and ‘ultimatum-ness’ around the questions may not be so great.

This might be the best question of all, since it requires us to put our money where our mouths are.

I started out with Wealth as my subliminal focus. I was hoping I could just deal with it quickly. Like Saint and others have said, I want the lifestyle freedom that I feel may be associated with having easy access to financial resources.

The Wealth focus of my subliminals, led me to focusing on strengthening my personal nature and my personal areas of natural potential. So, I played Quantum Limitless and Alchemist (starting from July 2020 - three months per stage).

Within that time, Dragon Reborn was released. I thought of playing it, but I wanted to stay focused on my plan. That plan was to the combine stage 4s of Alchemist and Quantum Limitless into one custom that would build and drive my inner strength and help me to focus my personal potential into practical directions and projects.

My original plan was to build, reach a plateau, and then run Dragon Reborn from a position of relative success.

But my mind had other ideas. Astrological symbolism actually helps me to express this concisely.

Basically, I found that I had a very significant contribution from the 4th sign/house and the 12th sign/house.

The fourth sign/house is about sensitivity, withdrawing, avoidance of the outside world, the Home space, the private, the domestic.

The twelfth sign/house is about empathy, release, detaching, losing, failing, transcendence, letting go.

Both of these are central to who I am. They have been highly influential throughout my entire life. And I struggled to develop a very positive, optimal relationship to these pretty central parts of who I am. During adolescence and beyond, they often felt like ‘losing’ or they felt ‘bad’ or ‘unsuccessful’. And I simultaneously 1) embraced them (couldn’t help it. they’re me) and 2) didn’t celebrate them or love them. They were at odds with some of the norms and social ideals that I’d internalized.

I came to feel that learning a better relationship to these aspects of myself seemed to be central to whatever else I was doing. It seemed central, major, and non-negotiable.

So, in July 2021, I bit the bullet and (sigh) began my Dragon Reborn journey. At first, I didn’t really want to think about the time that might be involved.

But eventually, I said, ‘Okay, this is the major thing I’m doing right now. Just admit it.’ I stopped listening to one of my two major customs. And then later, stopped listening to the other one for 2-3 months. The main thing was just Dragon Reborn.

When I got to stage 3 of Dragon Reborn, I brought one of my customs back in because it felt highly complementary in nature. That was just about 3.5 weeks ago.

I’m still on stage 3 of DR now, and I’ll start stage 4 on 30 April. About 3.5 weeks from now.

So that’s what happened with me.

I don’t feel like I’m playing Dragon Reborn to find my true self. My personal opinion is that you could never abandon your true self even if you tried. I don’t believe it’s possible. But I do believe it’s possible to live and behave in ways that are not beneficial to your self. I’m playing Dragon Reborn to help me to improve that relationship with my basic nature and to know how to harness it and work with it optimally.

and this is long enough.


Where is that quote from?

Yes its funny in a way. Who are we really having this inner dialogue with? Sometimes its just best to surrender the resistance to the resistance :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, a wise man asks questions… :slight_smile:

EDIT: and reading @Malkuth answer below after my reply, I felt like a teenager and that I was just treated to an absolute bomb of wisdom… :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :innocent:


Absolutely. I might not need answers right now. But pondering the question still feels good.

I do also get the feeling that the subs, especially ZP, guide you to other sources, or even other subs that will help you.
Might be partly recon, but also partly assisting with your goals.

So you, too, had the feeling to find (back) to part of yourself, your true self, whatever, you needed the healing?

I mean this in a sense of FULLY expressing your true nature, which, these days, almost nobody does out of fear of judgment, failure, keeping up with the joneses, consumerism, etc. Even sexual behaviour.


I think, or at least one of the videos from this channel with Alan Watts.

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Cool. Thank you.