8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

Sched looks good if you can swing it.

I don’t know

@Billions I believe had a post on 1-minute primer and 2 minutes intervals for the full script. Because 3, 5, 7 minutes were recommended at a point. I took it and ran with it and seems to have worked well when I’ve tested it. It could be one of those thingd got lost in translation though.

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You’re right I thought initially it’s a 3 minute primer and then the 2 minute stints.

Then again, this has never officially been confirmed so idk. But since you’re getting results that’s sort of evidential :wink:

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I believe username DarkPhilosopher does. The journal Gettin’ RICH in the Fast Lane appears to discuss using subliminal programs while fasting.

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Yeah I’m noticing having much more of a challenge fasting too, unless I’m running a sub like Spartan. But it seems ZP subs are more energy intensive. Like even though I’m not fasting and have been slacking on my diet and workouts (due to intense focus on wealth and career) my physique remains very solid and low body fat even though my subs aren’t focused in that area.

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Yeah, same. Apart from the massive thirst to drink, I also have a huge urge to eat high protein food.

ZP seems to be a powerhouse for sure!


Wouldnt make sense simply because all zp primers are the same. So a 3 minute zp primer would be no different in khan or seductress.

1 minute makes more sense because if i listen to 3 minutes of khan i’ll have a very different experience than 3 minutes of seductress.

But i wonder what would happen if someone stacked them LOL.

Anyways yeah a 1 minute primer and then 2 minute loop means 3 minutes of a subliminal gives you one loop of exposure to the program, 5 minutes total would give you two loops of exposure, etc etc.

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Yes, on Emperor Q and Q customs I had zero hunger and total energy 16+ hours a day fasting, I have to eat on ZP relatively soon after running or my recon/ agitation starts acting up intensely


I’ve experienced this on Emperor (as well as perhaps bloom from my wealth custom)… 2 days ago I found out that my tax refund was more than I made in a year, just a couple of years ago. The reaction? None… it’s just money.

(I’m also looking at a potential additional income of $30k+ within the next few months, but it’s got a lot of variables that need to fall into place to become possible, and lawyers will be involved… we’ll see how it plays out. In any case, no emotion attached to it.)

You’ve got the right idea. Feel like it’s totally normal to get 4&5-figure chunks of money… then open the paths and let them flow!


Yes, and this feeling keeps being stronger and “concrete” the more I run EoG (and my wealth custom I guess).
Like, recently I made $500 from affiliates from a link I completely forgot. Just hit my bank account and I was like “huh, ok.” And proceeded.

The funny thing is, it feels good to feel that way. To not be surprised or super happy about money because well, its just money, and a normal thing to make it.


100%. You wouldn’t get super excited about passing a road sign while on a trip, would you? Nope… it’s just the journey. Enjoy it, for sure, but never forget that it’s not the destination.

That’s not the best analogy, as often the journey is the point, but… lol… I need more coffee today. :wink:


Day 38, processing after Alexander’s Playground Custom

So, it’s interesting. While I made that sex and physical shifting custom because I am a horny bastard, I realised two specific modules in there are also very powerful for wealth, and actually would be necessary as an addition to my wealth manifestation custom.

Those are Lion IV and Iron Frame.

The reason being that for wealth to work out, you need to be relaxed and knowing everything will work out. Lion IV. My calmness is INSANE. No social shaking. I am doing what I want.

Which brings me to Iron Frame.
I am doing what I want, wealth wise and in general. I not bound by anyone’s rules, and specifically not from close people trying to block me. I make my boundaries firm and known. Also with customers, etc.

Super useful for wealth!


Day 39, recon AF

Ok so I’ve been definitely overloading myself like a mad man with 2 customs, 2 cores each, modules, and EoG ST1, plus AC.

In one week lol

I mean I should’ve known better, right?

Anyway shit is hard. So I am thinking of running a 2-week or even 4-week washout after this. Just so everything gets worked through before we get back on track with the subs. Plus, I might change the listening pattern. With the customs, there needs to be even more space in between on days. Maybe something like not doing it on a weekly basis, but just
1 day on
4 days off

And cycle all subs through that.

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On another note, Heartsong in my custom is asking the TOUGH questions.

I think @lrw mentioned this at some point, that HS really makes you question your current relationship and if everything is running according to your future plans and needs.

Which, currently, it absolutely isn’t lol
But before I make any judgments and decisions, I’ll wait for that recon to fade, and then we’ll see.

The funny thing is, that Lion IV and Iron Frame give me a mindset that I JUST DONT CARE if I would have to divorce her, if it makes my life better in the long run, go with it.

Also reminds me of this:
Image 01.04.22 at 15.06

The happiness change curve I recently found in a book.
The idea is that most people don’t change themselves, or rather, quit quickly after trying to change themselves and their life because at first, it’ll get worse. But if you power through the valley, you will come out way better in the end.

Recon is the same btw. @Malkuth might like this metaphor.
You run a sub, and get into recon. So first it gets worse. Here is where many quit and/or switch subs. But if you power through and stick with the sub, you come out way better in the end.

Same for a divorce, for example.
Or building your business.

Definitely a manifestation from the subs to come across this book, because it opened my eyes on many of these things.


This may not help, but…

is it possible that your relationship is going through a similar valley?

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Oh yeah, absolutely.

I may have phrased this wrongly. I am not considering divorce rn, it’s just that I cultivated the mindset that IF it becomes necessary because I am just not happy, I have no issue going through it.

Plus, as I said, after the current recon, things might get a whole lot better.

I did notice a while ago (ever since I ran a ZP sub) that my mood/mindset/recon-feelings DIRECTLY influence my wife. It’s probably the radiations I give out or something. But every time I overload myself (which I should really stop doing lol) I notice our relationship taking a hit.

However, in this case, because I run Heartsong and Reignition and all these modules, it’s probably the change curve, yes. Things being worked through, before they get better.

So, I just used a bunch of words to say “Yes, probably” :smiley:

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I think you phrased it quite well. Just thought I’d ask anyway. Not because ‘divorce is wrong’, but just to clarify what you are contemplating and dealing with.

Most metaphors and principles work equally well in multiple directions. So ultimately the choices you make will still be based on what feels and looks right to you.

For my own situation, I have about 3 months left with Dragon Reborn right now. I am trying to hold to an agreement with myself not to make any huge or dramatic choices until I’ve given the Dragon Reborn dust a bit of time to settle. We’ll see how I do with that.

As we progress along our paths and in our development, our inner experiences and the outer conditions can begin to move more and more independently of one another. (Gets pretty disorienting at times.) As this happens, simple things like “Choice” , “Options”, “Discomfort”, and “Solutions” can start looking pretty different from how they used to look.

Anyway, we’ll see.


Can you expand on this paragraph?

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when we’re young, projection (the imposition of internal states onto the ‘screen’ of the external world) is automatic, unacknowledged, and disowned. On the negative side, we give away most of the power of our minds; on the positive side, there’s a naively genuine sense of integration with the world. It’s easier for us to receive: help, teaching, influence, CONNECTION, etc.

as we get older, our capacity to recognize and to ‘own’ our minds gradually increases. At first, full of doubt, fear, and skepticism, we experience this as a kind of death, a loss. A loss of meaning. A loss of location. We are angry and offended (but mainly scared) that what we believed was real or true was actually not.

We may pass through apathy, cynicism, and even paranoia. “Everyone was lying.” “The whole thing was just a trick.”

In fact, we’d been unknowingly tricking ourselves.

Who knows what the caterpillar thinks as it sits trapped in its chrysalis, in a state that is not properly this and not properly that? Perhaps it feels betrayed by its own body.

And in the same way, as we evolve, we can feel betrayed by our own minds, our own societies, our own environments, and the important people in them.

But what’s happening is not only a loss; it’s more than just a departure. It is also an arrival.

We are arriving to our minds in a new and different way.

as we come to see that our inner states are not simple, direct consequences of external conditions, it is as if we are born into a new world. Everything moves slightly differently.

We own our projections.

We see, for example, that: You did not “make” me afraid. I generated fear inspired by the experience of you.

The inner world gains power.

We can still project. We can still, in other words, imbue the world around us with personal meaning. And that is good. Projection–the shaping of worlds–is beautiful. But the possibility grows to be somewhat less imprisoned within our projections.

In this new situation, what influences ‘Choice’? What determines ‘Options’?

In our previous state of Internal-External Fusion, the master of our mind was basically ‘Pain/Discomfort’ and the (automatic and uncontrollable) desire to be free of it. We hated the ones who seemed to cause us pain (or the things and conditions that seemed to cause us pain). We loved the ones who seemed to protect us or liberate us from it. A ‘Solution’ was a change in the external world that decreased pain and maybe even increased pleasure. Big dick. Lots of sex. Good cash. Popularity. Approval. and so on. Check the boxes.

But as we become at home in the mind? We begin to find more and more times when we feel positive states and beneficial impulses and sensations utterly independently of any obvious external “cause”. They’re somehow arising from the posture and the vigor of the mind itself. That’s freaking confusing.


Enough of that.

Anyway, that is some expansion.


Loved to read that. Thanks!

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@AlexanderGraves how’s the Heartsong / Primal Seduction combo treating you so far?