8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

Day 98, GLM yesterday evening.

It is interesting how ZP works.

I always get this first glimpse of the future when I run it the first time. Then after 2-3 days I am back to old, with more knowledge and what to do. But more runs doesn’t mean getting the old results.

It’s kinda weird.
Specific example. The wife was SUPER feminine on my first GLM run, of course, polarity.
Sexy dressed, great, connecting sex.
Now, back to old. On a daily switch.

It could also be overexposure, because I do notice how results vanish once I am, and since it’s the end of the cycle, it usually seems to be too much scripting.

Imma do a 2 week washout to see what’s going on there.

Or if the new baseline is indeed, higher as Saint always mentions.

I just don’t understand why the following runs DO NOT do the same thing as the initial one where it literally just changes reality to be the new thing.
I really only noticed this on GLM recently.

Or it is intentional, that you follow that “dream” of the initial first run. Almost like a drug for self-improvement :smiley:


I sometimes think of it as being like this:


That natural inhale and exhale of organic growth processes.

Though in this case, it would be more like this:

Since there’s a general upwards trend.


Well said.

I think this is what Saint means with the baseline.

The huge initial change might vanish somewhat quickly, but generally you are in an upwards trend.

As always, subs are a long-term game!


I might just be overexposure tbh.

Next cycle I will ONLY run GLM and AC. Let’s see how it does.

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I also think of the general flow of moods and sexual desire like that. I don’t think one’s life experience, sexy habits, masculine confidence (relating to GLM) are supposed to be constant and the same every single day. I benefit when I remember to “ride the waves of life.”


You know how you get a new idea on how you want to live your life, and then you write everything down anx try and tackle everything at once?


And then you know how when you decide THIS IS IT and that you’re gonna start meditating, running, being super focused, drinking 3L of water a day, cold showering, AND going for a 1 hr walk every day, no matter what?


And then you know how for the first day or two you’re so excited, and you wake up at 5am, you go on your run, you come back home, you cold shower then meditate then make a hearty breakfast then pour yourself 3L of water then work without distraction then go for a walk after all that…

But then two days later, all those habits drop?

Yeah… subliminals fall under the same spell.



Two days later they’re like “omg this is all way too much lets go back to the way things were.”

But with repeated exposure, we get gradual benefits again. We learn from our mistake. Instead of doing everything the sub instructs ALL AT ONCE, our brains know whats best for them, and do what neuroscientists have been recommending for decades…

They start building up one or two habits at a time, until we’ve mastered every instruction in the list.

Which is why the results are so intense at first, then totally drop off, then slowly but surely build into something intense again.


Makes it even more important to stick to subs :wink:

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This INTERESTING and emphasis the importance of sticking to the subs!

@SaintSovereign & @Fire is this accurate explanation?

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Probably not down to the letter.

Dont take me as a subliminal expert!

I simply notice that I do this with habits AND subliminal progress.

I am trying to keep this as close to the habit-building metaphor as possible to stay consistent with it. Not that this is exactly how it works… but even if its not exactly how it works, it could still be a mental model that would benefit you to think about


This is exactly how I thought about it and I really liked your description :blue_heart::pray:

I understand that!

Yea this clear , but your explanation /observations is worthwhile to be discussed that’s why I tagged Saint and fire .

Day 103, washout

I see myself coming less and less to the forum. Idk if it’s Emperor or GLM just being focused on myself much more. I keep of course, journalling every day in my offline journal.

When the washout started I was sitting in recon for 3 days straight, was not very pleasant, but now that I am out and I am getting GREAT results I can also examine the changed mindset:

  • I am WAY less focused on sex. Which means I get it more.
  • I am super relaxed while having sex, which helps my girl relax much more also
  • I am super confident in the future (because it doesnt exist, right? :wink: )
  • I am super confident in myself and speaking my mind (there are certain things where I still hold back but I am def much more open with everyone, regardless of what they think of me)
  • I am not phased by bad things happening. I see it, accept it, take measures.
  • I catch myself judging people and then telling myself not to (this is IMPORTANT because I’ve been a judgmental bastard and realised how little that helps. Especially when it comes to letting go and actually getting what you want. As it is said, YOU DO NOT JUDGE. Not people. Not situations. Sometimes, however, it IS tough to reconcile this with things I want (for example from my wife). But I DID notice IRL when I judge her less she is actually more likely to randomly give me what I want (when I let go). Anyway, this needs a lot more work, but I am on track.

The best thing probably:
I REALLY come to terms with MY personal version of being a man. I am not the Tate kind of person. Or any Red Pill guru. I am just not. I am a man that has fun. I like making jokes and teasing people. I can be all over the place or focused.
After all, I have a lot of Gemini placements :wink: So, GLM feels like its A LOT about acceptance of self. Which is awesome. That feeling is IMMENSE.

I feel like I will eventually come back to Stark or Wanted, it seems like my kinda thing. But I really was lacking the foundation. Or I stack it with GLM.

Next cycle will solely be GLM, and then I am back to EoG, starting ST2.


Very excited to see how eog + glm go together!

Ive been considering that possibility as well.

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Day 106, washout

So I have been dealing with Jung’s idea of the shadow.

In basic terms, he says that you need to grow teeth (which is the dark side of your shadow) to keep your boundaries up and tell people to F off when they breach them (well, in a more mature manner) and /or you need to be sophisticated and more direct/powerful when you want something from someone.

And with the latter I am having my issues.

Or I am not understanding it right.

But it sort of conflicts with my idea of letting go.

From personal experience, for example, the less I cared about sex (as a simple example) the more I got it. Which is letting go, right.
But in Jung’s terms it would mean I need to make sure my needs are met with, maybe even with forms of manipulation (PCC).

These two viewpoints sort of conflict for me.

Or I need to realize they ARE different approaches to getting what you want (both of which work) and I finally need to make a decision and let the other one go.

Or there is a way to make both work which I haven’t figured out yet.

Tagging the wisdom personified people @Malkuth @Sage_Ninjistic @SaintSovereign @Invictus for some potential insights and/or your views.

EDIT: Also tagging you @Luther24 would appreciate your insight!


It’s also with the map of consciousness.

I might have fallen prey to a “Green field” idea of only vibing in high scale emotions, which is not practical. Maybe it is “most of the time high vibe, but sometimes you gotta pull out the anger because the world, humans, and society isn’t perfect to allow it.”


Funny you tagged me here, especially since a while ago today I was listening to some TED talks and philosophy videos about the social dynamics, power and seduction.

You see, everyone plays the social game, and while it might seem “evil”, it’s not, and if you consider it as manipulative, then that’s just you not being in touch with your “shadow” and making excuses for your lack of skills in the social game.

Yes, letting go can help you get what you, and so can having an edge in terms of power, and yes, they can be combined, here’s how:

  • when letting go, understand that you’re only letting go of how obsessed you are with the desire, not the desire itself, for example: letting go of the constant need for sex does not = abstaining from having sex, you still do it and do it well, but you don’t constantly chase it, that’s how you keep a boundary as well.

  • when showing your power and using the social game, you’re not obsessed with the agenda, because what you’re basically doing is playing the social game to make sure things fall into your lap the way you want, and the nonchalance you feel inside of you while doing that is due to you letting go of the obsessive desire over the outcome.

How to combine them?
Learn the grand game of “social seduction”, I’m sure you already know what I’m talking about.

The reason I say that is because when learn enough about the social dynamics and the little tricks of the game, you become unattached to the outcome, know why? Because of 2 reasons:

  • seduction is fun, and it will make you enjoy the process instead of obsessing over the outcome, and

  • knowing that you have mastery over the social game will give you a sense of power that will keep you unattached and nonchalant.

Hope that’s what you meant, or did I pull a MU :rofl:



See, here might lie the issue. I don’t care about power, except power over myself and what I do.
I don’t even like the 48 laws of Power too much because it feels too “manipulative.”
But maybe this is glorifying a reality that doesnt exist.
Or avoiding tension/pain/rocking the boat as an excuse.

Maybe there lies the issue.

Thanks for the input!

It also must be understood that Jung was a student of truth and a student of the Self.

His goal was not necessarily to elaborate a set of rules for ‘winning at life’. or winning at Society.

He would have seen integration of the Shadow as a worthy project in its own right. Not simply because it conferred greater advantages in our constant human jockeying for social position.

He was yet another great scholar of Projection.

Projection can be defined as: The diverse means by which a mind conspires to disown its own internal processes and to experience them as if they were being generated externally.

Spiders ‘project’ their webs more or less out of their asses.

And human beings do much the same with our experiences of reality.

This is part of the significance of the Freudian and Jungian concepts of the Unconscious. We’re talking here about Involuntary Reality Creation. That sounds very nice and theoretical, but it’s really just like wearing a pair of sunglasses for so long that you forget they are on your face. You (unconsciously) put on a pair of red sunglasses and then walking outside you exclaim, ‘Wow. What a Crimson World we live in!’

This is also part of the significance of the Shadow.

The bottom line of the Shadow is that it’s you.

It’s already you. Whether you choose to engage it or whether you choose to avoid it, it’s already you.

It’s already there.

The parts of you that are already here are influencing and creating your world. They are already doing it.

So learning to work with Shadow material, is like learning how your automobile works or how your house is constructed.

It’s not some sort of noble, heroic task. It’s a part of moving through the world with basic competence. (Okay, maybe it’s kind of heroic.)

We’re talking about levels of the Self with roots that stretch deeper than your daily desires.

Jung dives deep.

Detachment and Shadow-work both share in common that they are oriented toward developing an objective perspective on who and what you are.

And (here’s the part I think you may be overlooking), this includes having a perspective on the ‘I’ itself.

I suspect that, for you, the sense of ‘I’ is still extremely central to your view of who and what you are. There is nothing wrong with that. But you just need to realize that such a view is not objective. It’s healthy, much of the time. But it’s not objective. ‘

Think of that sense of ‘I’ and ‘Me’ as an object. Look at it. and then Jung’s concept of the Shadow, and the meaning of ‘letting go’ and Detachment will be easier to reconcile.


So he’s basically saying to Alpha up? Lol

grow balls*

high internal self worth/value/personal power/respect as a man

dominance and assertiveness, not afraid to express what you want

this is all basic Alpha male stuff lol… isn’t it?

I’m not too familiar with Jung, but why overcomplicate basic Alpha Male behavior with all this shadowself philosophical stuff lol


Because it’s actually that deep. But the more you know the simpler it seems.


This makes a lot of sense.

I mean he said to make the unconscious conscious, otherwise it will drive your life, right?

But it’s not necessarily a toolkit for success. More of discovering/understanding your deeper desires.

Is there such a thing as an objective look on Self?

It’s just scratching the surface, the Shadow Work goes WAAAY deeper. As in, the capacity to understand what the Nazis did, because they were human. So ALL humans have by definition the capacity to do such things.
YOU and ME have the capacity.

It’s sort of a philosophy of accepting ones evil parts.

Which maybe is also what I am avoiding. The “evil” part of “manipulation” I like to do.