ZPT Custom. Becoming one with the Divine masculine and aboslute Presence

Looks great! I would maybe put Limitless Executive Core instead of The Commander. It would be similar to The Commander but you’d get the added bonus of a cognitive boost.

I would maybe look into Emperor: HOM in your custom I think it might work very well.

So dates have become litterally efforless there’s No trying No force everything just unfolds exactly as it should .

No nervousness just genuine curiosity and desire for the girl I’m with. Play. If there’s a moment of silence instead of nervousness I just look calmly into her eyes adoring how gorgeous she is. Admiring her feminine essence.

Because ultimately is that not What dating is about playing together.

Sometimes the girl start up the conversation sometimes it leads to a luscious kiss.

Have Also been thinking more about my custom and it’s really shaping up completely aligning it with the goal of becoming a world class coach.

Just the other day the Guy I coached who was in quite a negative headspace got approached by a girl at a cafe and they connected and … . Just remarkable to see the impact and speed it helps people.



Eagle Eye




Void of Creation

Wisdom Personified

Information Releaser


Limitless Core

Dragon Tongue

Emperor’s Voice




Awakened Perception

Whispered Power


Intuition Enhancer

Ascended Mogul Core

sub idea right now

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Ended up sleeping with one of the girls I went on a date on. It’s really incredible though tests women give don’t even make me react not even microexpressions.

She Also told me you are really confident . It was like you expected us to have sex yet did not care at all if it did not.

Seriöusly letting things naturally unfold is the best . It just become a joy the whole process.


I Also experimentet with internal mantras and the effect was really interesting. When I focused on love the girl just smiled. When i did more sexual mantra she bit her under lip.


Girls just seem to love me now. Even the date I thought was a bit stiff. It makes sense though since I love them.

Once you love women, They can love being around you . Not before .


Also had a talk with my mentor about daygame. This is a Guy that can build a rotation of ig models within 2 weeks of going into a new city.

And the most interesting thing he said was, 90% of daygame is just not being weird.

Because approaching already shows so much courage . Found that very interesting But it really makes sense .


new custom ordered a remake of my old one for women. Will put chosen in business one later. Going to another country soon so figure it be nice.


Primal Core

Daredevil Core

Divine Self-Image

Seducer’s Gaze

Gorgeous Manifestor

Sexual Manifestation

Instant Spark

Alexander’s Play

Approachability Aura

Ethereal Presence

Void of Creation


Long-Range Seduction

Physicality Shifter - Sexiness

Focused Arousal

Love Without Attachment


Harmonic Singularity

in experimental build


Cool Custom, how do you like the combination of Daredevil and Wanted?

i loved primal daredevil wanted. It’s like they are a holy trio

How about Daredevil and Wanted, excluded from Primal?

More like the unholy trio :wink:

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Bam bam bam… :grin:


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i’ll follow your journal closely

the Terminus tech really intersts me, so I might be overusing Ascension Chamber a bit . . . (shhhh)


It’s really interesting What a powerful positive force I’ll become.

I supported one girl in Applying for a promotion when she was scared of doing it . And was like Why would they take me above Everyone else.

And she got the promotion and super happy about it .

Things have really changed from me just trying to get laid to actually having à positive impact on girls I date. Just remarkable


is your new custom terminus too?

Nope was unsure How terminus experimerental is. Maybe next one

which country are you from by the way? I am from Sweden

same in Poland atm though

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oh wow, nice :slight_smile: I somehow felt you were Swedish, maybe the spelling of your name :slight_smile: (i never ask anyone else where they’re from)

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For the record,

at this point what are/were you running?
With all this amazing success in career/women