ZPT Custom. Becoming one with the Divine masculine and aboslute Presence

I just ran my custom lbfh, and stark. And like never switched. Even thoguh I did not notice much from my custom in a while. But It’s all about putting yourself on position which the subs and you can take action toward the better more free you.

Now i’m making a new one for women. Also my cold approach skills are not super good yet. They Will be insane in a few months though with this sub and the people Im around .

And one specifically for becoming a world class coach. I Also think chosen fits better in that one . So made a lot of sense to make a new one for women first . To not get overload from 2 chosen subs

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So chosen + wanted custom, lbfh and stark?
This sounds like a great idea with Chosen + Wanted a great combo that may be a little passive but balanced with stark extraversion. :+1:

Yea pretty much mostly ran my custom and lbfh though. Stark only occasionslly.


I honestly think without Twim and the subs I would not be where I am today .

Thank you @SaintSovereign and @Fire for all the gifts you keep bringing us❤️

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subliminala klubben :slight_smile: låter inte lika häftigt på svenska . . . :smiley: nästan lite löjligt va?

anyway I am indeed happy you are benefitting! So am I. I just wish you made your new custom Terminus^2.

hahaa :smile:

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you crazy. is your in T2?

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No, it is Standard.

Låter som nåt en doktor skulle kunna vräka ur sig…

One of the girl I dated have turned into a longer fling. Really beauthiful girl super feminine. Really is a shame i’m leaving her soon. But atleast she knew about it from the start .

Felt a minor cold coming up but just did a healing meditation and already feel much better.

Super stoked to get my new custom today or tomorrow🙂


Custom have arrived😍. Will listen later today


Listened to one loop. The relaxation in the body This one gives is out of This world. Also fell asleep for 20 minutes . Which was Nice .

Now I got some calls to do . Not really setting up more dates. Except the one i have a fling with Because Im leaving This country next week.

Once I’m in Budapest the true power of This sub Will shine


Went to the post Office today. The girl got super feminine and just giggled during the entire interaction.

She even helped me fill in the papers in polish.

It’s Also a really cool feeling I feel like im in the centre of creation itself. Not in an egocentric way But more in an empowering way.

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Really missed daredevil the flow in conversation and playfulness is just incredible

Broke up with the girl I was seeing. It really was a loving way to end it. I’m leaving soon and she started to emit a lot of love But also sadness about me leaving .

I would have loved to meet her one more time , But she Said it would just make it harder.

Feel a bit sad about it today though. But also happy and grateful that I met her. Probably pause my dating until Budapest.

Meeting new girls when I’m leaving in a few days seems pointless.

It’s a good thing I have love without attachment in the custom so I don’t just fall in love with with every girl and get attached😂


This thing being fully authentic and open and not getting attached or making the girl attached is a fine balance.

Clinging is not really helpful for the state of mind.

Soon new adventures :star2:


Hows the Custom treating you @SwedishBuddha

Really Nice like 0 recon. One of the girl i went on a date on is apparently from Budapest so she want to show me around.

Experimental + name embed really is next level.

I generally just feel super calm and happy. And I text in such a dominant loving way it’s really cool


Also one girl really checked me out. Like she stopped and just stared at me.