Your Year End Review and Intention Setting Ritual

With the end of 2021 around the corner, many of the most successful people go through a ritual where they check in with themselves to see all the things they have accomplished the past year and which goals they did and did not accomplish. They also set their intentions and goals for the coming year.

Some have elaborate rituals where they collect evidence of everything they’ve done and use whiteboards to divide their lives into categories like fitness/health, romance, wealth etc and set at least one goal in each while determining if they’ve focused too much on one.

Other people simply mark things off on a todo-list or journal.

I am still figuring out my own ritual. So I am curious if some of you would share yours here. How do you close off the year and clear your mind for the next? How do you keep track of your accomplishments and growth? What is your ritual?

If I do manage to find something which harmonizes with me, I might share my actual goals here as well.

So far, one thing I have noticed is that even though I really really want to focus on wealth as the year starts, my most important goal for the coming year (at least the start) is fitness and health. Not the “good intentions” idea of using the energy to exercise more, but actually going the full Paragon/Emperor Fitness route, which is something I didn’t think I would be doing.

I have also noticed that I’ve accomplished a few things which have been on my someday/maybe list for years now. Maybe the subs finally made the stars align?

I would really personally appreciate some input from the users. I think with enough response we can all walk away with something useful and this can be a valuable thread. We might even revisit in 3 or 6 months.

So, any volunteers?


This is an awsome idea, I would love to contribute.
I have some serious thinking to do.:thinking: I’m definitely in line with you with regarding the exercise goal it’s much needed to keep me balanced and also helps with my anxiety and I’m always more productive in all areas of my life when I work out consistently.
Thanks :blush:

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I do the Journal Method by Clark Kegley (seriously can’t send a YT link rn because I am doing a dopamine detox haha)

Just search him on YT, it’s not just stream of consciousness writing, it’s an actual plan for the year, regarding your self-improvement and all areas you want to change.
I use that.

Outside of that, I started doing Tej Dosa’s Year Snapshot to let go of ANY energy of 2021 and start anew 2022!

Part 1: Overall Snapshot

What is your current day weight?

What is your BMI?

How much money do you have in the bank?

What is your net worth?

What are the main relationships in your life/quality?

What is your #1 cause of stress right now?

What is your quality of life score (/10)?

Yearly Fun Score (/10)

Part 2: Digging Deeper

What were your wins/accomplishments? What made those possible?

What were the main struggles/challenges you faced? Why?

What did you learn about yourself?

What did you learn about others?

What were the 3 biggest mistakes you made?

What worked really well for you?

What were the key 1-2 needle moving decisions you made?

What decisions could you have made to have a better year?

What were the main lessons you learned?

If you could relive this year, what would you do differently?

If you could snap your finger and remove the biggest obstacle in your life right now,

what would that obstacle be?

What BIG projects did you move forward?

Part 3: Character Review

How was the felt-sense experience of your life this year?

How happy/grateful/fulfilled were you and why?

What common patterns did you notice in yourself?

List out your personal values and give yourself a score out of 10 for each

If you died this year, would you have been fulfilled with your life? Why or why not? If not,

what can you change?

What main memories stick out from this year?

What good habits did you add? What bad habits did you eliminate?

What difficult conversations did you have this year? What difficult conversations do you

still need to have? With who? When?

What would your 5-year old self think about this year? What would you future 90-year

old self think about this year?

Part 4: Forgive yourself

On paper:

  • “I forgive myself/others for…”

Do the exercise for the whole year.

  • Let the dead energy go. Start the year with new energy!
  • Light the paper on fire and throw it in the wind together with all the energy!

Part 5: Imagine the Year going perfectly

  • 45-60 minutes, lay down and imagine the whole year if it were run perfectly
  • Important to let the energy go and bring in positive, ACTIVE energy!
  • Feel that energy!

My ritual: Writing a big-ass review on this forum of my success with subs this year.

Like here: Longterm Review of Khan


I was about to say the same thing. Mind you, this is the first year I’ve really done it, but I think it’s going to be a regular thing.


Wow this is great it targets all area very well rounded approach definitely good structure for New Year goals. Thanks for posting

I’m not sure if this is applicable but I watched it for the first time a few days ago and the first one has been going through my mind heavily since


I will add my contribution here : This being the last day of 2021 and feeling a little bit disapointed by my “performance” this year.

Started off 2021 with wanting to kill myself. Got my low T Dx in february, it explained a lot about why I had no focus, no energy and 0 drive for life in general. Then I started activating myself to get out of depression in march-april, end of april I got a huge thrombosis in my right leg, which prevented me from sleeping for a week or two… I had to sit on the couch for like two-three week because I couldn’t walk. Not a fun experience.

I got some bloodwork done this summer and lately, my hormones are progressing in the right direction :slight_smile: I started my research, am getting paid 10K to write it. I moved to Montreal for more job opportunity next year. My libido was non existant the whole summer…

I felt suicidal again last october, so my dr decided to put me on Prozac and Wellbutrin, which removed some of my negative emotions, but did nothins for my lack of drive and literally “buzzed” me.

When I started ZP, I started feeling different, like there was hope for the future, I am planning ahead, thinking about what I’ll do in the next few months, but life is a lot less grim. I do not want to kill myself anymore and I do not feel like life is pointless. ZP really helped me to change my mindset about life in general!

Now regarding the future, I have different goals and stuff I talk everywhere :

  • After this, finish writing my research paper. I have to finish it if I want to graduate from my master’s degree (post grad).

  • I would also like to make money, I am planning to jump into management consulting by working at a big consulting firm to take some good experience. For that moment, I will probably run RICH and try to manifest as much promotions I can, and as much opportunity as possible to meet some clients.

  • Eventually in the future (3-5 years), I would like to be good enough to become a consultant working for myself and have my own clients. It would allow me to work from anywhere in the world, I could even pick up travel one day :slight_smile:

  • This year also, I would like to invest a little bit of my subliminal usage into healing my hormones/neurotransmitter from anabolic steroid abuse and drugs.

I’m thinking of starting 2022 with Chosen, Emperor and Wanted. I decided to bring back chosen, because as much I would like to ignore it and focus on woman, there is a curfew where I live, everything is closed… So, it’s way harder to date right now, might as well help my mind get more positive to get further away from depression, and in a perfect world, be so driven by positivity every day of my life!


I liked Alex’s questionnaire although it’s a bit daunting. And confrontational, frankly.

I’m pretty sure friday’s review is appreciated by lots of people, staff included. I try to do a sort of running tally year-round, which I believe you also did.

The videos are appreciated also, even if they did take me down the rabbit-hole of watching time management and productivity videos on Youtube.

And thanks to WhiteTiger for sharing so openly. I tend to get very depressed as the year ends and I realize I’m still nowhere near where I want to be even though I had so much opportunities to get there. Especially that second part. If only I had taken more action instead of watching the latest TV series or playing those games or eating snack foods or simply sitting around doing nothing useful. Only in hindsight do we see the potential the year had for us.

As for what I ended up doing for the time being is to keep it simple to myself (otherwise I’ll get annoyed and drop it). I plunked it into my journal here:

Still evolving. I’m adding more goals regularly and today I woke up considering a whole new way of displaying them to myself for reviewing purposes.

The year is still fresh, it’s not too late to share your ideas, guys.

My wife and I set a word of intention for the year. This year my word is discovery. My intention is to discover a business that I will lovingly sink hours of passion into. Discover what I truly want out of life. Discover who I am deep inside. Discover my love for life.

This to me is better than a resolution. One word intention has helped our conscious and unconcous minds drive forward.

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Interesting idea. I have been playing with setting an overarching intention for the year. Doesn’t necessarily limit me in still setting goals though.

It helps us refocus when we feel lost or helpless. It’s a kind of North star to put us back on track when we have wandered off the path.

It’s also not limiting at all. Think of all the things you could do that relate a single word. It helps take out choice paralysis as well.

That’s an interesting idea. I think I’ll give it a try.

2021 was the year I finally kicked my depression. This has been the greatest year of my 20s, with arguably the most intellectual and personal growth I’ve ever had. I was lost, but now I’ve been found and I’m so grateful for that.

I enter 2022 as the first time I’m entering the year without being depressed in my entire adult life, which is an incredible feeling. I spend every December and January in misery, but not this year. This will be a year of change, as I plan on beginning the next step of my life. The ultimate goal is for me to leave where I currently am because of the disgusting government policies that are setting a dangerous precedent, and the docile people around me that comply, accept and consistently live in a hive mind. It’s repulsive and I understand that things are like that everywhere, but I’d like to be somewhere where I can exercise my own freedom more. Money is the ultimate tool that will allow me to do so, so that is something I need to focus on more.