Year of the Sexcessful Emperor

  • It’s been more than five days of washout, I’m starting again with a loop of Emperor ZP. My stack for this cycle is Emperor ZP, Chosen ZP, and RICH ZP.

  • I am liking how the family is responding to me since I’ve switched to the new stack. They seem to be accepting me as the leader as a matter of course. I say “let’s do X” and everyone says OK and that’s what we do. Not only is there no resistance, but they seem to like it.
    I’m thinking that this comes from Chosen, but Emperor probably has something to do with it as well.

  **1/16/22 CYCLE 2 WEEK 1 STACK A**
  • I had a short but very productive talk with the wife about subliminals when I got up this morning.
    She used to resist pretty much anything that I suggested for self improvement or to solve a problem kind of as a matter of course. It was like she didn’t want the likes of me telling her anything. Even if it was good advice.
    Now she’s listening to me because I know a lot about this stuff.
    That lead to a wider discussion about her MS and what we are going to do moving forward.
    I said that once she gets her disability, it’s time to hit it with everything we have so she can have her life back.
    She was really into the concept, and it was really great to see because in even the recent past she has seemed very resigned and like she was OK giving up.
    Matter of fact, I’ve seen a spark of life in her that has been missing, or at least hiding for a very long time. It’s great to see.
    Something is definitely shifting lately. It’s kind of odd that I’m the one on the new sub stack, but I’m really noticing more differences in her.
    She likes the concept of doing Paragon or something like it for the rest of her life, and also doing six months on AFW and then changing to Seductress.
    She was once again profusely apologetic about not being accepting of me wanting an open relationship, and a number of other things that she’s had hang ups about.
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You’re running Chosen, right?

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Sure am. Needless to say, I’m really pleased with it.

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I thought so. Saw it mentioned in earlier entries, just didn’t wanna jump the gun on assuming that’s what’s coming through. Definitely sensing a “caring leader” vibe when imagining you talking with her about subliminals.


Yeah, I think I’m doing a much better job of expressing “here’s what we need to do”, and “giving up doesn’t cut it” but also that I have that attitude out of love.

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  • I just read the sales page for Chosen again. I don’t recognize me. Not from Chosen, not too long ago I not only wouldn’t have considered running that sub, I’d have sneered at it.
    I used to think of myself as kind of “dark”, and even when my self esteem started to rise I eschewed that kind of active positivity.
    I took pride in my darkness and cynicism.
    Now though, I seem to be really embracing the Chosen archetype without a second thought. Seems like what I’m supposed to be and want to be.
    I think we’ve got another after effect from DR here.
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  • I had some of my old negative thought patterns crop up while I was in the shower this afternoon. I was seeing things turn out badly, and was just a bit angry and out of sorts. I haven’t had that happen in quite a while. I kind of brushed it off as recon because I switched to Emperor ZP. Or maybe I was just in a bad mood, it happens. I’ll be keeping an eye on that though.

  • I’m going to swap out RICH for Diamond with ME for this cycle. As I understand it, Emperor ZP has plenty of wealth manifestation in it on its own, and RICH should be doing it’s thing for quite a while anyway.

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  • ZP recon is different. There’s no distress involved. Not usually any fear or stress. A few hours after my loops I just feel lost and empty for a while. It’s a much less intense feeling than recon has been in the past.
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  • I saw something on @Palpatine’s journal last night that got me thinking.
    I covered in my DE journal how I took on a lot of my father’s negativity and it stuck with me until I found an effective tool and did a lot of inner work to become more positive.
    Well, the train of thought that started rolling lead me to realize another couple of things.
    First, I had been mentally conditioned from early childhood to try to take on all of his pain, stress and burden and to feel responsible for making everything turn out all right. Matter of fact, thinking back, I thought of this as “my purpose” as a child.
    In other words, he looked to me to save him (yes, this is messed up, my mom really did a number on my dad) and I internalized that I was responsible for saving him.
    That sunk into my subconscious from a very young age (like six) and turned into generally feeling responsible for “saving” everyone.
    What this means in practical terms is that I am vulnerable to vulnerability. I have had trouble resisting it when I encounter someone who needs to be “saved”. I feel compelled to do all I can for them even to my own detriment.
    I think that I did poorly in school, and was bad socially at least partly because I was spending so much mental energy on Dad.
    It shows up in my relationships too. Up until my wife, all of my girlfriends needed a “savior” when I met them. And once again, I spent a lot of my mental energy as well as time on that instead of what I needed to be doing for myself.

  • So far I haven’t noticed anything from Diamond.

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  • I’m not sure if Diamond has had any real world effect on me yet or not, but I had the first sex dream that I can remember having in probably well over a decade.
    It was part of a wider dream where I was wandering around a huge multi building complex of some kind (I am noticing that this is a theme in the dreams I can remember).
    I think I worked there or something.
    I wound up in this room that looked kind of like a high school gym, but scaled up several orders of magnitude. It was full of layered bunk beds stacked several stories high. There was some kind of flooring and stairs between layers so you didn’t just have to climb up, but the room would sleep hundreds or thousands of people.
    At some point I ran into this girl. She was no one I knew in real life. Short blonde hair, very fit tight body. Less voluptuous than I tend to go for in real life, but she was very hot.
    I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but we had a conversation and eventually she made it very clear that she wanted me.
    She then pretty much threw herself at me and I was glad to catch. I won’t get too NSFW here, but we were talking and doing a number of things for some time.
    This is also the first time I remember a sex dream where I have sex for quite a while and didn’t wake up.
    I’d have them when I was younger, but I’d always wake up within seconds of actually starting to have sex.
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  • Diamond does indeed have a real world effect. The wife came up for sex after dropping the kid off this morning. Despite not feeling particularly horny before hand it was pretty damned good. It didn’t last terribly long, but we were both satisfied. Very satisfied. My orgasm was both longer lasting and more intense than I’ve had in a very long time. It may be the best combination of those two traits ever.
    Then when I woke up, I had extremely intense morning wood that lasted a very long time. I haven’t had that happen that intensely right after having sex since my early twenties.

I’ve found my refectory period to be about 3 hours right now. From subs. Used to be I wouldn’t be ready again until the next day

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  • The wife and I had some fun before going to sleep about 0230. Then again when we woke up at about eleven. I wouldn’t have tried that not too long ago, but it was incredible both times. Especially for her. She says that I feel bigger and that I’m doing a much better job of “hitting the spot” than I ever have.
    We also had a somewhat important conversation about why we didn’t have sex that much before.
    I told her that part of the reason was that the more she gets it, the more she wants and the more demanding she gets.
    So, if we’d had sex a few nights in a row and I didn’t feel like it, she didn’t respect my “no”. When she didn’t want to, I stopped, but when I didn’t. She would spend at least an hour fighting me on it, and it would get unpleasant. That’s why I was hesitant to have sex regularly.
    She actually apologized profusely for her long term behavior.

When I say “no” I can tell mine is taken aback. Since it’s rare lol. I’m usually the one going for it and being shot down.

Lately, I’ve been not pushing. Just working on my Empire a project. And she seems to be initiating more.

Each time I resolve to forget about sex and just focus on money/empire/wealth, she wants it more. It was cool at first, but now it seems almost like a sabotage manifestation to take me away from the Empire-Building.

Love your use of 24-hour time. So don’t how many chronic civilian types don’t understand it. Or the correct phonetic alphabet.


I was raised on it. Im not sure why twelve hour time even exists, but it’s stupid. I now use the LE phonetic alphabet. Why there is a different one, I have no idea.

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What’s LE?

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Law enforcement. For some reason, they use a completely different phonetic alphabet than the military.

Or she sees you as more desirable when you’re focused on a purpose like that.

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Ah. Mary Edward Apple or whatever haha

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