Year of the Sexcessful Emperor

I started cold showers after the Spartan cycle. It has been almost 3 months. Having a cold shower in the morning and then a second one in the evening.

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  • I have ordered Dominus Maximus part two.
    The final version.
  1. Stark Core
  2. Godlike Masculinity Core
  3. Ego Adsum
  4. Fusion Optimized
  5. Deep Sleep
  6. Iron Frame
  7. The Boundary
  8. SPS Fat Burn
  9. Furious Ascent
  10. Immortals Blade
  11. Fortune’s Favorite
  12. Sanguine
  13. Emotions Unfettered
  14. Joie De Vivre
  15. Stress Displacement
  16. Organization Perfected
  17. Natural Winner
  18. Mountain Breaker
  19. Eagle Eye
  20. Mosaic

The next cycle may just be a solo run of this. Between Stark and GLM it hits on every goal I have this year all on its own.
I added a bit more in there to keep me living in the moment and enjoying life. I promised myself to do better at that, and I haven’t been. At least not as much as I’d like.


How is it that you have Sanguine as a module?
I have it available only as a Core.

I think it’s still available as a module. It’s listed twice on the drop down. Also if you owned it before, they will accommodate.

Which one is the module?


                  **5/29/22 CYCLE 6 WEEK 3**
  • I’ve been feeling pretty stressed for the last couple of weeks, but I’ve been able to take some action on some of the things that have been causing me the stress, so I’m starting to feel better.
  • I had an odd dream. It was very long and involved, but the gist of it was for some reason I was visiting EX #3 in her home town. At one point she took off a wig or hat while talking to me and she had no hair. She said that she had terminal cancer and about five months to live.
    There was a lot more to it, including her having an arrangement with some guy to get together on the off chance that she did live, but I don’t recall a lot of the details.
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                 **6/5/22 CYCLE 6 WEEK 4**
                 **WASHOUT WEEK #6**
  • This was an interesting week. There was something that was really stressing me out. We could finally afford to get it checked out, and it turned out not to be nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
    The relief I felt when we found that out was incredible.
    I am feeling much better now, and will most likely be back to posting more regularly again.
    Especially after I start DM version 2 next week.
  • As I approach the halfway point I’m my subliminal year, I’m really starting to think about what my plans for next year should be.
    I had already decided that it’s going to be the year of the Khan. I’m going to do the same kind of thing that I did with the year of the Dragon Emperor.
    That is run a custom that remains more or less the same except for what stage of Khan I’m running. Three months per stage for a total of a year.
    The question is, what do I combine it with? I’d appreciate peoples thoughts.
    My ideas so far are Mogul, Spartan, or Chosen.

I’m doing khan and wanted starting today. Was doing khan and Chosen but recon on they wasn’t great for me right now. Nobody to lead and no job.

I’ve got enough wanted experience I think it’ll go great with khan long-term.

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Khan is the base?

Khan in the service of what? Money? Power? Sex? Leadership? Something else?

Remember that Khan st1 is healing. If you make a custom with Khan st1, should you add something such as Elixir rather than Mogul?


IIRC, he ran DR1 with Emperor for his first stage of the Dragon Emperor



I’m going to be running all four stages with the same something else. Just like I did with DR and Emperor. The only change will be what stage of Khan I’m running. Three cycles per stage four for the last for a total of a year run.
That worked so well with DR and Emperor that I’m going to try it with Khan.


That was every stage, not just the first.

Yeah. I was just addressing what RVC said about Khan1 specifically. Since it’s healing

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           **6/12/22 CYCLE 7 WEEK 1**
  • I had a nice relaxed feeling washout week, and I’m looking forward to running DM Part 2 in a few minutes.
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  • I’ve been feeling the usual detachment that comes with having run a new sub today.
    It’s nothing bad, kind of like just sitting back from reality just a little bit and thinking.

  • One of the things I’ve been doing is the mental exercise that I’ve mentioned here a few times before.
    I imagine that I can somehow be transported back into my younger self starting the year after I failed out of one college and started another. I am starting with the same mind I had at the time, and only enough memory (of my future timeline) to know that this happened, but no useful knowledge of my personal future or the future of the world.
    I can bring two things with me. The entire catalog of subliminals, and a limited letter to myself that contains general advice and a plan of action, but once again no future spoilers.
    I’m thinking of the letter tonight. In it I address plans for fixing the things that needed to be fixed in that year and the one after but didn’t.
    One of the big ones that comes up is that I would put a rule on myself (who knows if I’d listen). No dating for the first year.
    Then I got to thinking about why. The simple answer is that I had a tendency of really screwing myself up over girls. But I dug deep on that.
    I chose to go to a local college instead of following the adventure I wanted and going out of state in order to stay with girlfriend #1. It turned out that she got a scholarship and followed HER adventure. Then I flunked out because of depression caused by the end of that relationship and the one after.
    I have made multiple major life choices not because it was what I wanted, not to shape my life into my vision for it, but for the sake of a romantic relationship.
    Since I’ve been having them, (not so much lately, most of this happened many years ago, but it still has an effect) I have given up the life I wanted for the sake of a romantic relationship.
    I was not charting my own course for a lot of my formative years.
    Not sure all of what to make of this, but the new sub has been doing something here.

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         **6/19/22 CYCLE 7 WEEK 2**
  • That is yesterday’s date, but I wasn’t able to get on yesterday for some reason.

  • I’m not sure what is happening here. I haven’t noticed any outward effects from DM 2 so far. It’s only been a week, so that isn’t really unexpected.
    I feel a bit more irritable and more free to say what is annoying me.
    My thoughts are once again drifting back to situations in the past where I had conflict with someone, and I’m seeing myself handle it in a better way.
    That seems to happen when I start a new sub. I think it’s kind of a way for my subconscious to teach me.

  • I saw something interesting on social media. Is said something like “Male depression is nearly always the result of learned helplessness, but care providers treat it like female depression and try to make a man feel loved rather than powerful,”.
    That is spot on.
    I now can realize that I suffered from depression for many years to greater or lesser degrees. When I really look at how I felt and why, the primary problem was that I felt weak, incompetent, and incapable. It wasn’t because I felt that no one liked or loved me.
    Matter of fact, some of the better (read not as bad) times, I was pretty completely alone, but I had something to work on on a day to day basis. Even if I was just hitting the weight room daily, I was doing something that I could see results from, and that made me feel better about myself and my life.
    The times that I really lifted out of it weren’t when I was surrounded by friends or knew I was loved, but when I’d had success of some type.

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  • It’s kind of hard to organize my thoughts on this one. It’s doing something, but I can’t really put my finger on it just yet.
    I’ve had some further thoughts on what I brought up in my last post.
    All of my life, I’ve wanted to feel and be seen as extremely masculine. I craved it. I realize now that that’s because I didn’t feel that way, and I’m sure wasn’t perceived that way by anyone but certain people.
    It’s better now, but not as much as I want it to be.
    The more I think about it the more I realize that my masculinity was stunted starting in early childhood because I spent my formative years feeling powerless.
    There are a number of reasons for that. Fucked up overbearing parents, the cruelty of other kids. I got into this a lot in my DR journal and there’s no point in rehashing all of it now.
    DR has helped me to make this a lot better. But, it has only made it so that it doesn’t feel bad anymore.
    What I need to do to actually start to feel the way I want to feel is to actively do things to make myself feel powerful, accomplished, and competent.
    I can’t control when career success is going to come, so I need to do a couple of things that I CAN make happen now.
    I think that that is going to be joining a gym and starting to take BJJ classes.
    I was putting those things off because of money and my schedule, but if I really want to do it, now is the time.
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