Year of the Dragon Emperor

  • This is interesting. My closest female friend has been initiating contact with me more. She and I did hook up occasionally throughout the last bit of high school and while I was at the first college I went to. And she directly stated that until she met her husband, she had wanted more.
    This time she said that she’d like me to move back to my home state or she’d consider moving out here if not for some factors.
    I’m not sure what she’s thinking of because we’re both still married and have kids. I’m eager to find out if for no reason than to satisfy my curiosity.
  • I finally see a small spark of light at the end of the dark tunnel of difficulties that I’m slogging through with my family.
    My wife finally got the date for her disability hearing. It’s in February, so I’ll still have to keep carrying everything for a few more months, but we’re at the stage where success is most likely.
    The attorney told us that the government rejects almost everyone on the initial application and appeal. However now that she’s going to put her case in front of a judge in person, the odds favor her.
    It’s great to finally feel some forward progress on this issue. I will be taking my life, aspirations, and goals off of hold as soon as we start to get payments.
    Matter of fact, I plan to take a week off for the first time in four years and spend a couple of nights elsewhere for a little vacation. I have sure as hell earned a small escape.

  • I was speaking with a couple of company higher ups for the outfit that’s taking over the contract I work on, and damn, have I ever changed the way I interact with people. I was able to converse with them calmly and make easy natural eye contact. It’s not that I was that outwardly awkward before, but I have markedly increased my internal comfort with that kind of interaction.

  • The workout program I’m on involves stretching really heavy duty rubber bands until your body simply can’t move the bar anymore. I don’t mean can’t complete a rep, I mean can’t stretch the band an inch.
    This is supposed to not only cause gains in all aspects of strength, but cardio and endurance as well. I was a slightly skeptical about that part, but I’ve never been so out of breath or dizzy as I was when I first started pushing those sets as far as I could.
    Lately I’ve noticed that I’m not as winded, I recover faster, and I’m able to push sets much harder toward the end than I could. I just hit the point where before I would think my body had quit, and I demand that it does more, and it does it. Hard to describe, but my ability to override the “rev limiter” on my body has grown massively.
    Tonight I got some proof that it’s been productive on a practical level.
    My boss relieved me so I could take a bathroom break, and wouldn’t you know it, they call out an emergency. I sprinted flat out a couple of hundred yards back to my station so he could respond to it.
    The last time I did that, I felt really winded. This time, not at all. I felt like my heart rate was barely elevated.

x3bar? How effective is it? Did you buy the original x3 or a $100 amazon model?

Well, I am definitely seeing results. I don’t know if I’m doing 3X better than I would be on weights, but I am definitely in better shape than I was before I started doing it regularly. It’s a real workout, and a really good sturdy product. More importantly, it allows me to workout at work.
I don’t know how the $100 knockoff compares. I didn’t know that there was one.
I definitely recommend it.

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Even if I opted for the $100 knockoff I wouldn’t benefit as much because of the training style. I’d be doing standard type workout not knowing that x3 has something I’d never heard of until now. This doing until complete failure and I don’t even understand that unless I had access to the instructions that come with the x3.

Unless he covers that in his book? I mean the guy who invented x3. He has a book out.


Yeah. He has a YouTube channel where he gives all of the instructions too. It’s very much like the old Mike Mentzer high intensity training program. One set of each exercise to failure. But with bands you can go even further and do partial reps.


That makes it so great for people with the means but don’t have the time in their schedules to workout for hours everyday. Plus due to safety concerns with going to failure the bands seem like the way to go especially since you can even go past failure without the need for a partner to assist. I actually just saw someone I follow on youtube make a post about one set to failure a few days ago as well. It was like a two hour long discussion so I didn’t watch it.

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  • Last night I had another phrase go through my head for a while. “It is done, I am reborn”.
    I’ll take that as a good sign. I will still run the remaining four weeks that I had planned for the sake of symmetry, but I think that the DR part of the program has done what I wanted it to.

  • Looking at my goals from the beginning of the thread, I’ve made major progress on the primary one. The odds are greatly in favor of the wife winning her disability hearing, so a greater degree of financial freedom is in sight. I just have to keep things going for a few more months.
    Obviously I haven’t gotten the job I want yet, so I’m going to focus on getting my career back on track while I wait for the disability case to come to a conclusion.
    Im going to go with my Emperor, Daredevil, Commander custom geared toward gaining financial stability, and succeeding in one of these hiring processes until I’ve gotten those things done. Or at least until I can run my Khan customs in ZP. I think I’ll add a little ZP action with RICH at least until we start to see deposits from disability.

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  • Long bizarre but coherent dream if I remember when I wake up I’ll try to describe it.
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Wait. Did you post that from within the dream? :grinning:

Close. Nature called me back to the real world briefly.

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  • OK, now that I’m fully awake I’ll post what I can remember. This is probably somehow important because I barely ever remember dreaming. Like a couple of times a year at most.
    The dream seemed to last for hours, longer than I was actually asleep and it had a contiguous storyline throughout.
    I was wandering around a vast old mansion. This place was HUGE, like it seemed bigger than any house could possibly be. I ran into and interacted with a bunch of people in various rooms in the maze like place. I remember one room with kind of an indoor garden and a raised stone pool where there were some younger people bathing. I was talking to them.
    I knew most of the people there in some way or another. It turned out that the house belonged to a very large family in the town that I apparently lived in (everything made sense in the dream). Then I went outside and someone asked if I was a member of that family. I said “No, but I’m friends with a bunch of them”. Then I saw people kind of morph into members of that family. All men, various ages and they all had a similar look to them.
    I talked to them for a bit, then I left the property and went into this low scrubby woods that had a lot of bushes and tall grass. I got lost and realized that I had accidentally wandered onto the next property up the street which was a facility which had go cart tracks and all kinds of fun stuff for kids. I thought that I had better not get caught there or people would think I was some kind of pervert and I’d probably get into trouble. The stuff all ran through that wooded area, so I tried to sneak through it to where I knew the road was.
    I got caught and they lead me to the building at the center of it. A series of people were leading me around, I think that they were waiting for the cops. I wasn’t THAT worried as I thought I could just explain that I had been lost.
    I started to get annoyed that they were holding me, and this one lady kept grabbing me by the arm and pulling me around which really irritated me. I kept pulling out of her grasp.
    Then I saw someone in uniform come through the door.
    I think that I just pulled away and left at some time shortly before I woke up.
    This was a weird one, but everything made sense in the dream.
                **Stage 4 Cycle 2 Week 5**
  • Eleven months down. Exactly one to go.

  • I’ve been getting impressions from people. Two in particular. I get that one of them is being very self aggrandizing and the other is really putting on a front of being very straight forward and honest, but Is hiding something behind it.
    I can’t quite put my finger on how I know that, but it doesn’t seem that I have any kind of psychic stuff going on. I can tell that my subconscious is compiling tiny little cues to give me those conclusions.

  • Nothing really happened today to bring this up, but now that I think about it, there’s been a trend that started sometime during my DE run. That is that coworkers are now commonly complimenting me on my professionalism and performance.
    Even the new site manager, who is a really squared away guy, and not the time you’d expect random praise from told me that he’d asked around about everything and “it was all roses where you’re concerned”.
    I guess it kind of slipped under my radar until now what this was a major change in how people were treating me.
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  • If the whole QZP thing had been happening last year I’d have been itching to get in on the testing group, and undoubtedly abandoned my plans to run the latest and greatest mind molding marvel. Especially since I’d only be shorting my healing journey by two or three weeks.
    I really don’t feel the urge now though. I committed to a year on DE and thats what I’m going to do. I am of course eager to sample the delights of QZP, but I can wait four more weeks.
    I have become a lot more disciplined over the course of this year, and that in and of itself is worth the price of admission many times over.

  • I’ll see what QZP titles are going to be released tomorrow, and I may just use a few of them until ZP customs come out. Hell, I may make it the year of the Imperial Khan anyway on the off chance that both Khan and Emperor are available. I’ll just start with the factory versions and combine them in a custom when I can.

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  • Chosen sounds like it might really help with what I’m looking to do next year. That aura of trust and leadership could be what I need to stand out in job interviews in my field. I will definitely have to give that one a try.
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  • I’ve gotten to the point where I actually feel kind of bored with DE. That usually seems to happen around the time I’m done with a sub.
    It’s been a really great run.
    I’ve been compiling all of the effects that I’ve noticed for kind of an after action report, and Damn, that’s going to be one long ass post.

  • Until QZP customs come out, I am definitely going to be running a custom with Emperor, Daredevil, and The Commander as cores along with Chosen and RICH to start out the year. That is nice and focused on my goals. It should shore up a couple of my weaknesses. One of which is that I’d like to be a bit more outwardly masculine and dominant, and the other is that I’d like to be a bit less quiet and a bit more socially adept. At least when I want to be.
    I may do something like I was planning to and cycle between the success stack and a seduction stack, but I’ll swap every eight or twelve weeks.
    I haven’t actually figured out what the seduction stack will be yet

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  • OK, here it is. And I’m not screwing with it any more. I will be ordering this with my next paycheck because it’s getting to be that time. Start date is on 12/19/21.
  1. Emperor Core
  2. Daredevil Core
  3. The Commander Core
  4. Wayfinder
  5. Mastermind
  6. Fortune’s Favorite
  7. Immortal’s Blade
  8. Eye of the Storm
  9. Dragon Tongue
  10. Voice Master
  11. True Sell
  12. The Boundary
  13. Iron Frame
  14. Furious Ascent
  15. Storyteller
  16. Lifeblood Fable
  17. Dynasty
  18. Sanguine
  19. The Lines
  20. Mosaic
  • There has been a sudden change where I work. All of the overtime that I was surviving on looks like it’s no longer going to be available starting next week.
    I won’t lie, I’m a bit stressed, but not nearly to the extent that I would have been before I got on DE. The voice in my head is saying that a solution will be found in time because it always has been throughout this set of problems. It’s not just freaking out.

  • Consequently, I’m going to be dropping URE and DRU from my stack as of Wednesday the first and adding in Chosen and RICH in QZP. Lets see what that reality warp effect has got.