Year of the Dragon Emperor

And who was this mysterious someone? :face_with_monocle:

What I’m talking about doing is running each stage as part of an otherwise identical custom just like I’m doing with DR and Emperor now. Costs more, but worth it so far.

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  • Before I started DE I was on an ascension based custom for six months or so. During that time, I came up with the idea of a Universal Results Enhancement (URE) sub. The idea was to put modules in there that would enhance any other sub I was running including some that I thought were so useful that I’d have put them in every custom I made. Putting them in a separate sub would allow me to make my main customs more focused on their main purposes while still getting the support functions. After a while, my mind would get very used to those modules as well, and it would make all of my future subs work better.
    It worked well but I didn’t continue using it after I started DE.
    It hit me that I should redesign it since there are a lot of new modules, and it could free up some space in the subs for either of my plans for next year.
    Unlike the last URE, version 2 has a core. Inner Circle. It’s a light core, meant to enhance other subs, and I can’t think of any goal I’d have where attracting helpful people wouldn’t be helpful.
    Some of these modules aren’t classified as result enhancement, but they’re things I think will help with any goal.
  1. Inner Circle Core
  2. Wayfinder
  3. Mastermind
  4. Fortune’s Favorite (When isn’t improving one’s luck a good thing?)
  5. Jupiter
  6. Yggdrasil
  7. Deus
  8. Tyrant
  9. Joie de Vivre
  10. Eye of the Storm
  11. Carpe Diem Ascended
  12. The Wonder (always good to feel that way)
  13. Dream Traveler (it bothers me that I rarely dream)
  14. Inner Voice
  15. Iron Frame
  16. Foundation (I have always had problems with “drifting off”)
  17. Sanguine (this one has been really useful this year)
  18. Potentiator
  19. Mystery (finding new things that I’m good at can help achieve any goal)
  20. Mosaic

I think I might start this one when I start my eight week cycle of DE st 4, but I might not wait that long.

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  • That URE design freed up seven module spaces in my Khan custom. That allowed me to get it even more focused on what I want it to do next year. Heres the new version.
  1. Khan (change stages every 12 weeks)
  2. Mogul
  3. Diamond Ultima Core
  4. Debt Annihilator
  5. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  6. Secret Source
  7. Furious Ascent
  8. Alexander’s Play
  9. Lifeblood Fable
  10. Dragon Tongue
  11. Eagle Eye
  12. Song of Joy
  13. Story Teller
  14. Focused Arousal
  15. Transcendental Connection
  16. Instant Spark
  17. Seducers Gaze
  18. The Wonder
  19. Long Range Seduction
  20. Mosaic

That should make for an interesting year, and many after.

  • Wait, I can swap out The Wonder too. How about Emperor’s Voice.
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If you’re skeptical, that’s okay. I can’t remember a name being mentioned. I don’t know if they posted on here about it. It’s possible only we moderators discussed it because I think they email customer service requesting a refund.

Thanks for clarifying. That should work if you mean running each stage in consecutive order. I would also ask you entertain the idea of when you get to stage 4 of Khan to chuck in I AM in there, too.

Lol,i still remember that one cause khan was the 1st multistage.Alot of people jumped to st4

That being said,i jumped into khan st4 in a custom :woman_facepalming:

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I actually thought you were talking about yourself. I was joking.

Thats the plan. That strategy is working very well with DR so I think I’ll do the same thing.

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  • The other plan I’ve been playing with for next year is called The Year of the Sexcessful Emperor.
    I will have had a year of Emperor in DE already so it’ll be pretty ingrained already. I suspect that the healing of DR is making my execution pretty slow, but once I get off of that, I’m expecting some major imperiousness. Another year running it in another custom will just add to it.
    The plan involves three customs. One very focused on financial and career success. It’s based on Emperor. The other is very focused on attraction and sex. I’m basing that one on Wanted and either Daredevil or PS.
    I chose Wanted because I’ve had the most success with women when it at least seemed to me that they came to me rather than me actively perusing them. Right now I’m thinking that amplifying that effect plus making me a bit more social and socially savvy would probably be the best way to get what I want out of this.
    I plan on switching them off weekly or monthly for a full year rather than running them both every run day. That should keep it from getting too heavy while still making good progress on all fronts. I’ll be running URE with both of them.

  • A number of modules from pack #7 made the cut. Just when I think I have things nailed down, Subclub forces me to redesign.


  1. Emperor Core

  2. RICH Core

  3. Executive Core

  4. Way of ROI

  5. The lines

  6. The Single Point

  7. The Boundary

  8. Debt Annihilator

  9. Financial Success Reality Shifter

  10. Secret Source

  11. True Sell (I assume this will translate to job interviews and the like where you’re “selling” yourself)

  12. Dragon Tongue

  13. Sacred Words

  14. Wealth Limit Destroyer

  15. Dominion

  16. Alpha of Alpha

  17. Invincible Presence

  18. Courage Reclaimed

  19. Virtue Series Temperance

  20. Mosaic


  1. Wanted Core

  2. Daredevil Core

  3. Diamond Core

  4. Alexander’s Play

  5. All Seeing

  6. Instant Spark

  7. Seducer’s Gaze

  8. Dragon Tongue

  9. Sacred Words (I may try looking online)

  10. Long Range Seduction

  11. Perfect Style and Smell

  12. Transcendental Connection

  13. Sexual Manifestation

  14. True Sell (you know how some people find that seduction subs improve sales ability? The reverse may be true)

  15. Eagle Eye

  16. Panther

  17. Way of ROI

  18. Voice Master

  19. Mosaic

This could make for an interesting year too.

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I think this wins for creative naming of a custom sub. I am officially dethroned :rofl:

Ain’t that the fuckin truth lol. I’ve been planning out 3 customs myself which I’d be able to do in the recommended rotation, so it’s all customs. 4 if you count whatever Ultima I come up with.

I’m definitely ready to see you make 2022 your bitch.


I hope you do too Brotha!

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Same! The approaching energy is a needy energy ime

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Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never in my life approached a girl with the intent of hitting on her.
I’ve been with an above average number of women, but in all cases it kind of just happened.
I may have started the conversation, but I always had a different intent. Then a conversation started, and I realized where it was heading when it was fairly far along.

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Most naturals tell me the same thing. Unfortunately, I don’t talk to anyone without a goal in mind and with women my goal is fuck or next.

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I don’t know what to tell you. I would say that the less im thinking about it the more likely it is to happen, but thats not exactly true. It’s more like the thought has to be there, but it has to stay at a certain level. If I start thinking about HOW im going to get the girl into bed, it’s going to go wrong. It’s almost like I have to keep the thought that I want to right on the border of conscious and subconscious and my subconscious will guide my actions. If that makes a damn bit of sense.

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  • I’ve been having some interesting thoughts. I used to think of the things that I want and need to happen as things that are going to happen. That caused me to feel impatient and anxious because it hadn’t happened yet and might not happen. I realized that now I’m thinking that those things are happening as we speak. In other words I’m thinking that whatever process need to go on out of my sight before the end result appears to me are happening in the present. That’s one reason my anxiety has gotten lower.
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Not really. I used to not try to get girls into bed. That’s what kept me a virgin for 28 years. Only way I started getting laid was making it my goal. I think people just have different styles. Thanks for trying to explain

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             **Stage 3 Cycle 2 Week 6**
             **Washout Week #6**
  • My wife tried to, how to put this, casually exercise authoritarian control over me over something very trivial. I mean she ordered me not to do something like she was my mom.
    I was about to just comply because it was easier.
    But, Hell No. people treat you like you allow them to, and I’ve allowed this casual “I’m in charge as a matter of course” attitude for long enough.
    I more or less told her that I was going to do what I want and I shouldn’t have to argue with my wife about something so trivial. There was a bit of a battle of wills going on and I saw that she figured out that she wasn’t going to win.
    The thing is if she’d just asked me not to do it, like “hey, I’d appreciate it if”, I’d have probably said sure. As it was, I actually didn’t get angry.
    I’d say I’m getting sick of having to fight my partner to be treated like an equal, but I’ve been sick of it for a very long time.
  • I felt kind of worn out when I woke up this afternoon. It wasn’t like I felt like I wanted more sleep, it’s hard to describe. Just worn out and stretched thin. The feeling passed as I got ready for work and I feel pretty good now.

  • My wife was actually being very feminine and sweet today. I think I did a pretty good job of holding the line yesterday and when I brought it up last night. I forget sometimes that while she will never verbally say she’s wrong, if she breaks off an argument and then her behavior changes, she gets it.

  • I’ve changed my supplement regime. I’m now taking two tablespoons of raw pine pollen a day. One in the morning and one right before bed.


I’ve heard crazy things about that. Any, um, “effects” so far?


Yes. There was some improvement in libido, but that’s not the biggest thing. It’s the only supplement I’ve ever taken where I felt generally MUCH better the day after I started. I have a lot more energy from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, just feel better.
I just switched to a pretty huge dose of the raw powder, so we’ll see if theres a big libido increase.

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