Why does everyone take lions mane and cordyceps?

How is it?

Eh, it’s too “up and down” for me. Some days are really good, others aren’t. Reconciliation may be affecting it though. Been experiencing a lot of it lately.

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Have you found any supplements that help with processing subliminals?

I recommend choline, as I found when I get a recon headache it feels the same as a choline deficiency… and taking choline makes recon headaches go away.

So, that might count as helping process subliminals.

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Interesting! I suffer from terrible reconciliation headaches and aspirin usually takes care of them pretty quickly, but I can’t take aspirin anymore. Will definitely take some Alpha GPC the next time it happens. Now that you mention it, it does resemble a headache I got when I took TOO much choline, where the pain was radiating through my neck. I suppose it could go both ways. If this works, I’m sure you’ll be a hero to many. :wink:


Choline is just scratching the surface, if you consider recon headaches as mental stress/fatigue as with intense studying, then there are biochemical reasons. The brain is doing a lot of processing work so it stands to reason that certain substances would get depleted, or other substances would build up and need to be flushed out.

Choline is where I started, but I didn’t stop there.

My supplement stack also includes magnesium l-threonate, about 5g of DHA/EPA omega-3 (fish oil), and a good quality b-multi. When I did the neurofeedback meditation program last fall, they also strongly recommended l-glutamine to help with the mental exhaustion and headaches, which I took for a while but then didn’t need any longer.

Finally, hydration is key… I only drink water, coffee (1 cup per day) and tea (max 1 cup per day, occasionally), but a few times a week I add electrolytes to the water too. My wife is fine to just add sea salt, but I’m not really a fan of salty tastes so I use a sugar-free liquid concentrate that makes it taste like orange Gatorade instead. lol. I generally only do this when I feel a headache coming on, as otherwise it’s still a bit sweet for me.


All of these you mentioned here help with processing?

Yes, or concentration & focus in general. Combining them with Lion’s Mane & Cordyceps helps with neurogenesis too. If you’re working out, you might take supplements to help improve recovery and boost muscle growth. Consider subs to be “working out” for your brain. :slight_smile:

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Im taking a nootropic mix at the moment that has lions mane and cordyceps and i notice i can handle subs much better. The mix also has alpha GPC etc.


I’ve found sustamine works very wells for hydration and recovery during reconciliation.

" Sustamine® is a dipeptide of glutamine that provides several substantial benefits such as enhanced recovery, immune system support , and increased metabolic rate. On top of these benefits, research suggests that Sustamine® is absorbed more than 200 percent better than standard L-glutamine."

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Tested Alpha GPC on Saturday when I woke up with a subliminal-induced headache. Worked very well.


choline + magnesium + electrolytes = happy brain that can process lots of info

(also + sufficient rest + healthy food, of course)

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I tried it with Pramiracetam it’s amazing

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Yeah, i tried Pramiracetam with Alpha GPC but that was before subliminals. Interesting to think, with QL and BLU :thinking:

Does any find this thread funny every time because the premise of the title is just inaccurate? :joy:

Personally, I would go with Vitamin B3 + Rhodiola Rosea + Choline. Amazing stuff and super cheap if you buy it in powder instead of capsules.

I started taking choline suplement today.
I have noticed that after taking them i have lots of mental energy and feel happy…
Any one else experienced this?


Are you still experimenting with Kratom? I’ve been taking it for my fibromyalgia flares and insomnia. But I’m wondering if this will have any negative impact on my subliminal results

I’ve read terrible stuff on long term use of it.

How had it been helping you now?

I use Kratom on occasion, the challenge I have with it is the consistency, similar to what Saint said.

When it works, its great, when it doesn’t it either does nothing or give me mild nausea