Whats the longest someone has used the same sub?

I’ve used Emperor and HoM pretty consistently since October 2020. Took few weeks here and there to try other programs as a core. At any given point I have a 3rd sub as well.

However I always come back to these two as my base.


  1. Exited toxic relationships
  2. Have very clear boundaries and not afraid to have difficult conversations
  3. Recover extremely quickly from major setbacks. In the heat of things I am intensely focused on moving forward and in every case so far have made the best of setbacks and landed on my feet
  4. I workout more consistently than at any other point in my life
  5. Significantly cut down on drug use and drinking. I used to get high almost everyday, now it’s maybe once a month if that. I’m at the point where I will most likely eliminate those for good.

Unusual thing happened on this point. Instead of buying individually I organized group purchases for efficiency. The relationship building in HoM helped me a lot here. Got introductions and cultivated relationships with 2 suppliers. Got to the point where a few close friends where sure this would be a new career. Although the opportunity was there and I would make a modest amount of money and be positioned to scale quickly…I stepped away from it. That’s not where I want my life to go. But it reaffirmed how powerful these subs are.

  1. I’ve increased my salary over 2.5x, I looked at my paystub this morning and still paused when I saw the gross pay number.
  2. Extremely easy for me to connect with women and move things forward.
  3. I have much more self-respect
  4. My relationships are just stronger. Met a friend recently who is going through a difficult time. We spoke for a few hours and she later reached out to thank me and say she felt “held” emotionally. Think that has to do with me just being more present, I’m not really sure. However I find it’s consistent with all of my relationships.
  5. Found a spiritual practice I feel comfortable with and slowly easing into it.
  6. Since reducing drugs and alcohol have several high quality mentors in my orbit

Overall I’m less of a dabbler and more of a doer.

I initially chose these two titles for money. However I got much more than I expected. If it weren’t for the drug use I’d be even further along. But progress is progress.


It sounds like you want to commit to everything.

Which means you’re committing to nothing.

What’s the one goal that’s so important to you that you’re willing to sacrifice everything else for it?

If you have an answer, run that sub for a year or more.

And if you don’t have an answer that’s okay too.

The difficult part isn’t listening to the same subliminal for a year.

The difficult part is taking action on the same goal for a year (or more).

@Palpatine mentioned most people don’t stick with their goals for that long, but in truth, the people that succeed wildly and that we all look up to most DO stick to goals for years at a time. That’s how long it takes to truly transform.

Subliminals may give quick results, but a quick transformation is impossible because the transformation itself implies a journey it took to get there.

The results may come in the first day.

But the transformation comes from months and years of experiencing good days and bad days, and it doesn’t truly come until every fibre of your being is willing to sacrifice whatever was causing you to act the way that you used to…

And the only way to get that level of total certainty is to be in the middle. The transformation comes when the results fade for a few days, and you become so sick of your old self, that you commit to never going back there


I mainly mean the ones who say “I’m gonna run X title/stack for 2 years! or 3 years!” Most of the time, no they aren’t :slight_smile:

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I don’t think the stack you run matters.

Tony Robbins put it best.

Committed to the outcome, flexible to the approach.

That way, whatever helps you hit your goal, you do.


But you should confidently say “I’m committing to XYZ GOAL!!! for 2-3 years” because that’s how long it takes

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Yeah. maybe. Doesn’t change the truth of my statement though.

For sure. 99% of the people who make those kinds of statements end up switching.

Often times, it can even be an attempt to trick/force/commit to themselves they’ll do it (when they know they won’t.)

“If I commit to it publicly, then I’ll have to do it!”

That’s exactly why I’ve done that before. But better ideas prevail at just the right time.

It takes a powerful man to become Pablo Escobar.

But an even more powerful man to say no.

Good for you


@Simon and Saint
I believe have some great posts on this that I will not be excavating.

You can change subs constantly and still advance towards a goal effectively or more effectively than sticking to one.

I’ve use Emperor versions, Emperor in customs, or in the stack for almost my entire sub club run- (since March 2020) There are advantages to it’s continue use and I keep growing towards the direction of it’s goals. I also have stalls, recon, loops that have taken close this amount of time to remotely starting breaking through. I like Emperor because it’s so broad a sub. I may have reached certain goals faster in I honed in or ran better titles for my situation or done more healing. Who knows. No complaints though- I’m very happy and proud of my overall progress.

Emperor has yet to stop giving benefits in it’s different versions.

Sticking to one sub is great but it’s not the holy grail -otherwise Saint and Fire wouldn’t be making the massive progress on this company, and I hope/assume/ their own lives that they are. I imagine they change close to monthly these days- for experimentation and goals.

It’s more about the commitment and specificity to a goal and the right actions.

Sticking to the same sub - is a form of mastery and an ongoing relationship in my opinion. It gives you something to really work with and gauge over time. Like mastering a workout routine and set of lifts year in and year out. A complicated piece of classical music, or a timeless dish.

You can work forever on this things-and sometimes it’s better to learn new songs, cook new items, and switch up the workout routine if the results are stale.

If your always switching routines, trying new songs, and looking for new ingredients you’ll never get anywhere or make any real progress either.

Unless you’re already a master- an athlete who excels with incredible variety, a master musician who can take on new works easily, or a master chef who creates impeccably.

Anyway I hope that logic tracks somewhat- didn’t think to much of it


To answer OP’s question.

My stack has had the same goal since April 2021.

Build a multi-million dollar digital marketing agency.

Although at first my goals were stated in smaller goals.

“hit 10K/month.”

Once I hit that

“Hit 20K/month.”

The goal never wavered. Build the marketing agency to the best it could possibly be.

I listened to Ascended Mogul for 9-11 months. When ZP was released, I listened to Mogul ZP and a bit of Emperor ZP, and listened to that for another 6 months.

As you can see, I was either listening to Ascended Mogul, or just Mogul, or Emperor, which has AM in it, for almost but not quite 2 years.

The personal transformation was mind blowing.

I went from a passionate but rocky relationship to a totally rock solid one that fills me with satisfaction every day.

I personally learned the productivity, mindset, and action taking necessary to build a business to 25K/month

I went from feeling like a boy to BEING A MAN.

Then I listened to Ecstasy of Gold stage one from April of this year until now… I probably will still listen to it from time to time. And no matter how much I listen to it, the results only get deeper and deeper.

Adding in EOG…

My money beliefs around being poor or that poverty is “more moral” were completely disintegrated.

I no longer accept negative talk around me at all. I see that as the mindless chatter of people without meaning or purpose, and don’t let it distract me from the massive purpose I’m pursuing.

I’ve completely become obsessed with my business and no longer have guilt around socializing/not socializing. Now I’m just unabashedly working on my business 99% of the time, and when I do hang out with my friends, I don’t feel bad for the fact that I haven’t seen them in a while. We just have fun.

I’ve stopped being afraid of big financial goals (or at least… my financial goals have stretched. I’m still afraid of big financial goals. It’s just “big” is much larger than it used to be, now.)

& While AM made me a decent sales person… this last two weeks, I’ve closed 75% of the sales calls that have come my way, mainly due to Ecstasy Of Gold, Limitless Executive, and the Commander.

What I attribute the massive success to is the massive progress made from 1.5 years of Ascended Mogul… all that was missing was the bottleneck of my own money beliefs. The moment I listened to EOG stage 1, my business succeeded “overnight,” meaning, I finally saw the fruits of the labor after so long working so hard and not feeling like I was getting anywhere.

We’re at that 45K USD mark, but, this month, we may hit 60K or even 70K.

Ultimately, through it all, I’ve known what I’ve wanted subliminals to help me with.

  • Productivity
  • Sales Skills
  • Wealth Manifestation
  • Business Growth
  • Tangible goal: monthly revenue

So, whether it’s Ascended Mogul, or Emperor, or EOG, I always asked myself “is this helping my sales skills more than any other sub. Is this helping my productivity, wealth, business growth, revenue more than any other sub?”

If it was, I kept listening to it. If it wasn’t, I removed it from my stack.

it was so important to not only know exactly what my goals were, but exactly what the bottleneck stopping me from achieving those goals were, too!

If I had said “I want to get better at sales” and then made a physical shifting custom to get better at sales thinking my face was the problem… I would not be good at sales, still.

Know your goal, know the skills/traits/beliefs/circumstances you need, experiment with the subs necessary to get you those things until you find the perfect fit.


I agree with having a clear goal and using your stack to get there. Even if you keep using the same subs for months on end if your goals are everchanging you won’t get very far. While the Ideal situation would be to have the same stack (or the same core sub at least), for years on end while having clearly defined and achievable goals, to me the most important part is remaining clear on what you want to achieve, not which subs you used to get there.


One year DR


How was it? What did you get out of that year of DR?

Was HoM the first sub you ran or did you build a foundation with other subs?


I guess is a man who used Emperor Q and had the best results. I believe that till today no one surpassed his success or almost anyone.

Old users should remember his name.

what results did he gain?

a group for purchasing what?

@Theacrobat You’re thinking of either @OldChap or @Yardbird

This is Yardbird’s testimonial


Yes, Yardbird!!

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