Whats the longest someone has used the same sub?

Whats the longest someone has used the same sub?

ppl keep changing their stack. I am wondering what would happen if u just keep the same sub in a stack for years what would happen.

I’ve been contemplating my long term plans. I was thinking of having two healing customs with LD, LBFH and elixir, regeneration cores. if i run them for over a year and play one other sub at a time.

or have a custom with LD, QLST4, ME for a few years or longer to get a super brain with perfect memory

or a physical shifting custom.

has anyone done anything like this? how does it go? what r the results?
i can imagine going through plateau periods and then hopefully later on breaking through them getting more results.

do the subs ever stop giving benefits at a certain point?


I can only think of one person off the top of my head who did a long-term healing stack. That was @COWolfe with the Dragon Emperor subs for a year.

Lots of us have tried to be all “I’m doing this for YEARS! GOALS!” but the reality is goals change.
I gave up long ago trying to commit to any long-term ideas, because I KNOW I won’t stick to it.

Too many goals, too many ideas.
I’m not even really journaling publicly lately, because of this short-term experiment I’m doing that’s so far out of the same area code as recommendations, I don’t even know how to begin to even describe it, let alone journal results.

BUT having said all THAT, unlike fossil fuels, subs won’t ever “run out” in terms of usefulness. It’s like reading the same book one per year. It’s a new book each time because you’re a different person each time.

Subs will always do SOMETHING based on who you are at the time you run them.


I think this is only apparent (I mean that it’s only an appearance). It’s not actual.

I think that the kind of person who digs into one program and stays with it consistently is, in many cases, not the kind of person who will be super-active on an Internet discussion forum on a regular basis. (Particularly if that forum is characterized, as is ours, by frequent innovations and exciting new developments and announcements.)

So, it would be important to account for the influence of the setting that you’re observing (i.e., an online discussion forum) when you’re establishing your overall impressions and estimations.

I think that when it comes to active forum participants, I’m probably on the longer-term end of the spectrum for sub use. But I suspect that if we were to include less-active or non-active forum participants, we’d probably find users who might be much longer-term than I am.


That’s my fairly confident vote.

If you were to continually focus on a principle that said, “Learn more today than you knew yesterday”, at what point would that principle stop being useful?

Now, on the other hand, a person may choose to close off or disengage from a particular area of development; but that’s the person’s choice. More development is still possible. The person has simply chosen to prioritize other things.

As long as you’re still growing, exploring, evolving, or striving in a particular area; the subliminal related to that area can provide benefit.

That’s my opinion.


I used Limitless ZP for 5 months including some long washouts if that counts

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what was ur results?

Kind of minor:
-Started to wake up much earlier during the first month, but it soon dissipated
-TMJ was significantly but still not completely fixed
-The urge to watch porn was significantly reduced
-The urge to drink beverages (like coke) also was reduced
-My bigonial width became sligtly lengthened for some reason
Also, for some reason, during washout or rest times, my teeth tingle and pull towards either left or right and make slight crackling sounds


As @Palpatine mentioned I ran a DR Emperor custom for a full year. The results were incredible in a lot of ways I’m a new and different person than I was. That is going to be my MO for the foreseeable future. It’s looking like I’m going to be taking a full two years to run through Khan. I think that rapid stack switching is really leaving a lot on the table.
That said, I’m kind of getting the best of both worlds in that I’m changing out the second program in my stack as wanted or needed.


I have changed my stack throughout the past year but my stack has always included wanted since it’s Qv2 version and I have been running the zp version since it came out. So I’ve been on wanted for almost two years I think.


I have used Sanguine since 2019 with different other titles. Sanguine is also always in my customs. Fantastic results with Sanguine, I feel much more relaxed, super zen in most stressful situations. With LBFH, Sanguine is my favourit !


Is your body and face perfect like from Greek’s antics sculptures?

Used the first emperor version for nearly a year.


Yes. I’m not kidding either. I feel like the sexiest person on the planet because no one else looks exactly like me. I look exactly like how I used to imagine the perfect version of myself as a kid. One of my friends was telling me the other day how everytime the girls around us talk about me they comment on how sexy I look and how awesome I dress. I know I can seduce any woman and this allows me to enjoy being myself around them with total freedom. This also has led to me adopting a frame around women which revolves around “Yes your super hot but why should I be with you over the next super hot girl?” Not from an arrogant standpoint but I genuinely desire to have the most mind blowing romantic sexual experiences not just the “I want a quick hook up, hey I raised my notch count!” I’m much more interested in high quality, powerful women falling madly in love with me.

In retrospect, wanted is a romantic sub; it makes YOU fall in love with seduction itself. The feminine is ever moving energy and wanted makes you fall in love with directing and teasing and exploring that energy.


Great experience, how old are you?

Twenty Seven.

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howd it go?

Here over a year only Dragon Reborn customs.

And with my Lovebomb for Humanity custom I have the same level of determination if not more.

Profound results is the least I can say about a journey over a year with one Sub.


I’d have to agree with. Being on the forum, makes one more prone to switching subs. The longest I’ve been on a program has been when I’ve been away from the forum, away from the influence of other any other input.


My Productivity Custom has become a part of me after playing it for 1 year . Still running it .

I wish it had a physical presence , so that I can hug it. Everytime I level up , I just fall in love with the Sub more .


This is one part of it.

I’d make two related points:

  1. The essence of Patience is the capacity to engage meaningfully with NOW (the conditions and circumstances of the present). The more useful, stimulating, and meaningful you can perceive NOW to be, is the more patience will naturally and effortlessly arise. In contrast, the less meaningfully you can connect to NOW, the more you’ll express impatience. Impatience is basically a mentally restless impulse to reject NOW.

When a person can clearly see how Now connects her to exactly what she values or wants, impatience decreases a lot.

  1. This point is related to the first. Once you have an excellent subliminal combination in place, it’s good to shift the focus of your journaling. Shift your journaling and talking away from analyzing the subliminals and more to observing your daily life (your Now). Many journal entries can be categorized as 1) ARE WE MOVING? (in other words, are the subs working) or 2) ARE WE THERE YET? (has my life changed and do I have the results that I want). We already know what it’s like to travel and to just keep asking “Are we there yet?”. Not the wisest way to have a great trip.

So I don’t think the issue is completely the forum itself or the journaling, but more the ways that people use the forum sometimes.

Farmers do talk about seeds quite a bit. But they also talk about weather, about soil quality, about the land, even about current events. (In this metaphor, the seeds are the subliminals, and those other topics are other related parts of life.)

There’s more to this, but I’ll stop here.


Almost 2 yeara now with AM but i used to do Sex Mastery 1 year. Im not planning to change my stack until my empire is solid.