What was your first Sub you ever ran on SC?

Fun question, what was your very first sub you chose to buy in the SC store?

and why did you pick that one?

For me it was Khan. I wanted to kick start my life, and so the power and status benefits resonated with me at the time. It was a great investment and still a favourite of mine to this day.

Curious to hear everyone’s answers


Emperor. Version 3. Because I hated my job (any job really) and thought that would kick me in the ass to do something about it.


Gaming mastery and rebirth.


Sex and seduction . For obvious reasons. Loved the attention and the manifestations of women :laughing::wink::clinking_glasses:


Emperor. Because it was the only one :smile:


I went with Emperor in the Q version. The reason was that I like the description from the sales page.


Khan and emperor fitness, ran each stage alongside each other


I bought and ran the original CFW, that came with Chosen.

Why, because it’s description resonated with what I was looking for :slight_smile:

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Emperor Qv2


Emperor ZP


Ascended Mogul. I picked it on the recommendation that it was a good starter sub, and people were right! I was JUST starting up a business, so I was using AM to build the foundations for that, personally and professionally.

Ran it for almost a year, but went through all the classic beginner mistakes. Overlistening, listening to too many other titles, thinking MORE listening instead of more REST was going to get me “more” results.

Regrets were staying on AM for too long, not starting Emperor/EOG1 sooner. But I’m glad I built up such a solid foundation I think that’s why my life transformed so totally even on AM and then why it totally exploded 100x with EOG1.


You guys run subs :thinking: I’m just here for the lol’s :joy:


This was exactly me except on Khan. Crazy looking back in retrospect how much I overlistened lolll.
Still got great results though.

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Why emperor vs the other subs?

Why emperor?

It seemed like a good idea.

Emperor fits my goals and personality the most out of any sub.

Granted I am not running it right now, but that’s because my goals have shifted.

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Emperor Q

It fit my goals at that time in my life.

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I am at the stage now where I need to be learning and developing my skills hence why I dropped Emperor.

But the best stack I’ve ever ran by far was Emperor + Stark + WANTED

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Do you mean Emperor is not a good skill for learning skills? Or do you just mean that it didn’t have space/priority in your stack anymore once you committed to that?