What is True Masculinity?

What is that

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I’ve seen some of Sir. Patrick’s mentors

That can’t be right in and off itself? I know there is the popular lobster theory which corresponds to the human dominance hierarchy, but if that was the case every prozac hopped up person I know would be high status. I’m sure there’s Test, dopamine, and other factors that come in… Especially if part of masculinity is capacity to handle challenges, push through resistance with equanimity etc. Serotonin in and of itself won’t do that. I know every time I feel a massive boost in my status and inhabitation, its after some insane accomplishment and challenge. What drove me there and the boost after, seems more than just Serotonin. The push that expresses disinhibition, adventure, novelty, curiosity, is dopamine related. Same with MDMA- its a dopamine & serotonin dump for your synapses. I get the essences of this message though.

Like this is awesome

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Well coke for example give massive dopamine and adrenaline but it’s not that attractive.

Obviously all happy chemicals matter, But Serotonin is directly linked to status.

There was a monkey study about this, They had a “beta monkey” get injected with serotonin. The female monkey flocked to him but he was not aggresive or trying to out alpha the big monkey.

He was just relaxed.

Like if you take one thing from what is masculinity. It’s the most simple thing ever. It’s not how you dress, even though that might help, It’s not your story telling even though that might help.

You can get insane results with women by just being relaxed. But I’m talking about massive relaxation. LIke every fiber of your body relaxed.

But obviously at the start you won’t be relaxed in hard situations and will not be able to be in a jhana when talking with super models or doing sales calls.

So you practice you throw yourself into the forge of fire to become more masculine and be as relaxed as you can while doing it.

Seriously you can litteraly go to a nightclub sit down and meditate while letting go of all tension and girls will flock to you.

Which is also why I’m bring back harmonic singularity into subs again :D.


Like I have tried that going to nightclubs just sitting down meditating for 2 minutes. Next minute a group of girls are sitting next to me.

The sheer power you have when your mind becomes still is crazy. You can also conciously guide the sub then and just switch reality.

But you can not really do that if you are stuck in your old reality. Which is the reason IMO stillness of mind is the single most crucial thing.


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I think for years masculinity was determined by what men did. It’s only recently I’ve noticed the uptick in questioning what the hell it actually is. Contrary to what some people say, I don’t think it’s been lost or forgotten. I think it’s being redefined and breaking out of its rigid stereotypes. Women had their liberation and expanding of selves, now it’s time for men to get the same. The problem I’ve seen is men haven’t been given this space, they’ve just been told what to be. I have no problem with feminists who don’t impose their views, I do have problems with ones that are quick to paint everything under the toxic masculinity umbrella.

So that being said I don’t think true masculinity is a doing but more a matter of being. Showing up in the world as yourself with your inherent masculine qualities. But I also believe the expression of masculinity and femininity varies person to person. I see it as more of an inborn trait like hair or eye color. Society just has a tendency to say “listen you’re either this side or this side, you can’t be both” polarization, drama, people fighting to claim your authentic self expression.

Good example of this. There’s some men who are insecure and see the more “passive” approach of WB as feminine. That men HAVE to approach, hunt, thrill of the chase, etc. But that’s bs. That’s just sexism wrapped up in societal conditioning. You can be masculine and not take the lead.


Masculinity for me is being able to understand what being a man is.

A man has emotional issues but a man is not shown how to deal with it and overcome it.
Man will be faced with rejection but he is not shown how to deal with it.
A man will face many obstacles in life but he is not shown how to deal with it.

Masculinity is internal not external.
Many of the new age information about masculinity focus on the external which gets many men confused and casing their tale. By doing this you are still casing some external standard.

Masculinity is also strongly related to self love and self worth.

Many men believe that being angry is associated with high testosterone. I belief being angry and a bully is directly linked to trauma. Anger is there because you allow yourself to believe in a lie. Men also seem to believe that being angry is good because you use that as fuel. I believe it’s not true. Your self love and belief in your self should push you to aspire to make improvements in life.


To me It’s always been about a man’s behavior, the “guts” of a man. We haven’t evolved much these past hundreds of thousands of years, so the principles of masculinity would be relevant today as they were 300,000 thousands years ago. From an evolutionary perspective, a man’s behavior was the sole indicator of wether or not a woman and her offspring would survive and be protected, not how “handsome or attractive”, but how much of “a man” he was.

The problem is mistaking “expressions” of masculinity, as masculinity itself, that and recent socialization can’t rewire millions of years of evolution


Easier said than done lol

It’s actually not that hard, Guided several clients to it. But yea meditation is 100% needed for it


And they can easily attain access concentration?

Easily might be a bit too much. But the people that are dilligent with their practice can access it quite commonly.

One guy went into Jhana during poker game so he did not have a single nervous fidget or body language cues for when his hand was good.

And he won big.

But obviously it’s all about the person you are how good your intution is. Like I went into Nibbana on a 10 day retreat.

But I have also always been spiritually gifted. But almost every single client can go to 5-8 th jhana. Yes I know it’s only 4 but 4 is split up too much so it’s confusing

Oh but I meditated for years before the retreat as well so I did not go into Nibbana in 10 days of meditation

Interesting :ok_hand:

If you are interested in the type of meditation I do, I made a topic about it before

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Sure why not? I attained jhana after months of training but I definitely wouldn’t say I can boom go into jhana and then go out to clubs :laughing:

Can you share the link of your post?

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That’s awesome though that you can go into Jhanas

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Oooh Bhante! Now I get it :+1:

I mean Vimalaramsi :wink: